Mass Graves

Discussions on the Holocaust and 20th Century War Crimes. Note that Holocaust denial is not allowed. Hosted by David Thompson.
Jonathan Swift
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Mass Graves


Post by Jonathan Swift » 16 Feb 2003, 15:10

Hi everybody!

On a neo-nazi/anti-Semitic discussion forum called

“Air Photo Evidence Comments”,

to be reached under ,

on a thread with a title revealing the author’s state of mind, to be reached under
A certain Tmoran wrote: For the Holocaust story there are perhaps some hundreds of tales and reports that tell about alleged mass graves of Jews killed by the Germans. Almost all the reports originated out of Bolshevik Russia. One of these reports was about how the Germans killed some 4,000 Poles at the Katyn forest. Darn thing was about 200 pages long and found its way into the Nuremburg trials. But then something went amiss. It turned out that the Germans had been directed to the forest by the Poles and there they found the mass graves and they went on to do a forensic excavation. The German report was and is so slam dunk that the Russians eventually had to admit to being the ones that had committed the mass extermination. This what the documentation shows the Germans did and how they went about establishing credibility: In addition to commentary the German report includes scores of photos of the forensic investigation. Aerial shots of the graves as they were being uncovered and the bodies being disinterred. Photos of Polish civilians in trenches digging out the bodies. Close up photos of the hands of the victims tied behind their backs. Photos of many skulls showing the results of the general mode of execution - a shot in the back of the head. Photos of the bodies laid out for attempted identification. Photos of personal belongings found on the victims. Photos of the field lab set up by the Germans. Photos of Western Allied journalists invited in by the Germans to witness the excavation and view the determining evidence such as identifications. letters and other documents found on the bodies that determined the date of the massacres. Photos of Western Allied forensic experts viewing the same thing. Photos of Western Allied POW military officers witnessing the proceeding.

The German Katyn investigation as the measure of all things.

No massacre can be considered proven unless it there has been a forensic investigation like the one the Germans performed at Katyn, says Moran.

So in Moran’s bizarre world, Soviet dictator Josef Stalin is responsible only for the killing of those 4,000-odd Polish offices whose bodies were found and investigated at Katyn.

Moran comes through as an apologist of the Nazi system, trying to free it from the damning evidence of its monstrous crimes in the name of whatever his agenda is.

But I’m surprised that he’s also a most radical supporter and apologist of Josef Stalin, such as you will hardly find even among hard-bitten Stalinists in the former Soviet Union. :lol:
Continuiong his bizarre reasoning, Tmoran wrote:Here's some excerpt from an account of what the Russians say they found for German massacres. It was recently posted to this board by an admirer of Max. "Excellent posts, Max! Let me add an excerpt from the report of a Soviet investigation commission in Zhitomir, 5 to 16.02.1944." Source: West German criminal trial procedure Js 4/65 GstA Frankfurt/Main, Russian files, Volume 1, quoted in Klee/Dressen, "Gott mit uns": Der deutsche Vernichtungskrieg in Osten 1939-1945, pages 31 and following. What follows is my translation of the German text, which is a translation of the Russian original. Quote: "The commission of forensic medical experts, composed of: professor Voronyj Ju., the physicians Stoliza, B., Iskra F.I., Skalkij M.N., in the presence of the Representative of the Extraordinary State Commission, Candidate of Law Vjel’nikov D.G, the members of the Zhitomior Regional Support Commission: the Reverend Father Feodot Tysljukjevich, Kharchenko, K.S., Colonel Shapovalov. Roshanchuk N.M. and a great number of local inhabitants, established that the fascist German occupants and their helpers shot local inhabitants at the following places: 1) 500 meters to the south of the factory [German: Vorwerk] Dovshik, which is located in the forest 10 kilometres away from the city of Zhitomir, two shooting sites and places of burial for corpses were found. At first two places were found along the way ... Six graves were found, from which 962 human corpses of both sexes and various ages were exhumed. Then ... an area of two hectares was found which was fenced in by wire three meters high among which thick oak branches had been woven which couldn’t be looked through from the outside. On this area 13 graves were found, ... When the graves were opened a male corpse, the rests of a corpse partially eaten by fire and a huge number of human bones were found. During the exhumation a strong smell of corpses was noticeable. The witnesses present at the exhumation stated that at the location ... Eyewitnesses had observed that during one month smoke had gone up from the fenced-in place, ... The commission of forensic medical experts reached the conclusion that on the mentioned area burials and later exhumations and burning of human corpses, not less than 20,000 in number, had taken place. ... When opening the graves 14,110 corpses were found. There was found a whole grave full of bodies that were completely unclad. ... " The following is the documentation outside of the words that shows the account is credible –
How does it go on, Moran ?

