Sobibor staff

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Post by Ryan81 » 24 Sep 2007, 19:19

A great link to the fate of some of the Sobibor guards:

One in particular stood out for me as a particularly disgusting individual, Josef Hirtreiter. Luckily, he didn't escape justice and spent the rest of his miserable life in prison.

Also, I've been trying to find out about a guard in Sobibor and Treblinka who was an SS-Scharfürer, surname Schemmel. In Raul Hilberg's great book, his name is spelled Schemmerl (and I don't think his first name was listed) and so until now I couldn't find anything about him. His real name was Ernst Schemmel and he died in 1943 in Dresden.

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Post by marcWolf » 15 Oct 2007, 02:26

Schemmel worked too in Sonnestein


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Re: My Research


Post by ansata1976 » 25 Jul 2009, 22:24

Schmauser wrote:ok guys lets try and work this out, i'm posting below all of the known SS Guards who worked at Sobibor and i'll include their fates, If you contribute aswell maybe we can work out who was killed during the revolt and who survived.

SS Commandants : None of the Commandants were killed during the revolt but all were killed and died none the less. Stangl died awaiting trial on the 28th June 1971, Thomalla was Executed by the Soviets on the 12th July 1945 & Reichleitner was Assassinated by Italian Partisans on the 3rd January 1944.

SS Guards : Eleven SS Guards were killed and yet more names keep croping up. Several are undoubtably correct, Niemann, Wolf, Beckmann, Vallaster, Ryba & Steffl are names I have found on more than one web page.

SS Unterscharführer Walter Ryba (I believe Ryba was the first to be killed)

SS Untersturmführer Josef Niemann (There is no doubt that Niemann was killed)

SS Scharführer Siegfried Greischutz (Greischutz's name is spelt differently but the is no doubt he was killed)

SS Unterscharführer Josef Wolf (There was now doubt that Josef Wolf was killed and that his brother survived)

SS Oberscharführer Kurt - Rudolf Beckmann (There is no doubt that Beckmann was killed)

SS Scharführer Josef Vallaster (There is no doubt that Vallaster was killed)

SS Scharführer Friedrich Gaulstich (Gaulstich's name is spelt differently but the is no doubt he was killed)

SS Unterscharführer Thomas Steffl (There is no doubt that Steffl was killed)

SS Rottenführer Karl Steubel (I have found Steubels name on only one web page and i'm not entirely sure about him)

SS Untercharführer Fritz Konrad (I'm not too sure about Konrad)

SS Obercharführer Maximilian Bree (According to a link I found Bree was killed)

SS Obercharführer Anton Nowak (According to member Thomas, Nowak was killed in the revolt, but I haven't found any proof of this anywhere on the net)

Now that is twelve names so one of them was alive and kicking after the revolt

Ukrainian SS Guards : Since ony two Ukrainian guards were killed, and yet I have found three names, I believe Schreiber and Klat to be the two names that are correct.

SS Wachmann Klaus Schreiber (According to member Thomas, Schreiber was killed, isntead of Albert Kaiser who I found from a link)

SS Wachmann Josef Klat (Klat was killed however his christian name is in doubt, it was either Josef or Ivan)

SS Wachmann Albert Kaiser (I have found a link saying he was killed, however i'm not too sure)

Others who served at Sobibor : Several others were wounded and many on my list were transfered before the revolt happened, so I'm only going to include those who were present at the time it happened.

