Why wasn't Auschwitz bombed?

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Re: Why wasn't Auschwitz bombed?


Post by Terry Duncan » 31 May 2013, 19:22

Second, because of the good old military rule "there are no civilians on the battlefield", or more generally, during war military goals should always have higher priority than any others.
This is the key point. If there had been no important military targets to attack, if there had been no support operations for allied troop formations in order to lessen their casualties, and if there had been a spare air force available with pilots good enough to not just carpet bomb the entire area, then it might have been worth asking for volunteers. If Auschwitz had been nearer the allied lines or smaller then a raid like the Amiens prison raid might have been possible, but against a camp complex as large as at Auschwitz it wouldnt do much at all.

There was a war that took up all available resources as it was, with many possible missions having to be passed over for more pressing ones, it was just not a major priority for military planners. War is not a humanitarian operation and although bombing Auschwitz looks a nice idea now, at the time there was just so much more to do that offered greater gains as they were seen at that time.

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Re: Why wasn't Auschwitz bombed?


Post by kolibri282 » 31 May 2013, 20:48

[quote]Second, because of the good old military rule "there are no civilians on the battlefield", or more generally, during war military goals should always have higher priority than any others.[quote]

That says everything we need to know or at least all I need to know. We can keep looking for reasons not to bomb the camp ,but those few words sum it up. Whether it was a good or bad thing that happened it is up to the individual to decide.
Birkenau was not important enough to justify diverting resources to bomb and it would have been useless even if we had.
Putting it in such simple form with hindsight sounds extremely unpalatable.

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Re: Why wasn't Auschwitz bombed?


Post by Terry Duncan » 31 May 2013, 21:17

Putting it in such simple form with hindsight sounds extremely unpalatable.
War often is. As a commander your job is to ensure your men take as few casualties as possible, then to ensure other units of your armed forces also suffer a few losses as possible, in that you do not risk their lives on a task that will not help defeat the enemy or shorten the war. Bombing Auschwitz would not have shortened the war at all, but bombing a vital installation elsewhere may have done, therefore the target was obvious. With hindsight it could be argued that bombing Auschwitz would have impacted on the ability of Germany to continue the fight, but at the time there was no such obvious benefit given what was known then.

What we know now is a lot different to what was certain at the time, and that is all the operations planners could work with when deciding what to do. There would also be the problem of what a lot of stray bombs into a packed camp would do, almost certainly a huge death toll that would be seized upon for propaganda not to mention provide those with certain ideals excuses that their idols had not been killing people in such camps as we see all too often anyhow.

What would be more useful would be to see just how possible it was to bomb the camps accurately, similar to the Amiens raid, and what the projected losses would be for such an attack.

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Re: Why wasn't Auschwitz bombed?


Post by Trackhead M2 » 31 May 2013, 21:33

[quote="Terry Duncan"]
As a commander your job is to ensure your men take as few casualties as possible, then to ensure other units of your armed forces also suffer a few losses as possible, in that you do not risk their lives on a task that will not help defeat the enemy or shorten the war.
Dear TD,
I heard Zhukov say something kind of different about losses: he was explaining about how the Red Army approached a mine field. They wouldn't bring up engineers to clear the field. They would proceed through it and treat the losses as the same if the enemy was actively defending the field with troops. Eastern philosophy, I guess.
Strike Swiftly,

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Re: Why wasn't Auschwitz bombed?


Post by wm » 31 May 2013, 22:23

I wouldn't say it was impossible. I was certainly doable, and it could be done cheaply.
But those people in Washington didn't have have the knowledge to realize that, didn't ask for any additional information because assumed they had all the relevant information at their disposal already, and more importantly creative and unorthodox thinking was needed - but the military bureaucracy has always problem with that.

