Let's build Panzer-Division "Müncheberg" !

Discussions on all (non-biographical) aspects of the Freikorps, Reichswehr, Austrian Bundesheer, Heer, Waffen-SS, Volkssturm and Fallschirmjäger and the other Luftwaffe ground forces. Hosted by Christoph Awender.
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Post by Kamen Nevenkin » 09 Aug 2002, 12:49

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Post by JC » 21 Aug 2002, 03:09

Well, I'm certainly glad that I got caught up on this Müncheberg thread, excellent information! I'm also glad that I learned how to upload images to the forum.

Here's a photo of Oberstleutnant d. Reserve Werner Mummert in autumn '42, shortly after receiving the Ritterkreuz (having already received the DKiG in January '42) as Kdr. A.A./256 I.D. Some seventeen months later he would receive the Eichenlaub as Kdr. Pz.Gr.Rgt. 103/14 Pz.Div. and on 23 October, 1944 the Schwerter in the same command!

Also attached is a scan of an evaluation of Mummert upon completion of the division commanders course in December 1944, shortly before he became the first and only commander of Pz.Div. Müncheberg.
beurteilung 19.12.44 small.jpg
beurteilung 19.12.44 small.jpg (54.81 KiB) Viewed 8429 times
mummert.jpg (34.33 KiB) Viewed 8421 times

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An Important Announcement!!!


Post by David C. Clarke » 01 Sep 2002, 21:28

Well my friends, I must say that the response to this thread has overwhelmed me and fullfilled my best expectations!!! All of you have been simply wonderful in your contributions.

So, I would like to announce that I am going to start compiling this thread into an article soon. If anyone has any further information, I beg them to post it immediately. Marcus has been very kind to allow this thread to remain at the very top of the Third Reich History Forum and I don't think we should impose on his kindness for too much longer.

And, my friends, remember that all of you will receive credit in the article for your participation. This has been a group effort, and the article, once
it's been made a part of this site, will reflect that group effort.
Again, my sincerest thanks to all for your contributions.
Very Best Regards, David :D :D :D

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Post by Tolga Alkan » 08 Sep 2002, 13:58

Greetings David,
So will you put together this informations in one article?May it would publish in feldgrau or skalman.


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what i found


Post by Daniel L » 09 Sep 2002, 17:42

The Panzerkampfwagen III fought until the last day of the Third Reich, although there were only a few of them. For instance, the Panzer Division "Müncheberg", formed in February 1945, had only one Panzer III Ausf M and there were another two in the 23d Panzer SS "Netherlands". Both divisions were wiped out during the combats in Berlin and the city surroundings.

from http://modelersite.com/Sep2002/english/central.htm

Panzer-Division "Müncheberg"
Datum: 3.45-9.5.45
K: Gen.-Maj. Mummert, Werner

from http://home.wanadoo.nl/thomas.kolley/datawwiiwh.html

(Zitat Anfang:) Am 30.April 1945 war Berlin in voller Auflösung. Aber auf dem Tempelhofer Flugfeld merkte man wenig davon...Es herrschte Hochbetrieb. Alle sechs Minuten landete eine Maschine. Zehn Flugzeuge stiegen stündlich auf...Um 16 Uhr 15 Minuten landet eine JU-52, die aus Rechlin eiligst SS-Soldaten zur Verteidigung Berlins heranbringt...In dieser Maschine sitzt als Bordschütze Ing. B., den ich seit Jahren gut kenne... >In einer Entfernung von 100 bis 120 Meter erblickt er einen neuen Messerschmidt-Turbinenjäger, Type 332. Dieser besitzt mit Zusatztank einen Aktionsradius von 4000 Kilometern. Ing. B. und sein Kamerad, der Bordfunker, richten ihre Luchsaugen aufmerksam auf dieses Flugzeug. Davor sehen sie – kein Zweifel ! – ihren Obersten Kriegsherrn: Adolf Hitler !..

Hitler soll am 30. April 1945 auf dem Flughafen Tempelhof eine Düsenmaschine bestiegen haben ? – Unmöglich, sagt die Kriegs-Chronik !

