91. Reserve Polizei-Bataillon, 1. Kompanie

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91. Reserve Polizei-Bataillon, 1. Kompanie


Post by bettan » 01 Mar 2010, 01:35

Mir habe die Aufgabe in Vertrauen der Lebenslauf einem Mann, der einmal als Reserve Polizist in Lublin zwischen November 1940 bis November 1944 eingezogen war, zu schreiben. Später hat er nach dem Krieg zum Schweden ausgewandert.

Da er in der Kassel Gebiet in 1940 wohnhaft war möchte er das 91. Reserve Polizei-Bataillon, 1. Kompanie zu hörig geworden sei. Gemäß den Aufgaben, die ich zu meiner Verfügung habe, wurde dieses Bataillon als I. Polizei Regimente 8 in 1942 genannt. In Januar 1943 war das Regiment in einem Angriff vernichtet und die Polizisten, die dann überlebt hatten, wurden in Wehrmacht Regimente 36 aufgenommen. Mein Person war auch beschädigt, wo und wann doch unbekannt.

Meine Fragen:

Wo kann man heute die Einberufungslisten der ersten Kompanie dieses Bataillon finden?
Wo in Polen hat die in November 1940 neulich eingezogene Polizisten ihre Unterkunft erhält?
Wenn das Bataillon in 1942 als I Polizei Regimente 8 umgebildet war, gibt es heute Namenslisten irgendwo wo ich der Name meiner Person ausfinden kann?
Dieselbe Frage, aber wo kann ich mein Person in die Namenslisten der Wehrmacht Regimente 36 finden?
Wo kann ich Verzeichnisse über beschädigte Polizisten, wo mein Person zuhöret war, finden?
Wenn jemand einige Fotos diesen Polizisten zu Verfügung habe, wolle ich gern in Kontakt kommen!

Alle Aufgaben, die mir zur Hilfe ist sind willkommen!


Jon G.
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Re: 91. Reserve Polizist Batallion 1 Kompanie


Post by Jon G. » 01 Mar 2010, 02:44

Hi bettan and welcome to the forum. I have moved your post to the relevant section.

In the future, please post in English, thank you.

Posts: 3
Joined: 01 Mar 2010, 00:01

Re: 91. Reserve Polizei-Bataillon, 1. Kompanie


Post by bettan » 04 Mar 2010, 01:23

My questions - once more - this time in English!
I have a commission in confidence to write the story about a man born in Germany. He was enrolled as Reserve Police between November 1940 to November 1944. When the 2nd World war had ended he emigrated to Sweden.

He lived in the Kassel area in 1940 and did most likely belong to the 91th Reserve Police Battalion 1st Company. I have been informed that this battalion was identified as I Police Regiment 8 in 1942. In January 1943 this regiment was almost destroyed in a battle and those men who survived were attached to Wehrmacht Regimente 36. "My" person also was wounded, but where and when I don´t know.
My questions:

Where is it today possible to find that particular list of those men, who once were called up for this battalion to do their duties?
What specific place in Poland did these policemen have their education in November 1940? What was the name of the school?
The Battalion was changed in 1942 to be called the I Police Regiment 8.The lists of names concerning this regiment - do they still exist and where to find them today in order to read out the names of those men in order to find "my" person?
The same question as above, but in this case where can I find "my" person in the lists of Wehrmacht Regiment 36 today?
Where can I get in contact with the lists of wounded Policemen from this Battalion, so that I might find "my" person there?
If you who read this or somebody you know do have photos from this specific 91 Battalion most likely the 1st Company, I really would be very urgent to get in touch with you.
Any information of all kinds is indeed very welcome!


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