In fact the letter of Rabbi Michael Ber Weissmandl sent to Geneva on May 15th, 1944 - early enough to save lives if heeded - contained all the information needed but it traveled to Washington painfully slow:

With Gods help

Felicitations and greetings:

We hereby send you a special message to inform you:

(a) That as of yesterday they began to deport Jews from Hungary east of the River Theis, meaning the state of Zebenbirgen, Carpathian Russia, and the Kashoy District. This is the first part of the deportation of all Jews of Hungary—and the first part has come to 320,000 persons god will protect and save them.

(b) Twelve thousand people are deported every day, 65 to 70 people standing in every car, with neither bread nor water, unable to keep themselves clean, and sealed in—even the windows being sealed.

(c) And four transports of 45 cars such as these go out each day so that in 25 or 26 days all of this area will be deported.

(d) These are the transports that are setting out from Tshaff (near Ungver) via Kashoy, Presau, Erlov, and Mussina to Auschwitz (Oswiecim).

(e) They reach Auschwitz after a trip of two or three days, without air, food, water, and sanitation, their bodies pressed together and standing in such a way that many die on the way. The survivors are made to undress totally and are pushed into large chambers and halls. Through deceit and ruses, they are taken there to be murdered, and they are suffocated by use of cyanide vapor—2,000 people in each and every chamber, each and every day.

(f) According to several witnesses, there were four such chambers—and according to rumor, several more have been added since.

(g) The corpses are incinerated in specially designated crematoria. Each crematorium burns approximately twelve corpses per hour. As of the end of February, it is clear that there were 36 such crematoria, and according to rumor more have been added.

(h) Before, they strangled and incinerate [people] in the Brzezinski (Birkenwald) forest near Auschwitz, and now they strangle and incinerat [people] in strangulation and incineration chambers in Birkenau—as noted above in the sketch.

(i) The only ones they leave alive are a few exceptionally strong people for labor: arranging the clothing and belongings of the murdered people, searching through clothing and items for hidden valuables, working in the killing facilities and incinerating the bodies, and other hazardous tasks for the war effort that are performed there.

(j) Those left alive are marked with tattooed numbers on their forearms and a Star of David burned into their chest. A large majority of them die and are killed within a few weeks or months and are replaced by new people. Those who are led from the train straight to the suffocation chambers are not marked; there is no evidence [of what happens to them], and they account for some 95 percent of each and every transport.

(k) Back in December and January they built a special railroad track to the suffocation and incineration chambers for the new task of killing the Jews of Hungary. (Trustworthy people in the inferno, where the matters are discussed without any shame and inhibition, recounted this without any concern that outsiders would hear, just as the angels of destruction do not fear in real hell that earthly people will see what is being done there.)

(l) Several months ago, there were two additional extermination centers such as Auschwitz in Poland, one in Malkinia-Treblinka, near Bialystok, and the other at Belzec, on the River Bug. In Belzec for sure, and also in Malkinia according to rumor, the Germans already razed the facilities to the ground without leaving even the slightest trace by means of large bombs for five days as the front approached. They will surely do the same in Auschwitz when the time comes. In Malkinia, it is clear that 25,000 to 30,000 people were killed every day; in Belzec we have no firm knowledge. From Malkinia they already sent an eyewitness account to Switzerland about a year ago, and the witness's testimony was taken in a full-fledged investigation and probe by a three-member court. There were three witnesses in this case—two Jews and one non-Jew who witnessed this transport to Malkinia. From Belzec, too, we have already sent on some hearsay testimony and have done so several times from Auschwitz. Thus we send these two testimonies, one from a non-Jew, a Polish farmer who spent approximately eighteen months there, and the other from two Jews who escaped from there.