If you haven’t seen the “documentation outside the words”, that don’t mean it doesn’t exist.

According to Alan Bullock, reports of Soviet Investigation Commissions are two million pages long, and only small parts of that have reached the West. We know more about the Katyn investigation because Goebbels made a big propaganda show about it, but that doesn't mean Soviet investigations of German massacres were unsupported or unprofessional.

Also, if you think the account isn’t credible, isn’t it for you to provide proof or at least significant indications that there is something wrong with it?

The “admirer of Max” was myself, and the post Moran referred to was the following:
Jonathan Swift wrote:
Max wrote: Evidence from the Estonian State Archives of the Former Estonian KGB (State Security Committee) records relating to war crime investigations and trials in Estonia, 1940-1987. - Forensic examination of a mass grave near Kovno - Photograph of mass grave near Tartu - Military procurator's statement on examination of mass grave site in company of accused Kullamaa, May 23, 1956. - Sketch of execution site near town of Paide. - Statement on exhumation of remains, May 23, 1956. - Forensic examination of remains - Photos of remains - Baltic Fleet "Smersh" report on mass killings in Birkeneks woods near Riga - Forensic report on mass killings in the Riga area, December 12, 1944. - Photos of killings, bodies, mass graves. Source:
Excellent posts, Max!

Let me add an excerpt from the report of a Soviet investigation commission in Zhitomir, 5 to 16.02.1944. Source: West German criminal trial procedure Js 4/65 GstA Frankfurt/Main, Russian files, Volume 1, quoted in Klee/Dressen, "Gott mit uns": Der deutsche Vernichtungskrieg in Osten 1939-1945, pages 31 and following. What follows is my translation of the German text, which is a translation of the Russian original.
[…]The commission of forensic medical experts, composed of: professor Voronyj Ju., the physicians Stoliza, B., Iskra F.I., Skalkij M.N., in the presence of the Representative of the Extraordinary State Commission, Candidate of Law Vjel’nikov D.G, the members of the Zhitomior Regional Support Commission: the Reverend Father Feodot Tysljukjevich, Kharchenko, K.S., Colonel Shapovalov. Roshanchuk N.M. and a great number of local inhabitants, established that the fascist German occupants and their helpers shot local inhabitants at the following places:
1) 500 meters to the south of the factory [German: “Vorwerk”] Dovshik, which is located in the forest 10 kilometres away from the city of Zhitomir, two shooting sites and places of burial for corpses were found. At first two places were found along the way that leads to the N.-Volynsk street at kilometre 9 from the Dovshik factory. Six graves were found, from which 962 human corpses of both sexes and various ages were exhumed. Then on the way leading from this factory to the street at kilometre 8 an area of two hectares was found which was fenced in by wire three meters high among which thick oak branches had been woven which couldn’t be looked through from the outside. On this area 13 graves were found, with the measurements 16 x 2 x 2.5 meters. When the graves were opened a male corpse, the rests of a corpse partially eaten by fire and a huge number of human bones were found. During the exhumation a strong smell of corpses was noticeable. The witnesses present at the exhumation stated that at the location sighted civilian citizens had been shot and also buried in the course of the years 1941/42. In July 1943 this site had been fenced in, and guards had also been posted. Eyewitnesses had observed that during one month smoke had gone up from the fenced-in place, which had had an extremely foul smell and spread in such a way that it could still be sensed in the houses of the Dovshik factory, 500 – 600 meters away from the place. The commission of forensic medical experts reached the conclusion that on the mentioned area burials and later exhumations and burning of human corpses, not less than 20,000 in number, had taken place.
2) South of the N.-Volynsk street, 8 kilometres away from Zhitomir, in the forest along the way leading to the village of Barachevka, 28 graves and two uncovered pits were discovered. When opening the graves 14,110 corpses were found. There was found a whole grave full of bodies that were completely unclad. In one grave was found the corpse of a women who had a bind with a huge red cross on her arm. A large part of the bodies had their hands tied with wire or strips. In one of the uncovered pits four well-conserved corpses were found, 3 men and one women. In the clothes of the male corpse papers on the name Vlassov, F.I., resident at Zhitomir, Proviantskaja 13/14, were found. The dead man’s wife, Mrs. Vlassova A.C., stated that he had been arrested by the Gestapo in Dezember 1943 because he was under suspicion of having hidden Jews and kept a rifle in his appartment.[…]