SS Obercharführer Werner Dubious (Dubious was severly wounded but survived the war and was sentenced by a West German court)

SS Obercharführer Hermann Michel (Michel was Arrested by GI's but was released early and dissapeared)

SS Oberwachmeister Arthur Daschel (Daschel Dissapeared in 1945)

SS Obercharführer Kurt Bolender (Committed Suicide in Prison in December 1965)

SS Obercharführer Karl Frenzel (Sentenced to Life Imprisonment)

SS Obercharführer Erich Bauer (Died in Prison in 1980)

I am thinking since Thomas has written proof of the names he listed, that those names are correct, so Instead of Max Bree, I'm thinking Anton Nowak is more correct and Instead of Albert Kaiser, Klaus Schreiber is the right one. However Thomas's list is missing one name. That name is the other one I'm not sure about which is Karl Steubel. I'm not sure about Researchers two SS Guards, maybe they were from the Treblinka camp, as it is possible to get the two mixed up, such as Herbert Floss, he was a guard at Treblinka and was killed after the Treblinka Uprising, and had nothing to do with the Sobibor Revolt. Hope you all agree with me.

~Regards Schmauser
more men serving in Sobibor:

Karl Steubl 25.5.1910 in Linz- Suicide 21.09.1945 in Linz
SS-Oberscharführer in Sobibor, before in Hartheim

Ernst Stengelin killed during the revolt in Sobibor 14.10.1943
before in Grafeneck and Hartheim

Rudolf Seifert 29.07.1913 in Leipzig-?
First Sonnenstein,then Sobibor,1944 in Berlin

Erich Schulz 03.09.1902 in Berlin-Adlershof-?
First Grafeneck,Hartheim and Sonnenstein,then Sobibor,missed after 1945

Hans-Heinz Schütt 06.04.1908 in Dummersdorf near Lübeck
SS Sturmbann II/6 Berlin,
First Grafeneck and Hadamar
20.12.1966 Sobibor trial in Hagen:acquittal

Karl Schiffner 04.07.1901 in Weißkirchen-?
First Sonnenstein,then SS-Unterscharführer in Sobibor;after 1945 employee in Salzburg

Herbert Scharfe 13.02.1913-?
First Sonnenstein,then Sobibor

Franz Rum 08.06.1890 in Berlin
First Treblinka 1942-1943,then a short time Sobibor,after 1945 waiter
03.09.1965 Treblinka trial in Dusseldorf: 3 years imprisonment

Paul Rost 12.06.1904 in Deutschenbora-21.03.1984 in Dresden
1925 policeman
First Hartheim and Sonnenstein,since march 1942 Sobibor,march 1943 Treblinka
After 1946 living in Dresden

Radgen/maybe spelling Radtke or Ratgen
Cremation section Sobibor
killed during the revolt in Sobibor 14.10.1943

Walter Nowak 12.05.1912 in Janow
First Sonnenstein,then Sobibor
killed during the revolt in Sobibor 14.10.1943

Werner Mauersberger 15.05.1915 in Meldenau-?
First Grafeneck,Hadamar and Sonnenstein,then Sobibor

Karl Ludwig 23.05.1906 in ?-?
First Grafeneck and Hadamar,then SS-Scharführer in Sobibor and Treblinka
a)killed in Triest 1944 or b) survived the war

Rudi Lindner ?-?
First Hadamar,then Sobibor

Emil Fritz Zaspel 31.10.1907 in Waldheim-?
First Sonnenstein,then Sobibor

Hans Zänker 16.04.1920-?
First Sonnenstein and Hartheim,then Belzec,Treblinka and Sobibor

Franz Wolf 09.04.1907 in Krummau-?
First Hadamar,since 1943 Sobibor
20.12.1966 Sobibor trial in Hagen:8 years imprisonment

Willi Wendland ?-?
First Sonnenstein,then Sobibor

Arthur Walther 22.10.1907 in Reichstein-?
First Sonnenstein and Hartheim,then Sobibor
1946 in Hamburg

Kurt Vey 27.09 1897-?
First Sonnenstein,then Sobibor and Belzec
Gley said,that he was killed in Italy

Martin Thomas ?-?
First Hadamar and Sonnenstein,then Sobibor

Heinrich Barbel 03.03.1900 in Sarleinsbach-?
First Grafeneck and Hartheim,since 1941 SS-Rottenführer in Belzec and Sobibor
After 1945 in Linz

Ernst Bauch 30.04.1911-End 1942 in Berlin(drowned in the Spree)
SS-Unterscharführer in Sobibor

