UFOs of the Third Reich

Discussions on the equipment used by the Axis forces, apart from the things covered in the other sections. Hosted by Juha Tompuri
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UFOs of the Third Reich


Post by Ezboard » 29 Sep 2002, 20:13

(3/4/01 1:38:25 pm)
Reply UFOs of the Third Reich
It was only with great reluctance that Karl Haushofer agreed to attend the treason trial of a rabble-rousing, brawling street politician named Adolf Hitler in 1923. The illustrious 54-year-old professor of Political Geography at Munich University had finally agreed, after much persuasion by his personal student at the University, Rudolph Hess. Disinterested at first, by the time Hitler delivered his final oration, Haushofer was convinced that he had found the savior of the German people that he had been seeking.

Did this development lead to establishment of the critical connection that ultimately allowed Hitler to take over dictatorial rule of Germany? Was Haushofer, to became Hitler's link to a powerful and mysterious worldwide secret organization that apparently had access to advanced technology? The evidence is, that in the '30s he founded a German branch, called the Vril Society, in Berlin. This secret group attracted its members from all the leading occult movements in Europe, as well as initiates from Tibet, Japan, India, Kashmir, Turkey and Ceylon. One of the most popular books among insiders was The Coming Race by British occultist Edward Bulwer-Lytton, a story about an underground Utopian civilization where the inhabitants flew around in silent wingless vehicles, powered by a force called vril, hence the name of the Society.

What did Vril have to do with German strategy in W.W.II? A great deal, if a mountain of evidence, both old and new, official and unofficial, is to be taken seriously.

Towards the end of 1944, Allied pilots in the skies over Europe started reporting the appearance of strange flying globes that interfered with the electrical and radar systems of the American planes. At night they appeared as of balls of fire. Convinced they were faced with new German weaponry the American fliers called them Kraut balls but the French version of Feuerballs (fireballs) prevailed. In the American press, they were called Foo Fighters. There were many such reports in late 1944 and 1945. One pilot of a bomber flying over France said, one by one the balls approached so close that they almost touched the wings. They were huge spinning balls, and for a short time we felt an intense sensation of heat. Renato Vesco, the former head of the technical section of the Italian Air Force, says in a letter, Work on the German anti-radar Feurball, or fireball, had been speeded up during the fall of 1944 at a Luftwaffe experimental center near Oberammergau, Bavaria. There, and at the aeronautical establishment at Weiner Neustadt, the first fireballs were produced...Fast and remote controlled, the fireballs, equipped with klystron tubes, operated on the same frequency as Allied radar, which could eliminate the blips from radar screens...they showed that Nazi technology had moved in a direction far beyond anything expected by Allied Intelligence.

It had indeed. The more important anti-gravity weapons research was carried on near Prague primarily by Viktor Schauberger and Richard Miethe. In 1944, Miethe, in cooperation with the Italians, developed the large helium powered V-7 and the small one-man Vril models (there's that word again!), which achieved a speed of 2,900 km/hr in flight tests. From German Secret Weapons of the second WW, Rudolf Lusar says, The development...which had cost millions, was almost complete by the end of the war...The former German designer Miethe is in the USA (Canada) and, as far as can be determined, is designing flying saucers for A.V. Roe & Company (Avro). The machines...are purported to develop a speed of up to 7,000 km/hr. Captain Hans Kohler developed the Hanibu 2 with a diameter of 25 meters which carried a complete flight crew and was powered by a simple electrogravitation motor called the Kohler Converter. A 7.5 mm anti-tank gun was mounted on the underside. In a letter written by Victor Schauberger to a friend, he gives information from his direct experience, The flying saucer which was flight-tested on the 19th of February 1945 near Prague and which attained a height of 15,000 meters in three minutes and a horizontal speed of 2,200 km/hours, was constructed according to a Model I built at Mauthausen concentration camp in collaboration with the first-class engineers and stress-analysts assigned to me from the prisoners there. It was only after the end of the war that I came to hear...that further intensive development was in progress...at the works in Prague... the fundamental basis of it (was): the creation of an atomic low pressure zone, which develops in seconds when either air or water is caused to move radially and axially under conditions of a falling temperature gradient.