Zhitomir, as we know, was the place where Einsatzgruppe C, according to OPERATIONAL SITUATION REPORT USSR No. 106, 7 October 1941, shot 3,145 Jews on 19 September 1941. The excerpt from the report, as translated under ... r-106.html reads as follows:
[…]Zhitomir, action against the Jews The Militia headquarters, according to a suggestion of Sonderkommando 4a, arranged a temporary, local concentration of Jews in Zhitmmir. This resulted in a quieter atmosphere, for example, in the markets, etc. At the same time, obstinate rumors diminished and it seemed that together with the concentration of the Jews, the Communists, too, lost much ground. However, it became obvious after a few days that concentration of the Jews without building a ghetto did not suffice, and that the old difficulties emerged again after a short while. Complaints about the impertinence of the Jews in their various places of work stemmed from various quarters. It was noted that strong propaganda activity among the Ukrainians, claiming that the Red Army would return very soon into the areas that had been taken away from them, had their origin in the Jewish quarter. The local militia was shot at, at night, and even in the daytime from an ambush. It was also established that Jews exchanged their belongings for money in order to move into Western Ukraine where a civil administration already exists. All these phenomena could be observed. However, it was possible to get hold of the involved Jews only in the rarest cases, as they had sufficient opportunities to evade arrest. Therefore, a conference was called together with military H.Q. on September 10, 1941. The resulting decision was the final and radical liquidation of the Jews of Zhitomir, since all warnings [threats] and special measures [punishments] had not led to any perceptible change. On September 19, 1941, from 4 o'clock [a.m.], the Jewish quarter was emptied after having been surrounded and closed the previous evening by 60 members of the Ukrainian militia. The transport [deportation] was accomplished in 12 trucks, part of which had been supplied by military headquarters and part by the city administration of Zhitomir. After the transport had been carried out and the necessary preparations made with the help of 150 prisoners, 3,145 Jews were registered and shot.[my emphasis][…]
The Soviet Commission's investigation cited before suggest that this was by no means the only massacre committed by German forces in the area of Zhitomir.
The above was written on Tue Feb 11, 2003 5:02 am on the thread
“No Massgraves” ... 3587da4d46

I don’t think my points were all that bad.

There is one German document referring to a massacre which took place where the Soviet commission discovered many more dead bodies. Convergence of two independent elements of evidence.

I could have added that there were two trials before West German courts about the Einsatzgruppen killings at Zhitomir and other places, with guilty verdicts. If you read German, look here for the summaries: (Shitomir, icons "694" and "805")

I could also have provided other examples of convergence between such excerpts of the obviously very volumous and detailed Soviet forensic investigations that have been published in the west on the one hand and other evidence, such as German reports, diary entries and official correspondence, eyewitness testimonies and confessions of defendants before independent courts, on the other.

But the moderator of the Air Photo forum, a deplorable creature who also contributes his own unbelievably idiotic drivel under the nym “Hannover”, got so scared of my posts, and those of Max I referred to, that he deleted almost all of them. The one mentioned above was among the victims.

What is more, I was banned from the forum, without that even being announced, despite a request of mine that it be, maybe so the fellow Nazi scum could feel they had bested me with arguments (LOL, I would be knocking them all over the place if the moderator had not first censored and then banned me). So were other contributors who tried to knock some sense into that pack. One of them was Max.

But if they think they’ve seen the last of me, they are wrong.

I hereby invite Mr. Moran, the gentleman who driveled around about a post of mine that had been deleted by the moderator (there was another joker who did the same on another topic, by the way, I’ll come back to that later), to continue the discussion on the mass graves with me here, on this forum.