Die SS (Anmerkung wahrscheinlich falsch - nicht SS, Anmerkung des Zitierenden) -Panzerdivision ,,Müncheberg", eine der Divisionen aus Weidlings Korps, hielt den Abschnitt D fast genau südlich der Reichskanzlei. Am 26. April verlief ihre Front über den Flughafen Tempelhof knapp innerhalb des S-Bahnringes und reichlich sechs Kilometer von der Reichskanzlei entfernt. Die Division hatte ein Dutzend Panzer und 30 Halbkettenfahrzeuge. Sie sollte Infanterie als Verstärkung erhalten, aber sie bekam nur Volkssturmmänner und Versprengte. Hinter der Front gingen Zivilisten, die ihre bewegliche Habe mitschleppten, weiter ins Stadtinnere zurück. Die Verwundeten der Division blieben vorn, weil sie fürchteten, von fliegenden Standgerichten aufgegriffen und als Fahnenflüchtige gehenkt zu werden, wenn sie ihre Einheit verließen. Rauchschwaden und Sprengwolken hingen in der Luft. Die Gefallenen lagen auf den Straßen, wo sie durch Granaten oder Raketen den Tod gefunden hatten. Viele von ihnen waren Frauen, die mit irgendwelchen Gefäßen aus den Kellern gekommen waren, um Wässer zu holen. Die Russen drangen vorsichtig durch das bebaute Gebiet südlich des Flughafens vor und setzten Flammenwerfer ein, um Gebäude zu stürmen. In den kurzen Kampfpausen drangen die Schreie von Frauen und Kindern bis zur deutschen Front. In der Abenddämmerung stießen russische Panzer mit aufgesessener Infanterie über den Flughafen vor. Die Verteidiger konnten ihre Linie nachts halten, aber bei Tagesanbruch kamen die russischen Panzer in Wellen heran. Am Nachmittag des 27. April ging die Division ,.Müncheberg" zurück und kam danach in jeder neuen Stellung nur noch wenige Stunden zur Ruhe. Hinter ihr flüchteten Zivilisten von Keller zu Keller. Hausmauern und Gehsteige waren mit Durchhalteparolen bemalt und alle Kämpfer, die sich davon nicht begeistern ließen, bekamen drastisch vorgeführt, was jeden erwartete, der den Krieg auf eigene Faust abzukürzen versuchte: Schilder auf der Brust von erschossenen oder gehenkten Fahnenflüchtigen verkündeten, wie Deserteure bestraft wurden. Aus Süden, Osten und Norden wurden die Verteidiger Berlins in die Stadtmitte zurückgedrängt. Am 28. April stand die Division ,,Müncheberg" am Anhalter Bahnhof, kaum einen Dreiviertelkilometer von der Reichskanzlei entfernt. Dorthin war auch Krukenbergs SS-Division ,,Nordland" zurückgegangen. Die Division ,,Müncheberg" mußte am Nachmittag des 28. April nach Nordwesten zum Potsdamer Bahnhof zurückgehen, wo sie in unmittelbarer Nähe der Reichskanzlei stand. Der Haupteingang des Bahnhofs bot ein grausiges Bild. Ein sowjetischer Artillerievolltreffer schweren Kalibers hatte dort Männer, Frauen und Kinder buchstäblich an die Wände geklatscht. Der Potsdamer Platz war mit zerschossenen Fahrzeugen, Krankenwagen mit Verwundeten und auf dem Pflaster liegenden Gefallenen übersät, die von Lastwagen und Panzern überrollt und gräßlich verstümmelt wurden. Zivilisten weigerten sich, Verwundete in ihre Keller einzulassen, weil sie fürchteten, von einem der fliegenden Standgerichte wegen Beihilfe zur Fahnenflucht zum Tode verurteilt zu werden. Die Soldaten waren müde, hungrig und verzweifelt. In der Nacht lag die Innenstadt unter schwererem Artilleriebeschuß als je zuvor, und die Russen drangen durch U-Bahntunnel zum Potsdamer Bahnhof vor. Am 29. April verlief die Frontlinie des südlichen Verteidigungsabschnittes entlang der Leipziger Straße, fünf U-Bahnstationen entfernt vom sowjetisch besetzten Flughafen Tempelhof ! (Zitat Ende)

from http://www.bunkahle.com/Aktuelles/Astro ... Sonne.html

the last was an interesting read but the source seems a bit unreliable. tell me if you have troubles with the language and maybe I can help you out.

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Post by Marcus » 09 Sep 2002, 17:48

Tolga Alkan wrote:So will you put together this informations in one article?May it would publish in feldgrau or skalman.
Considering in which forum it was compiled, I can make a wild guess ;-)


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Post by Timo » 09 Sep 2002, 17:50

Anybody feel free to use the day-by-day I composed from the info in this thread at a base for an article.


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some more information


Post by Daniel L » 09 Sep 2002, 18:42

Before and during World War II, the Wehrmacht Heer (German army) had a research facility at Kummersdorf, a small village southeast of Trebbin, which is a town south of Berlin in Brandenburg province. The experimental tank unit Panzer-Abteilung Kummersdorf, part of the Panzer-Division Müncheberg, was assigned to this facility.

from http://copper.mv.net/users/ctwilkes/Han ... sdorf.html

This depicts an alternative to the units insignia.

This photo shows the Müncheberg panzer divisions last Tiger I knocked out.

from http://www.sspanzer.net/army_elite/Munc ... heberg.htm

It's a shame that the last one is in chinese, I've contacted the owner/author of the site so let's all hope that he answers.
Last edited by Daniel L on 10 Sep 2002, 02:25, edited 3 times in total.

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Müncheberg and potsdamer platz


Post by Daniel L » 09 Sep 2002, 18:44

about the potsdamer platz and müncheberg:

[...] Ende Januar 1945 wird Berlin zur Festung erklärt und soll bis zur letzten Patrone verteidigt werden. Am Potsdamer Platz werden, wie überall in der Stadt, Barrikaden gebaut. Volkssturmmänner mit alten Karabinern besetzen den Potsdamer Bahnhof. Nur das Haus Huth steht einigermaßen unversehrt im Bombenhagel.
Mitte April schließt Willy Huth die Schoppenstube. Zum ersten Mal hören die Berliner das Grollen des Artilleriefeuers. Brot kostet auf dem schwarzen Markt hundert Mark pro Kilo, und in der Stadt gehen die Särge aus. Am 21. April schlagen die ersten russischen Granaten in der Innenstadt ein, die Zeitungen stellen am 23. ihr Erscheinen ein, nur das Blättchen Panzerbär erscheint sechs weitere Tage. Berlin erlebt seinen 389. und letzten Luftangriff.

Am 26. April richtet die Division »Müncheberg« im S-Bahnhof Potsdamer Platz ihren Gefechtsstand ein. Das ist einer jener Geisterverbände, mit denen der »Führer« im »Führerbunker«, nur ein paar hundert Meter vom Potsdamer Platz entfernt, auf der Karte operiert. Die untere Etage des S-Bahnhofes steht unter Wasser. Pioniere haben eine Schottenkammer des Landwehrkanals gesprengt, S- und U-Bahn-Tunnel wurden überflutet, und wer sich nicht in Sicherheit bringen konnte, ist ertrunken.

Das Artilleriefeuer wird immer dichter. Leutnant Albert Fitz von der Division »Müncheberg« notiert in sein Tagebuch: »Einschläge durch die Fahrbahndecke. Qualm dringt durch die Einschlaglöcher. Draußen explodieren Stapel von Panzerfäusten. Der Potsdamer Platz ist ein Trümmerfeld.« Am 28. April ziehen die Reste der Division durch den Tunnel zum Nollendorfplatz ab. Die Zivilisten bleiben im S-Bahnhof zurück, was sollen sie machen. Granaten hageln in die Ruinen.