Evidently the further intensive development that Schauberger missed was very fruitful. Two months later, in April of 1945, the following report filed by a French diplomat living in Switzerland was obtained from an informer in a German facility in Italy. The circular German fighter without wings or rudder suddenly overtook the four-engined Liberator, crossing its flight path at very high speed. When it passed in front of the formation, it gave off a number of little bluish clouds of smoke. A moment later the American bombers mysteriously caught fire, exploding in the air, while the German rocket had already disappeared over the horizon. This is reported in Intercept UFO by Renato Vesco, originally published in Italian in 1968. The Germans had been working on the explosive gas weapon for years. In the end they settled on a 50-50 mixture of butane and propane, which was ignited by the exhaust of the bombers. The circular fighter was the long-awaited final product of the long years of research and experimentation in eight different areas: direct gyroscopic stabilization, television-controlled flight, vertical take-off and landing, jam-free radio control combined with radar blinding, infrared search eyes, electrostatic weapon firing, hyper-combustible gas combined with a total reaction turbine, and last, but not least, anti-gravity flight technology. This was the incredible Kugelblitz, or lightning ball. If it had emerged even six months earlier, could the war have turned out differently? We will never know, because by this time, the Allied armies were rapidly converging on Berlin. So the Kugelblitz puffed out a formation of bombers, and flew off into history, or did it?

The various intelligence agencies of the Allied powers had gotten all the espionage reports, and were well aware of what was going on in Hitler's underground Alpine facilities. Consequently, the invading armies knew precisely what to look for. Again according to Vesco, tons of blueprints, company papers, lists of researchers, laboratory models, memoranda, reports and notes that covered every sector of the war industry came pouring out of thousands of unlikely hiding places. Most certainly we can conclude from this that much of the anti-gravity information fell into Allied hands.

Posts: 240
(3/4/01 4:57:01 pm)
Reply Re: UFOs of the Third Reich
Tony:: And after 55 years no other developer has come up with an anti-gravity devise? Or a fire ball weapon! Dream on... 00>

Edited by: pdhinkle at: 3/10/01 2:51:30 am

Posts: 62
(3/6/01 2:42:41 am)
Reply Re: UFOs of the Third Reich
what suprises me the most is that if the american government had gotten their hands on this info, then why didn't they deploy any of these "fireballs" against the mig's in Korea? it would have been a great time to show the soviets we still had a huge technical advantage.
"When I am King you will be first against the wall." -Radiohead

(3/9/01 2:21:24 am)
Reply Ufo's of the Thirth Reich
Good pice of work, this article!
I'll think there is much more we are not allowed to know and it explaines a bit of all the questions that left.

(3/9/01 9:09:27 am)
Reply George Knapp tell you everything!
I remember George Knapp of KLAS-TV Area 51 Journalist told UFO Magazine that German Army fired at UFO and crash-land at near north of Munich in 1938 or 39 neither. After WWII,U.S. take UFO secret to Muric Air Force Army Base (now Edwards AFB) in 1945-46 before moved to Area 51 in 1947-51.

Posts: 251
(3/9/01 12:02:15 pm)
Reply UFOs /Third Reich/ NO Holocaust!
Among us there are those who believe, and some that don,t, on any subject. Why try to change their mind!

(3/9/01 6:57:23 pm)
Reply Secrets of the Third Reich
The fact that the Germans were developing advanced technologies during the end of the war is a matter of public record. As Sir Roy Feddon, Chief of the Technical Mission to Germany for the Ministry of Aircraft Production stated in 1945. "…I have seen enough of their designs and production plans to realise that if they (the Germans) had managed to prolong the war some months longer, we would have been confronted with a set of entirely new and deadly developments in air warfare."

Captain Ruppelt, Chief of the US Air Force Project Bluebook added in 1956, "When WWII ended, the Germans had several radical types of aircraft and guided missiles under development. The majority were in the most preliminary stages, but they were the only known craft that could even approach the performance of objects reported to UFO observers…"

Some of these German war-time technical advances were well known. The first military jet was the German Heinkel 178 that flew in 1939. In 1943 the Germans also deployed the only jet fighter to go into regular service during the war, the Messerschmitt 262. This jet could easily overtake the fastest Allied aircraft, yet fortunately Hitler ordered that these planes should be fitted as bombers rather than defensive fighters which saved Allied aircraft from devastating casualties.

