Einsatzgruppe and Einsatzkommando commanders

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Einsatzgruppe and Einsatzkommando commanders


Post by Sandman » 12 May 2003, 22:03

Hoping that the forum members help out to provide an updated, definite account with bio facts, photos, dates, the lot. Some are already well covered elsewhere in the forum, especially the EGr commanders, others are not. Suggest the following list as a starting point (from Hilberg, Raul. The Destruction of the European Jews):

Einsatzgruppe A Stahlecker (Jost)
Sonderkommando 1a Sandberger
Sonderkommando 1b Ehrlinger (Strauch)
Einsatzkommando 2 R. Batz (Strauch, Lange)
Einsatzkommando 3 Jäger

Einsatzgruppe B Nebe (Naumann)
Sonderkommando 7a Blume (Steimle, Rapp)
Sonderkommando 7b Rausch (Ott Rabe)
Sonderkommando 7c Bock
Einsatzkommando 8 Bradfisch (Richter, Isselhorst, Schindhelm)
Einsatzkommando 9 Filbert (Schäfer, Wiebens)
Vorkommando Moskau Six (Klingelhöfer)

Einsatzgruppe C Rasch (Thomas)
Einsatzkommando 4a Blobel (Weinmann, Steimle, Schmidt)
Einsatzkommando 4b Hermann (Fendler, F. Braune, Haensch
Einsatzkommando 5 E. Schultz (Meier)
Einsatzkommando 6 Kröger (Mohr, Biberstein)

Einsatzgruppe D Ohlendorf (Bierkamp)
Einsatzkommando 10a Seetzen (Christmann)
Einsatzkommando 10b Persterer
Einsatzkommando 11a Zapp
Einsatzkommando 11b B. Müller (W. Braune, P. Schultz)
Einsatzkommando 12 Nosske (Ministerialrat E. Müller)


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Post by Sandman » 12 May 2003, 22:22

Kröger,Erhard (Gerhard) Dr

Baltic German. Born in Line (?), Russia on 24 March 1905. Studied law at the Universities of Tübingen and Königsberg. Became a lawyer.
Entered the SS in October 1938. Active in the Nazi youth movement in Latvia, repatriated to the Reich in 1939. Joined the NSDAP on 1 August 1940. Became a SD-official.

From June to November 1941 commanded Einsatzkommando 6 of Einsatzgruppe C. Was decorated with the Iron Cross while commander of the Einsatzkommando. SS-Oberführer. Head of Sonderkommando Ost which was set up by the SD. In 1943 was enlisted in Division SS "Hohenstaufen". Also Head of the Russian desk in Leitstelle Ost under Arlt from July 1944. In charge of one of the worst Einsatzkommandos in Italy.

After the war succeeded in avoiding justice. Demanded extradited by Italy in 1963. Tried in 1969 and sentenceed to 3 years of prison.

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Post by Marcus » 12 May 2003, 22:24


For more details see http://www.skalman.nu/third-reich/ss-einsatzgruppen.htm


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heinz seetzen


Post by Sandman » 14 May 2003, 17:57

Seetzen,Heinz 1906-1945

Born on 22 June 1906 in Rüstringen. Studied law at the Universities of Marburg and Kiel. Became a lawyer. Entered the NSDAP in May 1933 as no. 2 732 725. In February 1935 enrolled in the SS as no. 267 231. Head of the SD in Kassel. 1939/40 Head of the Stapostelle Stettin and Hamburg, then promoted to Oberregierungsrat.

Head of SK4a of EGrD until 1942. In July 1942 named commander of Einsatzkommando 10a (Einsatzgruppe D). Autumn 1942 made Inspector of SIPO-SD in Kassel. In early 1943 to Breslau as Colonel of the Police and a SS-Standartenführer. On 28 April 1944 appointed BdS Byelorussia and Commander of Einsatzgruppe B until its withdrawal in August 1944.

He committed suicide on 28 September 1945 after having been captured by British Military police in Hamburg.