Nur das Weinhaus Huth bekommt nichts ab. In den Kampfpausen kommen ein paar verängstigte Gestalten aus den S- und U-Bahn-Schächten nach oben und suchen nach Lebensmitteln oder Wasser. Die Hotels und Gaststätten am Potsdamer Platz liegen verlassen, aber in den Vorratsräumen läßt sich noch manches holen.
Am Morgen des 2. Mai, am Potsdamer Platz wird nun nicht mehr geschossen, dringen die Russen ins Haus Huth ein, plündern die Schnaps- und Likörvorräte und machen sich über die Weinfässer her. Zum Glück sind Schnaps und Wein bald alle. Die großen Stückfässer mit je tausend Liter Inhalt lagern im Zollkeller ein paar Häuser weiter unter einem Schuttberg. [...]

from http://www.berlinwall.de/26-april-1945.htm
Last edited by Daniel L on 09 Sep 2002, 20:01, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Timo » 09 Sep 2002, 19:00

Charley, I appreciate your ethousiasm but please check the info allready posted in this thread. The nightfighting equipment in the division was allready extensively discussed and documented in this conduct.

05.04.1945 - Ten Panthers equipped with FG1250 "Sperber" are issued to 1./29 on 05.04.1945. Oberleutant Rasim commands this Panzer-Kompanie. The 10 Panthers in the IR-company were supported an IR equipped grenadier company with 3 SdKfz 251/20 UHU IR searchlights and Falke SPW's. Kompanieführer is Hauptman Steuer.

07.04.1945 - On 07.04.1945 of schwere Panzerjäger-Abteilung 682 (mot.) is officially tactically subordinated to Panzer-Division "Müncheberg". Also on this same date the Panzerkompanie and Panzergrenadierkompanie with Sperber night vision devices were send from Wünsdorf back to the division.


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search and you will find :-)


Post by Daniel L » 10 Sep 2002, 01:36

Having received the last five Tiger Is to be issued on 23 February 1945, this unit joined the makeshift Panzer Division Muncheberg in an attempt to halt the Russian advance. Absorbing remnants from other units it reported having 13 Tigers of which ten were operational on 15 April 1945.

from http://www.fprado.com/armorsite/main.html

Tiger from the müncheberg panzer division, berlin-may,1945. Altough at another place it is stated that it's "belonging to Kampfgruppe Kaether (Colonel Kaether's task force) [which] was knocked out in the vicinity of Zossen, 25-26 April 1945.

from http://www.aviapress.com/viewonekit.htm?OTH-102
or http://www.aviapress.com/viewonekit.htm?FRI-009

the link above also have some other interesting pictures, especially the selbsfahrlatte 88 of panzerjägerabteilung 3.

here follows extract from master thesis project by George Hutchins:

One unit, the Muncheberg Panzer Division which was driven back to within about a block from the Fuhrer Bunker, in Tiergaden, near the Zoo Bunker which sheltered thousands of civilians continued the struggle until two events took place. First, radio signals stopped coming from the German government on May 1, 1945. (Ziemke, 1972)
Fighting was still going on inside the Reichstag building, even with the Communist flag placed on top of the building.

The Reichstag building had been under direct assault since 0430 hours on April 30, 1945, when attempts to stop Soviet armored assaults against Moltke Bridge over the Spree River, about 600 yards away from the Reichstag building, failed to hold the crossing of Soviet armor and infantry on the evening April 29, 1945.

The Reichstag building did not completely surrender until the morning of May 2, 1945. (Macdonald, 1986)

Second, on May 2, 1945 load speakers on trucks began to sound the voice German General Wiedling, ordering all Germans in Berlin to surrender. Leaflets also began to fall on the Tiergaden telling the Germans to surrender which were endorsed by General Wiedling. (Ziemke, 1972)

The Muncheberg division continued to resist with what little means they had left which consisted of five armored vehicles, four field guns, and a few hundred fatigued soldiers. By this time public administration staff and operations in the Fuhrer Bunker ceased to exist.

Many Fuhrer Bunker staff were permitted to leave Berlin on April 29, 1945. On April 30, 1945, following Hitler's death and cremation of remains, the rest of the Bunker staff left or remained under their own accord. The suicide and cremation, prevented the Soviets from capturing a living or dead trophy of Hitler. Some Fuhrer Bunker staff remained in order to care for the wounded who could not be moved, located in near by buildings. (Flaherty, 1982)

The Muncheberg Division was later joined by what was left of the XVIII Mechanized Infantry Division and a decision was made to leave Berlin in order prevent capture. (Ziemke, 1972)
On May 3, 1945, the two German divisions reached Fey Bridge crossing the Havel River, into Spandau district in North West Berlin while fighting several pitch battles while on route to Fey Bridge.

This was the same route which was used by theFuhrer Bunker staff, earlier when they were allowed to leave Berlin by Hitler. On May 3, 1945, hundreds of civilians were attempting to cross the bridge in order escape West.

The bridge came under heavy Soviet fire. A Muncheberg officer made an entry into the record.

The German Officer Recorded:

[The dead are lying all over the bridge, and the wounded, with no one to pick them up. Civilians are trying to cross; they are shot down in rows. Our last armored cars are forcing their way across the bridge through piles of twisted human bodies. The bridge is flooded with blood. The terrible slaughter would not end. The rear guard falls apart. The command crumbles. Our losses are heavy.]

The two divisions did make it across the bridge. The Muncheberg officer made a final entry on May 4, 1945.

The German Officer Recorded:

[ Behind us, Berlin in flames. Russian tanks all around us, and the incessant clatter of machine guns. We meet columns of refugees drifting about lost. They weep and ask for help. We are at the end ourselves. The unit breaks up. We try to go on in small groups.]

After the disintegration of the Muncheberg division, the last large formal body of public administration, near Berlin, under German control, ceased to exist. (Flaherty, 1982)

Midnight, May 8-9, 1945, the bombs stopped falling and shots ceased to be fired as World War Two formally came to an end.

