Nazi Anti-Semitic Legislation in Germany

Discussions on the Holocaust and 20th Century War Crimes. Note that Holocaust denial is not allowed. Hosted by David Thompson.
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Nazi Anti-Semitic Legislation in Germany


Post by David Thompson » 18 Oct 2004, 02:39

This is another research thread. Here is the Table of Contents, subject to revisions when the inevitable "late discoveries" appear:

19330407 Document Number: 1397-PS; Date: 7 April 1933; Reichsgesetzblatt-Page: I.175; Title and Gist of Law: Gesetz zur Wiederherstellunl des Berufsbeamtenturn (Law for the reestablishment of the professional civil service), removing Jews from Civil Service; Signed by: Hitler, Frick, Schwerin v. Krosigk.

19330407 Document: 1401-PS; Date: 7 April 1933; Reichsgesetzblatt-Page: I.188; Title and Gist of Law: Gesetz uber die Zulassun zur Rechtsanwaltschaft (Law relating to admission to the Bar) removing Jews from the Bar; Signed by: Guertner.

19330422 Document Number: 2084-PS; Date: 22 April 1933; Reichsgesetzblatt-Page: I.215; Title and Gist of Law: Gesetz uber die uberfullun deutscher Schullen ( Law against the over-crowding of German schools and higher institutions) limiting drastically the number of Jewish students; Signed by: Hitler, Frick.

19330422 Document Number: 2868-PS; Date: 22 April 1933; Reichsgesetzblatt-Page: I.217; Title and Gist of Law: Gesetz betreff die Zulassun zur Patentanwaltschaft (Law relating to the admission to the profession of patent agent and lawyer) excluding Jews from acting as patent attorneys; Signed by: Hitler, Guertner.

19330506 Document Number: 2869-PS; Date: 6 May 1933; Reichsgesetzblatt-Page: I.257; Title and Gist of Law: Gesetz uber die Zulasun von Steuereratern. (Law relating to the admission of Tax Advisors) eliminating "nonAryans" from the profession of tax consultants; Signed by: Hitler, Schwerin v. Krosigk.

19330630 Document Number: 1400-PS; Date: 30 June 1933; Law Changing the Regulations in regard to Public Officers, June 30, 1933.

19330726 Document Number: 2870-PS; Date: 26 July 1933; Reichsgesetzblatt-Page: I.538; Title and Gist of Law: Verordnung zur Durchfuehrung des Gesetzes uber den Widerruf von Einbuergerungen (Executing decree for the law about the Repeal of Naturalizations and the adjudication of German citizenship) defining Jews from Eastern Europe as "undesirable" and subject to denationalization.; Signed by: Pfundtner (Asst. to Frick).

19330922 Document Number: 2870-PS; Date: 22 September 1933; Law relating to the Reich Chamber of Culture of September 22nd, 1933.

19330929 Document Number: 1402-PS; Date: 29 September 1933; The Homestead Law of Sept. 29, 1933

19331004 Document Number: 2083-PS; Date: 4 October 1933; Reichsgesetzblatt-Page: I.713; Title and Gist of Law: Schriftleitergesetz (Editorial Law) barring "non-Aryans" and persons married to "non-Aryans" from the newspaper profession; Signed by: Hitler, Goebbels.

19350521 Document Number: 2984-PS; Date: 21 May 1935; Reichsgesetzblatt-Page: I.608; Title and Gist of Law: Wehrgesetz (Law concerning Armed Forces) barring "non-Aryans" from military service.

19350910 Document: 2894-PS; Description: General Decree of 10 September 1935 on establishment of separate Jewish schools, published in Documents of German Politics, 1937, p.152.

19350915 Document Number: 1416-PS; Date: 15 September 1935: Reichsgesetzblatt-Page: I.1145: Title and Gist of Law: Reichsbuergergesetz (Reich Citizenship Law), first Nurnberg Law, reserving citizenship for subjects of German blood.; Signed by: Hitler, Frick.

19350915 Document Number: 2000-PS; Date: 15 September 1935; Reichsgesetzblatt-Page: I.1146; Title and Gist of Law: Gesetz zum Sohutze des deutschen Blutes, (Law for protection of German blood and German honor), forbidding marriages and extramarital relations between Jews and "Aryans"; Signed by: Hitler, Frick, Guertner, Hess.

19351114 Document Number: 1417-PS; Date: 14 November 1935; Reichsgesetzblatt-Page: I.1333: Title and Gist of Law: Erste Verordnung zum Reichsbuergergesetz (First regulation to Reich citizenship law), defining the terms "Jew" and "part-Jew". Jewish officials to be dismissed.; Signed by: Hitler, Frick, Hess. (GB 258)

19360307 Document Number: 2871-PS; Date: 7 March 1936; Reichsgesetzblatt-Page: I.133; Title and Gist of Law: Gesetz ueber as Reichstagwahlrecht (Law governing elections to the Reichstag) barring Jews from Reichstag vote; Signed by: Hitler, Frick.

19380426 Document Number: 1406-PS; Date: 26 April 1938; Reichsgesetzblatt; I.414; Title and Gist of Law: Verordnung ueber die Ammeldun des Vermoens von Jude (Decree for reporting Jewish owned property), basis for subsequent expropriation.; Signed by: Goering, Frick.

19380725 Document Number: 2872-PS; Date: 25 July 1938; Reichsgesetzblatt-Page: I.969; Title and Gist of Law: Vierte Verordnung zum Reichsbuergergesetz. Fourth decree on the Citizenship Law, revoking licenses of Jewish physicians.; Signed by: Frick.

19380817 Document Number: 2873-PS; Date: 17 August 1938; Reichsgesetzblatt-Page: I.1044; Title and Gist of Law: Zweite Verordnung zur Durchfuhwhng des Gesetzes ueber die Aenderung von Familiennamen und Vornmen (Second decree on law concerning change of first and last names), forcing Jews to adopt the names "Israel" and "Sara".; Signed by: Frick.

19380927 Document Number: 2874-PS; Date: 27 September 1938; Reichsgesetzblatt-Page: I.1403; Title and Gist of Law: Fuenfte Verordnung zum Reichsbuergergesetz. (Fifth decree to law relating to the Reich citizenship), revoking admission of Jewish lawyers.

19381112 Document Number: 1412-PS; Date 12 November 1938; Reichsgesetzblatt-Page: I.1579; Title and Gist of Law: Verordnun ueber eine Suh- Goering neleistun der Juden (Order concerning expiation contribution of Jews of German nationality), obligating all German Jews to pay a collective fine of Reichsmark.; Signed by: Goering.

19381112 Document Number: 2875-PS; Date 12 November 1938; Reichsgesetzblatt-Page: I.1580; Title and Gist of Law: Verordnun zur Ausschltun der Juden aus dem deutschen Wirtschaftsleben (Decree on elimination of Jews from German economic life), barring Jews from trade and crafts.; Signed by: Goering.

19381128 Document Number: 1415-PS; Date: 28 November 1938; Reichsgesetzblatt-Page: I.1676; Title and Gist of Law: Polizeiverordnun ueber das Auftreten der Juden in der Queffentlichkeit (Police regulation of the appearance of Jews in public), limiting movement of Jews to certain localities and hours.; Signed by: Heydrich (assistant to Frick).