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Post by Brannik » 15 May 2003, 04:44

This is very interesting, please keep them coming.I find pictures of EinsatzGruppen men very fascinating and I would really appreciate more

Thank you


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Post by Andreas Schulz » 15 May 2003, 07:28

Blobel, Paul born Potsdam 13.08.1894, dead by hanging Landsberg/Lech 07.06.1951. Erster Sohn des Zimmermeisters Wilhelm Blobel und seiner Ehefrau Anna geb. Tralst; 00.00.1899 Umzug der Familie nach Remscheid, 00.00.1901 - 00.00.1909 Volksschule in Remscheid, 00.00.1909 - 24.04.1911 Ausbildung im Zimmerer- und Maurerhandwerk, 00.00.1910 - 00.00.1911 Besuch der Kunstgewerbeschule in Barmen, 24.04.1911 Prüfungsabschluß im Praktischen, 00.00.1912 - 00.00.1913 Studium der Architektur an der Bauschule in Wuppertal, 00.00.1913 - 00.08.1914 Studium an der Kgl. Baugewerksschule (Höhere Technische Lehranstalt für Hoch- und Tiefbau) zu Barmen-Elberfeld; 10.08.1914 Eintritt in das Rekrutendepot des Ersatzbataillons des Pionier-Regiments Nr. 24 (Köln) als Kriegsfreiwillger, 27.11.1914 ins Feld zur Pionier-Ersatzkompanie des Pionier-Regiments 24 (Westfront), 29.06.1915 überzähliger Gefreiter; 24.12.1915 etatmäßiger Gefreiter, 19.01.1916 etatmäßiger Unteroffizier, 00.00.1916 - 00.00.1917 Zugführer in der Minenwerfer-Abteilung bei der 2. Ersatz-Pionierkompanie des Pionier-Regiments 24, 00.00.1917 abkommandiert zum Sturmbataillon Nr. 4. 26.11.1917 etatmäßiger Vizefeldwebel; 02.05.1918 - 09.05.1918 krank im Feldlazarett 368, danach beim Bezirkskommando Lennep, 28.11.1918 aus dem Heeresdienst entlassen; 00.12.1918 - 00.08.1920 Baugewerksschule (Höhere Technische Lehranstalt für Hoch- und Tiefbau) zu Elberfeld, 23.08.1920 Prüfung („gut“) vor dem Staatlichen Prüfungsausschuß in Düsseldorf mit Erwerb des Reifezeugnisses; 15.09.1921 - 31.03.1924 Architekt und Bauführer im Architekturbüro Franz Perlewitz in Solingen, 05.12.1922 Aufnahme als „Studierender der Staatlichen Kunstakadademie“ Düsseldorf, 01.04.1924 - 00.00.1928 selbständiger Architekt in Solingen, 00.00.1928 - 00.00.1929 auftragslos, 00.00.1930 - 00.00.1933 Arbeitslosenunterstützung in Solingen. 01.05.1931 Eintritt in die SA-Reserve, 01.12.1931 Aufnahme in die NSDAP (Mitgliedsnr. 844.662), 01.12.1931 Übertritt von der SA zur SS als SS-Anwärter, 01.01.1932 Aufnahme in die SS (Mitgliedsnr. 29.100) als SS-Mann, 00.03.1932 - 15.08.1933 Bezirksleiter des Bezirks Solingen-Remscheid des PID (Nachrichtendienst der SS), 00.03.1933 - 00.11.1933 ehrenamtlicher Mitarbeiter der Staatspolizei, 14.05.1933 SS-Scharführer, 15.08.1933 - 31.05.1934 SD-Bezirksleiter im Bereich der 20. SS-Standarte, 00.11.1933 - 31.05.1935 Angestellter (Hilfsbeamter) der Staatspolizei Düsseldorf; 15.05.1934 SS-Oberscharführer, 01.06.1934 - 31.05.1936 beauftragt mit der Führung des SD-Abschnitts V im SD-Oberabschnitt West (Düsseldorf), 01.07.1934 aus dem Dienst der Staatspolizei beurlaubt zur vollamtlichen Dienstleistung beim SD, 17.09.1934 SS-Truppführer (mit Wirkung vom 04.07.1934); 06.02.1935 Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer. 25.03.1935 SS-Untersturmführer (mit Wirkung vom 21.03.1935), 25.03.1935 - 00.05.1945 SS-Führer im SD-Hauptamt (mit Wirkung vom 21.03.1935), 01.06.1935 Übernahme als hauptamtlicher SD-Mitarbeiter im SD-Oberabschnitt West (Düsseldorf); 16.12.1935 Julleuchter der SS; 01.06.1936 - 00.05.1941 Führer des SD-Unterabschnitts Düsseldorf, 15.10.1935 SS-Obersturmführer (mit Wirkung vom 09.11.1935), 28.10.1936 SS-Hauptsturmführer (mit Wirkung vom 09.11.1936); 30.01.1938 SS-Sturmbannführer, 20.04.1939 SS-Obersturmbannführer; 30.01.1941 SS-Standartenführer, 00.05.1941 zum RSHA kommandiert, 00.06.1941 - 00.01.1942 Führer des Sonderkommandos 4a in der Einsatzgruppe C, 00.01.1942 wegen Alkoholexsessen und Undiszipliniertheit abgesetzt und nach Berlin strafversetzt, 00.01.1942 - 00.06.1942 ohne Beschäftigung im Amt IV (Gestapo) des RSHA, 00.06.1942 - 00.06.1944 Führer des Sonderkommandos 1005 (Öffnung der Massengräber im Osten mit anschließender Verbrennung der Leichen); 00.06.1944 zum Befehlshaber der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD in der Steiermark kommandiert, 26.09.1944 beauftragt mit der Führung der Einsatzgruppe z.b.V. „Iltis“, 00.12.1944 erkrankt, 00.02.1945 - 00.04.1945 in einem Sanatorium in Marburg/Drau, 00.05.1945 bei Rastadt in Gefangenschaft geraten, 25.07.1947 - 10.04.1948 Angeklagter im Nürnberger Einsatzgruppen-Prozess (Fall IX), 10.04.1948 vom amerikanischen Militärgerichtshof II zum Tode verurteilt