This is the regime of Auschwitz, to which the transports began yesterday—12,000 Jews, men, women, children, and the elderly, ill and healthy, each and every day, to be suffocated, incinerated, and used as fertilizer in the fields. In view of them, why are you, fellow Jews and government ministers in all the free countries, being silent about this slaughter, in which some six million Jews have been murdered thus far, and in which tens of thousands are now being murdered every day? In their desolation they cry out to you, the Jews who are being killed should be on your conscience, you brutes, you murderers, because of the brutal silence that you maintain as you twiddle your thumbs. Does it not give you satisfaction to refuse—and procrastinate—at this very time? Therefore, with the blood of the millions, and the tears of the many thousands, we ask, plead, and demand that the following actions be taken at once:

(a) Ministers in all countries, belligerents and non-belligerents, must issue immediately, loudly, and ringingly, so the entire world will hear, the gravest of warnings to the entire German people, and now, the entire Hungarian people, lest they continue to perpetrate this murder—and they must proclaim widely that they are aware of everything that has been and is being done.

(b) The Pope, in particular, should threaten and terrify the leaders and people of Hungary in this matter.

(c) To publicize widely, for days and weeks, over all radio stations and throughout the press—at least as vigorously as the Germans did in disseminating the falsehood concerning Katyn—the actions taken at Belzec, Malkinia, and Auschwitz. Have we not sent you these accounts? Spread this information vehemently and mightily.

(d) Persuade the International Red Cross to warn the Germans at once that, if they do not let the International Red Cross subject the camp of Auschwitz and Birkenau to constant inspection for eight days, on behalf of the Hungarian Jews who are being sent there, Germany will be expelled from the International Red Cross. (Perhaps this will prompt the Germans, in their fashion, to destroy the suffocation and incineration chambers and to stage a Potemkin action for a few days. That would be fine indeed; if only they would do it.)

(e) Subject the extermination facilities at Auschwitz to aerial bombardment. They are plainly visible, as noted in the attached sketch. This would deal the villains a serious setback because only in this clandestine manner can they go on killing.

(f) It is even more necessary to bombard all roads steadily and systematically—especially those from eastern Hungary to Poland and from Hungary to Germany, foremost that leading from Tshaff via Kashoy, Presau, and Medzilabarze.

(g) To bombard steadily and systematically the bridges and stations of Carpathian Russia in general, especially Kashoy, Tshaff, Presau, and Medzilabarze. Tens of thousands of soldiers are also led down the roads in these areas, each and every day, straight from Poland to Romania and back.

We make you swear that you will not procrastinate even for one moment, that you will immediately take notice and make an effort to have the requests in paragraphs f and g and in paragraph e honored at once. Drop everything else you are doing to take this action. Bear in mind that one day of inaction kills 12,000 people, and have everything required in paragraphs a-e done as well—do not waste even one moment.

Whatever you do in this regard, we warn you in every way not to mention, in all the accounts we have sent you, the name of any Jew, living or dead, whose name appears in the testimony that was taken. If he is alive, do not mention him because they will kill him at once. If he is dead, do not mention him because they will kill his family. Do not mention, when taking testimony of Jews in Auschwitz who escape, from what country they had been deported, when they were deported, and when they escaped. [This secrecy is needed] to make it impossible to take revenge against their families or against all Jews in their country who remain alive. Place all of these Jews' testimony in the mouths of the non-Jew who also escaped. Do not even mention the numbers of the Jews. Be very, very careful about this. Heaven forbid that you violate this instruction or speak about them in a way that reveals the country or the source of your information. Just put it all in the mouth of the non-Jew; attribute everything to him. After all, we have already overpaid our taxes in blood — and we are sending you this information to effect a cure, not to aggravate the illness.

Apart from all this, you must send money—thousands and thousands—for the following vital purposes:

(a) For bribes, because many wish to help at the present time if they get some money that they can use to save themselves when their time of affliction comes. For example, this money would be useful when the transports in Hungary are somewhat impeded by bombing the railroads, for this would make the postponement practical. In any case, the money would have the effect of slowing the speed and celerity [of the transports].

Bear in mind that when Hungary was first occupied, the brutes negotiated with the Jews to delay the deportations for reason of sheer greed. They asked for sixty million and we had only two. This infuriated them—and several responsible people believe that the rage currently being vented there traces to that source.