Moran and the moderator will be informed of this thread by E-mail.

Let’s see if one of them has the guts to step outside his secure fortress.

I understand that this forum here allows open debate and, despite a statement against Holocaust denial in its guidelines, includes so-called Revisionists among its most active contributors, so Moran and "Moderator"/"Hannover" can’t come up with the crap that they fear censorship over here.

Let’s see what happens.

Comments from everybody are welcome.

But if Moran and/or "Hannover" should show up, please leave them to me alone.



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Post by witness » 16 Feb 2003, 15:26

Welcome to the forum .
Very interesting post .
As far as I know on the forum you mentioned, in the thread devoted to
the mass graves there were such words " no verifiable evidence ,nothing "
As one of the posters here (btw from the same company ) pointed out " You just can not win "..

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Post by Dan » 16 Feb 2003, 15:39

So in Moran’s bizarre world, Soviet dictator Josef Stalin is responsible only for the killing of those 4,000-odd Polish offices whose bodies were found and investigated at Katyn.
The number are actually 15,000+, but welcome.

Jonathan Swift
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Post by Jonathan Swift » 16 Feb 2003, 23:02

Dan wrote:
So in Moran’s bizarre world, Soviet dictator Josef Stalin is responsible only for the killing of those 4,000-odd Polish offices whose bodies were found and investigated at Katyn.
The number are actually 15,000+, but welcome.
Somewhat over 4,000 were discovered at Katyn near Smolensk. The rest of those about 15,000 Stalin had shot as "incorrigible anti-Soviet elements" were dispatched at other sites, one of them near Kharkov iirc. But by Moran's standards, only those 4,000-odd of Katyn about whom Goebbels did this spectacularly thorough investigation could be counted.

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Post by Dan » 16 Feb 2003, 23:20

Thanks, and again welcome

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Scott Smith
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Welcome, but...


Post by Scott Smith » 17 Feb 2003, 00:38

Jonathan Swift, I don't approve of deleting the posts of the opposition--but I am not impressed by the aggressive nature of your post here and can certainly understand why they deleted you over there. You are not starting out on the right foot. Just some friendly advice.

David Thompson
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Post by David Thompson » 17 Feb 2003, 00:51

This forum is for discussion of our own issues -- not those of other forums and other moderators. Having said that, let's move on.

Jonathan Swift
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Re: Welcome, but...


Post by Jonathan Swift » 17 Feb 2003, 11:50

Scott Smith wrote:Jonathan Swift, I don't approve of deleting the posts of the opposition--but I am not impressed by the aggressive nature of your post here and can certainly understand why they deleted you over there.
Oh, then explain, please. This was my post:
Jonathan Swift wrote:
Max wrote: Evidence from the Estonian State Archives of the Former Estonian KGB (State Security Committee) records relating to war crime investigations and trials in Estonia, 1940-1987. - Forensic examination of a mass grave near Kovno - Photograph of mass grave near Tartu - Military procurator's statement on examination of mass grave site in company of accused Kullamaa, May 23, 1956. - Sketch of execution site near town of Paide. - Statement on exhumation of remains, May 23, 1956. - Forensic examination of remains - Photos of remains - Baltic Fleet "Smersh" report on mass killings in Birkeneks woods near Riga - Forensic report on mass killings in the Riga area, December 12, 1944. - Photos of killings, bodies, mass graves. Source:
Excellent posts, Max!