19381203 Document Number: 1409-PS; Date: 3 December 1938; Reichsgesetzblatt-Page: I.1709; Title and Gist of Law: Verordnun ueber den Einsatz des Juedischen Ver1noegens (Order concerning the Utilization of Jewish property), setting time limit for the sale or liquidation of Jewish enterprises; forcing Jews to deposit shares and securities held by them; forbidding sale or acquisition of gold and precious stones by Jews.; Signed by: Funk, Frick.

19390430 Document Number: 1419-PS; Date: 30 April 1939; Reichsgesetzblatt-Page: I.864; Title and Gist of Law: Gesetz ueber Mietverhaeltnisse mit Juden (Law concerning Jewish tenants) granting to landlords the right to give notice to Jewish tenants before legal expiration of lease.; Signed by: Hitler, Guertner, Krohn, Hess, Frick.

19390704 Document Number: 2876-PS; Date: 4 July 1939; Reichsgesetzblatt-Page: I.1097; Title and Gist of Law: Zehnte Verordnung zum Peichsbuergergesetz (Tenth decree relating to the Reich Citizenship Law), forcible congregation of Jews in the "Reichsvereinigung der Juden in Deutschland"; Signed by: Frick, Rust, Kerrl, Hess.

19410901 Document Number: 2877-PS; Date: 9/1/1941; Reichsgesetzblatt-Page: I.547; Title and Gist of Law: Polizeiverordnun ueber die Konnzeichnun der Juden (Police order concerning identification of Jews) forcing all Jews over 6 years of age to wear the Star of David.; Signed by: Heydrich.

19430701 Document: 1422-PS; Description: Thirteenth regulation under Reich Citizenship Law, 7/1/1943. 1943 Reichsgesetzblatt, Part I, p.372.
Last edited by David Thompson on 20 Oct 2004, 07:19, edited 8 times in total.

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Post by David Thompson » 18 Oct 2004, 03:56

19330407 Document Number: 1397-PS; Date: 7 April 1933; Reichsgesetzblatt-Page: I.175; Title and Gist of Law: Gesetz zur Wiederherstellunl des Berufsbeamtenturn (Law for the reestablishment of the professional civil service), removing Jews from Civil Service; Signed by: Hitler, Frick, Schwerin v. Krosigk.

"Document 1397-PS [translation]", in Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression. Volume III: US Government Printing Office, District of Columbia: 1946. pp. 981-986.

1933 REICHSGESETZBLATT, PAGE 175, Art 1-18, 7 April 1933.

Law for the Reestablishment of the Professional Civil Service
7 April 1933

The Reichsgovernment has enacted the following law, which is hereby proclaimed:

Art. 1

1. For the reestablishment of a national professional civil service and for the simplification of administration, officials may be discharged from office according to the following regulations, even when the necessary conditions according to the appropriate law do not exist.

2. Officials, as used in this law, means immediate [unmittelbare] and mediate [mittlebare] officials of the Reich, immediate and mediate officials of the federal states [Laender], officials of communes [Gemeinde] and communal associations, officials of public legal corporations as well as institutions and undertakings placed upon the same status as these public legal corporations (Third decree of the Reichspresident for the safeguarding of business and finance of 6 October 1931—RGBl. I P. 537, 3rd part, Chapter V, Section I, Art. 15, subparagraph 1). The stipulations apply also to employees of agencies supplying social insurance, who have the rights and duties of officials.

3. Officials as used in this law also includes officials in temporary retirement.

4. The Reichsbank and the German State Railway Co. are empowered to make corresponding regulations.

Art. 2

1. Officials who since 9 November 1918 have attained the status of officials without possessing the required or usual preparation or other qualifications are to be dismissed from service. Their former salaries will be accorded them for a period of 3 months after their dismissal.

2. A right to waiting allowances, pensions, or survivors pension and to the continuance of the official designation, the title, the official uniform and the official insignia is not possessed by them.

3. In case of need a pension, revocable at any time, equivalent to a third of the usual base pay of the last position held by them may be granted them, especially when they are caring for dependent relatives; reinsurance according to the provisions of the Reich's social insurance law will not take place.



4. The stipulations of Section 2 and 3 will receive corresponding application in the case of persons of the type designated in Sec. 1, who already before this law became effective had been retired.

Art. 3

1. Officials, who are of non-aryan descent, are to be retired; insofar as honorary officials are concerned, they are to be removed from official status.

2. Section 1 is not in effect for officials who were already officials since 1 August 1914, or who fought during the World War at the front for the German Reichs or who fought for its allies or whose fathers or sons were killed in the World War. The Reichsminister of the Interior can permit further, exceptions in understanding with the appropriate special minister or the highest authorities of the federal states in the case of officials abroad.

Art. 4

Officials, whose former political activity does not offer a guarantee that they at all times without reservation act in the interest of the national state can be dismissed from service. F a period of 3 months after dismissal they are accorded their former salary. From this time on they receive 3/4 of their pension and corresponding survivor's benefits.

Art. 5

1. Every official must allow himself to be transferred to another office of the same or equivalent career, even into such one having less rank or regular salary—reimbursement for t prescribed costs of transfer taking place, if the needs of service require it. In case of transferment to an office of low rank and regular salary the official retains his previous official title and the official income of his former position.

2. The official can, in place of transfer to an office of lesser rank and regular income (section 11) demand to be retired.

Art. 6

For the simplification of administration officials can be tired, even if they are not yet unfit for service. If officials a retired for this reason, their places may not be filled again.

Art. 7
1. Dismissal from office, transfer to another office and retirement will be ordered by the highest Reichs or federal state agency which will render final decision without right of appeal.



2. The dispositions according to Art 2 to 6 must be made known at the latest by 30 Sept 1933 to those affected. The time can be shortened by agreement with the Reichsminister of the Interior, if the appropriate Reichs or federal state agency declares that the measures authorized in this law have been carried out.

Art. 8

A pension will not be granted to the officials dismissed or retired-in accordance with Art 3 and 4, if they have not completed a term of service of at least 10 years; this applies also in the cases in which according to the existing stipulation a pension is already accorded after a shorter term of service. Articles 36, 47 and 49 of the Reichs officials' law, the law of 4 July 1921 on increased computation of time in service accomplished during the war (RGBl p. 825) and the corresponding provisions of federal state laws remained unchanged.

Art. 9

1. In the calculation of length of service valid for pension purposes, excepting time of service accrued in their last employment, only a term served in the Reichs, Federal State, or communal service according to the existing regulations may be credited to officials dismissed or retired according to Articles 3 and 4. Also accrediting of this length of service is only permissible, if it bears some relationship in preparation or career to the position last held; such a relationship of lower career to a higher one is to be regarded as an orderly promotion. If the official would have obtained a higher pension by the addition of later years of service to time served in an earlier position regularly obtained by qualifications and preparation, the ruling more favorable to him takes precedence.

2. The implementative regulations govern the calculation of time served with public corporations and with institutions and undertakings placed upon the same basis as these public corporations.

