Friedrich Freiherr Kress von Kressenstein

Discussions on the final era of the Ottoman Empire, from the Young Turk Revolution of 1908 until the Treaty of Lausanne in 1923.
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Post by Nikolay » 26 Jan 2008, 14:54

Tosun Saral wrote:
Nikolay wrote:
Tosun Saral wrote:Since the Turk gone to home there is no rule, no democracy, no freedom, no peace at that part of the world.
poor Balkans!
They are still bleeding.
Poor Eastern Anatolia is also bleeding right now. Bleeding does not have to do with coming or going of a particular ruling empire or nation or a race. Parts of the western Balkans indeed are bleeding but I do not think you can generalize about the whole of the peninsula. Right now half of it is a part of the EU. Plus I need to add that "Turk" has not "gone" from the Balkans - in my country 10 % of the population are ethnic Turks...
Please try to refrain from this kind of Nationalistic nonsenses - you are not attending a political meeting right now :)

Nikolay Mind your own business.
I never forgot how Turks of Bulgaria suffered under a despotic pro Russian communist Bulgarian regime. I never forgot how Bulgarians tortured the Turks at Belene island.
I never forgot how Bulgarians changed Turkish names into Bulgarian names

Before writing nonsence such as " Poor Eastern Anatolia is also bleeding right now" Think at first how cruel you were in the last 50 years.
Exactly the response I am afraid I had expected from you. No arguments put forth, just bullshit plus idiocy mixed with Nazism. :D

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Post by belita » 26 Jan 2008, 14:58

But this topic is about KvK, so let's proceed.

In his (novel) book "The Last Crusade", Colin Smith states: "But as the odds against them increase the Turco-Germans begin to suspect that they have enemies within to deal with. “Some Iscariotical bastard is betraying us!” roars Kress von Kressenstein, the commander of the Turkish 8th Army. And he is right. A few of the Zionist Jews the Sublime Porte allowed to settle in Palestine before the war have long supported the British and founded an espionage ring they call the Nili Group. Among them is Sarah Aaronsohn, a courier for the agent codenamed Daniel, a spy so accepted in the lions’ den he can give Allenby Kressenstein’s most secret briefing..." I don't read novels, as they bore me to death... However, when reading the shorts it called my attention that KvK would use the word "Iscariotical" when most of us in the Christian world would metaphorically use the word "Judas" - I would expect a sentence of this kind: "We have a bastard of a Judas betraying us"... So, as I don't speak German, I was wondering if in German the word Iscariotical would be more appropriate, or if Colin didn't quote verbatim, since he wrote a novel, not a history book...

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Post by VEDAT » 26 Jan 2008, 19:50

Tosun Saral wrote:
Nikolay wrote:
Tosun Saral wrote:Since the Turk gone to home there is no rule, no democracy, no freedom, no peace at that part of the world.
poor Balkans!
They are still bleeding.
Poor Eastern Anatolia is also bleeding right now. Bleeding does not have to do with coming or going of a particular ruling empire or nation or a race. Parts of the western Balkans indeed are bleeding but I do not think you can generalize about the whole of the peninsula. Right now half of it is a part of the EU. Plus I need to add that "Turk" has not "gone" from the Balkans - in my country 10 % of the population are ethnic Turks...
Please try to refrain from this kind of Nationalistic nonsenses - you are not attending a political meeting right now :)
Nikolay Mind your own business.
I never forgot how Turks of Bulgaria suffered under a despotic pro Russian communist Bulgarian regime. I never forgot how Bulgarians tortured the Turks at Belene island.
I never forgot how Bulgarians changed Turkish names into Bulgarian names
Before writing nonsence such as " Poor Eastern Anatolia is also bleeding right now" Think at first how cruel you were in the last 50 years.
A Last note: You are saying that the Eastern Anatolia is "bleeding". In case the emperialists continue to itch the wound, it continuously bleeds and could not find the chance to be cured. In last fifty years Bulgarian's situation was the same as Eastern Anatolia. However, they are qualifed as "civilized" due to the EU membership. Do you think that EU accepted your country thanks to your "civilization"? :lol: EU membership is the new new name of exploitation. After the Turks left Bulgaria, first Russians, then the Franco-German alliance, how nice to be colonialized 8-)
A further note: :D Now, we are exploited by the Americans, not the EU :P
- But that is the true, Nikolay!

