U.S. and British Propaganda Posters of WW1

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Psycho Mike
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U.S. and British Propaganda Posters of WW1


Post by Psycho Mike » 01 Aug 2003, 15:05

I found this really nice collection of propaganda posters on the web, there is also a link to British posters as well.

http://www.library.georgetown.edu/dept/ ... poster.htm

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Re: U.S. and British Propaganda Posters of WW1


Post by murx » 16 Jul 2011, 03:20

Poster from the book: Degenerate Germany;


From the same book some quotations below;

IT is to be feared that many of the facts set forth in this volume
are of a distinctly unpleasant nature, so unpleasant that the
writer would fain have omitted them. But had he done so he
would have failed to substantiate his case i.e., that the German
people are undeniably a degenerate race, if not the most degenerate
race in Europe. Moreover, the writer contends that these unwholesome
facts (taken largely from German sources), nauseous
as they may be, demand to be placed on record in a British publication.
Further, he believes such facts cannot be too widely known,
and that their knowledge will be of value in combating the preposterous
and dangerous peace ideas unfortunately held in
various quarters in Great Britain

By temperament and education they
give themselves up to intellectual and ideal objects the exact
opposite of the practical Briton and they follow out the imagined
purpose regardless of good sense, morality, or decency.
From infancy they are bred up into a slave-like obedience to
a master," to a dog's discipline to submit to orders from a superior.
Even in purely civil life and in personal morality, they adopt any
practice, however degrading, if they find it sanctioned by
authority and endorsed by the higher example of the ' All Highest
'and his train."


We in Britain are an island people ; for that great circumstance
we may rejoice and thank high heaven. An island people about
whose feet ever the rugged ocean roars, across whose beloved
territory sweeps every wind that travels the free Atlantic.
They of Germany are an inland folk, who had their tribal origin
in swamp and forest. For centuries Teuton eyes beheld not even
the illumined marge of the world's wide waters ; nor heard Teuton
ears the call that comes to men born to ride and rule the sea, the
sea whose element is as native to the Briton as the immoveable
Motherland beneath his feet.
What wonder then that in thought, in character, the two races
should be fundamentally unlike and dissimilar. England, as the
world well knows, is the land of free institutions ; Germany is not.
The Briton is a free man ; the German is not ; he is merely the
slave of the STATE : at the sound of whose name shake his very
knees in fear.A Briton on
visiting Germany cannot fail to notice at any congress of
headed male Teutons th.it the German skull is remarkably unlike
. He will notice at once a skull formation he will look
almost in vain among his own countrymen viz.: the brackycrphalic.
He will also find that thisstrange-looking
skull is supplemented by others equally unfamiliar in Great Britain, to wit, the
cylindrical and the sugar-loaf
"skulls. If our observer be an
exceptionally shrewd observer he will see yet another skull not
found among his own countrymen, a small round-topped skull
resembling in shape that of an American negro, and he would very
likely term this last a " bullet-shaped head." The brachyccphaiic,
the sugar-loaf," and "
bullet-shaped " heads are the characteristic
German heads, each of them when compared with Bnti>h
head or the ancient Roman deficient in the cerebellum (the hinder
and lower part of the brain wherein the phrenologists, apparent ly
with some truth, locate the affections and the finer feelings). In
all these curiously shaped German heads the cerebellum itremely
small, giving the whole contour of the skull an asymetrical
appearance distinctly unpleasing to the eye.

Wilhelm the Second, it is said, has often bragged to his intimates
that he would found an Empire greater than either the Roman
or the British. But of what is an Empire made ? Was not it the
Roman character and the British character that built the might
empires the world has ever seen ? And where shall you find anything
approaching such character among the Germans ? In
myriads of men wearing military or official uniform, in braid and
buttons ? In the common-place industrial horde of German MEN
with their featureless and chinless faces ? I think not. It simply
is not there, any more than in the Negro population of the United

Friedrch the great:
He was kidnapping tall men all over Europe to recruit his grenadiers ;
his forcible abduction of big women, married or unmarried, in
order to establish a breeding colon}' for the propagation of giants
for his army. Wherever a huge woman was to be found provided
always she were not past childbearing she was forcibly seized,
carted to Potsdam and mated, willy-nilly, with one of Frederick
William's gawky gorilla-faced grenadiers. The woman had not
the slightest say in the matter. Dragged from her home and relatives,
often a young family, deprived of access to them, she
became the concubine of a gigantic lout in livery, a Prussian grenadier.
So keen was Frederick William I. on having a Gargantuan
army that he sometimes set out on these female-capturing expeditions
himself, despatching his bag
of feminine flesh and
bone under escort to his fighting men, much as a farmer sends
cows to the bull. There were many big women and big men in
Europe those days who perforce had to live the life of eremites :
the streets were unsafe for them in the day light :
exercise by the tall had to be taken in the streets in the middle
of the night," observes an old chronicler, recalling the activities
of Frederick William's emissaries.