Germany was defeated due to overwhelming external forces which were faced at one time.

from http://www.aryankindred.com/board/thesis.html

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pictures taken just after the end of the fightings


Post by Daniel L » 10 Sep 2002, 16:25

Since it's impossible to view this picture I just wrote the links.

http://macswitch.tripod.com//sitebuilde ... /tier4.jpg
A picture of the tiergarten with the reichstag in the background.

http://macswitch.tripod.com//sitebuilde ... cannon.jpg
Another picture from the tiergarten, a Hetzer, a PaK 43 (?) and an unidentified artillery piece.

http://macswitch.tripod.com//sitebuilde ... /tier6.jpg
Unidentified destroyed vehicle, which must be an schwere Ladungsträger SdKfz. 301 Borgward IV, on Unter den Linden. Photograph pointing east with the Rotes Rathaus visible. On the right one can see the former imperial russian embassy.

http://macswitch.tripod.com//sitebuilde ... /eagle.jpg
Reichskanzli after the fightings ended.

http://macswitch.tripod.com//sitebuilde ... eichch.jpg
Entrance of the Reichskanzli.

all from http://macswitch.tripod.com/berlingermany/

Robert Hurst wrote this on the feldgrau-forum:

...Home Station: Wkr.IV (?)

Formed in the last weeks of the war, this unit was part of Army Group Vistula and fought in the Battle of Berlin. In the period April 23rd-May 3rd, 1945 it was involved in street fighting in the suburbs and city. A panzer unit in name only, Munchberg had only a handful of tanks and barely enough vehicles to transport its wounded; nevertheless, it fought well, largely because of the toughness and personal example of its commander Generalmajor (Major-General)Mummert, who was wounded on May 1st and disappeared in the fighting of May 3rd. Munchberg broke up on May 4th, and its men tried to make their way to the west to surrender to the British and Americans. Only a few made good their escape, however, most fell into Russian captivity...
Last edited by Daniel L on 11 Sep 2002, 01:50, edited 1 time in total.

Davey Boy
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Post by Davey Boy » 10 Sep 2002, 16:26

charlie don't surf,

Nice nick. Very nice. I also like "I love the smell of napalm in the morning". :D

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Interesting diary notes from müncheberg offizier


Post by Daniel L » 10 Sep 2002, 17:24

Interesting notes from a müncheberg officers diary. I've made some notes and I've changed the words at some places because of the babelfish translated it wrongly, there are still lots of errors.

Of the diary of an officer of General Mummert, 57 Armored Body: "24 of April. We are in the Airport of Tempelhof. The Russian artillery goes off of incessant form. Our sector is the D, of defense. Our commander has its rank of command in the building of the Ministry of Air [and] needs reinforcements of infantry and in them they send units of emergency. "Behind our lines, the civil population treats to run away, despite the strong fire from artillery the russians, leading obtains the little who can save. Of time in when, some wounded treat to escape for the rear. The majority, however, is left to be for the fear to fall in the hands of the mobile courts. "the russians open way with flame thrower, until the interior of the buildings. "the shouts of the women and the children are alucinantes. "They are three hours of the afternoon and we have only one set of ten of tanks and one thirty [31?] armored vehicles. Our command seems to be in chain; continuously one receives orders from the Chancellery [reichstag] , requesting the sending of tanks for some another place in danger; they never return. "The force of General Mummert in only keeps them in our ranks. They remain them only vehicles to carry the wounded.
"It is afternoon and our artillery moves for new positions; but they keep the ammunition. For all the part if listening the whistle and the explosions of the ' agencies of Stalin '[Stalin organs?], moans of the wounded, to roar of the engines and the constant to hammer of the machine guns. Clouds of dust and the constant I smell Acre of chlorine and things that ardem. Women die in the street while trying to search water. But also, here and there, women with launch-rojões and sedentas silesianas young of revenge. "the News and rumors to that Wenck if approaches to Berlin; in some of the suburbs of the south already the rumor of its artillery hears. Also one expects that another army of the north arrives in our aid. "They are eight hours of the morning. Russian tanks manned by infantry soldiers had invaded the airport. The fight continues tenaciously."

translated of a portuguese site with babelfish, I forgot the url of the site.

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Many new facts discovered when translating russian text.


Post by Daniel L » 10 Sep 2002, 21:38

I found this page in russian so I translated it with babelfish, after that I've tried to correct as much as possible (a very time consuming task indeed). I have contacted the author and owner of the site, aleksandr, and he is willing to help me out in finding some more information. I will try to correct all untranslated words with some generous help from a russian friend. I don't know what SAU means but I think it means self propelled gun, otherwise it must be armored fighting vehicle. A lot of town and region names have been left due to that I don't know which town they mean- some are corrected. I could need some help with finding out the names of these places. Many names of german commanders are still mysteriously so if anyone discovers who the text actually mean please e-mail me. Note that this text tells of Elefants, Jagdtigers and Sturmtigers involved in the fighting aswell as Waffenträgers with 88mm Pak and sturmpanzers. Also of interest is the use of captured M4 Shermans, P40 and a T-34. I think many of you will find this reading interesting since it tells many new facts about the last chaotic days of the third reich.

While the conducting by Soviet troops of Berlin offensive operation (on 16 April - on 8 May, 1945) the basis of the defended German grouping composed of tank and panzergrenadier (from 1 April, 1945, - tank.- note of aut.) divisions of the Wehrmacht, which were formed or re-formed in February- March of 1945. These divisions and units conducted combat with troops of the Belorussian and the Ukrainian fronts up to the taking of Berlin. Specifically, the tanks of these divisions defended the Reichstag, conducted artillery duels with the Soviet troops in the region of Tiergarten and the Reichskanzli. The German tank units, which defended approaches to Berlin composed of the tank division Müncheberg and the panzergrenadier division Kurmark, 18th panzergrenadier division, the 20th panzergrenadier division and the remainders of the 25th panzergrenadier division.

German organisation reform of 1 April, 1945, did tangle not only Soviet intelligence agencies, but also quite a few German soldiers - to the very end of the war: interrogation of prisoners, daily seized by the scouts troops of the Red Army, reported about number and nature of the actions of their subdivision, but we could not plainly explain in which tank or motorized (panzergrenadier) division that they served.

Besides the heer divisions in the Berlin region there was constantly operating one ss panzergrenadierdivision- Nordland, however, the operationally significant part of tank forces was subordinated to the SS armored corps which consisted of the 9th army of combined arms.