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Post by Sandman » 19 May 2003, 18:39

NOSSKE,Gustav Adolf 1902-
Born in Halle on 29 December 1902. Studied banking and economics as well as law. Joined the NSDAP and the SS on 30 April 1933. In 1934 appointed to the administration of Halle. In 1935 posted to the Ministry of the Interior in Aachen. Transferred to the Gestapo in Aachen. SS-Obersturmbannführer and Gestapoman, assigned to Frankfurt/Oder and Graz, Austria.
Assigned as Commander of Einsatzkommando 12 of Einsatzgruppe D on 29 June 1941, advancing via the Prat river and Jassy to the Olshanka area and Mogilev. The Report to Berlin (no.64) on 23 August 1941 from Einsatzkommando 12 stated clearly that Nosske had led then kommando when 94 Jews were shot in Babshinzy. Another report to Berlin (no.178) stated that “from 16-28 February 1942 1,515 persons have been shot, of which 729 were jews, 271 communists, 74 partisans, 421 asocials, gypsies and others. Transferred late February 1942.

In June 1942 assigned to RSHA as Gruppenleiter of Amt IV/D5 to evaluate partisan operations and enemy records. The work of coordinating the EGr reports was done by a small group under Nosske and the reports went directly to Heinrich Müller, from May 1942.

Headed a special RSHA unit distributing Einsatzgruppe reports to specially selected addresses. Saw to it that Eichmann was fully informed. In October 1942 to Amt IV/D3, responsible for foreigners living in the Reich. Nosske delivered 8,000 Jews to the Rumanians who massacred them. Discharged and assigned as Head of the SS-Central Office in Düsseldorf in 1944. Nosske personally had the remaining Jews of Düsseldorf assembled and shot in September 1944. The fact that he refused to exterminate half-jews, led to his dismissal but he was not degraded.