3. Accreditation and certification of time served valid for pension purposes, which conflict with the carrying out of the pro-visions of Section 1, are nullified.

4. In the case of officials of the Reich and of public corporations, institutions, and agencies under the supervision of the Reich, the Reichsminister of the Interior in agreement with the Reichsminister of Finance can mitigate hardships; the highest federal state authorities can do the same in the case of other officials.



5. Sections 1 to 4 as well as Article 8 will also be applied to such officials who already, before this law came into effect, were retired either permanently or temporarily upon whom Articles 2 to 4 would have been applied if the officials had been still in service at the time this law came into effect. The new accrediting of time of service valid in the calculation of pensions and the accrediting of pensions and of waiting allowances must, at the latest, take place on 30 Sept 1933 with effect as of 1 Oct 1933.

Art. 10

1. Guiding principles, which are established for the amount of pay for officials will be based upon the calculation of service remunerations and pension. In case decisions by the competent authorities on the applying of the guiding principles do not yet exist, they are to be issued without delay.

2. After decisions by the competent authorities concerning the application of the guiding principle have been made, if officials are found to have received higher remunerations than are due them according to the decisions, they then have to reimburse the surplus amounts received since 1 April 1932 at the pay office where the payments were given out. The argument of no longer existing enrichment (Articles 812vBGB and subs) is excluded.

3. Subsections 1 and 2 are valid also for persons who have been retired inside of one year before this law became effective.

Art. 11.

1. If, in the accrediting of pay-seniority of officials who leave the service on account of Articles 3 and 4, employment outside of the Reichs, Federal State, or communal service has been calculated, then the pay-seniority is to be newly calculated. Therein only an employment in the Reichs, Federal State, or communal service, or according to the implementative regulations, in the service of public corporations and institutions and undertakings equivalent to the former may be accredited. Exceptions can be permitted by the Reichsminister of the Interior in agreement with the Reichsminister of Finance for Reichs officials; for other officials, by the highest federal state authorities.

2. If a new accrediting of pay-seniority according to Section 1 comes into consideration, then in the case of officials retired or dismissed according to Articles 3 and 4, the new determination of pay-seniority will be carried out in conjunction with the determination of the pension amount.

3. The same is valid for the persons named in Article 9, Section 5.



Art. 12.

1. The salaries of Reichsministers appointed since 9 Nov 1918, which are net calculated according to the provisions of Articles 16 to 24 of the Reichsminister law of 27 March 1930 (RGBl I P. 96) are to be newly calculated. In the new calculation, the above-mentioned provisions of the Reichsminister law are to be applied as if they had been already in effect at the time of the Reichsminister's dismissal from office. According to this law, excess payments received since 1 April 1933 are to be paid back. The argument of no longer existing enrichment (Article 812 and subs BGB) is inadmissible.

2. Section 1 will receive application upon the members of the federal state government appointed since 9 Nov 1918 with the provision that in place of the Reichsminister law the corresponding provisions of the federal state law will be in effect; however, payments may only be made to the amount which results from the application of the fundamental principles of Articles 16 to 24 of the Reichsminister law.

3. The new calculation of payments must take place before 31 December 1933.

4. Retroactive payments will not take place.

Art. 13

The survivors payments will be calculated with corresponding application of Articles 8 to 12.

Art. 14.

1. Against the officials who have been dismissed or transferred upon the authority of this law, the institution of civil service punishment proceedings on account of misdemeanors committed while in office with the object of cancellation of pension, survivors benefits, designation of office, title, official uniform and insignia. The institution of the proceedings must take place on 31 December 1933 at the latest.

2. Section 1 is also valid for persons who within one year of the date that this law becomes effective have been retired and upon whom the Articles 2 and 4 would have been applied, if these persons had still been in service when this law came into effect.
Art. 15

The provisions concerning officials will be applied in an appropriate manner to employees and workers. The implementative regulations govern detailed application.



Art. 16

If unreasonable hardships occur in the carrying out of this law, then higher payments or transition money may be granted in accordance with the general regulations. The decisions in this matter will be made by the Reichsminister of the Interior in agreement with the Reichsminister of Finance in the case of Reichs officials, in other cases by the highest federal state authorities.

Art. 17

1. The Reichsminister of the interior will issue in agreement with the Reichsminister of Finance, the necessary regulations for the execution and carrying through of this law and the general administrative provisions.

2. If necessary the highest federal state authorities will issue

supplementary regulations. In this matter they must confine themselves to the framework of the Reichs regulations.

Art. 18

With the expiration of the periods established in this law, the, general provisions valid for the professional civil services will be again completely valid, without prejudice to the measures: taken on the basis of this law.

Berlin, 7 April 1933

The Reichschancellor Adolf Hitler
The Reichsminister of the Interior Frick
The Reichsminister of Finance Count Schwerin von Krosigk
Last edited by David Thompson on 18 Oct 2004, 07:06, edited 3 times in total.

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Post by David Thompson » 18 Oct 2004, 04:00

19330407 Document: 1401-PS; Date: 7 April 1933; Reichsgesetzblatt-Page: I.188; Title and Gist of Law: Gesetz uber die Zulassun zur Rechtsanwaltschaft (Law relating to admission to the Bar) removing Jews from the Bar; Signed by: Guertner.

"Document 1401-PS [translation]", in Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression. Volume III: US Government Printing Office, District of Columbia: 1946. pp. 989-990.

Law Regarding Admission to the Bar, 7 April 1933

The Reich Government has enacted the following law that is promulgated herewith :

Art. 1. The admission of lawyers who, according to the Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service, of April 7, 1933 (RGBI, I 175), are of non-Aryan descent, may be cancelled till September 30, 1933.

The provision of clause 1 does not apply to lawyers already admitted before August 1, 1914, or, who, during the World War fought at the front for Germany, or her allies, or who lost their fathers or sons in the World War.

Art. 2. Persons who, according to the Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service of April 7, 1933 (RGBl. I, p. 175) are of non-Aryan descent, may be refused permission to practice law, even if there exists none of the reasons enumerated in the Regulations for Lawyers. The same rule applies in cases, as where a lawyer described in Section 1, clause 2, wishes to be admitted to another court.



Art. 3. Persons, who were active in the communistic sense are excluded from the admission to the Bar.
Admissions already given have to be revoked.

Art. 4. The Justice-Administration can issue an injunction against a lawyer until it is decided, if use will be made of the right to revoke the admission in accordance with Art 1/1, or Art 3. The prescriptions of Art 9/b/2-4 of the Bar regulation (Reichs-Law-Publication 1933, I, page 120) apply accordingly to the injunction against representation.

Against lawyers of that type as described in Art. 1/2 the injunction against representation is only then permissible when the use of Art. 3 is concerned.

Art. 5. To revoke the admission to the Bar is considered an important reason for the cancelling of employment contracts, which were concluded by the lawyer as employer.

Art. 6. In case the admission of a lawyer is revoked in accordance with this law, then for the cancelling of leases of rooms, which were rented by the lawyer for himself or his family, the regulations of the law about the cancelling right of persons concerned by the law for the renovation of professional bureaucracy, 7 April 1933, (RGBl. Part I, page 187) will accordingly be used. The same will apply to employees of lawyers, who lost their job owing to the fact that the admission of the lawyer was revoked or an injunction against representation; against him was issued in conformity with Art. 4.