Tank division Müncheberg did begin to be shaped on 5 March, 1945, with the use of materiel and organisational staff structures of the tank battalion of "Kummersdorf". The battalion itself was organized on 16 February, 1945, of one mixed company of "Kummersdorf" and one mixed company of the battalion of "Liebstandarte SS Adolf Hitler". The tank company of "Kummersdorf" consisted of three linear platoons (one Königstiger, one Jagdtiger, four Panthers, two Pzkpw IV, one Pzkpfw III (50mm), one "Nashorn", the conveyer of ammunition on the base of the"Hummel" carriage, armed by that tripled 20- mm "Drilling", two M4 Shermans, the platoon of armored cars (four-axis SdKfz 233 (75- mm), four-axis SdKfz 231 (20- mm gun), biaxial captured armored car, one"Borgward" tankette. In IV s per 20- mm by gun and two "Borgward" with the machine guns. The tank platoon of immobile machines (SAU of "Elefant", Waffenträger Steyr with 88mm gun, the tank of the Italian produced P40(i)).

According to other data on 13 February, 1945, in the tank company of "Kummersdorf" there were four StuG III, three Pzkpfw h V, one Pzkpfw IV/"0 (A), one Pzkpfw IV/70 (A), three Pzkpfw IV, two Jagdpanzer IV, one Pzkpfw III with 50mm gun, one Pzkpfw IV with short-barreled 75mm, one Jagdtiger, one Bergepanther (repair-/ evacuation machine on the base of the Panther). Number of mixed tanks in the company from the tank battalion of "Liebstandarte" is not accurately known to the authors. After the beginning of the formation of the Müncheberg division the battalion "Kummersdorf" was renamed into 1 battalions 29th panzer regiment. According to German data on 25 March into its composition entered 4 companies (3 in the structure of battalion, one was attached additionally, from which 3-4 companies of battalion were organized and equipped on the staffs of heavy tanks), which had in the composition 36 tanks:four Pzkpfw IV Ausf H, 21 Pzkpfw Panther, Six Pzkpfw VI Tiger I, four Pzkpfw VI Königstigers, one Jagdtiger. 10 tanks of Panthers according to the plans of German command entered into the division on 5 April, 1945.

On 7 April, 1945, 1 battalion of the 29th panzer regiment and one company of the 25th panzergrenadier regiment were sent by railroad from Vyunsdorfa (Shunsdorf) to army group "Vistula". By Soviet data on 16 March, 1945, the tank division of Müncheberg consisted of two panzergrenadier regiments, tank battalion and artillery regiment. Division commander was Major General Mummert. The commanders of 1st and 2nd of the panzergrenadier regiments were respectively Major Shtoyber [sic] and Lieutenant Colonel Rodust. The name of the Müncheberg division is borrowed from the region where the division was shaped, it was strictly created on the base of the spare subdivisions of the third military district.

In the beginning of April, without being completely formed (they were absent anti-tank battalion, combat engineer battalion, the self-propelled gun battalion, 13th and 14th companies of grenadier regiments), Müncheberg division was moved into the region west of Küstrin [Kostrzyn], where it replaced parts of 25th panzergrenadier division. On the statements of German prisoners both panzergrenadier regiments were three-battalion units, each battalion consisted of three rifle companies on 60-70 people of personnel, 7-8 light machine guns, 25-30 panzerfausts. the interrogations relieved that there even were one company of heavy weapons 100-130 people, 8 heavy machine guns and 6 81- mm mortars. Artillery of three-divisional composition had new regiment material [sic]. Boyevoy [sic] and strength of division on 1 April, 1945, comprised:5000 people, 150 machine guns, 22 mortars, 12 anti-tank guns, 25 field guns and 45 tanks.

On 20 April, 1945, division was subordinated the kampfgruppe "Eisler" [Eysler], it had a dozen soldiers who acted on foot. This unit was Kampfgruppe at the strength of tank division; however, in the official documents of panzer division Müncheberg primordial it was formed on the organisation of 1945 as full-blooded tank division. Apparently the command of Wehrmacht in the very near future intended to complete this unit of accordingly manning table. However, in spite of its missing parts, Müncheberg panzer division did have a company of Tigers and it was its strength, participating in the combat operations until 2 May, 1945. Thus, already on the 1 May of 1945 5 Tigers conducted combat in the region of Tiergarten. Latter on at the end of the day these machines were destoyed in the region of Brandenburg suburbs.

Panzergrenadier division Kurmark began to be formed on the organisation of an panzergrenadier division of 44 on 30 January, 1945. Accordingly to standard structure this division had to have a battalion of assault guns:three batteries of Jagdpanzer 38 Hetzer and one battery of Jagdpanzer IV/70. Actually for shaping the tank subdivision of the Kurmark 51th tank battalion was used. For its equipment from 23 to 25 January arrived 28 Hetzers. On 2 February, 1945, in the composition of the division was additionally included 1st [or one] battalions of the tank regiment of "Brandenburg", armed with 45 tanks of the type of Panther. According to Soviet data the infantrydivision of Kurmark was converted into panzergrenadier in the city district Müncheberg. Into the composition of division to the middle of April entered motorized [panzergrenadier?] regiment, artillery regiment and tank battalion. From the statements of prisoners, the tank battalion was united with one battalion of armored personell carriers into the tank regiment. Commander of division was Colonel Langkeit. Thus, being called panzergrenadier, the division of Kurmark in composition and number of materiel was actually a tank division. On 26 January into the composition of division was included a Kampfgruppe of two Tiger I which were transmitted from the composition of the Grossdeutschland armored corps.

On 15 March, 1945, in the composition of division counted 30 tanks of Pzkpfw IV (of them 26 workable). Precise data about the presence of Hetzers in the panzergrenadier division Kurmark are absent in german documents. From readings of prisoners interrogations it became known that the quantity of tanks in the division to 14-16 April of 1945 varies in the limits of 40-45 machines, and to the personnel replacement of the division is 1000 people of seamen [schiffstamm].