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Peter H
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Post by Peter H » 27 Jan 2008, 01:34

Let's keep to the period 1908-1923 and forego opinions on matters outside this area of research.

I find it disheartening that topics here constantly warp off topic,fuelled by ultra nationalistic views that are best kept private.


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Post by belita » 27 Jan 2008, 10:02

Thanks Peter. I won't stay here very long here, as I have other things to do.
However, to prove that the saying "search and thou shall find" works,
I would like to share with you part of a comment by Peter Mollenhauer
that I have found on a recorded lecture by Rudolf Steiner titled "The Ahrimanic Deception",
given in Zurich, on October 27, 1919. For those of you who are not Christian,
please read the word Christ as the Higher Self or Cosmic Consciousness...
Great views! Food for thought! Enjoy! :)

"One of Rudolf Steiner's lecture tours, May 6 through May 18, 1915, took him to
Vienna, Prague and Linz. In all three cities he stressed that the Christ figure in the
sculptured group would have to be portrayed as a being in equipoise between the
polar forces of Lucifer and Ahriman and that this being was symbol of, and model
for, man's own existence here on earth. The Linz lecture, which is here translated,
presents the group in a world-historical context and relates the significance of the
Lucifer-Christ-Ahriman configuration to the events surrounding World War I.
Steiner sees a parallel between Christ's central, but equalizing position and
Central Europe's mission in World War I. He implies that Germany's and
Austria's militarism and political intransigence alone did not lead to war against
the world powers in the East (Russia) and the West (France, England and, since
1917, the United States). According to Steiner, World War I was the earthly
expression of a struggle between luciferic forces in the East and ahrimanic forces
in the West, and it was Central Europe's destiny to mediate between these forces.
The fundamental polarization of East and West that Rudolf Steiner saw emerging
more than six decades ago is now a political reality. While most historians today
concede that World War II was in part caused by the circumstances surrounding
World War I, few would accept Rudolf Steiner's statement from his Linz lecture
that World War I was "destined by the European karma" or, to state it more
concretely, that it was unavoidable. If the war could not have been avoided, then
the question of who was to blame or who caused it is, as Steiner says, irrelevant.
Based on this position, Steiner suggests that only one question has relevancy:
"Who could have prevented the war?" This question seems to contradict Steiner's
statement that World War I was destined by the European karma. A quick glance
at the historical record may help to clarify what Steiner meant.
In suggesting that the Russian government and possibly England, could have
prevented the war, Steiner simply deals with possibilities outside the realm of
what had to happen according to European karma. Russia's instigation of the two
Peace Conferences in the Hague (1899 and 1907) was indeed self-serving and
hypocritical, for it was Russia that, in 1914, mobilized its armed forces without
considering British proposals for peace negotiations. Under these circumstances
and considering the political immaturity of the German leadership, it was not
surprising that the German Raiser and his generals over-reacted to the Russian
mobilization and interpreted it as a declaration of war. Kaiser Wilhelm II and
Czar Nicholas II, who were cousins, frantically exchanged telegrams in which one
beseeched the other to preserve the peace, but to no avail. The war machinery was
already overheated by the forces of chauvinism and materialism so that even from
this vantage point Steiner was correct in maintaining that war was unavoidable.
Regarding the possibility of preventing the war, a glance at the major Western
powers involved in the controversy, and at Germany, reveals the following
historical facts. France, for thirty years an ally of Russia, did nothing to prevent
the war because she did not attempt to delay the hasty Russian mobilization. Her
representatives said later that France regretted the Russian action, but there seems
little doubt that France was more interested in presenting herself as the innocent
victim of an attack. On the other hand, England's foreign secretary, Sir Edward
Grey, could have prevented the war if he had taken earlier measures to discourage
Germany's militarists from asserting themselves in their country, but in view of
the English tradition and the English Constitution, this was probably not possible.
Finally, the confusion in Germany itself was caused by a lack of understanding of
who had legitimate authority to make decisions. Eventually, the political decisions
were made by generals who managed to spread the belief that the fatherland was
in peril and that Germany herself was not the attacker, but the attacked. Thus,
theoretically, any one of these three powers could have prevented the war but that,
as Rudolf Steiner points out in the lecture, is not the real issue.
Furthermore, the war did not emerge out of a French or Russian moral conviction
that was responsive to Germany militarism. Rather, the goal of crushing German
militarism emerged well after the war had begun. The war could be interpreted, in
this sense, to be inevitable because it was not generated from a goal, but exploded
and then developed its goals. In this war of attrition, materialism camouflaged
itself with nationalistic sentiment and strove for absolute expression and triumph.
It is against such a background of perplexity and misguided fervor that Rudolf
Steiner's message to Central Europeans must be read. In rejecting the question of
who had caused the war, Steiner dismissed as equally irrelevant the question of
who was to blame for materialism. Materialism was there, as was Ahriman.
Steiner admonished the Central Europeans to counterbalance materialism by
adopting a spiritual perception of life and by striving for an encounter with the
This profound spiritual responsibility that Steiner put on the Germans in 1915 was
disregarded and the challenge passed by. After World War I it was not the Christ,
but Adolf Hitler who, under the guise of "savior," emerged as Germany's Nemesis
and was thus catapulted into a central position. When Hitler was finally destroyed,
Central Europe broke up into two parts, one of which disappeared behind the Iron
Curtain, while the other aligned with the West.
As it stands today, Rudolf Steiner's call to instate the Christ in His central position
has yet to be fully received and responded to not only by the people living in what
is left of Central Europe, but also in the rest of the world.
- Peter Mollenhauer"