Berlin, 7 April 1933

The Reichs-Chancellor
Adolf Hitler

The Reichs-Minister for Justice
Dr. Guertner
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Post by David Thompson » 18 Oct 2004, 05:44

19330422 Document Number: 2084-PS; Date: 22 April 1933; Reichsgesetzblatt-Page: I.215; Title and Gist of Law: Gesetz uber die uberfullun deutscher Schullen ( Law against the over-crowding of German schools and higher institutions) limiting drastically the number of Jewish students; Signed by: Hitler, Frick.

"Document 2084-PS [translation]", in Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression. Volume IV: US Government Printing Office, District of Columbia: 1946. p. 718.



Law on the Formation of Student Organizations at Scientific Universities

22 April 1933.

The Government of the Reich has decreed the following law which is promulgated herewith :

Section 1

Students of German descent and mother tongue, fully registered with a scientific University shall constitute the Student-body of such University, regardless of their citizenship:

Section 2

The Student-body is a part of the University and represents the students as a whole. It shall be instrumental in ensuring that students fulfill their duties towards the people, the State, and the University.

Section 3

Details relating to organization and work of the student-bodies will be determined by Land governments' Student Regulations and by the by-laws of the Universities and the Student-bodies.

Berlin, 22 April 1933.

The Reich Chancellor
The Reich Minister of the Interior
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Post by David Thompson » 18 Oct 2004, 06:30

19330422 Document Number: 2868-PS; Date: 22 April 1933; Reichsgesetzblatt-Page: I.217; Title and Gist of Law: Gesetz betreff die Zulassun zur Patentanwaltschaft (Law relating to the admission to the profession of patent agent and lawyer) excluding Jews from acting as patent attorneys; Signed by: Hitler, Guertner.

"Document 2868-PS [partial translation]", in Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression. Volume V: US Government Printing Office, District of Columbia: 1947. p. 529.


Law Relating to the Admission to the Profession of Patent-agent and Lawyer of 22 April 1933

The Government of the Reich has resolved the following law which is promulgated herewith:

Section 1

Patent-agents which are of non-aryan descent pursuant to the law relating to the reestablishment of the Professional Civil Service [Weiderherstellung des Berufsbeamtentums] of 7 April 1933 (Reichsgesetzblatt, I, p. 175) may be taken off the roster of patent-agents kept by the Reich Patent Office up to 30 September 1933.

The provision of subsection 1 does not apply to patent agents, which have been entered into the roster since 1 August 1914 or which have fought in the front lines for the German Reich or its allies in the World War, or to those patent agents the fathers or sons of which were killed in the World War. As to the question, who is to be regarded as a frontline fighter, the corresponding implementation regulations are applicable which were issued pursuant to Section 17, subsection 1 of the law relating to the Re-establishment of the Professional Civil Service of 7 April 1933 (Reichsgesetzblatt I, p. 175).


The Reich President
von Hindenberg

The Reich Chancellor
Adolf Hitler

The Reich Minister of the Interior


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Post by David Thompson » 18 Oct 2004, 06:57

19330506 Document Number: 2869-PS; Date: 6 May 1933; Reichsgesetzblatt-Page: I.257; Title and Gist of Law: Gesetz uber die Zulasun von Steuereratern. (Law relating to the admission of Tax Advisors) eliminating "non-Aryans" from the profession of tax consultants; Signed by: Hitler, Schwerin v. Krosigk

"Document 2869-PS [partial translation]", in Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression. Volume V: US Government Printing Office, District of Columbia: 1947. p. 530.


Law Relating to the Admission of Tax Advisors of 6 May 1933

Art. 1

Section 1

Persons which are of non-Aryan descent pursuant to the law relating to the reestablishment of the professional Civil Service [Berufsbeamtentums] are not generally to be admitted as tax-advisors. Admissions already granted to such persons are to be withdrawn.

Lawyers or notaries, even of non-Aryan descent, are admitted as plenipotentiaries or assistants [Beistand, i.e., person assisting the party other than counsel] in tax matters from case to case. Other persons of non-Aryan descent are not to be permitted on principle as plenipotentiaries or assistants (a.b.) in tax-matters, not even from case to case. Exceptions thereof are admissible only insofar as such other persons will act as plenipotentiaries or assistants for relatives pursuant to section 67, subsection 1, figures 2 and 3 of the Reich Tax Code.


The Reich Chancellor
Adolf Hitler
The Reich Minister of Justice
Dr. Guertner

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Post by David Thompson » 18 Oct 2004, 07:05

Document Number: 1400-PS; Date: 30 June 1933; Law Changing the Regulations in regard to Public Officers, June 30, 1933.

"Document 1400-PS [partial translation]", in Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression. Volume III: US Government Printing Office, District of Columbia: 1946. pp. 987-989.


Law Changing the Regulations in regard to Public Officers, June 30, 1933

Chapter 2

Article la

1. Only such persons may be appointed Reich officials who possess for their career the prescribed education or customary training or who have special qualifications for the office about to be given, and who guarantee that they will support the Reich at all times without reservation.

2. Women may only be appointed Reich officials for life when they have completed the 35th year.

3. Anyone of non-Aryan descent, or married to a person of non-Aryan descent, may not be appointed a Reich official. Reich officials of Aryan descent who marry a person of non-Aryan de-scent are to be discharged. The question of who is of non-Aryan descent is to be decided by regulations decreed by the Reich Minister of the Interior.

* * * * * * *



4. If urgent requirements of the administration so necessitate, the highest Reich officials may make exceptions in individual cases —exceptions from the provisions of (2) with the approval of the Reich Minister of Finance, exceptions from the provisions of (3) with the approval of the Reich Minister of the Interior.

* * * * * * *

Article 6

1. The provisions are also to be applied to the civil service regulations of the states, local communities, and of the other bodies, institutions, and foundations of public law * * *.

2. The German State Railways, the Reichsbank, the public-legal religious societies, and the confederations are empowered to issue similar regulations.

Chapter 3

* * * * * * *

Article 7

2. When the economic status of a female official appears to be permanently secured because of a family income, the officials * * * may order a dismissal. The conditions for dismissal are always present when the husband is a permanent official not subject to dismissal.

Chapter 8

* * * * * * *
Article 40

1. The states and the bodies of public law not supervised by the states are empowered and compelled to lower the incomes of their officials insofar as they are higher than the incomes of Reich officials of equal rank. The Reich ministers and the Reich chancellor are to be considered as Reich officials within the scope of this I chapter. Sentence 1 is not applicable to university teachers; for them the special rules of Section 44 apply. Similarly, the Reich Government or the state governments may make different rules in other cases in which the scholarly or artistic significance of an office requires a special evaluation.

2. The local communes, and the other bodies of public law which are under the supervision of the state officials are empowered and I obligated to reduce the salaries of their officials, insofar as they are higher than the salaries of state officials, of corresponding rank.

* * * * * * *



Article 44

1. The state governments are empowered to alter or annul the assurances given to university professors before this chapter be-came effective. They are not bound hereby to agreements, compromises, legal judgments or arbitration decisions.