Let me add an excerpt from the report of a Soviet investigation commission in Zhitomir, 5 to 16.02.1944. Source: West German criminal trial procedure Js 4/65 GstA Frankfurt/Main, Russian files, Volume 1, quoted in Klee/Dressen, "Gott mit uns": Der deutsche Vernichtungskrieg in Osten 1939-1945, pages 31 and following. What follows is my translation of the German text, which is a translation of the Russian original.
[…]The commission of forensic medical experts, composed of: professor Voronyj Ju., the physicians Stoliza, B., Iskra F.I., Skalkij M.N., in the presence of the Representative of the Extraordinary State Commission, Candidate of Law Vjel’nikov D.G, the members of the Zhitomior Regional Support Commission: the Reverend Father Feodot Tysljukjevich, Kharchenko, K.S., Colonel Shapovalov. Roshanchuk N.M. and a great number of local inhabitants, established that the fascist German occupants and their helpers shot local inhabitants at the following places:
1) 500 meters to the south of the factory [German: “Vorwerk”] Dovshik, which is located in the forest 10 kilometres away from the city of Zhitomir, two shooting sites and places of burial for corpses were found. At first two places were found along the way that leads to the N.-Volynsk street at kilometre 9 from the Dovshik factory. Six graves were found, from which 962 human corpses of both sexes and various ages were exhumed. Then on the way leading from this factory to the street at kilometre 8 an area of two hectares was found which was fenced in by wire three meters high among which thick oak branches had been woven which couldn’t be looked through from the outside. On this area 13 graves were found, with the measurements 16 x 2 x 2.5 meters. When the graves were opened a male corpse, the rests of a corpse partially eaten by fire and a huge number of human bones were found. During the exhumation a strong smell of corpses was noticeable. The witnesses present at the exhumation stated that at the location sighted civilian citizens had been shot and also buried in the course of the years 1941/42. In July 1943 this site had been fenced in, and guards had also been posted. Eyewitnesses had observed that during one month smoke had gone up from the fenced-in place, which had had an extremely foul smell and spread in such a way that it could still be sensed in the houses of the Dovshik factory, 500 – 600 meters away from the place. The commission of forensic medical experts reached the conclusion that on the mentioned area burials and later exhumations and burning of human corpses, not less than 20,000 in number, had taken place.
2) South of the N.-Volynsk street, 8 kilometres away from Zhitomir, in the forest along the way leading to the village of Barachevka, 28 graves and two uncovered pits were discovered. When opening the graves 14,110 corpses were found. There was found a whole grave full of bodies that were completely unclad. In one grave was found the corpse of a women who had a bind with a huge red cross on her arm. A large part of the bodies had their hands tied with wire or strips. In one of the uncovered pits four well-conserved corpses were found, 3 men and one women. In the clothes of the male corpse papers on the name Vlassov, F.I., resident at Zhitomir, Proviantskaja 13/14, were found. The dead man’s wife, Mrs. Vlassova A.C., stated that he had been arrested by the Gestapo in Dezember 1943 because he was under suspicion of having hidden Jews and kept a rifle in his appartment.[…]

Zhitomir, as we know, was the place where Einsatzgruppe C, according to OPERATIONAL SITUATION REPORT USSR No. 106, 7 October 1941, shot 3,145 Jews on 19 September 1941. The excerpt from the report, as translated under ... r-106.html reads as follows:
[…]Zhitomir, action against the Jews The Militia headquarters, according to a suggestion of Sonderkommando 4a, arranged a temporary, local concentration of Jews in Zhitmmir. This resulted in a quieter atmosphere, for example, in the markets, etc. At the same time, obstinate rumors diminished and it seemed that together with the concentration of the Jews, the Communists, too, lost much ground. However, it became obvious after a few days that concentration of the Jews without building a ghetto did not suffice, and that the old difficulties emerged again after a short while. Complaints about the impertinence of the Jews in their various places of work stemmed from various quarters. It was noted that strong propaganda activity among the Ukrainians, claiming that the Red Army would return very soon into the areas that had been taken away from them, had their origin in the Jewish quarter. The local militia was shot at, at night, and even in the daytime from an ambush. It was also established that Jews exchanged their belongings for money in order to move into Western Ukraine where a civil administration already exists. All these phenomena could be observed. However, it was possible to get hold of the involved Jews only in the rarest cases, as they had sufficient opportunities to evade arrest. Therefore, a conference was called together with military H.Q. on September 10, 1941. The resulting decision was the final and radical liquidation of the Jews of Zhitomir, since all warnings [threats] and special measures [punishments] had not led to any perceptible change. On September 19, 1941, from 4 o'clock [a.m.], the Jewish quarter was emptied after having been surrounded and closed the previous evening by 60 members of the Ukrainian militia. The transport [deportation] was accomplished in 12 trucks, part of which had been supplied by military headquarters and part by the city administration of Zhitomir. After the transport had been carried out and the necessary preparations made with the help of 150 prisoners, 3,145 Jews were registered and shot.[my emphasis][…]
The Soviet Commission's investigation cited before suggest that this was by no means the only massacre committed by German forces in the area of Zhitomir.
The above was written on Tue Feb 11, 2003 5:02 am on the thread
“No Massgraves” ... 3587da4d46

What was in there that made it deserve deletion, other than its inconvenient contents?