Railways had their origin proper near Newcastle-on-Tyne early
in the i6th century, when rails of timber were laid at the colleries
over which, by means of large waggons provided with rollers, one
horse could draw five tons of coal or more. The railway engine,
it is unnecessary to say, was not invented in Germany. Steam
is an Englishman.
From the above brief chronological catalog it will be seen that
many of the appliances of modern civilization have been invented
or discovered within the last three centuries and a half, and it
should be noted that most of the foregoing social requirements
and improvements, with others of like nature, found very tardy
adoption in Germany, who returned but little in kind. Not much
longer than half a century ago, for instance, stockings were still
somewhat a luxury in many parts of Germany, and the male and
female legs of myriads of persons knew at best a covering made
of strips of rags. Upon the stove of our forefathers of five hundred
years ago the Germans have certainly made a slight improvement ;
but they have not yet adopted the open fire-grate. In the use of
knives and forks the Germans are still about as awkward as we
were, perchance, three centuries ago. An English traveller writing
in 1840 said that in Germany he rarely found a practicable fork
in the houses of the well-to-do, and at best they were the twopronged
pitch-fork pattern. In the sixteenth century, however,
it must be admitted there had been some attempt to adopt the use
of the fork at meat ; but we read of German preachers at that
period condemning the implements as being
against the will
of the Lord, who would not have given us fingers if he wished us
to use forks." Until half a century ago fruits, preserved or otherwise,
were eaten with meat in the Fatherland, where we, in the
i6th century used sugar. Soap was virtually non-existent while
the wash-bowls in the bedrooms of the highest families in the land
were hardly bigger than our present-day sugar-bowls. Despite
the scientific German mind the beds of Wilhelm's land remain
to-day just as unhygienic and uncomfortable as they were a century

The use of gas for lighting purposes, first discovered by a Briton,
the Germans learned tardily of the French. Steam-engines were
invariably purchased from England. Steamships were built for
them by British shipwrights. Their railways were made by
Englishmen and managed by English directors. According to
Laing, their mines were almost all worked by Englishmen, and
Englishmen managed all their factories. Indeed, the German mind
was so slow and obtuse up to the middle of the nineteenth century,
the people so prejudiced, so innately averse to any form of traction
travelling at a quicker pace than a cow, that any vessel cutting
through the water more rapidly than a Dutch trekschuit was regarded
as an outrage to their understanding ; and when steamtugs
first appeared upon the Rhine they were fired upon by the
Such advancement as Germany has made since those days, after
all, has its main spring in their national conceit. Never inspired
by any beneficent motive towards humanity she has always been
content to remain laggardly imitative, especially in the subject
of hygiene and the alleviation of human suffering.
Only a few decades ago we have travellers complaining that the
bodies of even the titled Germans stank ; that they bathed a! unit
once a year, and were exceedingly subject to skin eruptions. 1
in German houses were unknown. Mayhew, in the late
speaks of the better-class German women plastering down their
locks with oil, scratching the scurf from their head, and afterv.
cleaning their finger-nails with their teeth. They were also given
to picking their noses with their fingers in public, and exposing
themselves in taking off their shoes, foot upon knee, to the ribald
jest of the men present. At dances their deportment was disgraceful,
and the undergarments they displayed were a month late
of the wash-tub.
At the same period all foreigners who visited the Fatherland
were unanimous that the towns of Germany stank like cessj
ier, Cologne, with its many odours, made Samuel Taylor Coleridge
ill. and a recent writer remarks that :
it is not to be wondered
at that a sweet smelling perfume wa> invented in a '
that has no rival for stinks and sickly smells." Recently, while
in -lean-swept Berlin, the writer suffered effluvia under the \
nose of the Schloss, so strong and offensive that it were
the hands of the numerous military heroes in bronze did not
from their sword-hilts to grasp their noses." Jansen says the Germans
are fond of foul smells. It is certainly not uncommon throughout
their country for a
gnadige Frau "
to enter a store and make
the remark :
Oh, Frau So-and-So, den Kase den sie mir geschii-
kt haben hat micht genug gestunken." (Oh, Mrs that
cheese you sent me did not stink enough 1)But the all-prevailing smell of smells in Germany is the unsacred
smell of the cooked cabbage. Take any residential street in any
town in Germany, enter one house after another, morning or evening,
and your nostrils will at once become clogged with an aroma
that is not allowed to impregnate every room and cupboard in an
English house. The cabbage is cooked daily in every dwelling in
Germany almost ; amid its unchaste effluvia Germans are born,
live most of their lives, make love, quarrel, and die. A certain
Englishman, who vastly admired a German girl, solemnly affirmed
that the perpetual smell of cabbage in the abode of the object of
his interest poisoned and killed his affection for her. But not only
do houses reek of the foul breath of the cabbage ; it pervades the
restaurants, theatres, and music-halls. All along the streets from
windows and crevices of basement kitchens and dining rooms, it
steals insidiously forth, making a narrow street as malodorous as a
But the odour of simple cabbage is nothing compared with the
odour of another national dish sauer-kraut. Only a writer with
the genius of the late Emile Zola could describe this superfluous
German insult to the ether. In its insistence it is barbaric. First
you are reminded of a travelling menagerie in which monkeys and
hyenas form the greater part of the captives. Then you may be
wafted into an Indian jungle where tigers, interrupted in a dinner,
left a half-consumed carcase a week ago ; or if you are a lady who
has visited Egypt your politer senses may persuade you that you
stand in a family tomb of the ancient Egyptians. So much for the
Germans canine penchant for unsavoury smells.