* * * * * * *

Chapter 13

* * * * * * *

Article 77

1. Insofar as the execution of the provisions of this law requires it, deviations from the Reich constitution and from the state constitutions are permissible.

Berlin, 30 June 1933
The Reichschancellor
Adolf Hitler
The Reichsminister for Finance
Graf Schwerin von Krosigk
The Reichsminister of the Interior

David Thompson
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Post by David Thompson » 18 Oct 2004, 07:19

19330726 Document Number: 2870-PS; Date: 26 July 1933; Reichsgesetzblatt-Page: I.538; Title and Gist of Law: Verordnung zur Durchfuehrung des Gesetzes uber den Widerruf von Einbuergerungen (Executing decree for the law about the Repeal of Naturalizations and the adjudication of German citizenship) defining Jews from Eastern Europe as "undesirable" and subject to denationalization.; Signed by: Pfundtner (Asst. to Frick).

"Document 2870-PS [partial translation]", in Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression. Volume V: US Government Printing Office, District of Columbia: 1946. pp. 531-532.


Executory decree for the law about the Repeal of Naturalizations and the Ajudication of German Citizenship of 26 July 1933.

On the basis of Article 3 of the law concerning the Repeal of Naturalizations and the Ajudication of German Citizenship of 14 July 1933 (Reichsgesetzblatt I, page 480), it is herewith decreed in agreement with the Reich Foreign Minister and the Minister of Finances:

Re Article I.


Whether a naturalization is to be considered undesirable shall be adjudicated in accordance with racial-national [voelkisch-national] principles. In the foreground are the racial, civic and cultural viewpoints regarding an increase of the German population compatible with the interests of Reich and folk by naturali-



nation. Not only are facts preceding the date of naturalization to be taken into consideration, but especially also circumstances appearing subsequent to the date of naturalization.

Accordingly the repeal of naturalization is especially to be contemplated in the case of :

(a) Eastern Jews, unless they have fought on the German side at the front in the World War, or have rendered extremely meritorious services to the German interests:

(b) Persons who are guilty of a grave offense or a crime, or otherwise have acted in a way detrimental to the welfare of the state and the people.


The repeal, unless particular reasons do make it advisable, shall not be pronounced in the case of :

(a) Naturalized citizens who possessed German citizenship before 9 November 1918 and lost it due to the provisions of the Treaty of Versailles and its executory agreements without any action on their part.

(b) Persons who have been naturalized on account of their right to be naturalized in accordance with the provisions of the law on Reich's and State's Citizenship of 22 July 1913. (Reichsgesetzblatt, page 584).


If the naturalized person died or has been declared dead or has lost the German citizenship in the meantime, the repeal may be pronounced independently as to the persons mentioned in Article 1, Paragraph 2 of the Law.


The repeal effects the loss of any German citizenship, i.e. also of an additional one acquired in the meantime by admission [Aufnalune].


Reasons for the repeal are not to be communicated.

In the repealing order those persons are to be listed by name to whom the repeal extends.

A separate repeal order shall be served on those persons included in the repeal who are above the age of 16.

The repeal order shall be handed to persons in this country by the competent authority against receipt or it shall be served on them by mail (mail service certificate) ; to persons in foreign countries the repeal order shall be handed through the competent diplomatic or consular representative of the Reich. In case it is



not served or handed over, the repeal has to be published in the Reich Gazette [Reichsanzeiger] in order to become effective. The repeal is not appellable.

Re Article 2.

An attitude contrary to the duty of faith towards Reich and folk is present in particular if a German promotes hostile propaganda against Germany or tries to disparage the German reputation or the acts of the national government.


The sequestration of property and the forfeiture declaration are published in the Reich Gazette [Reichsanzeiger]. They become effective with the date of publication.

The execution of measures necessitated by the sequestration of property and the forfeiture declaration is incumbent on the Finance Office appointed for that purpose by the Reich Minister of Finances.

In other respects the provisions of Article 380, Paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 of the Reich Levy Order [Reichsabjabnordnung] of 22 May 1931 (Reichsgesetzblatt I, page 161) are applicable to the sequestration of property.

Real estate, forfeited to the Reich, is to be transcribed to the Reich in the real estate register [Grundbuch] on application of the Finance Office. Corresponding action is to be taken for claims which are entered in the Reich Debt Register or in the Debt Register of a German State, a German community or a German Union of Communities. No costs or expenses will be charged for the transcription.

Berlin, 26 July 1933.
The Reich Minister of the Interior
By direction

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Post by David Thompson » 20 Oct 2004, 07:12

19330922 Document Number: 2870-PS; Date: 22 September 1933; Law relating to the Reich Chamber of Culture of September 22nd, 1933.

"Document 2870-PS [partial translation]", in Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression. Volume V: US Government Printing Office, District of Columbia: 1946. pp. 531-532.


Law relating to the Reich Chamber of Cultureof September 22nd, 1933.

The Reich Government has decreed the following law which is hereby promulgated :

Section 1

The Reich Minister for Popular Enlightenment and Propaganda is ordered and authorized to organize the functions under his jurisdiction into public corporations.

Section 2

Pursuant to section 1, the following chambers are established :

1. a Reich Chamber of Archives,

2. a Reich Press Chamber,

3. a Reich Radio Chamber,

4. a Reich Theater Chamber,

5. a Reich Music Chamber,

6. a Reich Chamber of Creative Arts.

Section 3

In establishing the Chambers mentioned in section 2, the pro-visions relating to the film industry contained in the Law relating to the Establishment of a Provisional Film Chamber of 14 July 1933 (Reichsgesetzblatt, page 483) and supplementary executive provisions thereunder are to receive corresponding application.

Section 4

The organization of these Chambers must be kept within the framework of the policies laid down by the Reich Government in connection with professional advancement.

Section 5

The corporate bodies listed in Section 2, together with the provisional film Chamber, referred to as the Reich Film Chamber, are united into a Reich Chamber of Culture. The Reich Chamber of Culture is under the supervision of the Reich Minister for Popular Enlightenment and Propaganda. It has its seat in Berlin.

Section 6

The Reich Minister for Popular Enlightenment and Propaganda and the Reich Minister of Economics are authorized to coordinate the provisions of the Trade Laws with the provisions of this law by means of a combined decree.

Section 7

The Reich Minister for Popular Enlightenment and Propaganda is authorized to decree laws and general administrative regulations as well as amendments for the purpose of implement-



ing this law. The laws and general administrative regulations affecting financial or trade interests of the Reich require consent of the Reich Minister of Finance, in agreement with the Reich Minister of Economics.

Berlin, 22 September 1933.

The Reich Chancellor
Adolf Hitler
The Reich Minister for Popular Enlightenment and Propaganda
Dr. Goebbels

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Post by David Thompson » 20 Oct 2004, 07:21

19330929 Document Number: 1402-PS; Date: 29 September 1933; The Homestead Law of 29 September 1933

"Document 1402-PS [partial translation]", in Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression. Volume III: US Government Printing Office, District of Columbia: 1946. pp. 990-991.