Then Heinrich Focke was involved in the design of and production of the FW6, Fa223, Fa226, Fa283 and 284 models during the war. He designed a propulsion system known as the ‘turbo-shaft’, which is still used in most helicopters today. Using this technology, Focke designed this upright, vertical take-off aircraft, which was just coming off the drawing board as the war ended. At the end of each of the three long arms of this technologically advanced craft was a small jet propulsion unit. The rotating arms were used to lift the body from the ground like the blades of a helicopter.

In 1939 Focke patented a saucer-shaped craft with enclosed twin rotors described as follows: "The exhaust nozzle forked in two at the end of the engine and ended in two auxiliary combustion chambers located on the trailing edge of the wing. When fuel was added these combustion chambers would act as afterburners to provide horizontal propulsion to Focke’s design. The control at low speed was achieved by alternatively varying the power from each auxiliary combustion chamber."

Cruise missiles were also first used by the Third Reich and V-1 bombs were launched from German occupied territories across the channel into England.

The next German rocket, the V-2 proved to be the predecessor of the Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles that filled the arsenals of the former Soviet Union and US during the Cold War. This missile could travel 225 miles at five times the speed of sound and a single hit could take out a city block. The Germans also developed a rocket-powered fighter, the ME 163 and although it was never put into regular service, it was the first aircraft to fly faster than 600 miles per hour.

These then, were some of the known German advances. However there were also hints of darker technologies not fully understood. It was in 1944 that knowledge of these became public for the first time when the New York Times of 14th December reported "Floating Mystery ball is New German Weapon.

Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force, Dec 13 - A new German weapon has made its appearance on the western air front, it was disclosed today. Airmen of the American Air Force report that they are encountering silver coloured spheres in the air over German territory. The spheres are encountered either singly or in clusters. Sometimes they are semi-translucent." (1)

A typical incident was reported by a veteran pilot of the 415th Night Fighter Squadron. He was flying a mission over Hagenau, Germany on 22nd December 1944 when at 6.00am, whilst flying at an altitude of ten thousand feet, the pilot and his radar operator saw two "large orange glows" rapidly climbing towards them. "‘Upon reaching our altitude’ the pilot reported, the objects ‘levelled off and stayed on my tail.’ He went into a steep dive and the ‘glows’ followed in sharp precision. He banked as sharply as he dared and the objects followed. For two minutes the ‘lights’ stalked the fighter through several intricate manoeuvres, peeled off under perfect control, then blinked out…" (2)

The purpose of these strange objects was a mystery, for they merely followed warplanes, but apparently never opened fire or otherwise attacked them. These objects were named ‘Foo Fighters’, a term which came from a headline ‘Where There’s Feu, There’s Fire.’ Each side in the war seemed to believe that the Foo Fighters were the inventions of their enemy and several reconnaissance missions were launched to gain further information. To date, it has never been clearly established where the technology came from, and the origins of the foo-fighters remain an historical puzzle alongside the Scandinavian ghost rockets. What was clear, however, was that it wasn’t Allied technology, and that was a serious cause of concern.

Over the years fact and fiction regarding the exact nature of these advanced German technologies have become fused, however it is now clear that the Germans were developing craft that could be mistaken for what would nowadays be considered UFOs. In fact, such developments make perfect sense:

Each side during the war relied heavily on their aerial capabilities, and one sure way to disable such abilities was to take out enemy runways. Either side could have had the best air fleet on the planet, but without somewhere to take off from, such a fleet was impotent. Therefore the development of craft that did not require any runway, like Focke’s designs, could potentially alter the eventual course of the war. As it turned out, the designs were only coming on line as the war ended, but had the conflict continued, it is conceivable that these new technologies could have altered the shape of history.

However, exactly what was being developed is now less a matter of historical record, and more of an historical jigsaw, with not only pieces missing, but other pieces conceived in the minds of writers who then peddled fictitious Nazi flying saucer myths to those who chose to believe them.

Establishing fact from fiction from over fifty years ago is no easy matter, and we are forced to consider information that is largely unverifiable. Yet when pieced together a plausible story of Nazi flying disk technology does begin to emerge.

One person who made claims regarding the development of ‘flying saucers’ in Nazi Germany is former Luftwaffe Flight Captain and aircraft designer Rudolph Schriever. He claimed in 1950 that he and a small team had worked at facilities near Prague developing a saucer-type vehicle.