A Jew founded Germany's Mercantile Marine.
The best and largest houses in Berlin, in the Tiergarten and the
Bellevuestrasse are almost all the property of Jews. Nay, if the
German Press possessed the power of the British Press ; if entry to
the Reichstag could be assured by wealth, and if the German army
were to admit to officership all the Jews who go up for examination,
Germany would soon become the Jewish empire. And pagan
Germany knows it, and has feared it for many years past. What the
German has learned of business methods he has learned of the Jew
and the Englishman ; but what the German has not learned of the
Jew, nor from the Briton, is the ethics of commerce. Yet the German
would not grant that the Jew had any sense of ethics in business
at all in which the Teuton is wrong, and he knows he is wrong.
The German Jew has far more honesty than he is credited with.
No banker on the Continent has so much of the public confidenceas the Jewish banker. It is the Jew who is primarily accountable
for Germany's late commercial prosperity : the Germans know it,
but are too envious and conceited to say so. That the Jew, in
financial matters, has more the public confidence than the native
Teuton does not redound to the credit of the German business man.
The German is non-venturesome and short-sighted, much given to
cheeseparing ; his goods are not always equal to sample, nor is his
delivery prompt. The Germans have received credit for being
excellent men of business where the Jews should have been so honoured.
In the management of a business concern the German is a
very poor second to the Jew ; he is a bad third to the Briton, not
because he has less ability, but because he lacks the character
of the Briton, who, as a manager of men, is yet without an equal in
all the realms of human industry. Said a Jewish director of one of
the largest engineering firms in Germany to the writer :
I have
a great regard for the English engineer. In some ways he may be
behind our own men, but as a manager, his integrity and his attitude
towards his subordinates make him an invaluable acquisition
to any concern."A German baby is a pitiful object ; it is pinioned and bound
up, like a mummy, in yards of bandages which are unfolded once
(at the outside twice) a day ; it is never bathed, but I suppose it
is sometimes washed in some occult manner," says a lady writer.
Its head is never touched with soap and water until it is eight
or ten months old, when the thick skull-cap of encrusted dirt
which has accumulated is removed by the application of various
unguents. Many German women have assured me," she " says,
that the fine heads of hair one sees in Germany are entirely
owing to this decidedly unhygienic skull-cap. When some juvenile
relatives were staying with me I insisted on their being
' tubbed '
all my female friends were shocked at my ignorance and wilfulness,
assuring me that it was entirely owing to our barbaric bath-system
that the King of Hanover had lost his sight.
' My friends ; we
English are not all blind,' I said. They were silenced, but not
The German babyago, commented thus :
" An important factor in the labour of Germany is not enquired
of in the circular, viz., the labour of dogs. I have heard it estimated
that women and dogs harnessed together do more hauling than the
railroads and all other modes of conveyance of goods united. Hundreds
of small waggons can be seen every day on all the roads leading
to and from Dresden, each having a dog for the ' near horse '
harnessed, while the '
off horse '
is a woman with her left hand
passed through a loop in the rope, which is attached to the axle,
binding the shoulders ; the harnessed woman and dog trudge along
together, pulling miraculous loads in all sorts of weather."
The pay of women for this degrading form of labour is fromCommenting on the Lusitania murders Mr. Frederic William
Wile, late Berlin correspondent of the Daily Mail, said in that
journal bearing date nth Ma}', 1915 :
I write dispassionately as well as advisedly when 1 say that
in no other community in the world with pretensions to civilization
is crime so common, diabolical, and meaningless as among
the Germans. This does not mean that they are a race of murderers
all. What it means is that callousness towards brutality,
rapine, and life-taking reaches a point among the rank and file
of German people, which is as incredible as it is revolting. The
apologetic and hypocritical whines of semi-official German newspapers
over the Lusitania massacre are not tears. German eyes
do not weep over crime. German hearts are seldom stirred by
crime unutterable in Germany itself. Why should they bleed of
a sudden over murder off Kinsale ?
In Germany murders of women and children are commonest
of all. In nine cases out of ten they are the so-called
in which the most fiendish forms of savagery and salaciousness
make their appearance. The lust-murder is a particularly
Teutonic species of crime by reason of its frequency in Central
Europe, and its comparative rarity elsewhere. In England the
lust-murder is ipso facto unknown, the only cases in this country
bearing any resemblance to it are the
of many years ago."