(b) Money makes it possible to save many thousands by means of false papers and hideouts.

(c) It can be used to build bunkers and hideouts stocked with enough food for several months.

(d) It can sustain hundreds of thousands who have no source of livelihood—in the camps, in hideouts, dying of starvation, and ill—in Poland and in Slovakia, Hungary, and Romania.

(e) For children: to place them in hiding with non-Jews.

(f) For refugees who are fleeing from country to country in this bloodstained region.

(g) To give to every policeman, great and small, to save someone's life.

(h) To acquire the practical wherewithal to impede the actions by disruptions, bombings, and forcible protests.

Do you know how much money all of this will require? If you send ten million Allied banknotes each and every month, you will not have sent much—and how much are you sending?

Fellow Jews, have you gone mad? Are you unaware of the kind of inferno we inhabit here? Do you not know to whom you are sending the money? Why do you wait until we send a courier from our hell to beseech and entreaty you? All of our entreaties are not even as effective as a beggar on the doorstep. You throw a few pennies at our feet after we plead several times. Crazy murderers! Who is it who gives charity—you who dispense pennies from the heights of your podiums, or we, who give blood and tears in the depths of the abyss? Who entitles you to ask me for an accounting, a budget, as one does when haggling over clothing and trifling objects, before you give us one ten-thousandth of what we need?

Only in one sense can we judge you favorably: you do not know. This is possible because even here a great majority of the Jews do not know. They believe they are going out for labor or for resettlement. The evildoer does his work so deceitfully and surreptitiously that only a few know, and here it is impossible for those few to speak with the masses—because no one comes into contact with more than a few. This villain order's individuals who are living in the extermination facilities of Auschwitz, Birkenau, Lublin, and so on, to write letters explaining that they are well and that everything is fine, and even the Jews here are fooled by it. Therefore they go into the cars and because they are tired of all the atrocities from the past five years, from the sickness and starvation.

It is a fact that we have already told you several times what is really happening. Can it be that you believe the murderous villain more than you believe us, the murdered? Is it possible? May God open your eyes and give you the merit and ability to rescue the last remnants at this last moment.

I have asked my friend, Rabbi Shlomo S.P., may he yet live, with whom I studied before he went to study in Slobodka—and here I am, in the place that he knows—that he visit the residence of the Archbishop of Canterbury in England, to Lambet Palace and to his head, and tell them and show them everything that has reached the attention of non-Jews, and tell them that this outcry is issued by the same person who was with them in 1928 and 1929—who knows everything that is happening here.

After all of these remarks, do not forget the main thing, which is largely a practical matter, as written in paragraphs e and g above, and everything in paragraphs a-e several pages back. This is the essential action that should be taken at once; it is the chief action that can put paid to the villain's actions decisively. May the God who preserves the remnant of Israel have pity and mercy and provide deliverance, as this writer entreaties Him from the sea of tears that the congregation of Israel is shedding.

Awaiting redemption —
Michael Dov

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Re: Why wasn't Auschwitz bombed?


Post by ChristopherPerrien » 31 May 2013, 22:35

There were" cries of wolf!" of exterminating Jews, long before WWII and Auuschwitz. Jewish organizations(WJC) were claiming 6 million Jews were dying/got killed during World War 1 :roll: . Plus the accepted "accurate?" report of Jews being exterminated at Aushwitz in 1943 was from a member of the the Polish Resistance and was Jewish himself. And in fact , it was claimed by this same agent that Jews were being mass murdered, that they were being mostly exterminated by "ELECTRICITY", not GAS,(which was not true in fact) so what can be expected of Allied Leadership, given a world war that was going on at the time, and the prior lies of Jewish organizations and Communist party agents through the 1920's and the 1930's and through WWII.

No , this whole farce of "Bombing Auschwitz" , has no real reason in fact or fiction. We have tossed the facts around for years , and fiction don't count. The only reason NOW, TODAY, for why why such a bogus claim/topic is brought up, is a few people are looking for free money and deep pockets. I myself, I am sick of the "INSULT" , that my grandfathers and millions of other people did not fight WWII for good cause, and that such perveriors of this topic want money from me and my country now.