The Homestead Law, 29 September 1933

The Reich Government desires to maintain the peasantry a the well-spring of the German people by securing the German tradition of ancestral rights.
The Reich Government, therefore, has enacted the following law. The basic thoughts of the law are :

* * * * * * *

The owner of an hereditary manor is called a peasant.



Only a respectable person who is a German citizen and has German or cognate blood may be a peasant.

* * * * * * *

Section 12

Only a German citizen can be a peasant.

Section 13

Requirement of German or cognate blood.

(1) Only a person of German or cognate blood may be a peasant.

(2) A person is not considered German or as having cognate blood, if his paternal or maternal ancestors have Jewish or colored blood in their veins.

(3) The first of January, 1800, is the day that decides whether the premises of Section I obtain. In case of doubt whether the premises of Section I obtain, the inheritance court decides on a motion of the owner or of the district leader of the peasants.

Berlin 29 Sept 1933.

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Post by David Thompson » 20 Oct 2004, 07:33

19331004 Document Number: 2083-PS; Date: 4 October 1933; Reichsgesetzblatt-Page: I.713; Title and Gist of Law: Schriftleitergesetz (Editorial Law) barring "non-Aryans" and persons married to "non-Aryans" from the newspaper profession; Signed by: Hitler, Goebbels.

"Document 2083-PS translation]", in Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression. Volume IV: US Government Printing Office, District of Columbia: 1946. pp. 709-717


Editorial Law 4 October 1933

The Reich Government has resolved upon the following law, which is hereby published :

Part One

The Editorial Profession

Section 1

The cooperative work carried on as main employment or based upon appointment to the position of chief editor in the shaping of the intellectual contents by written word, dissemination of news or pictures of the newspapers or political periodicals, which are published within the area of the Reich, is a public task, which is regulated as to its professional duties and rights by the state through this law. Its bearers are called editors. Nobody may call himself an editor who is not entitled to do so, according to this law.

Section 2

(1) Newspapers and periodicals are printed matters which appear in regular sequence at intervals of at most 3 months, with-out limiting their circulation to a certain group of persons.

(2) All reproductions of writings or illustrations, destined for dissemination, which are produced by means of a mass reproduction process-are to be considered as printed matter.

Section 3

(1) The provisions of this law relating to newspapers are valid also for political periodicals.

(2) This law does not apply to newspapers and periodicals which are published by official order.


(3) The Reich Minister of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda will determine which periodicals are to be considered as political within the meaning of the law. In case the periodical affects a certain vocational field, he will make the decision in agreement with the highest Reich or State agency concerned.

Section 4

Cooperation in the shaping of the intellectual contents of the German newspapers is also considered as such, if it does not take place in the management of a newspaper, but in an establishment, which is to supply newspapers with intellectual contents, (writ-ten word, news, or pictures).

Part Two

Admission to the Profession of Editor

Section 5

Persons who can be editors are only those who:

1. possess the German citizenship,

2. have not lost the civic rights [buergerliche Ehrenrechte] and the qualification for the tenure of public offices.

3. are of Aryan descent, and are not married to a person of non-Aryan descent.

4. have completed the 21st year of age,

5. are capable of handling business,

6. have been trained in the profession,

7. have the qualities which the task of exerting intellectual influence upon the public requires.

Section 6

For the requirement of the Aryan descent and the Aryan marriage, section la of the Reich Law for Officials [Reichsbeamtengesetz] and the provisions issued for its implementation will be applied.

Section 7

(1) Whoever has acquired the knowledge of an editor by training for at least one year (editor in apprenticeship) with the editorial staff of a German newspaper or an establishment of the kind mentioned in Section 4 and can prove this by certificate to the editorial staff will be considered as professionally trained. The apprenticeship served with a foreign newspaper may be made equivalent to the apprenticeship served with a German paper by means of the implementation order.

(2) The provisions of this law also pertain to the editors in apprenticeship with the exception of Section 5, Subsections 4, 5, and 6.



Section 8

The admission to the editorial profession will be affected by entry upon request in the professional editors' list. The professional rosters are kept by the offices of the regional associations [Landesverbaende] of the German press. (Section 24, Subsection 2). The registration will be passed upon by the head of Regional association. He must decree the registration, if the requirements which are set forth in Section 5 are fulfilled. He has to reject it if the Reichsminister for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda protests.

Section 9

(1) Upon application by the head of the regional association the head of the Reich Association of the German Press (Section 23) with the approval of Reich Minister of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda may permit exceptions from the requirements set forth (Section 5, Nos. 1, 3, and 6) . This exception can be limited to certain branches of the activity of an editor. In this case the Reich Minister of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda grants the permission in accordance with the highest competent Reich or State authority.

(2) Exemption from the requirement of German [Reich] citizenship is to be granted to those of German origin if no special objections exist.

Section 10

The nominator must be notified in writing together with a statement of reasons of a decision by the head of the Land Association [Landesverband] rejecting an entry into the professional roster. The nominator may call for a decision by the professional court within four weeks after the notice. The appeal is not permitted if the circumstances fall within the purview of Section 8, 5th sentence.

Section 11

The head of the Land Association is required to decree the deletion of an entry in the professional roster if the requirements set forth in Section 5, Nos. 1, 2, 5, are not present, or the data furnished under Nos. 1–6 has been found incorrect, or the editor has given up his profession. Section 10, sentences 1 and 2 are correspondingly applicable.

Part Three

Exercise of the Profession of an Editor

Section 12

By registration in the professional roster, the editor becomes entitled to execute his profession with German newspapers or



with German enterprises of the kind described in Section 4. If he moves into the district of a different Land Association, he will be transferred to the respective professional roster without further examination.

Section 13

Editors are charged to treat their subjects truthfully and to judge them according to the best of their knowledge.

Section 14

Editors are especially bound to keep out of the newspapers any-thing which :

1. in any manner is misleading to the public, mixes selfish aims with community aims

2. tends to weaken the strength of the German Reich, outwardly or inwardly, the common will of the German people, the German defense ability, culture or economy, or offends the religious sentiments of others,

3. offends the honor and dignity of Germany,

4. illegally offends the honor or the welfare of another, hurts his reputation, makes him ridiculous or contemptible,

5. is immoral for other reasons.

Section 15

Editors are bound to exercise their profession conscientiously and by their behavior inside or outside their professional activities prove themselves worthy of the respect which this profession demands.

Section 16

The publisher of a newspaper may compel an editor by means of a contract to observe the fundamental policies of a newspaper. The public duties and rights of the editor which derive from Sections 13 to 15, cannot be affected by policies.

Section 17

Contracts for the hiring of an editor must be in writing.

Section 18

The publisher of a newspaper must appoint an editor-in-chief and is required to report his name in writing to the Land Association concerned.

Section 19

The editor-in-chief is required to draw up in writing a plan for distribution of work, from which must be evident what part of the tasks of editing are to be taken by each editor and to what extent he has the authority to issue directions to other editors, in accordance with the terms of the contracts of employment and the supplementary directives of the publisher.



Section 20

(1) Editors of a newspaper are responsible under professional, criminal and civil law, for its intellectual content so far as they themselves wrote or selected it. The responsibility under criminal or civil law of other persons is not thereby excluded.