The moderator's policies made me aggressive, you can bet on that.
Scott Smith wrote: You are not starting out on the right foot. Just some friendly advice.
I suggest you take that back, or else I will tell you what you can do with your "friendly advice".

By the way, aren't you the joker who commented on a deleted post of mine under ... fb5a6e3677 ?

A real prince. Pleased to meet you.

Jonathan Swift
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Post by Jonathan Swift » 17 Feb 2003, 13:03

David Thompson wrote:This forum is for discussion of our own issues -- not those of other forums and other moderators. Having said that, let's move on.
Sorry, David, but I had to reply to this gentleman. Now I'll comply.

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Scott Smith
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Re: Mass Graves


Post by Scott Smith » 17 Feb 2003, 16:17

Jonathan Swift wrote:
Scott Smith wrote:Jonathan Swift, I don't approve of deleting the posts of the opposition--but I am not impressed by the aggressive nature of your post here and can certainly understand why they deleted you over there.
Oh, then explain, please. This was my post:
Listen, dunce. My comments were not related to the CONTENT of your post itself but the aggressive nature of it on THIS forum. Already (above) you start out in the first line:
Jonathan Swift wrote:On a neo-nazi/anti-Semitic discussion forum called...
And then you proceed to describe TMoran's "moronic world" and accuse him of being an "apologist of the Nazi system," not really knowing anything about him further than that you disagree.
The moderator's policies made me aggressive, you can bet on that.
Then what is your excuse on this forum?
Jonathan Swift wrote:
Scott Smith wrote: You are not starting out on the right foot. Just some friendly advice. :)
I suggest you take that back, or else I will tell you what you can do with your "friendly advice".
I suggest you take the chip off your shoulder.
By the way, aren't you the joker who commented on a deleted post of mine under ... fb5a6e3677 ?
Yes, I did you the courtesy of responding to your post, the part that is within my area of interest.

If the moderator won't allow you to continue there you could have sent me a PM or you may post here (assuming that you don't foul your nest after the first week). I may need some convincing about why I should want to talk to you, however.
prince. Pleased to meet you.
Like I said, I defend opposition-posters and do not agree with the policy at Air-Photo of deleting their posts with little or no provocation. But each forum has its RULES, including this one, where Holocaust Denial is not allowed. As I consider myself a Skeptic and not a Denier, the moderators here have been extremely lenient with me and I am *usually* civil.

Like I said, friendly advice....

Jonathan Swift
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Post by Jonathan Swift » 17 Feb 2003, 18:47

Scott Smith wrote:
Jonathan Swift wrote:
Scott Smith wrote:Jonathan Swift, I don't approve of deleting the posts of the opposition--but I am not impressed by the aggressive nature of your post here and can certainly understand why they deleted you over there.
Oh, then explain, please. This was my post:
Listen, dunce.
Getting ad hominem already, Mr. Revisionist?
Scott Smith wrote:My comments were not related to the CONTENT of your post itself but the aggressive nature of it on THIS forum.
And my question related to your statement that you can certainly understand why they deleted me over there, wise guy.
Scott Smith wrote:Already (above) you start out in the first line:
Jonathan Swift wrote:On a neo-nazi/anti-Semitic discussion forum called...
I don’t see what could be more appropriate a term for a “discussion forum” (quote marks because there can be no discussion without opposition, IMHO) dedicated to denying the Holocaust, lashing out at them bloody Jews and their “holocau$t industry” and whitewashing the Nazi regime. And I doubt you have arguments to convince me otherwise.
Scott Smith wrote:And then you proceed to describe TMoran's "moronic world" and accuse him of being an "apologist of the Nazi system," not really knowing anything about him further than that you disagree.
I know about him what I have read of him. That’s more than enough. And I said that Nazi apology is what his statements and arguments show him to be, nothing else:
Jonathan Swift wrote:Moran comes through as an apologist of the Nazi system, trying to free it from the damning evidence of its monstrous crimes in the name of whatever his agenda is.
I don’t remember having said anything about Moran’s “moronic world”, by the way, although that would have been altogether appropriate. The term I used was “bizarre”:
Jonathan Swift wrote:So in Moran’s bizarre world, Soviet dictator Josef Stalin is responsible only for the killing of those 4,000-odd Polish offices whose bodies were found and investigated at Katyn.
Scott Smith wrote:
The moderator's policies made me aggressive, you can bet on that.
Then what is your excuse on this forum?
On this forum, my dear Steaming Joe, I’m trying to have a discussion with Moran that I couldn’t have on the Air Photo forum due to the moderator’s censorship and banning. He has received an invitation by e-mail with a link to this thread. I made my overture deliberately provocative to improve the chances of his showing up. And I also have never been one to mince words about what I think.
Jonathan Swift wrote:
Jonathan Swift wrote:
Scott Smith wrote: You are not starting out on the right foot. Just some friendly advice. :)
I suggest you take that back, or else I will tell you what you can do with your "friendly advice".
I suggest you take the chip off your shoulder.