This story first appeared in ‘Der Spiegel’ magazine on 30th March 1950 in an article entitled ‘Untertassen-Flieger Kombination’ which stated "… Rudolph Schriever, who says engineers throughout the world experimented in the early 1940s with flying saucers, is willing to build one for the United States in six to nine months. The 40-year-old Prague University graduate said he made blueprints for such a machine, which he calls a flying top, before Germany’s collapse and that the blueprints were stolen from his laboratory. He says the machine would be capable of 2,600mph with a radius of 4,000 miles, Schriever is a US Army driver at Bremerhaven." (3)

His claims are backed up by a 1975 Luftfahrt International Report that noted that after Shriever’s death in the late 1950s, papers found amongst his belongings revealed incomplete notes for a large flying saucer, a series of sketches of the machine and several newspaper clippings of himself and his alleged flying saucer. Up to his death, Schriever had repeatedly claimed that the UFO sightings since the end of the war were proof that his original ideas had been taken further with successful results.

Researcher Bill Rose was able to discover that Schriever was involved with other scientists Klaus Habermohl and Giuseppe Belluzzo (an Italian engineer) as well as one Dr. Walter Miethe. Rose’s research established that Miethe had been the Director of the saucer programme at two facilities located outside Prague. We know little more about Miethe’s activities at this time him but it does seem that he knew Wernher von Braun (of whom much more later) as there is a photograph of them together in 1933.

We certainly do know that one scientist, Viktor Schauberger, was involved in the production of flying disks, and that he flew one in 1945 near Prague, just as Schriever had claimed. His experimental prototypes were based on levitation. Born in 1885, Schauberger considered the natural world his greatest teacher although many in the world considered Schauberger to be somewhat deranged. In forests, alongside rivers, he studied what he considered life-enhancing energy, water and air vortices.

He argued that "Prevailing technology uses the wrong forms of motion. It is based on entropy – on motions which nature uses to break down and scatter materials. However, nature uses a different type of motion for creating order and new growth. The prevailing explosion-based technology – fuel burning and atom splitting – fills the world with expanding, heat-generating centrifugal motion." Schauberger believed that energy production could instead use inward-moving cold-generating centripetal motion, the same as nature employs to build and enliven substances. Even hydroelectric power plants, Schauberger said, use a destructive motion – they pressure water and chop it through turbines. The result is ‘dead water’. He built suction turbines that he considered enlivened and invigorated, resulting in clean, life-giving water downstream.

Schauberger also produced electrical power from a unique suction turbine using implosion principles and was later pressured into developing a propulsion system using the same principles applied to air.

His work came to Hitler’s attention and his son (left) recounts the meeting between his father and Hitler: "In June of 1934 my father was invited by the Reich’s Chancellor Adolph Hitler to discuss his work. Hitler wanted to know about his discoveries and talk about the various possibilities and what his great plan was. And he said ‘yes, I’m looking for a new technology that must once again harmonise with the natural order of things and that is my real programme.’

"Shortly before the meeting, Hitler as Reich Chancellor gave the two deputies his orders. The two had come to discuss Herman Goering’s plan. And he said ‘Viktor Schauberger, you will speak with the two Reich’s deputies and tomorrow or by the latest the day after tomorrow a second meeting will take place. And he said to the two deputies ‘I find the plan fascinating. Yes, we Germans will bring about a whole new science.’" (4)

Hitler wanted Schauberger to supervise the building of a new flying craft that could levitate without burning any fuel. This idea for this new craft was based upon a discovery made by Schauberger a few years before of how to develop a low-pressure zone at the atomic level. The scientist claimed to have achieved this in a laboratory setting when his prototype whirled air or water ‘radically and axially’ at a falling temperature. Schauberger named this resulting force as ‘diamagnetic levitation power’ and noted that nature already used this direct or ‘reactionary’ suction force in weather generation, solar fusion stability etc.