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Post by belita » 30 Jan 2008, 14:22

Another question:
Does any of you know if General KvK was ever in USA, more precisely in New York, after the Summer of 1921? Thanks a lot. IR

PS - I was just wondering Bill... Perhaps he did not stop the Push for this reason - and again I'm just speculating....As I was starting to read the Introduction of Alan Baker's "Invisible Eagle" and it occurred to me the famous saying of Lao Tse (The Art of War) that the main objective of war is to avoid war and that by reacting you always make things worse...
But that story of "offering the other cheek" as never convinced me either... As I age, I'm now trying to come to terms with it (I know it is true, I just don't want to accept it, lest the outer society think I'm a nerd and that will look bad for me!)
Of course this is all too difficult for all of us, as we all have half of dozen of nerds to whom we would like to brake their teeth (to say the least)... However, this can escalate pretty quickly... Suddenly, we wake up in a bad mood and the 6 nerds become 12 nerds. Everybody on the bus to the city is a nerd and smells. Then your friends are also behaving in a weird manner lately and you have problems because your parents are goofs and this escalates to a point of shear madness... So, we all can EASILY develop these feelings of hate and revenge... Much HARDER is, however, to develop feelings of non-aggression and lately I have been thinking of giving it a go, not to please Jesus Christ or any deity for that matter, but just because it is difficult to achieve :) Of course, not to react, but to be the passive aggressive (smiling... but intrinsically wishing the neighbour was dead, does not help :))...
As a child, I remember that I used to react when my mother beat me and then I would get even more....
If I didn't react, she would stop quicker than if I reacted.
Again, at the Kruger Park, when a lion tries to catch a gazelle, if the gazelle doesn't move, the lion stops attacking as least as fiercely as before... And again, this is why the Tibetan monks don't move when they meditate; otherwise, if it worked, they could be dancing at the disco instead... :)
But going back to Alan Baker here it is. I actually can't find the paragraph I wanted (the book is huge) but this is also relevant: "Rosenbaum is instructive on the problems of defining evil in terms sufficiently accurate to allow a serious and rigorous discussion of the primary motivating factors in Hitler's crimes: n the realm of scholarship, it's remarkable to discover how many sophisticated thinkers of all stripes find themselves unwilling to find a principled rationale for calling Hitler evil, at least in the strict sense of doing wrong knowingly. The philosophical literature that takes these questions seriously makes a distinction between obviously evil deeds such as mass murder and the not-always-obvious nature of the intent of the doer, preferring the stricter term 'wickedness' to describe wrongdoers who do evil deeds knowing they are doing wrong. I was drawn to the philosophical literature on the problem of wickedness ... by another defining moment in my encounters with Hitler explainers: my conversation in London with H. R. Trevor-Roper, former Regius Professor of Modern History at Oxford, one of the first and most widely respected postwar Hitler explainers. I'd asked him the deceptively simple question I'd begun asking a number of Hitler explainers: 'Do you consider Hitler consciously evil? Did he know what he was doing was wrong?' (9)[Original emphasis] Trevor-Roper's answer was an emphatic No: Hitler was convinced of his own rectitude. Although his deeds reached an extreme of awfulness, he committed them in the deluded belief that they were right. Rosenbaum also points out that the assumption that Jewish people themselves might be expected to be the first to reject this 'rectitude argument' is also flawed, as evidenced by the statement of Efraim Zuroff, director of the Simon Wiesenthal Centre's Jerusalem headquarters, and the chief Nazi-hunter in Israel. When asked if he thought Hitler was conscious he was doing wrong, Zuroff almost shouted: 'Of course not! Hitler thought he was a doctor! Killing germs! That's all Jews were to him! He believed he was doing good, not evil!' (10) (Original emphasis.) The acceptance by many historians of the rectitude argument leads Rosenbaum to a tentative and very interesting conclusion: 'that beneath the Socratic logic of the position might be an understandably human, even emotional, rejection - as simply unbearable - of the idea that someone could commit mass murder without a sense of rectitude, however delusional. That Hitler could have done it out of pure personal hatred, knowing exactly what he was doing and how wrong it was.' (11) (Original emphasis.) Allied to this is the so-called Great Abstraction Theory of history, which places