Werner Becher 26.04.1912 in Aue-29.11.1977
1942 in Sobibor,1943 in Italy

Max Beulich 09.03.1905 in Sornzig-?
First Sonnenstein,then Sobibor

Kurt Blaurock 25.01.1897in Kleinbauchlitz-?
First Sonnenstein,then 1943 in Sobibor

Gerhardt Börner 28.10.1905 in Dresden-?
First Sonnenstein,then SS-Untersturmführer in Sobibor,1943 Aktion Reinhard Trieste

Arthur Dachsel 11.03.1898 -10.11.1958
First Sonnenstein,then Sobibor and Belzec

Erich Dietze 02.11.1915 in Chemnitz-?
First hospital Arndorf,then Sonnenstein and Sobibor

Josef Falkner 28.07.1903 in Oberkappel
First Hartheim,then Sobibor
killed during the revolt in Sobibor 14.10.1943

Herbert Floss 25.08.1912 in Reinholdshain-25.10.1943(was killed by ukrainian guards)
First Grafeneck,Hadamar and Bernburg,then SS-Oberscharführer in Belzec,Treblinka and Sobibor

Alfred Forker 31.07.1901-?
First Sonnenstein,then Treblinka and Sobibor

Erich Fuchs 09.04.1902 in Berlin-?
First Brandeburg and Bernburg,then 1941 Belzec,then Sobibor and Treblinka
1965 in the Sobibor trial in Hagen:4 years imprisonment

Anton Getzinger 24.11.1910 in Oeblarn-13.09.1943(handling with with a hand grenade)
Driver in Hartheim,then Sobibor

Hubert Gomerski 11.11.1911 in Schweinheim-?
1940 Grafeneck,Brandenburg,Hartheim,Hadamar,then SS-Unterscharführer in Sobibor
25.08.1950 in Frankfurt Sobibor trial:sentenced to life imprisonment

Siegfried Grätschus 09.06.1916 in Tilsit
First Grafeneck,Brandenburg and Bernburg,1941 Belzec,then Sobibor
killed during the revolt in Sobibor 14.10.1943

Ferdinand Grömer 07.04.1903-?
First Hartheim,then Sobibor
died in Austria after 1963

Paul Groth 21.01.1918-?
First Hartheim,then Belzec and Sobibor

Franz Hödl 01.08.1905 in Aschach-?
Driver in Grafeneck,Hartheim,then Treblinka,SS-Scharführer in Sobibor
1947 sentenced to 3 years in prison in Linz

Otto Horn 14.12.1903-?
First Arnsdorf,Sonnenstein,then Treblinka and Sobibor
03.09.1965 Treblinka trial: acquittal

Alfred Ittner 13.01.1907 in Kulmbach-03.11.1976 in Kulmbach
1941 SS-Oberscharführer in Sobibor
20.12.1966 Sobibor trial in Hagen:sentenced to 4 years in prison

Rudi Kamm ?-?
First Sonnenstein,SS-Unterscharführer in Belzec and Sobibor,then Partisan fight in Italy

Johann Klier 15.07.1901 in Steinach-18.02.1955 in Frankfurt/Main
First Hadamar,Unterscharführer in Sobibor

Fritz Konrad 21.09.1914 in Gudellen
Since 1940 in Grafeneck and Sobibor
killed during the revolt in Sobibor 14.10.1943

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Re: Sobibor


Post by ansata1976 » 01 Aug 2009, 14:34

Partial list of the Ukrainian guards

Prepared on the basis Of Thomas (Toivi) Blatt's book: "Sobibór- the Forgotten Revolt")