There is nothing in Germany which surprises an Englishman
more than the state of religion," wrote William Howitt.
" The
first things which strike us on the Sabbath are the open shops,
the mechanics at work, and the crowded theatres, public-houses,
and dancing rooms. . . But besides in shops, a good deal of work
goes on. Painters and joiners you find very soberly at work in the
houses. A great number of tradesmen seem to choose this day for
sending out all sorts of things for your approbation, particularly
parcels of books ; and in company, ladies are as busy with their
knitting as ever. Theatres on Sundays give their best plays, and
dancing saloons and public-houses are crowded to excess."
Menzel in the i8th century called Berlin the Elysium of freo
thinkers ; in the twentieth it has been described as the limbo of
rampant atheism.
To-day in GermanyAs I enunciated in the foreword of this work, mental characteristics
are as distinctly and as organically a part of a race as its
physical characteristics, and for the same reason : both depend
ultimately upon anatomical structure. Racial mental-set, racial
ways of thinking, racial reactions to the influence of ideas are as
characteristic and as recognizable as racial skin-colour and racial
skull formation. That the Teutonic mental-set, Teutonic way of
thinking, Teutonic reactions to the influence of ideas that these
are utterly alien to the British must be at once perceived and
acknowledged by all thinkers. That the Germanic skull formation
is radically dissimilar from the British must immediately be seen
and appreciated by any observer of the Germans at home or here
in London. The German city-clerk, waiter, barber and baker in
our midst during the last generation were at once recognized
by the shape of their skulls. No sooner had Thomas Atkins been
privileged in Flanders to view the close-cropped sconces of his
Teuton enemies than he at once noticed the curious skull-formation
of his adversaries.
Square heads
" he nick-named them quite
accurately, taken as a piece of general observation. Thomas had
perceived that the German skull lacks the British protuberance
in the region of the cerebellum. And Thomas Atkins has always
been a keen observer : I know German professors who have not
half his faculty of observation for the things that matter in life.
Let us hear no more, then, of race relationship from the criminal
and degenerate peoples of Central Europe. Rather let us hear the
great French psychologist Gustave le Bon, who says
the British
are a race apart from other peoples
" " a fixed race
; or Emerson
who said of the English,
Neither do this people appear to be of
one stem ; but collectively a better race than any from which they
are derived." And if it comes to ancestry we may set it down (ay,
without national pride, for national pride spells ruin it ruined
Greece, Judaea and Rome) from whom we are descended : the
noblest tribes the world ever saw. For are not we descended from
the old Keltic stock, the oldest blood of the world, from which the
Briton inherits his fine imaginative qualities ; from the ancient
Romans, who left him a legacy of bravery ; from the Jarls, Sea-kings
and Vikings, from whom he inherits his hardihood and sea-roving
instincts ; from the early Normans who bequeathed to him their
chivalry ; and from the Angles and Saxons, from whom he derives
his love of purity and freedom. And who of living peoples shall
tell of better forbears ? Well may the humblest Briton born, coining
of such lineage, justly call himself an aristocrat and the German
prince a common boor.
The Briton and the Teuton compared why I will take the most
rude and uncouth Englishman, the most ignorant, wanting reading,
writing and religious knowledge, and yet he shall be found as a
human being far above the educated and better-class German.
The Briton, for instance, will have a finer moral discrimination of
what is right and what is wrong ; he will be far more acutely aware
of his civil rights, as a member of society, and he will have a nice
perception of what we term fair-play. In short he will have a keener
sense of brotherhood and humanity ; he will know what is due to
himself and what is due from himself, and he will have that
keen moral sense and self-reliance which is the Briton's peculiar
heritage these fifteen hundred years. The Germans would dismiss
this man as uneducated : true he may not be able to read and write
as well as even the poorest German, but (race apart) as a man and a
citizen the social conditions of his country have given him a practical
education no mere German can lay claim to ; nay, compared to the
German he has what we call, for want of a better term, "personality."
He is a more conscious and reasonable being.
There are German professors who recognize these things. They
are not quite all fools. Professor Myer thus estimates the national
psychology of his countrymen. " The Englishman," he says,
particularly in his social and
political life stands on firmer feet than the German, whose will is
influenced by emotion, and whose individuality in social and
political affairs frequently fails to assert itself unless it is supported
by others at the same time." (Deutsches Volkstum}.
It is unnecessary at this time of day to discuss that chimera
Kultur, but a recent pronouncement of the German Kaiser should be
recorded here. To Ludwig Ganghofer, of the Munich Neueste
Nachrichten Wilhelm II. thus described the fetish.
" To possess
Kultur means to have the deepest conscientiousness and the highest
morality," With that definition of Culture, so far as it goes, few will
disagree ; but as to the German monarch's next sentence,
" My
Germans possess these" well, the reader has already formed a very
different opinion, and I trust on sufficient evidence. Kultur, of
course, is a recent discovery of the Germans. Treitschke had no
idea of the meaning of the word, for we find him inquiring ofcertain Bruno Bauer, a student of Nietzsche, for a
Culture," of which the Anglophobe had "
completely lost sight."
Nietzsche ignored Kultur altogether.
I believe only in French
Culture," he wrote" ... I do not take the German kind
even into consideration."
Kultur," said an Austrian professor
to the writer,
" means to the Germans nothing else than refinement
in their mode of living. Comfort in the house, in the street,
on the railways, and in ocean travel. Nice dinners and nice clothes."
A German General, Loringboren, explodes the Kultur fallacy in a
phrase. In
Kreig und Politik in der Neuzeit
(Berlin, 1911)
he observes :
" The progress of civilization in general (in Germany)
is unmistakeable, but whether we are improved in inward culture
remains more doubtful : modes of life have changed, but men are
the same."
The land of Kultur has naturally no equivalent for the word
gentleman," always having failed to produce the article. The
late Prince Hohenlohe bewailed this fact on several occasions.
In his Memoirs he wrote :
It is of all things most to be regretted
that in our political life we do not have gentlemen to deal with.
But this is a conception of which we are totally deficient." A
German colonial official speaking in the Reichstag of some grave
scandals in the German colonies, said : "A reprehensible caste
feeling has grown up in our colonies . . . the conception of a
gentleman in England is widely different from that in Germany."
Bismarck had no delusions about the Germans. "
They are still a