Schauberger was given a team of scientists to help him with his work, and he insisted that these be treated as free men rather than prisoners of the Nazis. During their work, however, their research headquarters was bombed and they were all transferred to Leonstein. There they perfected the ‘flying disc’ powered by Schauberger’s turbine which rotated air into a twisting type of oscillation resulting in the build-up of immense power causing levitation. Schauberger’s prototype was then developed into a vehicle known as the Belluzzo-Schriever-Miethe Diskus, a machine built up to 22ft in diameter. These craft travelled at over 2000 km/hr and were planned to go over 4,000 km/hr. By 1945 they could reach 1300 mph and gain an altitude of 40,000 feet in less than three minutes. The craft was also noted to glow blue-green as it rose and left a silvery glow.

The Munich publication, ‘Da Neue Zeitalter’ wrote in 1956 "Viktor Schauberger was the inventor and discoverer of the new motive power, implosion, which, with the use of only air and water, generated light, heat and motion."

The publication reported that the first unmanned flying disc was tested in 1945 near Prague, that it could hover motionless in the air and could fly as fast backwards as forwards. It was also reported to have a diameter of 50 meters.

Other evidence in support of this event had appeared earlier in an interview given on 18th November 1954 to the Zurich-based ‘Tages Anzeiger’. One George Klein stated that he had witnessed a flying saucer test on 14th February 1945 and that the craft had reached a height of 30,000 foot in three minutes and could travel at hundreds of miles an hour.

In this interview, Klein gave further information regarding developments behind the disks, claiming that some of the work had taken place at Peenemunde, where the V-2 rocket was being developed and where Wernher von Braun was director. Klein also stated that the stability of the craft had been achieved by using a gyroscope; the same method used by the Von Braun-Dornberger team. The research then moved to the Mittlewerke underground facilities near Nordhausen in the Harz Mountains.

The ‘Bible’ of the story of the development of the Atomic bomb, ‘Brighter than a Thousand Suns’, also confirms these events: "The first of these flying saucers, as they were later called – circular in shape, with a diameter of some 45 yards – were built by the specialists Schriever, Habermohl and Miethe. They were first airborne on February 14th 1945, over Prague and reached in three minutes a height of nearly eight miles. They had a speed of 1250mph which was doubled in subsequent tests." (5)

That these events occurred is also supported by former CIA agent Virgil Armstrong who commented "We know that in the early parts of the war there were certain factions of the Allied forces that did not believe he had a secret weapon and it wasn’t until the Americans made much emphasis of this that they began to look at it seriously and indeed did discover that Hitler not only had a secret weapon, he had what we would call today a UFO or spacecraft.

"He had one already off of the drawing board and flying and it was capable of 1200 miles an hour. Vertical take-off, 90° changes, much like a helicopter, and of course was far superior to anything the Allies powers had at that time. Secondly they knew he had another craft about to be up and going it was capable of doing 2500 miles per hours, which was double the original. Not only did it have the characteristics of the original craft, but it also had a laser weapon aboard it which capable of penetrating four inches of armour. Needless to say that really spooked the allied forces into making a redemptive attempt against him and bringing him … into a state of capitulation." (6)

Bulgarian Physicist Vladimir Terziski also wrote the following about these mystery craft. "According to Renato Vesco … Germany was sharing a great deal of the advances in weaponry with their allies the Italians during the war. At the Fiat experimental facility at Lake La Garda, a facility that fittingly bore the name of Air Marshall Hermann Goering, the Italians were experimenting with numerous advanced weapons, rockets and airplanes, created in Germany. In a similar fashion, the Germans kept a close contact with the Japanese military establishment and were supplying it with many advanced weapons. I have discovered for example a photo of a copy of the manned version of the V-1 – the Reichenberg – produced in Japan by Mitsubishi. The best fighter in the world, the push-pull twin propeller Dornier-335 was duplicated at the Kawashima works."

This appears to be the extent of information that can be verified to a degree. However there is much more that ‘fits’ within the known facts, but cannot be verified independently and therefore may well be fiction portrayed as fact. That said, much of the following information does flow with the themes explored further in the subsequent chapters of this book.

Claims have also been made that Nazi Occult societies were involved in the development of such unconventional saucer craft. One such, the ‘Vril Society’ was allegedly ‘channelling’ messages from an alien civilisation in the Aldebaran solar system and planned to develop a craft that could make physical contact with the civilisation there. This may or may not be true; but there was certainly a high level of occult activity in mid-Europe at that time, and no doubt organisations did exist then with unconventional beliefs just as they do today.