Drafted to 3rd SS Panzer Division Totenkopf in November 1944, then located in Budapest.

Testified at Nürnberg. Sentenced to Life at the Einsatzgruppe case 1947-48. The only defendant not to seek clemency. Denied having been involved in extermination operations. The fact that he had refused to lead the executions of the half-jews of Düsseldorf was decisive in saving him from the gallows. That he had not been dealt with more harshly by the SS was later used as evidence in pointing out that SS-men could refuse to participate in executions without having to face execution themselves.

Sentenced confirmed 1949. Later reprieved to 10 years. By 1958 Nosske was free.



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Pictures of Blobel


Post by Sandman » 19 May 2003, 18:50

Adding to the information provided above.

Blobel maintained after the war that the real unfortunates were the liquidators themselves: 'The nervous strain was far heavier in the case of our men who carried out the executions than in that of their victims.' Admitted during his trial to 'opening one grave about 200 yards long' in Kiev.


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Post by Manstein » 22 May 2003, 07:06

Here are bios on three of these officers:

Karl Jaeger (1888-1959) - SS-Standartenfuehrer

Jaeger led one of the most ruthless units during the war, Einsatzkommando 3, which, according to Jaeger's report, 136,421 Jews, 1,064 Communists, 653 mentally ill people, and 134 others were murdered under his command. He also held the position of SD chief of Lithuania, in this position, he succeeded in murdering a majority of the Jews in Lithuania. After the war, he assumed another identity and worked as a farmer. His past finally came back to haunt him in April 1959 when he was arrested, but he committed suicide in his cell on June 22, 1959.

Wilhelm Fuchs (1898-1946) - SS-Standartenfuehrer

Fuchs headed Einsatzkommando 3 in 1944, and commanded some murders, but his worst crimes were while commanding that unit. While he was the SD chief of Serbia, he succeeded in murdering approximately 91% of the Jewish population in Serbia with lots of aid from the Nazi governor, Harald Turner, the Higher SS and Police Leader, August Edler von Meyszner, and sadly, the Serbian police. In 1946, Fuchs was hanged in Belgrade. A year later, Meyszner and Turner would meet the same fate.

Walter Haensch (1904-?) - SS-Obersturmbannfuehrer

Haensch commanded Einsatzkommando 4b during the war, and under his command, hundreds of Communists and Jews were murdered without investigation or proof that they were involved in partisan groups. After the war, he was tried at the Einsatzgruppen Trial and sentenced to death in 1948, but by 1951, his sentence had been commuted to 15 years imprisonment and in 1955, he was released.

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Re:Ek commanders


Post by Phil Nix » 22 May 2003, 10:47

Manstein wrote:Here are bios on three of these officers:

Karl Jaeger (1888-1959) - SS-Standartenfuehrer

Jaeger led one of the most ruthless units during the war, Einsatzkommando 3, which, according to Jaeger's report, 136,421 Jews, 1,064 Communists, 653 mentally ill people, and 134 others were murdered under his command. He also held the position of SD chief of Lithuania, in this position, he succeeded in murdering a majority of the Jews in Lithuania. After the war, he assumed another identity and worked as a farmer. His past finally came back to haunt him in April 1959 when he was arrested, but he committed suicide in his cell on June 22, 1959.

Wilhelm Fuchs (1898-1946) - SS-Standartenfuehrer

Fuchs headed Einsatzkommando 3 in 1944, and commanded some murders, but his worst crimes were while commanding that unit. While he was the SD chief of Serbia, he succeeded in murdering approximately 91% of the Jewish population in Serbia with lots of aid from the Nazi governor, Harald Turner, the Higher SS and Police Leader, August Edler von Meyszner, and sadly, the Serbian police. In 1946, Fuchs was hanged in Belgrade. A year later, Meyszner and Turner would meet the same fate.