race of non-commissioned officers," he observed on one occasion,
every one of them eager to get his stripes On an average every
man in public life has only that degree of self-reliance which corresponds
to his official hall-mark, to the conditions of his official rank,
and to his orders."
After all, the future belongs to the nations of commonsense
an attribute which has never been charged to the Germans. There
is no future for a race of scatter-brained militarized egotists. It
was Montesquieu, surveying the peoples of the world, who lamented
the lack of national commonsense. " No people have true commonsense
but those who are born in England," he wrote.
" Even the
dogs and horses in England are more intelligent than elsewhere,"
said another Frenchman. Nor is the statement to be lightly dismissed,
since dogs and horses shall not live centuries with a people
without acquiring some of that people's habit of mind. There is
evidently something in the old saying
Like master, like dog."
The British bull-dog besides tenacity has sagacity, but our true
and ancient national dog is the mastiff, who of old would suffer his
head to be cut off before he would let go his hold.
" Show me a people with ill-favoured faces and I shall find that
there is something evil in their souls," said an old philosopher.
Your German has never been commended for his good looks, let
alone for his handsomeness. The Englishman and Englishwoman
have been admired in all countries, in all ages, from Saint Gregory
(A.D. 600) and the Norman chroniclers (A.D. noo) down to Emerson,
who vowed the English a handsome race.
It would be idle and unjust to deny that the Germans have produced
many clever and useful men ; but they are men easily to be
measured, for they are of the earth, earthy. With yard measure,
compass, and book of rule, the German can sometimes achieve
wonders ; therefore, in chemistry, archaeology, philology, and exegesis,
as Mr. Price Collier sees, he has forged ahead. German
cleverness seems to be of the simian or negroid variety, a cleverness
which can achieve anything except the really important. The
most laborious and prolonged operations of the human intellect
are of small account if they be not employed towards the betterment
of humanity. Let us readily grant that for sheer laboriousness
German intellect has often achieved results bordering on the
titanic ; but has it ever sent a ray of hope, of gladness, or of comfort
to the souls of men ? Intellects of the first-class have ever
been more than an extreme rarity in Central Europe. Goethe,
perhaps and who else, except brilliant mediocrity ? But was
Goethe a Teuton, with that fine old Hebrew face of his ? Perhaps
one day we shall discover that he was the second great Jew. Chaucer,
Shakespeare, Spenser, Milton who shall inscribe the name of
Schiller upon the same entablature with these ? Whenever did
Germany produce men to be mentioned in the same week with
Alfred, Roger Bacon, William of Wykeham, Raleigh, Philip Sydney,
Newton, Francis Bacon, George Herbert or Lister ? In Germany,
with her syphilis-ridden population, we are not surprised to find the
discoverer of salvarsan, but Erlich was not a Teuton but a humanitarian
Jew. In the German mind the humanist motive has always
been lacking. In German literature the sense of humanity cannot
be said even to exist.
On July 5, 1915, the unaccountable Lord Haldane in a speech
at the National Liberal Club referred to our principal enemy as
the great German nation." Lord Haldane's idea of greatness in a
nation must be a peculiar one. Germany, as we have seen, lacks
all the true essentials of greatness ; she is great, however, in the
Hproduction of engines of death. She lacks all the virtues of greatness
; she is neither wise, temperate, generous nor just. In soul
she is an inlidel, in body she is a leper.
" The conditions of the
great body of the people in a country is the condition of the country
itself," said Carlyle. We have seen in statistics reproduced in these
pages somewhat of the condition of the German people, for statistics
is history s*tand*ing st*ill, a*s his*tory*is sta*tistics in motion.
In a former chapter I suggested a comparison between the Teuton
and the negro, whose skull, I pointed out, is of the same shape as
a characteristic German skull. (Bismarck had a negroid-shaped
skull and a quasi-negro face). To make such a comparison is not
merely fanciful, for the Negroid race from Africa first came to the
European continent via the Roman Empire, and Central Europe
would receive her quantum, f Probably she received a great number
of the
sons of Ham," very likely more tharrany other non-Roman
European territory. Anyhow, the Germans show more than
any other white people the negroid peculiarities. Insensibility to
pain, lor example, stupidity and servility these ineradicable negro
traits wre find among the German people to-day, and in no other
white people. The Mongolian capacities for discipline and commerce
are also evident, but Caucasian characteristics, such as high moral
courage and the hunting instinct, are almost wholly lacking in the
Germans. The Caucasian element generally would seem to have
disappeared, leaving the Negroid and Mongolian pecularities dominant.
We have seen that the German people as a race are an immoral
race in the worst sense of the term. So are the negroid race
immediately they come into contact with civilization. Witness the
\iiirri an negro, who is the most immoral and depraved of living
negroes a fact sufficiently demonstrated by all authorities on the
negroid question. The American negro is also cowardly. Of the
truth of this there is abundant corroboration in American police
ecords, and in the works of many American authors who have dealt
ith the negro problem. Among the Germans, individually, bravery
the rarest of possessions ; collectively their
is of the
blind, hysterical kind which is not bravery at all, but frenzy.
tThe European continent has undoubtedly at different periods in history
undergone more or less negrification, particularly the countries round the
(Mediterranean basin in the days of Carthage. It is also to be remembered
that later, of course, Teuton hordes occupied the western provinces of Rome,
including Italy, Gaul, and Spain. Even at the present day negrification is
at work in Europe ; for example, in some portions of Central and Southern
Portugal mainly by way of Brazil.
Again the negro is declared to be conscienceless and to have no regard
for, nor sense of, the truth both Teuton characteristics.
Even Carlyle said :
" Of all nations the German lies with the most
scrupulosity and detail."
" The negro," says an American author,
"is an incurable liar. He lies to please, to evade, to conceal, to
excuse, to assert, and to command."
" The negro," says an authority on the negro, Mr. W. H. Thomas
(" The American Negro," The Macmillan Co., N.Y., 1901),
" has
neither manly courage nor veracity, and his life and living, founded
on fallacious settings, is as artificial and stilted as one's knowledge
of social functions would be if derived from a book of etiquette."
These words are equally applicable to the German, for the German's
life and living are founded not merely on fallacious settings but on
fixed hallucinations, the principal hallucination being the absurd
idea of his
superiority." Other opinions by this author on the
negro at once suggest the Teuton. Mr. Thomas says :
" That his