At the beginning of Berlin operation the division was situated in the reserve in Litsena region (southwest Zelov [Seelow]). Is introduced into the battle on 16 April, 1945, in Dol'gelin. V region the end of April of 1945 The division Kurmark actively conducted combat in the region south of Marksdorf, where it acted with 20 Panthers, and then it fell back to Bukhgol'ts. S by the output of Soviet troops into the regions noy -Mhle, Kinbaum, Khangel'sberg [Königsberg] was created straight/direct threat to all communications of the Frankfurt grouping of German troops. For guaranteeing the integrity of its left flank from noy -Mhle region into the region Fürstenwald was moved the part of the forces of the division Kurmark, which took up defense on the boundary Kümmersdorf, Berlendorf, 2 km of western than Falkenhagen. However, already on 20 April german troops were knocked out from g. Bukhgol'ts and they went away southwards, where the completed combat operations in the strip of responsibility of the Ukrainian Front.

18th panzergrenadier division began to be re-formed on 30 March, 1945 in the region to Eberswald. Its mixed tank battalion did consist of materiel of the tank and panzergrenadier battalions assembled from the remains of the tank divisions of "Khol'shteyn" [?]and Silesia. 1st battalions of the 118th tank regiment of the division it had three tank companies, equipped with the pzkpfw IV, and the battery of the tank destroyers Jagdpanzer IV/70. In the companies of the battery it was 10 tanks. On Soviet intelligence data 118th tank regiment arrived to the front in the region of beeches. German prisoners showed that into the composition of 18th panzergrenadier division entered 51st and 30th regiments of two-battalion composition (in the battalions were three companies, armed by 15 light machine guns and 30 panzerfausts). Commander of 51st regiment Major yokhim [?]. On documents of prisoners from the 18th panzergrenadier division, withdrawn by the Soviet scouts on 21 April, 1944, in Khoyenshteyn region, its established that the composition of 18th panzergrenadier division count 30th and 51st regiments of two-battalion composition, 118th tank regiment (two battalions), 18th artillery regiment (three battalions), 18th anti-tank battalion, 18th signal battalions, 118th recon battalion, zenith [sic] battalion, sanitary company, 18th combat engineer battalion, 118th battalions of armored carriers, repair company, divisional company of protection, company of supply, field pochta [hospital?].

Documentation established that the 18th panzergrenadier division on the 19 April, 1945, was moved from the region to Eberswald into Obersdorf region. On 23 April, 1945, the subunits of 18th panzergrenadier division battled on the approaches to Berlin on the boundary of the eastern outskirts of nider [sic], Shenavel'de [sic], the East outskirts Of Adlerhof. During the same day soviet combat reconnaissance refined the information about the 18th artillery regiment of the division. 18th artillery regiment had three battalions, in each battalion for three batteries:one heavy (105mm of howitzer) and two light batteries 75mm guns. Artillery regiment in combat sustained insignificant losses, that could not be spoken about 51 - m [sic] the panzergrenadier regiment, in companies of which it remained on 8-10 people.

The remainders of 18th panzergrenadier division continued to conduct combat operations in the besieged Berlin. Thus, on 1 May, 1945, 12 105- mm of 18th artillery regiment conducted fire according to the soviet troops from the positions in the region of Zoologischer garten in the center section of Berlin before the complete capitulation of the german troops. 20th panzergrenadierdivision after her crushing defeat on the Sandomir bridgehead was converted into a Kampfgruppe, it acted on right flank of Ukrainian Front. In the middle of March it was brought out into Fürstenwald region, after receiving reinforcement in personnel and technology.

On 15 March, 1945, in the division counted 19 pzkpfw IV (everyone were defective), 21 Jagdpanzer IV/70 (everything running) and three self propelled guns [ZSU] on tank chassis. The division had 76th and 90th panzergrenadier regiments (76th was equipped with armored carriers), 20th artillery regiment, 20th company of protection, 20th anti-tank battalion, 20th signal battalion, 20th combat engineer battalion and other special-subdivisions. Division commander was the lieutenant general of yauer[?], the commander of 90th grenadier regiment was Colonel Shumen. During the course of 12-13 March of 1945 the division was moved into region west of Küstrin (Kostrzyn) city, where it unsuccessfully conducted combat according to clearing of Küstrin (Kostrzyn) garrison during March - the beginning of April of 1945. Since the beginning of the Berlin operation of Soviet troops the division continued to remain in the region indicated.

In combat for Küstrin (Kostrzyn) the 76th grenadier regiment lost 350 people killed and 230 wounded. On 28 March, 1945, the division obtained addition in a quantity of 3500 people (mainly, crew from Fürstenwald). After the beginning of a new Soviet approach the 20th panzergrenadier division conducted defensive actions in the region Of Seelow, Guzov. According to the statements of prisoners on 19 April, 1945, the survivors of the 76th panzergrenadier regiment (100-150 men) defended Obersdorf. 90th regimens was also practically completely destroyed. From the conversations of staff officer prisoners became known that the 20th artillery regiment lost to 70% of materiel, and battalion PTO [SZU-self propeled gun?] lost all weapons. Combat engineer battalion was completely destroyed. The prisoner of the 20th combat engineer battalion, seized on 18 March, 1945, told that the appearance of Russians caused 3-4 companies to scatter. "4 of 14 people was delayed on the road by military police and sent into Gelsdorf region, where the staff was located. When we again saw [the russians] german soldiers left the entrenchments, military police again detained us and sent us to the position in Marksdorf region. There were 17 people headed by a Lieutenant. With the Russian tanks [appaered] all scattered, first to run away was the Lieutenant. I was hidden in one house and on 18 April I was returned into the captivity". Reconbatallion until 16 April counted 80 people and was used as the protection of staff. On 20 April the battalion remained of only 15 people. In the self-propelled units there was a fuel reserve only of 25 km.

By 19 April the staff of the division was located in Khokhengarten [Kochengarten?] city. In the morning on 20 April the sector of the 20th panzer division Müncheberg Etersdorf - Tempelberg cracked a breach. In this breach moving advance detachments of Soviet troops did not meet resistance. The captured radio operator of reconbatallion of the 20th panzergrenadier division showed that the division in its radiograms to regimental commanders required by any price to hold position, and that the response followed by this was: " Large losses, Russians went around our positions, soldiers run, by something to be held". The division commander answered this: "rasstrelivat'!?.