Białowąs Jan
Bielakow B. - sentenced to death and executed in the USSR
Brandecki Feliks
Bodessa, [ ]
Dalke Heinrich
Danylczenko Ignac - sentenced to imprisonment in the USSR
Demjaniuk Iwan
Duda Włodzimierz
Dudko Michał
Engelhard Jakow
Hetmaniec Wasyl - transferred as a cleaner at the time of closing down the camp
Hotorowicz Jan
Jaryniuk Iwan
Kaiser Aleksy - also worked as a translator
Kisilew Wiktor
Klatt Iwan
Koszewadzki Wołodia - deserted from Sobibór
Kostenkow Emil
Kozaczuk Piotr
Krupa [ ]
Libodenko [ ]
Malinowski [ ]
Matwijenko M. - sentenced for imprisonment in the USSR
Maurer [ ]
Nijako Wasyl
Nikifor Iwan - sentenced to death and executed in the USSR
Pankow Anatoli
Podienko W - sentenced to death and executed in the USSR
Schreiber Klans
Schultz Emanuel
Szpilny Heinrich
Tichonowsiki Fiedor - sentenced to death and executed in the USSR
Zajcew J - sentenced to death and executed in the USSR
Zischer Emil

Non-commissioned German officers - partial list

(made on the basis of Thomas (Toivi) Blatt's "Sobibór - the Forgotten Revolt")
1. Barbel Heinrich - SS-Rottenfuhrer
2. Bauel Ernst - SS-Scharfuhrer
3. Bauer Erich - SS_Oberscharfuhrer, Lager III
4. Becher Werner - SS-Unterscharfuhrer
5. Beckman Rudolf - SS-Oberscharfuhrer, Lager II
6. Bolender Kurt - SS-Oberscharfuhrer, Lager III
7. Bredow Paul - SS-Scharfuhrer
8. Dachsel Artur - SS-Scharfuhrer, Lager IV
9. Dubois Werner - SS-Oberscharfuhrer, weaponry
10. Eberl Irmfried - later - commandant in the Treblinka death camp
11. Fettke Erich - valuables transfer
12. Floss Herbert - SS-Scharfuhrer
13. Franz Karl - SS-Oberscharfuhrer
14. Frenzel Karl - SS-Oberscharfuhrer, Lager I
15. Fuchs Erich - SS-Scharfuhrer
16. Gaulstich Friedrich - SS-Unterscharfuhrer
17. Girtzig Hans - SS-Scharfuhrer
18. Gomerski Hubert - SS_Oberscharfuhrer, Lager III
19. Gotzinger Anton - SS-Oberscharfuhrer, Lager III
20. Graetschus Siegfried - SS-Oberscharfuhrer, chief of the guards
21. Gromer Jozef (Ferdl) - SS-Scharfuhrer, Lager III
22. Groth Paul - SS-Unterscharfuhrer, Lager II
23. Hackenhot Lorenz - construction of the gas chambers
24. Hanler Willi - SS-Oberscharfuhrer
25. Hering Gottlieb - involved in building the Sobibór camp
26. Herman Erwin - SS-Scharfuhrer
27. Hirtreiter Josef - SS-Scharfuhrer
28. Hodl Franz - SS-Unterscharfuhrer
29. Ittner Alfred - SS-Oberscharfuhrer, Lager III
30. Juhrs Robert - SS-Unterscharfuhrer
31. Kaiser Aleksy - SS-Oberscharfuhrer
32. Kallmayer Helmut - chemist - the installation of the gas chambers
33. Klier Johann - SS-Unterscharfuhrer
34. Konrad Josef - SS-Scharfuhrer
35. Lachmann Erich - SS-Scharfuhrer, chief of the guards
36. Lambert Erwin - the gas chamber's builder
37. Ludwig Karl Emil - SS-Scharfuhrer
38. Matzig Willi - SS-Scharfuhrer
39. Michalsen Georg - SS-Scharfuhrer
40. Michel Hermann - SS-Oberscharfuhrer, Lager II
41. Muller Karl - SS-Scharfuhrer
42. Nowak Anton - SS-Scharfuhrer
43. Potzinger Karl - SS-Scharfuhrer
44. Rewald Fritz - SS-Scharfuhrer
45. Richter Kurt - SS-Scharfuhrer, a German cook
46. Rost Paul - SS-Scharfuhrer
47. Ryba Walter - SS-Unterscharfuhrer
48. Schafer Herbert - SS-Scharfuhrer, chief of the guards
49. Schiffner Karl - SS-Scharfuhrer
50. Schutt Heinz-Hans - SS-Scharfuhrer
51. Steubel Karl - SS-Scharfuhrer
52. Schumacher Ernst - SS-Unterscharfuhrer
53. Unverhau Heinrich - SS-Oberscharfuhrer
54. Vallaster Erich Josef - SS-Scharfuhrer
55. Wagner Gustaw - SS_Oberscharfuhrer, staff sergeant
56. Weiss Bruno - SS-Scharfuhrer, Lager III
57. Wendland Willi - SS-Scharfuhrer
58. Werner Kurt - SS-Scharfuhrer
59. Wolf Franz - SS-Scharfuhrer, Lager II
60. Wolf Jozef - SS-Scharfuhrer, Lager II
61. Zierke Ernst - SS-Unterscharfuhrer

