Consulates in Triest(e)

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Consulates in Triest(e)


Post by K.Kocjancic » 08 Apr 2016, 10:40

Here is a list of (general) consulates, located in Triest(e):
- Argentina: consul Emilio Bertolotto
- Bolgaria: general consul Marko Bliznakov
- Denmark: hon. consul Bruno Pacor
- Finland: hon. consul Mateo Giugia
- Germany: gen. consul Kurt/Curt Heinburg
-- had a subsection in Rijeka: consul Friedrich Ephan (evacuated in 1945 to Trieste)
- Monaco: closed in 1940, duties taken over by the Swiss
- Portugal: hon. consul Igino Koscher
- Romania: hon. gen. consul Anton Di Demetrio
- Spain: hon. vice-consul Durando Antonio Garzolini
- Sweden: hon. consul Ernesto Lekner
- Switzerland: consul Emilio Bonzanigo
- Hungary: gen. consul Stefan De Reviczky

Does anyone knows what happend to them in May 1945? Did they left the city before the Allied came?


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