Walter Haensch (1904-?) - SS-Obersturmbannfuehrer

Haensch commanded Einsatzkommando 4b during the war, and under his command, hundreds of Communists and Jews were murdered without investigation or proof that they were involved in partisan groups. After the war, he was tried at the Einsatzgruppen Trial and sentenced to death in 1948, but by 1951, his sentence had been commuted to 15 years imprisonment and in 1955, he was released.
Note Dr Wilhelm Fuchs promoted Oberführer 1st May 1942

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Dr Wilhelm Fuchs


Post by Sandman » 25 May 2003, 23:36

FUCHS,Wilhelm Dr 1898-1947
Born on 1 September 1898 in Mannheim. Participated in WWI and was awarded the Iron Cross 1st Class. Graduated in Economics at the University of Leipzig. Took his doctorate in Economics. Joined the NSDAP on 1 April 1932 (No. 1 038 061). Joined the SS on 1 December 1932 (No. 62 760). Became a SD official in Braunschweig. Inspector, German Security Service (Sicherheitsdienst - SD) Braunschweig.

Gestapo official in Serbia. Led the Einsatzgruppe that did the shooting of the Belgrade Jews, autumn 1941. Used gas vans there.

SS-Standartenführer by April 1942. Acting SS and Police Commander "Latvia" (SSPF "Lettland") in Riga, June 1942.

Acting Senior SS and Police Commander "Center" (HSSPF "Mitte") at Brunswick (Braunschweig) from 8 July 1943 to 15 September 1943, replacing Günther Pancke. From 15 September 1943 named commander of Einsatzkommando 3, remaining in this assignment until to 6 May 1944. Commanded EGrA/BdS Ostland as a SS-Oberführer and Colonel of the Police from May 1944 until October 1944. He succeeded Friedrich Panzinger and was the last commander.

Commander, Einsatzgruppe "Serbien"/ Einsatzgruppe E) 1944. His last rank was SS-Oberführer und Oberst der Polizei. In this role he was co-responsible for the murder of tens of thousands in Serbia and Croatia.

After the war arrested and extradited to Yugoslavia. Tried with General Meyssner by the Supreme Military Court of Yugoslavia at Belgrade for war crimes. Convicted and sentenced to death by hanging on 22 December 1946. Execution in Belgrade on 24 January 1947.

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Georges JEROME
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Post by Georges JEROME » 27 May 2003, 07:58

I recommand you warmly

THE FIELD MEN by French Mc Lean (Schiffer Publishing)
which cover ALL the SIPO SD officers serving in killing squads.
(and numerous pics )


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Post by chrish » 27 May 2003, 12:22

Kroeger Erhard , born 24. 3. 05 in Riga ; gottglaubig ; MdR seit Juli 1940 ( Grossdeutsche Reichstag , 1943 , p. 279-280 )

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Post by chrish » 27 May 2003, 15:31

Kroeger Erhard ; Dr jur ; SS-Oberfuhrer , Rechtswahrer ; Posen , Ulrich von Hutten Str. 31 Wartheland .
Geboren am 24 Marz 1905 in Riga ( Livland ) ; gottglaubig . Schulbesuch in Riga ; Universitatsstudium Geschichte und Rechtswissenschaft 1922 bis 1928 in Tubingen , Dorpat , Riga und Konigsberg . 1929 – bis 1934 Rechtsanwalt in Riga . Grunder und Leiter der nationalsozialistischen Erneureungsbewegung der deutschen Volksgruppe in Lettland . 1936 wegen verbotener nationalsozialistischer Tatigkeit 4 Monate Gefangnis . Leitete 1939 die Umsiedlung der deutschen Volksgruppe aus Lettland , dann beim Einsatz der Baltendeutschen in der befreiten Ostgebieten in Posen tatig . Teilnahme am Feldzug in Russland . E.K. II . Zur Zeit Untersturmfuhrer in der Waffen SS -- Mitglied des Reichstags seit Juli 1940

„Der Grossdeutsche Reichstag . IV Wahlperiode“ , Berlin November 1943 , p. 279 – 280 .

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