emphasis on profound and inevitable trends at the expense of the activities of single personalities as formulated in the now-unfashionable Great Man Theory. According to the Great Abstraction Theory: 'Nothing could have prevented the Holocaust. No one's to blame for the failure to halt Hitler's rise. If it hadn't been Hitler, it would have been "someone like Hitler" serving as an instrument of those inexorable larger forces.' (12) The alternative, which is considered unthinkable by many historians and philosophers, is that a single human being wanted to bring about the Holocaust - a human being ... a member of our species. (The reader may detect a similarity between this notion and the reluctance by some to allow Hitler to be placed within the continuum of human behaviour mentioned earlier.) While the implications of the Great Abstraction Theory may serve as a form of consolation (nothing could have prevented the Holocaust from happening: it was the result of uncontrollable historical forces), it has been rightly criticised in some quarters for its implicit removal of Hitler from the position of sole creator of the Final Solution. In the last analysis, he remains the greatest enigma: any attempt to explain seriously the origin and nature of the evil of the Third Reich must centre on Adolf Hitler - not as a pawn of larger forces, but as the prime mover of Nazism. All of which brings us back to the central question, phrased memorably by Rosenbaum: what made Hitler Hitler? What turned him from an apparently ordinary, undistinguished human being into the very embodiment of wickedness, the destroyer of more than six million innocent people? According to Yehuda Bauer, a founder of the discipline of Holocaust Studies, while it is possible in theory to explain Hitler, it may well be too late. The deaths of crucial witnesses and the loss of important documents may have resulted in our eternal separation from the means to answer the question, to draw an accurate map of the hell Hitler created on Earth. Of course, there have been numerous theories put forward, including the suggestion that Hitler's anti-Semitism derived from the unproven seduction and impregnation of his paternal grandmother, Maria Schicklgruber, by a Jew, resulting in the birth of his father, Alois Hitler. According to this theory, Hitler exterminated the Jews in order to exterminate what he perceived as the poison in his own blood. Another conjecture has it that Hitler discovered an affair between his half-niece, Geli Raubal, and a Jewish music teacher, and that he either drove her to suicide or had her murdered. This resulted in a desire for murderous vengeance against the Jews. Yet another theory suggests that the death of Hitler's mother in 1907 was in some way made more painful by the malpractice of her Jewish doctor, Eduard Bloch, for which Hitler, once again, exacted terrible vengeance. (13) As we have just seen, the desperate search for an adequate explanation of Hitler has resulted in a number of contradictory theories, many of which are built on flimsy evidence. Interestingly, this search has also generated a mythology of its own, revolving around what Rosenbaum calls 'the lost safe-deposit box. A place where allegedly revelatory documents - ones that might provide the missing link, the lost key to the Hitler psyche, the true source of his metamorphosis - seem to disappear beyond recovery." (4) This mythology was inspired by real events in Munich in 1933, when Fritz Gerlich, the last anti-Hitler journalist in that city, made a desperate attempt to alert the world to the true nature of Hitler by means of a report of an unspecified scandal." - from Alan Baker - "Invisible Eagle"