(2) The chief editor is responsible for the over-all editorial policy of the newspaper.

(3) The editor-in-chief is required:

(a) to take care that only such contributions are accepted as have been written or selected for acceptance by an editor.

(b) to take care that the first and last names as well as the residence of the editor-in-chief and his deputies, as well as that of each editor to whom a specific part of the direction of a news-paper is delegated, is reported.

(c) upon request to give information to anyone establishing a legal interest therein, as to which editor bears the responsibility for a contribution, so far as this is not evident from the data under subdivision b.

Section 21

Editors who cooperate in the shaping of the intellectual con-tents of a newspaper by their activity with an enterprise of the kind mentioned in Section 4, are responsible for the contents to the extent of their cooperation.

Part Four

Protection of the Editorial Profession Afforded by the LawsRelating to Association.

Section 22

The editorial group as a whole will watch over the fulfillment of duty on the part of individual professional colleagues and will look after their rights and their welfare.

Section 23

Editors are legally united to the Reich Association of the German Press [Reichsverband der Deutschen Presse]. By virtue of his registration on the professional roster every editor belongs to it. By virtue of this law the Reich Association becomes a public corporation. It has its seat in Berlin.

Section 24
(1) The Reich Minister for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda will appoint the head of the Reich Association who will issue a charter for the Reich Association, which will require the approval of the Minister. The head of the Reich Association will appoint an advisory councilor.



(2) The Reich Association is organized in Land Associations. Further details are regulated by the charter. Editors who live abroad must belong to a Land Association in whose district there is a newspaper or an establishment of the kind outlined in Section 4, by which they are employed.

Section 25

(1) The Reich Association is required:

1. to establish educational, advanced training and welfare institutions for the editors,

2. to give expert advice to Reich and Land authorities,

3. to cooperate in the making of stipulations for employment of editors,

4. upon request of one party, to negotiate among editors, and to settle differences in case both parties agree.

5. to maintain professional courts for the press.

(2) The Reich Association may assume additional duties for the achievement of the purposes provided for in Section 22.

(3) The Reich Association is authorized to impose dues on its members in order to meet its expenses. The regulations governing this must have the approval of Reich Minister for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda. The dues are to be collected like public taxes.

Section 26

The Reich Minister for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda will exercise supervision to ensure that the Reich Association fulfills tasks which have been assigned to it.

Section 27

(1) Professional Courts [Berufsgerichte] will be established for the protection of the editorial profession.

(2) Professional Courts of the first instance are the District Courts [Bezirksgerichte] of the Press.
Professional Courts of the second instance is the Press Court [Pressegerichtshof] in Berlin.

Section 28

The Professional Courts have jurisdiction:

1. to try and to decide whether the registration in the professional roster for cases set forth in Section 10 is to be decreed.

2. to try and to decide upon removals under Section 11.

3. to interpret termination clauses in editors' contracts of employment [Anstellungsverhaeltnisses] under Section 30.

4. to try and to decide offenses of a professional nature on the part of editors (proceedings of an honor court).



Section 29

The termination of employment must be in writing and must-contain a statement of reasons.

Section 30

A publisher may dismiss an editor because of the views expressed by him in the newspaper only if they are in conflict with the public professional duties of an editor or if they contravene the agreed policies. The Professional Court will, at the request of the editor, state whether the dismissal, in its opinion, has been contrary to the provisions of the preceding sentence or amounts to an evasion of them. Legal proceedings before the regular courts, if any have been initiated, are to be deferred until the re-quested opinion has been obtained.

Section 31

(1) An editor who fails in his public professional duties, as set forth in Sections 13 to 15, 19, 20, subsection 3, commits a professional misdemeanor. In such case the Professional Court may:

1. warn the editor,

2. punish him with a fine not exceeding the sum of one month's professional earning,

3. decree the removal of his name from the professional roster.

(2) His license to exercise the editorial profession and to call himself an editor is terminated with such removal.

(3) The Professional Court may temporarily deny an editor, against whom proceedings in an honorary court have been instituted, the right to exercise his profession.

Section 32

Professional Courts shall consist of the President and the lay judges [Beisitzer]. Alternates are to be appointed for the President and the lay judges. The President and the lay judges must be eligible for the office of judge or for higher administrative offices. They must possess judicial independence. The lay judges and their alternates have to be editors and publishers in equal numbers. All members of the Professional Courts are appointed by the Reich Minister for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda. The head of the Reich Association will nominate the editors, while the head of the Organization of Publishers in the Reich Press Chamber will nominate the publishers.

Section 33

The District Press Courts with five members, the Press Court [Pressegerichtshof] with 7 members, the President being included in both cases.



Section 34

The procedure before the Professional Courts will be regulated by a code of procedure which is decreed by the Reich Minister for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda in agreement with the Reich Minister for Justice after obtaining the opinion of the head of the Reich Association.

Section 35

The Reich Minister for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda may decree the removal of an editor from the professional list independent of the proceedings of the Professional Court, if he deems it necessary for pressing reasons of public welfare.

Part Five

Protection of the Editorial Profession Afforded by the Penal Laws

Section 36

Whosoever works as an editor despite the fact he is not registered in the professional rosters, or despite the fact that the exercise of his profession has been prohibited temporarily, will be punished with imprisonment up to one year, or fined.

Section 37

A publisher who entrusts a person who is not registered in the professional rosters or an editor who has been temporarily suspended from the exercise of his profession with the work of an editor as a main profession, or who maintains a newspaper without having appointed a chief editor, according to Section 18, will be punished by imprisonment of up to 3 months or by a fine.

Section 38

An editor who demands, accepts a promise of, or accepts a remuneration or any other advantage for an action which violates Sections 13 or 14, will be punished with imprisonment or fined.

Section 39

Whosoever attempts to induce an editor or a publisher or his deputy, by an officer, promise or granting an advantage, to under-take, bring about or tolerate the shaping of the intellectual content of a newspaper, in violation of Sections 13 or 14, will be punished with imprisonment or fined for bribery of the press.

Section 40

(1) Whosoever attempts to induce an editor or a publisher or his deputy by means of threats to undertake, bring about or tolerate the shaping of the intellectual content of a newspaper in violation of Sections 13 or 14 will be punished with imprisonment or fined for unlawful interference with the press.



(2) If the unlawful interference with the press is exerted by misuse of the dependent employee-status of the editor, then the punishment must be not less than 3 months imprisonment.

Section 41

In cases under Sections 38 to 40 the judgment may include less of civil rights in addition to imprisonment.

Section 42

Whosoever assumes the title of an editor, despite the fact he is not registered in the professional roster, will be punished by fine of up to 150 Reichsmark or by imprisonment [haeft].

Section 43

The license of a publisher against whom there is a final judgment for violation of provisions contained in Sections 37, 39 and 40, may be revoked by the administrative authority having jurisdiction in such matters under the laws of the State.

Part Six

Concluding Provisions

Section 44

Regulations enabling delegates of a law-making body to limit prosecutions are not applicable to cases under sections 31 to 35 of this law.

Section 45

(1) Sections 7, 8, of the Reich Law relating to the Press of 7 May 1874 (RGB I page 65) are not applicable to newspapers and political periodicals.