(the negro's) nature is ^surcharged with latent ferocity is shown by
abundant evidence of atrocities committed on weak and defenceless
objects. Indeed, there is good ground for believing that, were
the negro more convincingly assured of personal security, all the
malignity of his slumbering savagery would immediately find expression
in the most revolting acts of physical lawlessness." The
atrocities committed by the Teuton on weak and defenceless objects
in Belgium can never hope to be excelled by any race of negroes ;
personal security
" was certainly assured, since the massacres
of the civil population in Belgium were systematically organized
and undoubtedly sanctioned by the Higher Command * In the case
of the cowardly sinking of the Falaba by a German submarine, here
we have an exhibition of pure savagery. It is vouched for by reliable
witnesses that the crew of the submarine laughed and jeered
at the death-struggles of drowning non-combatants. That savages
are convulsed with laughter at the struggles of a drowning
man is a fact that has been vouched for by observers who have
lived amongst them.
The same authority, Mr. Thomas, affirms that the negro is incapable
of discerning what is right and what is wrong ; that there
is always unceasing petty strife among the negro fraternity, and
that the domineering spirit of the negro must vent itself either on his
wife, child, horse, cow or dog, upon whom he will mercilessly inflict
brute force. Further, he says, that the negro is cunningly
astute, and an adept in deception ; that innate modesty is no char-
* Vide Viscount Bryce's Report on German Atrocities.
acteristic of American negro women, and "
soberly speaking, negro
nature is so craven and sensuous in every fibre of its being that a
negro manhood with decent respect for chaste womanhood does
not exist." All of which may equally well have been written of the
The Teuton and the negro, then, have many similar characteristics.
Whether these characteristics in the Teuton are the outcome
of negro blood, or whether they must be considered sheerly barbarous
it matters little. The fact remains that the Germans,
like the negroes, have the attributes of a barbarous people. By
some it may be urged that the Teuton outbarbars the negro. It
may be so, but we have to bear in mind that the American negro
is the subject of a civilized race, and moreover, he is kept in strict
surveillance. Even the Teutonomaniac H. S. Chamberlain * admits
that the Teuton and the negro have one trait in common
loyalty. He refrains, however, from carrying his comparison
further. . .
Although civilization tends to milden the character of a race, its
effect is not seen until the lapse of many centuries. Ancient racial
instincts, it is to be remembered, are never thoroughly eradicated.
So late as in the seventeenth century we saw the barbarous nature
of the German people, or, rather tribes. The Thirty Years' Waiwas
undiluted barbarism. Early in the twentieth century, then,
we cannot expect to find the Germans a civilized race, even had not
the yoke of a brutal militarism always hung about their neck.
The persistence from a remote antiquity of similar types of
character among certain peoples, and especially the persistence
of great differences of character between peoples, who although
living on the same isotherm or even in the same locality are of different
origin, are facts always to be borne in mind by the historian.
Effectually to get rid of a barbaric trait may take a race a chiliad
of years, very likely more, even under the best civilizing influences.
Caesar in describing the Gauls gives a picture of the ancestors of
the French which would appear to be pretty accurate, since allowing
for the differences attributable to civilization, his description
of the Gauls tallies with the French of to-day. Ammianus Marcellinus
palpably portrayed the Huns with fidelity, for any impartial
observer of present-day Germany will recognize that the Huns
of that historian and the Germans of the twentieth century must
be of one race. The words of Tacitus, too, might have been uttered
any time during the present celating to the chastity of German women, which chastity no longer
exists if it ever existed ; for the Roman historian and moralist must
have uttered his panegyric only to
point a moral "
to his countrywomen,
inasmuch as the chastity of women was one of the virtues
he vowed ever to perpetuate. Support, certainly, is to be found
for this view. In this connexion it is to be remembered also that
Tacitus had little knowledge of the more remote German tribes ;
his experience of the Germans was confined to those of them dwelling
near the Rhine.
As an example ctf the persistence of racial disposition fraught
with malignity and barbaric instinct, take Corsica. There for centuries,
unto this day, the endemic criminality of the islanders has
to be put down with iron hand.
In Corsica so soon as repression
shows the least sign of relaxing, criminality at once threatens to
break out afresh with renewed violence." * In Canada the French,
isolated from the parent people, still preserve their national traits.
The Jew, after two milleniums, scattered wide across the surface of
the earth, still maintains the Hebrew character, talent and idiosyncrasies.
In gallant Belgium impulsiveness and irascibility are still
well-defined characteristics of the Fremish provinces, as they were
many centuries age. In Wales these traits remain in Glamorgan,
Montgomery and Brecon, where the people are almost all of Keltic
origin. In the Baltic, near the Aland group, lie the Aspo Islands.
The inhabitants of these islands, both physically and morally present
a marked contrast to their fair-haired and phlegmatic Scadinavian
neighbours. With blue-black, curly hair, aquiline noses,
black eyes and powerful frames, these sea-faring folk are of a d(
cidedly southern type, most probably Spanish. Temperamentally
excitable, in their quarrels they constantly use the knife, and betray
other traits found in the Spaniards ancient and modern. Their for^
bears, it is told, the survivors of a shipwreck, settled on the islanc
upwards of five centuries ago, and from the adjoining shores t(
to themselves blonde Scandinavian women as wives ; and from the
unions arose an isolated community which has not further intermingled
with the surrounding peoples. The Scandinavian blonde
has become lost in the Spanish brun. And thus we see from all the
foregoing that the real character of a people is but little affectt
by the passing of the centuries. The ethos of a people a thousand ye;
ago is the ethos of that people to-day. Civilization may affect the
mode of life, but men remain the same. The "
* Bournet, La Criminalite en Corse. (Lyons, 1887).
Germany is unchanged. You may say that Prussia is not Germany,
and that Prussia is really to blame, but throughout the German
Empire vice, crime, and irreligion are pretty evenly distributed,
and the character of the people is very much the same.
And that character at best is no better than the negroid character.
The Germans are the white niggers of Europe. They are to be considered
Europeans no longer.
Burke said :
I know of no method by which you can indict a
; but Burke omitted to say that a nation may indict itself,
as in this volume I maintain Germany has done. What are the
principal counts of the indictment ?
In Germany vice in the shape of prostitution has assumed colossal
proportions, Professor Moll, of the University of Berlin, estimating