The revolt - the outcome

The outcome of the revolt (approximately):
- the number of escapees - 320
- the number of those captured or killed during a few-day-long dragnet - 80
- the number of the prisoners who left behind in the camp - 86
- the number of prisoners who died during the revolt and on mine fields - 95
- the number of the prisoners murdered while in hiding in forests in various circumstances - 187
- the number of the prisoners who survived up till 1945 - 53, 3 out of whom (including one of the revolt leaders) were killed after the war

The revolt - losses on the German side
The number of:
a) Germans who were killed - 10
b) volksdeutsches who got killed - 3
c) Germans wounded in the revolt - 1
d) Ukrainians who were killed - 9
e) Ukrainians who were wounded - about 20
f) Ukrainians who went missing - (probably deserted) - 28
Excerpt from Thomas Blatt's memoirs

source: ... /oboz.html

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Re: Sobibor


Post by ansata1976 » 29 Aug 2009, 16:42

Bios and photos[
GRAETSCHUS, Siegfried.jpg
GRAETSCHUS, Siegfried 09/06/1916 - 14/10/1943 Born in Tilsit (East Prussia).
GRAETSCHUS, Siegfried.jpg (3.05 KiB) Viewed 4297 times
Herbert Floss.jpg
FLOSS, Herbert 25/08/1912 - 22/10/1943 Born in Reinholdshain
Herbert Floss.jpg (3.23 KiB) Viewed 4297 times
Rudolf Beckmann.jpg
BECKMANN, Rudolf 20/02/? - 14/10/1943 Born in Osnabrück
Rudolf Beckmann.jpg (2.61 KiB) Viewed 4297 times

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Re: Sobibor


Post by ansata1976 » 29 Aug 2009, 16:55

Anton Novak.jpg
NOVAK, Anton 12/05/1912 - 14/10/1943 Born in Janow
Anton Novak.jpg (4.54 KiB) Viewed 4294 times
Johann Niemann.jpg
NIEMANN, Johann 04/08/1913 - 14/10/1943 Born in Völlen
Johann Niemann.jpg (2.06 KiB) Viewed 4294 times
Fritz Konrad.jpg
KONRAD, Fritz 21/09/1914 - 14/10/1943 Born in Gudellen
Fritz Konrad.jpg (2.64 KiB) Viewed 4294 times

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Re: Sobibor


Post by ansata1976 » 29 Aug 2009, 17:08

josef vallaster.jpg
VALLASTER, Josef 05/02/1910 - 14/10/1943 Born in Silbertal (Austria).
josef vallaster.jpg (10.4 KiB) Viewed 4293 times
Ernst Stengelin.jpg
STENGELIN, Ernst 10/08/1911 - 14/10/1943 Born in Tuttlingen
Ernst Stengelin.jpg (1.96 KiB) Viewed 4293 times
Last edited by ansata1976 on 29 Aug 2009, 17:18, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Sobibor


