Who is Karl Wolff?

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Erwin Rommel
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Who is Karl Wolff?


Post by Erwin Rommel » 05 Aug 2002, 14:51

I was just hoping to know about Karl Wolff who was former chief of staff of Himmler.

It occured to me that not very much of people know who Karl Wolff is and about his career.

I was wondering if you can help me guys...

I really have no idea.... :cry:


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Phil V
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Post by Phil V » 05 Aug 2002, 15:25

I was recently doing some reading on Wolff myself and came across these pages whiich I found very interesting :

http://www.specialcamp11.fsnet.co.uk/SS ... 0Wolff.htm

http://www.specialcamp11.fsnet.co.uk/SS ... Wolff2.htm

Erwin Rommel
Posts: 15
Joined: 04 Apr 2002, 21:32
Location: New York



Post by Erwin Rommel » 05 Aug 2002, 15:51

It sure was a great help to me..

Now I get an idea who Karl Wolff was...

Thanks a lot!!


Erwin Rommel

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Namensgebung Thorisman Wolff


Post by Kephra » 05 Aug 2002, 21:33

Here some additional information that may be of interrest.

(Source: "The Secret King Karl Maria Wiligut Himmler's Lord of the Runes - The Real Documents of NAZI Occultism; translated by Stephen E. Flowers, PH.D., edited by Michael Moynihan / Dominion Rûna-Raven, 2001)

[...] Along with the fantastical tales of Nazis and the Occult, claims are also often made regarding the "pagan" agenda of the Third Reich, especially with regard to Himmler's SS organization. If one investigates the writtings of prominent National Socialist ideologues such as Alfred Rosenberg, however, a far more ambiguous picture emerges of the state-sanctioned religiosity of the time. Nevertheless, some documents relating to neo-pagan imperatives are still being uncovered. One intriguing work that has recently come to light is Fritz Weitzl's small 1939 treatise Die Gestaltung der Feste im Jahres- und Lebenslauf in der SS-Familie (The Structuring of Festivals during the Year and Life of the SS-Family; the book has been published in English as The SS-Family). This was intended as a guide for SS men wishing to adopt a series of völkisch, non-Christian religious ceremonies for observance with their families throughout the year. The orginal book was issued in a small edition under the auspices of the Weitzl's SS District West division, and it can be assumed that it reflects the views and practices of a certain minority within the larger SS organization.
An equally important and earlier example of quasi-pagan practices at high levels of the SS can be seen in a 1937 name-giving rite that was presided over by Wiligut himself. Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler was present for the ceremony, and we present his report as an appendix in this book. According to some sources, this was only one of many such rituals designed by Wiligut - or "Karl Maria Weisthor," as he was then known - for SS use.



Name-Giving Rite

Heinrich Himmler

[SS document, 4 January 1937]

Today on the 4th of January 1937, from his house at Schorn near Rottach-Egern on the Tegernsee, SS-Brigadier General Karl Wolff made the following report to me, his present Reichsführer-SS.

"Reichsführer: I am herewith announcing to you our third child, whom my wife, Frieda, geborene von Römhild, bore to me as my first son on the 14th of December 1936, at the end of the third year of the Third German Reich."

To this I respond:

"I thank you. I heard your report before witnesses, the God-fathers of this child, that is myself, SS-Brigadier General Weisthor, SS-Major General Heydrich, and SS-Captain Diebitsch. Your child will be entered into the birth-registry of the SS and noted down in the clan-book of the SS."

Brig. Gen. Wolff thereupon handed the child over to the mother who received it. Then I instructed SS-Brigadier General Weisthor to carry out the name-giving.

SS-Brigadier General Weisthor wrapped the child in the blue ribbon of life and then spoke the traditional words:

"The blue ribbon of loyalty runs through your life.
Whosoever is German and feels himself to be German
must be loyal!
Birth and marriage, life and death are symbolically
bound together by this blue ribbon.
And now this, your child, is clanically bound with my inner wish
that he become a real German boy and an upright German man."

Now SS-Brigadier General Weisthor took the cup and spoke the traditional words:

"The source of all life is Got!
From Got flows your knowledge, your duty, your
purpose in life, and all understanding of life.
Each drought from this cup bears testimony to the fact that you
are bound to Got."

He then gives the cup to the father of the child.

Now SS-Brigadier General Weisthor took the spoon and spoke the traditional words:

"This spoon will nourish you henceforth until the time
you become a young man. Your mother declares her love
for you with it and punishes you by not feeding you with it
when you transgress against the laws of Got."

He then gives the spoon to the mother of the child.

SS-Brigadier General Weisthor then took the ring and spoke the traditional words:

"You, child, shall only wear this ring, the clanic ring of
the Wolff-family, once you have proven yourself worthy as a
youth to the SS and to your clan.
And now I give to you, according to the wishes of your parents,
and by the mandate of the SS, the names:

Thorisman, Heinrich, Karl, Reinhard.

It is up to you, parents and name-godis, to instill in this child
a genuine, brave German heart, according to the will of Got.
For you, dear child, I wish that you will guard yourself in such
a way that upon becoming a young man you will want to keep
the proud name Thorisman as your first name for your whole


I herewith sign this document and have requested the name-godis to sign it as witnesses as well.

The commander: H. Himmler

The name-godis:
1st name-godi: Reichsführer-SS H. Himmler
2nd name-godi: SS-Brigadier General K.M. Weisthor
3rd name-godi: SS-Major General R. Heydrich
4th name-godi: SS-Captain Karl Diebitsch

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