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Bill Woerlee
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Post by Bill Woerlee » 31 Jan 2008, 00:19



We haven't spoken before and when I noticed the outbreak of tribal feuding, I go AWOL. I get a bit peeved that some of the folks use legitimate threads to vent their ancient animus in ways that have no relevance to the topic.

As for Kress, I can only have wished that his men fired another volley at the turned cheek of Adolph.

Apart from that, Kress was a military man. He used such force as he deemed necessary to solve a situation. He was not calculating anything more than a "Go home 'cause if you don't, I have to order my men to fire." The enthusiastic members of the NSDAP thought the soldiers would not dare to shoot at a right wing, pro military organisation aiming to make their lives better. The events a few minutes later disabused them of this fantasy. When the bulk of NSDAP members got the message loud and clear to clear off, there was no military necessity to keep shooting. The balance was just a policing matter.

Nothing deep in this by Kress, just plain old enforcement.

In contrast, young Adolph turned the farce into a Wagnarian fantasy with Mein Kampf and the movie sequel.



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Post by belita » 01 Feb 2008, 10:11

Oops, I meant "sheer madness". I said "shear" (I must be longing for New Zealand!!!)

Sure Bill,
I know what you mean and I also wished Hitler had been killed before WWII.
War or "coup d'etat" decisions are not as complex when the moment arises as I was trying to make them.
Actually, some Portuguese soldiers used to say, before 1974, that nobody was fighting for Portugal in Angola,
but solely to save their own skin in the jungle.
I'm sorry about the lengthy explanation, but I was just trying to say that perhaps the killing of Hitler would have not stopped WWII because another person would replace him. (As I didn't want to sound fascist by saying that, I therefore gave a lengthy explanation). :)
Have a nice weekend!

PS - And also the problem of evil is complex... Because all is relative... A herb that kills you, might heal me.
And in case our life on Earth is not just a Divine Comedy/Tragedy...
Ex. If Judas had not handed Jesus in and he had not been crucified, he wouldn't have established his huge Christian Empire
One of the reasons that Christ forgave Judas was because he had a hidden agenda for later on... :) (I'll stop here)...

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Post by belita » 03 Feb 2008, 06:53

I will leave here an interesting site (old-picture) with thousands of pictures from 1900 to 1930 (mostly war related),
where there is a picture of KvK filed under the American Archives; that same picture is on sale at Amazon: ... 214&sr=8-2

Examples: ... l-Club.htm ... d-Byrd.htm

If some of you are retired, this site will keep you going for a while,
in between the only two TV programs worth watching,
which are: "BBC Antiques Roadshow" and "Penn & Teller".
Goodbye. :)

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Post by belita » 03 Feb 2008, 07:25

Not completely gone yet! :)
This could be an indication KvK was actually in New York at some stage...
But then again, the agency could have acquired it in the Middle East, as he is still in a Turkish hat. ... 214&sr=8-2 states the following:
"This image comes from the George Grantham Bain Collection which represents one of America's earliest news picture agencies. The collection richly documents sports events, theater, celebrities, crime, strikes, disasters, political activities including the woman suffrage campaign, conventions and public celebrations. The photographs Bain produced and gathered for distribution through his news service were worldwide in their coverage, but there was a special emphasis on life in New York City. The bulk of the collection dates from the 1900s to the mid-1920s, but scattered images can be found as early as the 1860s and as late as the 1930s. (Library of Congress)"

Jochen Kruesmann
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Post by Jochen Kruesmann » 03 Feb 2008, 19:46

Peter H wrote:Let's keep to the period 1908-1923 and forego opinions on matters outside this area of research.