On 10.30 20 April, 1945, a group of german infantry with strength of a battalion of the 20th panzergrenadier division with the support of artillery completed the last attempt to counterattack the forest southwest of Müncheberg and went against the rears of Soviet troops in the region of Egersdorf, but they were completely destroyed. On 24 April, 1945, the 20th panzergrenadier division ceased to exist as combat unit, containing 80% of Volksturm and only 20% of old composition. Tanks and self propelled guns in the division practically did not remain, but personnel acted as infantry.

The panzergrenadier division began to be re-formed on 1 February, 1945, in Küstrin region on the organisation of a panzergrenadier division 44. Scrambled up from the 5th panzer battalion (four-company composition) of the division, 26 Panther V, 10 Jagdpanzer IV/70, two Flakpanzer IV (37 mm) additionally entered 10 additional Panther. Composition of the division: 5th tank battalion, 35th and 119th panzergrenadier regiments, 25th artillery regiment, 125th company of protection, 25th anti-tank battalion, 25th combat engineer battalion, nachrichten battalion and field-engineer subunits. Commander of division was Major General Burmeister, commander 35th panzergrenadier regiment was Lieutenant Colonel Kroll, commander 119th panzergrenadier regiment were Lieutenant Colonel Khuse. Posle reformation 25th panzergrenadier division actively participated in combat on the liquidation of the bridgehead of Soviet troops on the western bank of river Oder. In the course of this for the germans unsuccessful operation 25th panzergrenadier division lost 4000 people of personnel, and obtained addition of approximately 3000 people. On 15 March, 1945, the division did count 30 StuG (everyone running), one Pzkpfw IV , 20 Jagdpanzer IV/70 (A) (of them 19 were running), two self propelled guns and 32 Panthers (of them 30 proper). Besides 5th panzer battalion were of a four-company composition, the assault guns counted also in the anti-tank battalion of the three-battery composition: two batteries of self-propelled guns and one battery on mechanical traction.

With the beginning the approaches of Soviet troops of the part of the division were found in the reserve in the region 1,5 km of western than Vritsen. On the night of 17 April, 1945, 35th panzergrenadier regiment was moved into Vritsen region with the task to by any price hold their position. In spite of powerful equipment, numerous materiel of 25th panzergrenadier division did not participate in combat for Berlin itself and capitulated before the Soviet troops on 2 May 1945. Krome of tank units participating in the defense of Berlin is assumed to have taken the individual brigades of the assault guns. 111th training and 322th brigades of the assault guns (StuG III, Jagdpanzer IV/70 (A) - 16 pieces, obtained on 13 April, 1945) they acted in the Berlin direction in the initial period of Berlin operation, and 243th Stug brigade played the dominant role in an unsuccessful attempt at the break through and reach several units of 12th german army at the aid to the surrounded garrison of Berlin. Its possible that in the defense of Berlin participated 184th ,249th brigades 1170th indipendant StuG battalions, dislocated in Elba [Elbe?] in germany. To khafel'berge [sic].

In the German sources combat activity 322th StuG brigade is outlined only until 31 January, 1945 - time of the reformation of the unit [or division?]. However, in the documents of 3 guard tank army on 12-16 April of 1945 it's repeatedly noted the actions of the assault guns of the enemy belonged to 322th brigade in the sections Gross Brizen, at gubikhen [sic]. A bulk of large tank units in the progress of combat for Berlin was by the german command committed to battle the parts of the very original regular structure. Thus, northeast of Berlin in the section Real'te; Oder - Zonenshtal' [sic] (along the river Alto- Oder) in the middle of April of 1945 held defense the 309th infantry division, into composition of which besides infantry regiment Grossdeutschland 653 also 654th infantry regiment, 309th of field-engineer, 309th of the füsilier battalion served entered also 309th artillery regiment and 309th anti-tank battalion. If the artillery regiments artillery was towed, then 309th anti rank battalion was completely mechanized: 1st batterie had 12 88- mm guns on carriages, 2nd batterie had 10 of the unestablished type (according to the descriptions of prisoners this most likely the waffenträger designed by doctor Ardelt. 3rd batterie had 12 37mm guns on halftracks.

Subsequently the division conducted combat in the region to Eberswald, where it was destroyed as a Kampfgruppe at the end of April of 1945. 20 of April of 1945 it began to be formed into Kampfgruppe Ritter (which on 22 April lead this unit), which consists of the staff 2nd tank battalion 36th panzer regiment, 4th company from 11th of tank regiment, company of armored cars and 614th tank destroyer battery. In the last subdivision it was found four 88mm self-propelled units of "Elefants", two of which were abandoned due to faults in Frankfurt-on- Oder region [?]. The remaining machines conducted combat operations in the suburbs of Berlin in the region of the proving ground at Tsossen city. In the composition of the company was also included a captured soviet T -35 [should it say 34?], which was soon hit. In surrounded Berlin the last two Elefants conducted combat operations with units of the Berlin garrison - over the area Karl -August-Platz and the church SV of trinity. According to others data one Elefant was abandoned in the region of Mittenwald due to faults with the engine. The second Elefant conducted combat operations on the position near Klyayn Kernskhat in road to Lepten [?]. S 20 on 22 April, 1945, from the last entering from the plants tanks was created several panzerjäger-tank destroyer subunits, which operate south of Tsossen city against the attacking Soviet troops of 3rd guard tank army: 2nd battalion 36th tank regiment, 2nd battalion 2nd tank regiment.