the number of prostitutes in the empire at no less than 1,500,000.
Bebel states that Germany supplies half the prostitutes of the world,
and his statement still remains unrefuted.
Unnatural vice also has assumed the gravest dimensions. In Berlin
alone it has been estimated by an authority that there are 30,000 persons
afflicted with the disease, and that 2,000 male perverts are known
to the Berlin police, who tolerate forty resorts frequented by these individuals.
The vice is known to exist in all the large towns of Germany,
where there are clubs and other resorts frequented solely by perverts.
This state of affairs is so well known to French scientists and physicians
that the term
le vice allemand "
is now used to designate the aberration.
Venereal disease in Germany has risen to colossal figures. In 1913
it was publicly announced that in Prussia alone, for a period of five
years, there had been an annual average of 773,000 cases. It has also
been publicly announced in Berlin that 90% of the male Berliners have
at one time or another been afflicted with sexual disease.
In various parts of Germany parents of the working and peasant
class rear their daughters for the specific purpose of prostitution, sending
them on the streets when they are no mort than children that they
may support their parents in idleness.
Germany has a huge number of males who live on the immoral earnings
of women. These males, it is vouched for by German authorities
on the subject of prostitution, have their own clubs, their gymnastic
and athletic associations, and their own "
bars." In Berlin pandering
is a profession for male and female, and the German capital is the
centre for the White Slave Traffic oj the world.
Pornographic literature of the worst kind is suffered to be on sale
in all the booksellers' windows, and is purchaseable by girls and boys.
Apart from pornographic literature, Germany has a literature of patho252
logical import. A jew of these degenerate productions have been
briefly reviewed in this book. Bleibtreu. Tovote, Bahr, Conradi, and
Sacher-Masoch are, perhaps, the most striking examples of degenerate
Criminality in Germany has reached unheard of figures. In the
year 1909 there were dealt with by the courts 797,112 criminal acts
and offences. In 1906 the number of juvenile offenders was 55,000.
Germany is the land of the
lust-murder," a particularly Teutonic
and bestial form of human butchery. Sadism, Masochism, Fetichism
and Necrophilism significantly these are diseases on which German
physicians are the leading and recognized authorities.
Intermarriage, from mercenary motives, is so common and widespread
that it has seriously affected the mental and physical health
of a not inconsiderable part of the population. Also the question of
the effect of rampant syphilis upon the mentality of the race is to be
In all theTo-day the methods of German warfare from the Higher Command
downwards to the common soldier are incontestably as barbaric
as anything recited in history. So muchlis alreadyjipon record.
The lust of war is, and must always be, provocative of.' some
amount of military lawlessness : that is, in every war there must
occur a number of outrages which are not in accordance with the
usages of war as between civilized nations. Here and there an
inoffensive civilian may be killed, a woman assaulted, or property
plundered. It is inevitable. But in the case of the wholesale
shooting of non-combatant citizens (more than one thousand five
hundred of these cases figure in Viscount Bryce's Report alone), the
wholesale and public raping of girls and women, the throat-cutting
of British wounded soldiers, the killing and mutilation of mothers
and daughters, the bayonetting of little children and babies at the
breast, the destruction and defiling of cathedrals and churches
for these there must be no excuses made for any individual, any
class, or military authority in the German armed forces. For all
these multitudinous' savageries the peasant is as'"much to blame
as the prince ; the prince is as much to blame as his master Wilhelm
II. And the German people are to blame, for (whether the command
were given or not) it was the hand of the German people that
butchered the babies of Belgium, outraged their mothers, and then
* " The Life of Wellington," by the Right Hon. Sir Herbert Maxwell, Bt.
Sampson Low &Qo,
;dt off their breasts or legs or arms ; used school children and old
men and women as screens, and burned whole families alive I
repeat, the whole German people are to blame, not only the German
male element of that people, but the female element who bore this
loathsome brood of cowardly devils incarnate.
The twentieth century has no room for a people such as this,
a criminal people of sixty-odd million persons indoctrinated with
a desire for wholesale murder and plunder. It cannot be urged that
Prussia and Prussia alone is to blame ; the rest of the petty states
of Germany desired and willed -this iniquitous war. The " soul"
of Germany is an evil soul the
of a criminal. The criminal
is the avowed enemy of civilization, therefore civilization must
see to it that the criminal be either killed or caged. With vicious
and degenerate Germany we are not further concerned : that : is
her own affair. But what we are further concerned v/ith is this :
There must be no inconclusive peace. Already Germany is putting
forth her
; she is trying to pave the way with her professed
abandonment of piracy. The true meaning of the book
J'Accuse^ will be divined by every sensible Briton. Its object is
plain enough. The writer of J' Accuse, whoever^he may be, seeks
only to promote an inconclusive peace. He quotes Johann von
the gifted Russian statesman," and asserts inter alia that
a decision under the conditions of modern warfare isf impossible.
" In such a war (so prophesied Bloch) there would no longer be
a conqueror and a conquered. . . And now we are experiencing
what he foresaw a swaying backwards and forwards of these
armies of twenty million men, without end, without result, without
even the possibility of a final decision, notwithstanding all the inspiring
appeals of kings and the leaders of armies." The writer of
J' Accuse points out the horrors and the costliness of war, and seeks
to excuse the
millions deceived by a handful of criminals.
But if the German rulers lied to the people about the immediate
antecedents of the war, that people threw themselves into the
struggle without hesitancy and without question. They knew well
enough that the war was a war of aggrandizement ; that Germany
had been preparing for that war for many years, and that Germany
was to emerge from the conflict a greater and mightier Germany.
And supposing that we exonerate the German people from all
responsibility for the war, there still remains their conduct on the
battlefield. The writer of J' Accuse may contend that
" The nations
have never been enemies. From all letters written at the front it
t Hodder and Stoughton,
is clear that the feelings of hatred and revenge are unknown in the
trenches. These are the dragon's eggs which are hatched at home
at the writing-tables in the coziness of editors' rooms. From trench
to trench friendship and brotherhood are concluded. They visit
each other, make each other small presents, and shake hands in
friendship. .
" and Mr. Brown of Clapham may read the touching
message with great commiseration, forgetful of the many evidences