I find it disheartening that topics here constantly warp off topic,fuelled by ultra nationalistic views that are best kept private.

Dear Peter,

I fully agree with your statement, but it comes very late ! We (and me as a German) realise that nationalists form all sides (like Mr. Saral from Turkey and others from the Balkans countries) tried to use that forum espcially during the last months for their own propaganda !
I think those members from Australia , Canada and other non European countries can`t imagine some of the facts stated. It feels to me that non-european members are only looking that they get informations about the war topics, but can`t imagine what is behind in a more cultural or political way. I don`t blame them for that, but I think one has to look behind some of the contributors of the forum and their ideas. For me as a well-known maritime researchers it is always nice to get some more new informations, but not to every price at all. So I would state that if you (not personal) had care about the nationlism in some comments before it should not have happened what is going on since several months here!

I beg your pardon for those sentences, but I am soeaking for some more of "real researches" who left behind any national views (from all sides) a long time ago. Remember it is history and we have to realised the facts and not the wishes of some of the contributors.

Jochen Kruesmann

Tosun Saral
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Post by Tosun Saral » 03 Feb 2008, 21:43

"....nationalists form all sides (like Mr. Saral from Turkey ..."

Kruesmann Halt mal! Halt den Maul!
Wash your mouth before you pronounce my name.

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Bill Woerlee
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Post by Bill Woerlee » 03 Feb 2008, 23:47

Jochen Kruesmann

Being one of those contributors from Australia whom your errantly believe has not one iota of knowledge of the affairs you talk about, I can only say that your whole post is disingenuous and quite insulting, especially to me, a person whose family has had more than enough contact with Kultur to satisfy this and many more lifetimes. My parents suffered greatly as a consequence of Adolph while my mother's family spent 3 years in one of Tojo's holiday camps. I will never forget this hideous stain on our family history nor the graveyards filled with relatives whom I never met because their lives were cut off too soon, but I just don't go onto the various threads and destroy people's enjoyment of this excellent forum because I cannot distinguish between grief and common courtesy.

The topic is about von Kress not your pet hate.


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Post by Bill Woerlee » 04 Feb 2008, 00:11


G'day and thanks for your comments.

I am off to Narooma for my triannual journey. So I will be gone for a week or so. However I have found your thought processes quite interesting. The Judas idea has been kicking around for some time and was the theme of "JC Super Star" while the crucifixion was always going to be "Ground Hog Day".

As for Kress, after Gaza, I think his theme song was "A Rainy Day in Georgia" after his more triumphant "Marching through Georgia" rather than singing things like "New York New York".

That Georgia's always on my mind
Oh, show me around your snow-peaked mountains way down south
Take me to your daddy's farm
Let me hear your balalaika's ringing out
Come and keep your comrade warm

I am not sure he had the time nor the ability to make a trip to NYNY. However, you might be confusing him with one of his younger relatives by exactly the same name.

Please feel free to contact me via PM should you wish to talk about the off topic issues.



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Post by belita » 04 Feb 2008, 14:25

Thanks for the offer Bill,
I just want to get hold of the initial photo I asked for and to know the name of the man with KvK in that photo.
That's all.
I'm just sharing part (a very small part) of my research with you because I thought some of you could be interested.
Please let me know if you're not.
You may be right about my confusion of Kresses, this is why I need to see that photo again to make sure it is him...
Amazing enough that is the only photo I've seen of him in a German cap.

The fantastically organized Library of Congress....
Tones of everything regarding this topic. ... item=13709 ... caption=95

Cheers and beers,

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