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Re: Why wasn't Auschwitz bombed?


Post by Rob Stuart » 01 Jun 2013, 00:27

creative and unorthodox thinking was needed - but the military bureaucracy has always problem with that.
This is a great exaggeration. The history of WW2 is full of examples of creative and unorthodox thinking by the military. To cite just one of the earliest US examples, someone figured out that you could raid Tokyo if you launched B-25s from a carrier. There were a zillion other Allied examples. To imply that the military did not bomb Auschwitz because they were all stupid, or at least hidebound, is just plain wrong.

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Re: Why wasn't Auschwitz bombed?


Post by kolibri282 » 01 Jun 2013, 01:11

I have no interest in financial gain from this topic Chris.
I have a purely historic interest in finding what was the
ultimate reason for not bombing Birkenau.
It always becomes a problem when you bring up the Holocaust
and any mention of Birkenau directly. Most people are guided by their
feelings about the merciless slaughter carried out and this clouds
objective evaluation most of the time.
I started out considering on a purely moral level,but soon realized moral considerations had
no place in military thinking which forced me to see things entirely differently.
You have to face unpleasant truths concerning the destruction of the
Hungarian Jews and that is hard,even if it is an historic fact.
The reality is the Allies didn't see Birkenau as a priority as we do today for
bombing, there's enough reasons why this was, but at the end of the
day we had no interest in bombing the camp or the rail lines.
Last edited by kolibri282 on 01 Jun 2013, 12:42, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Why wasn't Auschwitz bombed?


Post by David Thompson » 01 Jun 2013, 05:07

Chris -- You wrote:
The only reason NOW, TODAY, for why why such a bogus claim/topic is brought up, is a few people are looking for free money and deep pockets.
This is at least the third time you've offered this opinion, each time without anything to support it. I think that's often enough for our readers to get an idea about how you feel. Please don't try their patience.

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Re: Why wasn't Auschwitz bombed?


Post by kolibri282 » 01 Jun 2013, 15:41

First off WM thank you for leading me to the Jewish Virtual Library online as it has led me to an even deeper understanding of what the Allies actually knew and how the intelligence was gathered. It makes for enlightening reading. The misconception is the Allies had mountains of evidence to prove what was happening in Europe with the Holocaust when in fact there is very little. It would have been hard to decipher for what it really was at the time. I include a part of the text because it completely changed my views on this aspect of the topic. The Nazi habit of concealing their real activities behind veiled words made the job even harder.

[quote]The first thing to consider is that what the Nazis
were doing was outside of the historical experience
and imagination of most Europeans. Certainly the
historical landscape of European anti-Semitism
had been one marked with almost nineteen hundred
years of unremitting ugliness – the pogroms,
massacres, deportations, banishments, ghettoization,
extortion, blood-laws, and auto-da-fes. But
even this common heritage of brutality could hardly
prepare people for what the Nazis planned and
were working to fulfill: an effort to eliminate
Europe (and later, the world) of all vestiges of
Jewry. Not only were Jews targets, but also many
other segments of the European population were
to be eliminated – mentally and physically handicapped
persons, Slavs, Poles, Romany, etc. This
larger aim, too, was beyond the historical experience
of Europe. And for the Nazis to carry out this
plan meant that the old techniques of murder and
starvation were not adequate. Hence the Nazis,
employed mass industrial techniques of slaughter
to achieve what they wanted. Realizing that what
the Nazis did was so horribly unique, could it be
expected realistically that the analysts at Bletchley
Park and elsewhere could have determined the
totality of the Nazi plan, and the means to achieve
it, based on the fragmentary evidence at hand from
the intercepts? And could they have grasped the
implications that the massacres in Russia and the
camps were some of the means to achieve a Europe
that was Judenfrei?