Post by ansata1976 » 29 Aug 2009, 17:16

Could not get photos of:

RYBA, Walter 18/07/1900 - 14/10/1943 Born in Heydebreck / Kosel !!!!!!
STEFFEL, Thomas ?/?/? - 14/10/1943 Born in Krummau (Czechoslovakia).!!!!!
WOLF, Josef SS-Scharführer 18/04/1900 - 14/10/1943 Born in Krummau (Czechoslovakia).?????
BREE, Max ?/?/? - 14/10/1943 Born in Lübben (Spreewald).!!!!!!
Josef Falkner
Radgen/maybe spelling Radtke or Ratgen

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Re: Sobibor


Post by Sophie » 19 Jun 2010, 13:16


Josef Konrad and Fritz Konrad is one and the same person as this source is correct


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Re: Sobibor staff


Post by ansata1976 » 07 Nov 2020, 04:29

Killed 14.10.1943 in Sobibór during the uprising:
SS-Unterscharführer Josef Wolf (18.04.1900 in Krummau) Worked at the Textile Sorting and Hair-cutting area
SS-Untersturmführer Siegfried Graetschus (09.06.1916 in Tilsit) Chief of the Ukrainian SS Wachmann
SS-Untersturmführer Johann Niemann (04.08.1913 in Völlen) Deputy Commandant
SS-Oberscharführer Rudolf Beckmann (20.02.1910 in Osnabrück) chief of Lager III
SS-Unterscharführer Ernst Stengelin (10.08.1911 in Tuttlingen)
SS-Scharführer Josef Vallaster (05.02.1910 in Silbertal) Supervisor of the Clothing area at Lager II
SS-Scharführer Fritz Konrad (21.09.1914 in Gudellen)
SS-Unterscharführer Walter Ryba aka Walter Hochberg (18.07.1900 in Heydebreck) Supervisor of the Workshops
SS-Oberscharführer Max Bree (1914 in Lübben/Spreewald) Chief of Lager IV
SS-Oberscharführer Anton Julius Novak (12.05.1912 in Janow)
SS-Scharführer Thomas Steffl (17.09.1909 in Rojově) Supervisor of the SS Armoury at the Vorlager
SS-Scharführer Friedrich Gaulstich or Friedrich Paul Stich (?) Supervisor of the Workshops
SS-Wachobermann Iwan Josef Klatt (volksdeutsch)
SS-Wachmann Klaus Schreiber (?)(volksdeutsch)
SS-Wachmann Albert Kaiser (?) (volksdeutsch)

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Re: Sobibor staff


Post by ansata1976 » 07 Nov 2020, 04:32

Wasyl Bialakow (?) sentenced to death and executed in the USSR
Ignat Danylchenko or Danilchenko (1923 in Grechino) - sentenced to imprisonment in the USSR (died 1985 in Tobolsk)
Nikolay Matwijenko (?) sentenced for imprisonment in the USSR
Ivan Nikoforov (?) sentenced to death and executed in the USSR
Wasyl Podienko (?) sentenced to death and executed in the USSR
Emanuel Genrikhov Schultz (?) sentenced to death and executed in the USSR
Fiodor Tichonowski (?) sentenced to death and executed in the USSR
Iwan Zajczew (?) sentenced to death and executed in the USSR

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Re: Sobibor staff


Post by ansata1976 » 07 Nov 2020, 04:38

Some guards were tried in the Soviet Union:
B. Bielakow, M. Matwiejenko, J. Nikifor, W. Podienka, F. Tichonowski and J. Zajcew were found guilty and executed for their part in the Sobibor crimes. In April, l963 at a court in Kiev where Sasha Pechersky was the chief prosecution witness, ten former Ukrainian guards were found guilty and executed and one was sentenced to fifteen years imprisonment. In a third trial in Kiev held in June, 1965 another three former Ukrainian guards of Belzec and Sobibor were sentenced to death.

I am interested in more information (date and place of birth, date and place of trial, fate...).

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