Whatever the truth of this, by 1934 the Vril Society had apparently developed its first UFO shaped aircraft, known as the Vril 1, which was propelled by an anti-gravity effect. (This was the same year as Viktor Schauberger discussed his flying disk ideas with Hitler.)

The society then allegedly went on to develop this craft, and later - and again allegedly - produced the RFC-2. This craft was apparently 16 feet long and fitted with an improved propulsion system and for the first time, magnetic impulse steering. Interestingly, when in flight, it reportedly produced colour effects normally associated with UFOs.

Yet the RFC-2 was largely ignored with only the SS showing an interest in the Vril Society’s work. An inner organisation of the SS then set up its own SSE-4 department to develop new alternative technologies to ensure Germany no longer had to be dependent on external sources of energy and it began work on its own version of the RFC or Vril.
By 1939 the SS had produced the RFC-5, which it called the Haunebu 1. In August 1939 the machine made its maiden flight and proved its viability, being more than 65 foot in diameter and offering considerable storage space. By the end of 1940 the RFC-2 (Haunebu II) had entered service as a reconnaissance aircraft and there is certainly photographic evidence to support this, for example an RFC-2 was photographed near Antarctica in 1940 (see next chapter.) It should be noted that there is scant corroborative and historically verifiable information to support these claims, however the design of the Haunebu II should be noted for future reference.

Whatever their exact nature, it appears confirmed that a range of alternative design aircraft were by now either on the drawing board, hovering above the ground or, crashing into it. Some of these designs proved viable and successes were being reported. On 17th April 1945 Miethe was able to advise Hitler that the V-7 had been tested in the skies above the Baltic. This particular craft was a supersonic helicopter fitted with 12 BMW Turbo aggregate engines. During its first test it reached an altitude of 78000feet and then 80000 feet on its second test. Miethe reported that the new craft could be powered by unconventional energy sources in principle. However these new technologies were coming on-line too late, for the war was already being lost and won.

Within months the Allies and Russians had poured into central Europe, Hitler was dead and the war apparently over.

And as soon as the war was over, ghost rockets started appearing over Scandinavia and within two years ‘flying saucers’ were being reported wholesale over mainland United States.

It was no co-incidence.

Posts: 252
(3/10/01 2:54:58 am)
Reply Secrets of the Third Reich
Tony:: To make a long story short, the world is waiting for the answer. Where UFOs came from, you have given us the answer! Is that what I understand!

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(4/12/01 12:28:31 am)
Reply Re: UFOs of the Third Reich
I am interested in weapons of the Third Reich, weapons that entered service and the weapons that didn't (prototypes and designs that remained on the drawing board for whatever reason - mostly the end of the war)I would like to think that Germany had constructed highlt advanced aircraft like the Kugelblitz and the Fuerball but I think they are fictional, the reason being that there is no reliable information about them from reliable sources, I have read an article about that Vesco and it states that he is not what he says he is: basically an aerodynamic engineer who worked on saucer projects with other well known engineers and designers.

I have a book called Projekt Saucer a few chapters interest me I think only 2 chapters, the rest is a load of rubbish, these 2 chapters describe some Nazi developments in aircraft design ranging from a camera which would be attached to a missile to create the world's first smart bomb, to the mystical Kugelblitz and Fuerball one of which is supposed to be the Foo Fighter. Tell me where are the remanins of the these fantastic aricraft? I would like them to be real because it would mean that the Nazis were even more advanced than has ever been thought. If these aircraft had existed there would be photos, remains of actual aircraft. There are photos and examples of other highly advanced aircraft (Junkers Ju 287, Henschel Hs 132 Gotha Go 229). Please don't tell me that the Allies, when they found these wonder weapons, spirited them away to examine them under a cloak of secrecy, which remains to this day (even though these weapons a obsolete. Have been obsolete for a long time now).

The Germans definately did not create an anti-gravity device, they did not have the means, hell, we don't have the means today (or do we? I think not a chance!).

There is a load of information on the web about german wonder weapons, try out Luftwaffe 46 its very good.


(4/12/01 6:23:16 am)
Reply Nazi UFO's
Nazi's and UFO's in the same post. Now why didn't I think of that?

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Re: UFOs of the Third Reich


Post by Edward L. Hsiao » 25 Dec 2019, 12:00

There were interrogations of German POWs and German reports of German flying saucers that shot down a lot of Allied four-engined bombers both day and night over Germany. The number of German saucers flying in action were not many. There were a few websites that explain about the actions of the saucers.