Whatever their beliefs or intentions, many people
in the West, and some of them were in a position
to know otherwise, simply could not comprehend
or refused to believe the evidence of what was
occurring in Nazi-occupied Europe. For example,
the famous American historian, Arthur Schlesinger
Jr., then an analyst in the Research and Analysis
Branch of the OSS, remarked that, in the summer of
1944, even with the flood of reports about concentration
camps, what was happening was interpreted
as an “incremental increase in persecution
rather than… extermination.” And in December of
1944, John McCloy, the assistant secretary of war
and a regular recipient of Ultra intelligence, asked
Leon Kubotinski of the World Jewish Congress,
"“We are alone. Tell me the truth. Do you really
believe all those horrible things happened?”"[quote]

It's the sheer dis-belief in all that was going on as well as the fact Allied Intelligence wasn't trying to work out what was actually happening in the Holocaust,most of the information was gathered in the course of other intelligence gathering. There was no concerted effort to monitor the activities of the Nazi extermination program it seems.
As for the activities in Birkenau it becomes apparent that what we know of the camp now is a million light years from what was known in the Summer of 1944. There was testimony from escapees from the camp,but it wasn't registering in the same way it would have today with decades of hindsight . How much was overlooked by the decoders? Another point was made that a lot of the intelligence reports were edited for just what was important to the military situation and not for the Nazi's murder program.
It is also very apparent that the Allied commanders when confronted with the reality of these horrendous crimes and camps were physically shaken and sickened by what they witnessed. Men hardened by years of brutal warfare were brought to tears. One only has to watch when evidence was presented at Nuremberg to see the Allied reaction:Utterly shocked and silent. A perfect example was when Hoess gave testimony as to the number of Jews he had murdered.
In this respect at least we can honestly say the Allies didn't understand the information they were receiving ,they couldn't believe it, and most probably didn't want to.
Even with all the historic evidence today it sends cold chills down your spine even imagining,let alone knowing such a crime was committed on such a scale.

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Re: Why wasn't Auschwitz bombed?


Post by wm » 01 Jun 2013, 19:03

Rob Stuart wrote:
creative and unorthodox thinking was needed - but the military bureaucracy has always problem with that.
This is a great exaggeration. The history of WW2 is full of examples of creative and unorthodox thinking by the military. To cite just one of the earliest US examples, someone figured out that you could raid Tokyo if you launched B-25s from a carrier. There were a zillion other Allied examples. To imply that the military did not bomb Auschwitz because they were all stupid, or at least hidebound, is just plain wrong.
General Doolittle had strong support of Roosevelt and the US top military brass in his endeavour, not to mention he was a competent, capable leader himself. Without the support the Tokyo raid wouldn't happen.
That political support was a magic wand which made everything easy, everything possible, even if very unorthodox in nature.

Here the requisite political support was lacking, there was no General Doolittle around, only the bureaucracy left to its own devices.
The person responsible - John J. McCloy, Assistant Secretary of War, didn't even know that US bombers had been able to reach Auschwitz and with ease, and based on this ignorance his decisions.
Unorthodox thinking is not a strong point of any bureaucracy, and sometimes even knowledge too.

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Re: Why wasn't Auschwitz bombed?


Post by Penn44 » 01 Jun 2013, 19:12

kolibri282 wrote:I started out considering on a purely moral level, but soon realized moral considerations had no place in military thinking which forced me to see things entirely differently.
Whoa, "moral thinking" does have a place in military thinking. The need is reflected in the Hague and Geneva Conventions, and you occasionally see it occur on the battlefield.
kolibri282 wrote:The reality is the Allies didn't see Birkenau as a priority as we do today for
bombing, there's enough reasons why this was, but at the end of thebday we had no interest in bombing the camp or the rail lines.
Your statement is not true as worded. The Allies had an interest in stopping the killing process and in the use of bombing to stop it. In regards to their interest in the bombing proposal, it lead them to actually study the problem, but determined that bombing would not achieve the stated goal of stopping the killing process. In the end, the "slide rule boys" determined that the most effective and swiftest way to stop the killing process was to stop Nazi Germany itself which meant using bombers to target the war crucial targets such as synthetic fuel production facilities and vital transportation facilities. Just because the Allies turned down the option of bombing does not mean they didn't have an interest in the idea or the goal of stopping the killing process.