we have inter alia of the friendly Germans' conduct to the British,
French, and Belgian wounded. Now there is no sane person who
can accuse of seeking to overstate their case the Committee appointed
by the British Government to report on the alleged German
outrages. On the contrary, the gentlemen in question betray on
every page of that report a manifest desire to make every reasonably
possible allowance for the abominations practised by the German
soldiery. Notwithstanding, the evidence of Viscount Bryce's Report
alone (although it is not intended so to do) does indict a notable
fraction of the German people. In the wholesale outrages committed
by the German soldiery there are whole categories of crime
which the orders of superiors cannot possibly palliate nor excuse,
particularly the countless cases of mutilation of mothers, girls, and
little children to which I have already referred. As an example
of the German soldiery's treatment of the helpless wounded, take
the following (Viscount Bryce's Report, p. 57) :
Outside Ypres
we were in the trenches and were attacked, and had to retire until
reinforced by other companies of the Royal Fusiliers. Then we
took the trenches and found the wounded, between 20 and 30, lying
in the trenches with bayonet wounds, and some shot. Most of
them, say three-quarters, had their throats cut." The italics are the
Or take this from the Jauer' sche Tageblatt, of October i8th, 1914,
written by a non-commissioned officer named Klernt, of the First
Company of the i54th Regiment. " The first Frenchmen were already discovered. We brought
them down like squirrels and gave them a warm reception with the
butt and bayonet. They no longer required doctors. . . And
we will give them no quarter. Every one shoots standing, a few, a
very few, fire kneeling. . . We reach a little depression in the
ground. Here the red trousers, dead or wounded, lie in a heap on the
ground. We knock down or bayonet the ivounded, for we know that
those scoundrels fire at our backs when we have gone by. There
was a Frenchman stretched out full length, face down, pretending
to be dead, A strong fusilier's kick soon told him we were there.
round, he asked for quarter, but we answered :
' Is that the
way your tools work, you ,' and he was nailed to the ground.
Close to me I heard odd cracking sounds. They were blows from
a gun on the bald head of a Frenchman, which a private of the
i54th was dealing out vigorously. He was wisely using a French
gun so as not to break his own. Tender-hearted souls are so kind
to the French wounded that they finish them with a bullet, but
others give them as many thrusts and blows as they can. . . At
the entry into the screen of branches they lay groaning and crying
for quarter, but whether wounded slightly or severely the brave
fusiliers spare their country the cost of caring for many enemies."
It is unnecessary to instance further examples of the kindly and
good-natured German people in military uniform, people who have
no feelings of
hatred and revenge." The official reports of newspapers
and periodicals of all countries concerned in the war abound
with evidence of the German people's military savagery. The plea
that the German common soldier must obey his commands will
not hold good in the devilish and negroid abominations he has
perpetrated. If his commands are to mutilate, crucify, or torture
his enemy wounded ; if his superiors command him to butcher the
mother and the baby at her breast, outrage daughters, and mutilate
school-children if he does these things on command then he is
equally to blame as if he had perpetrated these outrages on his own
Let us have no more talk of the
kindly and good-natured
German people, whether in official documents or not. It is a pernicious
and proven falsity.
To the last man, to the last shilling, Britain has to see that the
depraved, diseased and barbarous German people can never again
jeopardize the peace of Europe, and in this undertaking Europe is
confronted with the mightiest problem she has ever known. But
she will solve it. We are very far from the end of this war ; it
may last until the spring of 1917, perhaps longer. There must be
no compromise. The power of Germany must be destroyed for
ever. Anything else would be almost as shameful and ruinous
as defeat. Everything yet remains to be done ; therefore it is
nothing but the strenuous devotion of every British man and woman
doing all they can in whatever capacity in them lies that can bring
us decisive victory. Slackness, quarrelling and partisanship must
go by the board, else there is ruin ahead.
" The dangers we have
to face," as Mr. Frederic Harrison graphically puts it,
are greater
than any since the Normans landeddustry must at least rise to the level of Germany and France. Anything
less spells disaster. The time is now. Every man and. woman
must do their best, their utmost, using their every ounce of
energy. Nothing but this will win this war of life and death for us
and our children to come. We owe all this to ourselves, to the
great and mighty Britons before us, and to the generations, of
Britons to come.
We shall win this war. Sunrise to-morrow morning is not more
sure. We shall win because as the night is lightened by stars so
is the soul of Britain by ideals no earthly power shall destroy. We shall win because we believe that Life means more than mere
materialism. We shall win because our God is not the God of
Brute Force, but the God of Humanity. We shall win because we
believe that not Hate but Love shall make this world a habitable
place for men. We shall win because in this mighty struggle
we have drawn the bright and holy sword of Christianity against the
Powers of Evil. Our eyes fixed upon that shining horizon which
promises mankind there is a glorious future for the human race,
we shall advance, ay, every man of us, until the path be cleared
of that monstrous brood who would forever plunge the world into
chaos and disorder.
" We shall never sheathe the^sword, which we have not lightly drawn,
until Belgium recovers in full measure all, and more than all she has
sacrificed ; until France is adequately secured against the menace of
aggression, until the rights of the smaller nationalities of Europe are
placed upon an unassailable foundation, and until the military domination
of Prussia is wholly and finally destroyed."
These are the words of our Prime Minister, Mr. Asquith, and they
are the words of every Briton worthy the name. Whoever demands
less is a traitor to his country.
We must never have to face this THING again.

HENRY de HALSALLE: DEGENERATE GERMANY (Year not given, approx. 1917), 270 pages in this style
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Re: U.S. and British Propaganda Posters of WW1


Post by askropp » 22 Nov 2023, 00:29

I understand that the author of this psychopathic crap wrote unter a pseudonym. His real name is given as Harry William Halsall (1872-1945), but there seems to be virtually no info about his life on the web other than the fact that he authored a few books of dubious quality.
There are times in history when staying neutral means taking sides.

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Re: U.S. and British Propaganda Posters of WW1


Post by COmentator » 22 Nov 2023, 00:37

found a memtion of halsall as a journalist at https://www.british-genealogy.com/forum ... 92981.html

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