(2) Otherwise the provisions of the Reich Press Law relating to the responsible Editor in charge [Redakteur] are applicable to the responsible editor [Schriftleiter or Hauptschriftleiter] of newspapers and political periodicals, insofar as Section 20, sub-section 1 and Section 21 of this law are concerned.

Section 46

The Reich Minister for Popular Enlightenment and Propaganda in agreement with the other Reich Ministers concerned may issue directives for the execution of these laws and for conversion from the old legal basis to the new one.

Section 47

The Reich Minister for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda will set the date on which this law becomes valid.

Berlin, 4 October 1933
The Reich Chancellor
Adolf Hitler
The Reich Minister for Public
Enlightenment and Propaganda
Dr. Goebbels


David Thompson
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Post by David Thompson » 20 Oct 2004, 08:05

19350521 Document Number: 2984-PS; Date: 21 May 1935; Reichsgesetzblatt-Page: I.608; Title and Gist of Law: Wehrgesetz (Law concerning Armed Forces) barring "non-Aryans" from military service.

"Document 2984-PS [partial translation]", in Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression. Volume V: US Government Printing Office, District of Columbia: 1946. pp. 686-687.


Law concerning Armed Forces of 21 May 1935,

Chapter II, Section 15.

Aryan Descent.

(1) Aryan descent is a prerequisite for active service in the Armed Forces.
(2) An examining committee will determine whether and to what extent exceptions may be permitted in accordance with directives which the Reich Minister of the Interior sets forth, in agreement with the Reich Minister of War.



(3) Only persons of Aryan descent may become officers in the Armed Forces.
(4) Members of the Armed Forces and of the reserve who are of Aryan descent, are prohibited from marrying persons of non-Aryan descent. Contraventions will result in the loss of any military rating.
(5) The service of non-Aryans during war remains subject to special regulations.
* * * * * * *
The Fuehrer and Reich Chancellor
Adolf Hitler
The Reich Minister of Defense
von Blomberg
The Reich Minister of the Interior

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Post by David Thompson » 20 Oct 2004, 08:08

19350910 Document: 2894-PS; Description: General Decree of 10 September 1935 on establishment of separate Jewish schools, published in Documents of German Politics, 1937, p.152.

"Document 2984-PS [partial translation]", in Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression. Volume V: US Government Printing Office, District of Columbia: 1946. p.562 .

DOCUMENTS OF GERMAN POLITICS [Dokumente der Deutschen Politik] Published by Reg-Rat Paul Meier, Berlin, 1937, page 152.

General decree of September 10, 1935 issued by Reichsminister, Rust, on the establishment of separate Jewish schools :

"* * * The establishment of public and private Jewish schools has indeed led to a certain separation of those Jewish school children who belong to the Hebraic [Mosaischen] religion. The separation according to religions is however insufficient for a national socialist school system. The establishment of National Socialist class communities as a basis of a youth education, based on the idea of Germanism [Volkstungedanken] is possible only if a clear separation of the children is carried through according to the races they belong to.

Therefore from the school year of 1936 on, I intend to separate according to race, as completely as possible, all German subjects attending any type of school * * *."


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Post by David Thompson » 20 Oct 2004, 08:46

19350915 Document Number: 1416-PS; Date: 15 September 1935: Reichsgesetzblatt-Page: I.1145: Title and Gist of Law: Reichsbuergergesetz (Reich Citizenship Law), first Nurnberg Law, reserving citizenship for subjects of German blood; Signed by: Hitler, Frick.

"Document 1416-PS [translation]", in Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression. Volume IV: US Government Printing Office, District of Columbia: 1946. pp. 7-8.

1935 REICHSGESETZBLATT, PART 1, PAGE 1146 The Reich Citizenship Law of 15 Sept 1935

The Reichstag has adopted unanimously, the following law, which is herewith promulgated.

Article 1

1. A subject of the State is a person, who belongs to the protective union of the German Reich, and who, therefore, has particular obligations towards the Reich.

2. The status of the subject is acquired in accordance with the provisions of the Reich- and State Law of Citizenship.

Article 2

1. A citizen of the Reich is only that subject, who is of German-or kindred blood and who, through his conduct, shows that he is both desirous and fit to serve faithfully the German people and Reich.



2. The right to citizenship is acquired by the granting of Reich citizenship papers.

3. Only the citizen of the Reich enjoys full political rights in accordance with the provision of the laws.
Article 3

The Reich Minister of the Interior in conjunction with the Deputy of the Fuehrer will issue the necessary legal and administrative decrees for the carrying out and supplementing of this law.

Nurnberg, 15 Sept 1935 at the Reichsparteitag of Liberty
The Fuehrer and Reichs Chancellor
Adolf Hitler
The Reichs Minister of the Interior

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Post by David Thompson » 20 Oct 2004, 09:09

19350915 Document Number: 2000-PS; Date: 15 September 1935; Reichsgesetzblatt-Page: I.1146; Title and Gist of Law: Gesetz zum Sohutze des deutschen Blutes, (Law for protection of German blood and German honor), forbidding marriages and extramarital relations between Jews and "Aryans"; Signed by: Hitler, Frick, Guertner, Hess.

"Document 2000-PS [partial translation]", in Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression. Volume IV: US Government Printing Office, District of Columbia: 1946. pp. 636-638.


Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor of 15 September 1935

Thoroughly convinced by the knowledge that the purity of German blood is essential for the further existence of the German people and animated by the inflexible will to safe-guard the German nation for the entire future, the Reichstag has re-



solved upon the following law unanimously, which is promulgated herewith :

Section 1

1. Marriages between Jews and nationals of German or kindred blood are forbidden. Marriages concluded in defiance of this law are void, even if, for the purpose of evading this law, they are concluded abroad.

2. Proceedings for annulment may be initiated only by the Public Prosecutor.

Section 2

Relation outside marriage between Jews and nationals of German or kindred blood are forbidden.

Section 3

Jews will not be permitted to employ female nationals of German or kindred blood in their household.

Section 4

1. Jews are forbidden to hoist the Reichs and national flag and to present the colors of the Reich.

2. On the other hand they are permitted to present the Jewish colors. The exercise of this authority is protected by the State.

Section 5

1. A person who acts contrary to the prohibition of section 1 will be punished with hard labor.

2. A person who acts contrary to the prohibition of section 2 will be punished with imprisonment or with hard labor.

3. A person who acts contrary to the provisions of sections 3 or 4 will be punished with imprisonment up to a year and with a fine or with one of these penalties.

Section 6

The Reich Minister of the Interior in agreement with the Deputy of the Fuehrer, and the Reich Minister of Justice will issue the legal and administrative regulations which are required for the implementation and supplementation of this law.



Section 7

The law will become effective on the day after the promulgation, section 3 however only on 1 January 1936.

Nurnberg, the 15 September 1935 at the Reich Party Rally of freedom.
The Fuehrer and Reich Chancellor
Adolf Hitler
The Reich Minister of Interior
The Reich Minister of Justice
Dr. Guertner
The Deputy of the Fuehrer
R. Hess
Reich Minister without portfolio

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