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Re: Why wasn't Auschwitz bombed?


Post by wm » 01 Jun 2013, 19:39

ChristopherPerrien wrote: Plus the accepted "accurate?" report of Jews being exterminated at Aushwitz in 1943 was from a member of the the Polish Resistance and was Jewish himself. And in fact , it was claimed by this same agent that Jews were being mass murdered, that they were being mostly exterminated by "ELECTRICITY", not GAS,(which was not true in fact) so what can be expected of Allied Leadership, given a world war that was going on at the time, and the prior lies of Jewish organizations and Communist party agents through the 1920's and the 1930's and through WWII.
He wasn't a Jew, but anyway there were steady stream of reports, at the beginning sometimes with mistakes, from different sources and they were sufficiently clear that this statement was issued on December 17, 1942:
The attention of the Belgian, Czechoslovak, Greek, Jugoslav, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norwegian, Polish, Soviet, United Kingdom and United States Governments and also of the French National Committee has been drawn to numerous reports from Europe that the German authorities, not content with denying to persons of Jewish race in all the territories over which their barbarous rule has been extended, the most elementary human rights, are now carrying into effect Hitler's oft-repeated intention to exterminate the Jewish people in Europe.
From all the occupied countries Jews are being transported in conditions of appalling horror and brutality to Eastern Europe. In Poland, which has been made the principal Nazi slaughterhouse, the ghettos established by the German invader are being systematically emptied of all Jews except a few highly skilled workers required for war industries. None of those taken away are ever heard of again. The able-bodied are slowly worked to death in labor camps. The infirm are left to die of exposure and starvation or are deliberately massacred in mass executions. The number of victims of these bloody cruelties is reckoned in many hundreds of thousands of entirely innocent men, women and children.

The above-mentioned governments and the French National Committee condemn in the strongest possible terms this bestial policy of cold-blooded extermination. They declare that such events can only strengthen the resolve of all freedom-loving peoples to overthrow the barbarous Hitlerite tyranny. They reaffirm their solemn resolution to insure that those responsible for these crimes shall not escape retribution, and to press on with the necessary practical measures to this end.

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Re: Why wasn't Auschwitz bombed?


Post by Penn44 » 01 Jun 2013, 20:50

ChristopherPerrien wrote:There were" cries of wolf!" of exterminating Jews, long before WWII and Auuschwitz. Jewish organizations(WJC) were claiming 6 million Jews were dying/got killed during World War 1
If possible, can you provide the source for this claim?
ChristopherPerrien wrote: The only reason NOW, TODAY, for why why such a bogus claim/topic is brought up, is a few people are looking for free money and deep pockets.
Who has asked for money on account of the Allies not bombing Auschwitz?


I once was told that I was vain, but I knew that vanity was a fault, so I gave it up because I have no faults.

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Re: Why wasn't Auschwitz bombed?


Post by Lynn R » 01 Jun 2013, 22:09

Penn44 wrote: Who has asked for money on account of the Allies not bombing Auschwitz?


It's all wrapped up in modern politics. Just Google search using the word cluster Holocaust guilt Israel.

A few years ago a Haaretz columnist predicted it: "the Holocaust flak jacket won't last forever. It is cracking as we watch, and soon it will no longer be able to protect us."

Some are trying to restoke the "flak jacket" protection. One example: http://www.globalresearch.ca/the-israel ... in/5325170
and ADL's stance is far from the tolerant organization it publicly claims itself to be - it frowns on listening to any critics of Israel: http://www.adl.org/israel-international ... apQktJwrVo

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