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Re: UFOs of the Third Reich


Post by OpanaPointer » 25 Dec 2019, 14:20

There are three fundamental sources for UFOs:

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Re: UFOs of the Third Reich


Post by Helmut0815 » 25 Dec 2019, 21:49

Edward L. Hsiao wrote:
25 Dec 2019, 12:00
There were interrogations of German POWs and German reports of German flying saucers that shot down a lot of Allied four-engined bombers both day and night over Germany.


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Re: UFOs of the Third Reich


Post by Richard Anderson » 26 Dec 2019, 03:33

Edward L. Hsiao wrote:
25 Dec 2019, 12:00
There were interrogations of German POWs and German reports of German flying saucers that shot down a lot of Allied four-engined bombers both day and night over Germany. The number of German saucers flying in action were not many. There were a few websites that explain about the actions of the saucers.

Edward L. Hsiao
:D :o 8O :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: UFOs of the Third Reich


Post by von thoma » 26 Dec 2019, 03:35

German combat flying saucer Haunebu II
Haunebu II.jpg
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Re: UFOs of the Third Reich


Post by OpanaPointer » 26 Dec 2019, 04:01

The Third Reich needed a third stooge for this project. Luckily their missile program was up to speed.

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Re: UFOs of the Third Reich


Post by AllenM » 05 Jan 2020, 22:53

Another perfect example of carpeting over the evidence. A joint British/American/Canadian project was set up to exploit circular aircraft technology developed by the Germans during World War II. See Secret Projects - Flying Saucer Aircraft by Bill Rose. The CIA (formerly the Office of Strategic Services during the war) was alarmed to see a German file a patent for a circular aircraft developed during the war. Military aviation in Western Germany was forbidden after the war until 1955. In that year, Heinrich Fleissner patented a circular aircraft. It was patent 2,939,648. It was not granted until 1960.

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Re: UFOs of the Third Reich


Post by Richard Anderson » 05 Jan 2020, 23:08

Yep, my significant others' stepdad "flew" the Avrocar, which was about as close to an actual "flying saucer" as we've ever gotten. According to Peter it was one of the most terrifying "aircraft" he ever "flew".
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Re: UFOs of the Third Reich


Post by AllenM » 05 Jan 2020, 23:41

The Avrocar was the comical cover story for the actual project. Both, not by coincidence, carried the same designation: Weapon System 606A, but the other had the words "Supersonic Application." Not to mention the patented circular aircraft designed by Nathan Price. Project 1794 was finally declassified. https://catalog.archives.gov/id/6920770

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Re: UFOs of the Third Reich


Post by von thoma » 10 Jan 2020, 21:58

According to Peter it was one of the most terrifying "aircraft" he ever "flew".
But, if 'Avrocar' didn't lift two feet off the ground...
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UFOs of the Third Reich


Post by Jeromewaf » 19 Mar 2020, 01:50

rnrnContinuing this thread, we went for a test drive yesterday in a Mercedes A-class.
rnNot sure what possessed me to do that, but we were let loose unsupervised for about an hour and both drove it. It was a range-topping AMG-style model, but was nonetheless dire.
rnAfterwards, as we got back into the S8, SWMBO smiled and said "this car always smells and feels nice, reminds me of holidays in Scotland..."
rnthats where most of our longer S8 journeys have ended up, and she was combining the PF and FL into one - both equally "leathered up" though the PF had some extra alcantara on the seatsrn
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Re: UFOs of the Third Reich


Post by AllenM » 19 Mar 2020, 19:52

Then there was Henri Coanda who had patented a Lenticular Aerodyne in 1938. He was living in France, and after the German invasion, further developed his biconvex, circular aircraft. He was spared the consequences of having been a collaborator due to the intervention of a joint British-American intelligence team. In a published post-war statement, he said his coworkers had been taken by the Russians. Mr. Coanda also discovered the Coanda Effect.

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Re: UFOs of the Third Reich


Post by Nickdfresh » 19 Mar 2020, 21:30

This thread definitely had some Christmas cheer going on! Nazi UFO's? Weren't they still producing the Me-109 at the end of the war as a primary fighter?

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