Majorities of them entered into the combat group of Colonel Kaether (It oberst Kayetyuer). The 2nd battalion of the 2nd panzer regiment is known: two Panther, two Bergepanther from the composition 2108th panzer battalion, one Panther from the plant of Krupp and 11 Panther obtained from the plants of Daimler- Benz (from mariyenfel'de). Majorities of Panthers entered the battle toward the evening on 22 April, 1945, and 6 in proportion to arrival participated in combat from 23 April, 1945. At this time in Spandau formed the special company of the halftrack armored carriers:one SdKfz 251/3, one SdKfz 251/9, one SdKfz 251/1, four SdKfz 251/1, one SdKfz 251/1, six SdKfz 251/16. The place of its application for the author neizvestno. Hgo- eastern Berlin 25-26 April of 1945 the encirclement of a significant grouping of German troops, including 10-4 tank division SS Frundsberg, the panzergrenadier division of Kurmark ,and also a number of infantry units and units from the Heer. For clearing of the surrounded troops, and over the long term the capital of Germany, German command created grouping of four infantry divisions ,12th army Viennese, moved from the western front: panzer division "Ulrich von Hutten", Polizei Division, Scharnhorst,7th infantry regiment [of the division of?] "Theodor Punch", Polizei Division Friedrich-Ludwig- Jan [?]. This grouping did support 243th Stug brigade (about 20 repaired StuG III and Jagdpanzer IV/70 (A)), and also the grouping of different self propelled guns ( 45 units), attached to the infantry division of "Ulrich von Hutten". Into the composition of this unit entered the separate panzerjäger batteries of Mager and Vulfen , and also several anti-tank subdivisions of the unestablished numeration. Grouping counted 15-20 tank destroyers Jagdpanzer 38 hetzers, 10 Waffenträgers, 12 88- mm pak 43 towed by the armored tractors on the base of captured French armored carriers. In combat of 26-27 April they succeeded in insignificantly making room the Soviet forces of the external front of encirclement (4th guard tank army and 13th army of combined arms) and by the evening of 28 April, 1945, taking the southern part of Brandenburg city.

During 29 30 April, 1945, at the joint of two fronts west Vendish-Bukhgol'ts the surrounded german groups conducted the defense against 3th rifle corps of the 28th army and began to move away on Lukkenval'de on the corridor with a width of 2 km. In the same direction from the west the infantry divisions of 12th German army continued to deliver shocks against the russians. The threat of the connection of two enemy groupings arose. To the outcome on 29 April soviet troops managed by decisive actions stop the advance of the german forces in the region of shperenberg, Kummersdorf (12 km eastern Lukkenval'de). However, already on 30 April german attacks on the internal front were renewed.

Despite the fact that the german parts were dismembered to three different groupings already on 29 April, one of the groups on the night of 1 May managed to open a breach at the front were 13th and 4th guard tank army met in Beelitz region.From here 12th army was separated only 3-4 km however in connection with the introduction of four fresh soviet tank and mechanized brigades by the outcome of day this group was liquidated. To avoid the destruction of the surrounded troops of Berlin, the German plans did not succeed. Moreover, into the captivity was returned the commander of infantry division Friedrich-Ludwig- Jan [?], Colonel Klein and 9 additional german generals. Soviet troops freed the former prime minister of france Herriot from german captivity. Apparently, this operation was depending on the aid of the surrounded Berlin from 12th army [at?] Viennese, whom Hitler thus awaited in the bunker. How see, not dozhdalsya. The defense of the city itself was formed as early as 22 January of 1945 with the creation of the special tank company of Berlin (Panzer-Kompanie (BO) Berlin) of 10 panthers and 12 pzkpfw IV, in which for any reasons were not subject to restoration the engine or undercarriage. Before the threat of possible Soviet approach a similar subdivision by the forced rates was formed to 24 January, 1945. Subsequently this company was intensified by the fixed weapon emplacements (from the undertower box in the form of bunker and tower of the tank of Panther), which were dug in the streets of Berlin and took active part of the defense of the city. On 24 March, 1945, from the units of the Wehrmacht began the formation of combat ersatz- parts from the training subdivisions. They were united according to the territorial regions and had to by the a composition equivalent to tank or panzergrenadier divisions (from 1st April of 1945 this difference was erased. -Note author). On 2 April, 1945, re-formed the 300th training tank battalion (two panthers, one Pzkpfw IV H, three StuG III), 11th training tank battalion (three Pzkpfw II, four Pzkpfw IV, three Panther, two StuG, one Jagdpanzer 38), 500th training tank battalion (four pzkpfw III, one V and 17 Tigers). 11th and 500th battalions were subordinated to the territorial connection of westfahlen. In the composition of the western territorial compound of franken on 2 April, 1945, counted the 7th tank training battalion (one pzkpfw III, one StuG III, four Jagdpanzer 38) and tank training battalion Bergen (18 StuG, two Pzpfw IV, one V). Northeastern connection Ostsee had available the 5th training tank battalion of two platoons: two Panthers in the first platoon, two Jagdpanzer 38 in the second platoon. By April of 1945 formed the territorial tank division Böhmen, in the Soviet documents named by the tank training division of Böhmen [Bogemiya] . It contained of 16 Pzkpfw IV, three stuG III, 12 Jagdpanzer 38 and three sturmpanzer. Tank division of Böhmen was from the moment of its formation attached to the Wehrmacht Führer grenadier panzer division and actively it participated in combat against the parts of 4th guards tank army of Ukrainian Front. On 25 April, 1945, southeast of Berlin into the encirclement fell the large grouping of German troops, in their number there were two divisions named above. Their remainders capitulated before the Soviet troops at the beginning of May of 1945.

click on the link and you will find pictures of this; use the links at the bottom of the page to see some of the pictures which depict:

Müncheberg Tiger at the Reichstag, May of 1945

German tank "panther" (Pzkpfw into Ausf G), curled on the street of Berlin.April of 1945

Königstiger of Müncheberg, destroyed at Potsdamer station in Berlin, May of 1945

StuG 40 on the street of Berlin, May of 1945

Jagdpanzer IV from the tank division Müncheberg destroyed on the approaches to Berlin, April of 1945

German Panther Ausf G from the composition of the kampfgruppe Ritter, hit on the approaches to Berlin, April of 1945

Destroyed Panther in Berlin

About the colour pictures

The Jagdpanzer is from the Müncheberg panzer division
The Waffenträger 88mm Pak was part of the 3. Pz.Jäg.Abt Kampfgruppe von Hutten
The Panther was part of the Kampfgruppe Ritter

all from http://www.ostpanzer.boom.ru/Berlin.html
Last edited by Daniel L on 13 Sep 2002, 20:29, edited 1 time in total.

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