You asked for it, Mr. Smith.

The announced suggestion is herewith spelled out.
Jonathan Swift wrote:
By the way, aren't you the joker who commented on a deleted post of mine under ... fb5a6e3677 ?
Yes, I did you the courtesy of responding to your post, the part that is within my area of interest.
After it had been deleted, Mr. Smith?

Knowing that I might have been banned and could therefore not respond to you (I concede that you couldn’t be certain of my banning, because the moderator was gentlemanly enough to not even announce it)?

That’s not what I would call “courtesy”, Mr. Smith.

That’s rather unfair and slimy behaviour.
Scott Smith wrote:If the moderator won't allow you to continue there you could have sent me a PM or you may post here (assuming that you don't foul your nest after the first week). I may need some convincing about why I should want to talk to you, however.
Thank you for your belated offer, Mr. Smith, but I don’t need anyone to vouch for me on a sewer like Air Photo. The moderator should either have the openness of admitting the open debate the so-called Revisionists claim to be striving for, or make it clear at the entrance that only arguments supporting the party line are allowed. But claiming, as he does on the thread

the Third Reich Forum / banning deluxe ... 2a31c52cab

(one that should also interest the moderator of this forum), that
Believers in the standard story can post here anytime, assuming they adhere to the guidelines, assuming they can handle scrutiny of their beliefs.
and then censoring and banning opponents whenever they submit his party line to uncomfortable critical scrutiny, is the ultimate in hypocrisy and intellectual dishonesty, and also a showpiece of cowardice.
Scott Smith wrote:
prince. Pleased to meet you.
Like I said, I defend opposition-posters and do not agree with the policy at Air-Photo of deleting their posts with little or no provocation.
Well, if I were you, I would then be ashamed of posting there as an adherent to the party line.
Scott Smith wrote: But each forum has its RULES,
I asked you for an explanation as to why my deleted post is supposed not to conform with the RULES of Mr. “Hannover” Hargis. So far I have seen none.
Scott Smith wrote: including this one, where Holocaust Denial is not allowed.
Then what are you doing here, Mr. Smith? I see you’re the most active poster after the moderator.
Scott Smith wrote: As I consider myself a Skeptic and not a Denier, the moderators here have been extremely lenient with me and I am *usually* civil.
It seems that the moderators are not the only ones who have seen through your phoney “scepticism”. But whatever their reason for not enforcing their guidelines against you, and against others of your persuasion, the fact is that they are not enforced and that so-called Revisionists therefore have nothing to fear here.

Considering this, I repeat my invitation to Mr. Moran.

Where is the great truth-seeker, prominent enough to have deserved the attention of Nizkor under ?

Why does he need a second-rate peer to speak on his behalf?
Scott Smith wrote: Like I said, friendly advice....
Like I said, consider the announced suggestion spelled out.

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Post by Marcus » 17 Feb 2003, 19:27

Jonathan Swift,

Drop that unfriendly tone and as David already has pointed out:
David Thompson wrote:This forum is for discussion of our own issues -- not those of other forums and other moderators.

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Post by David Thompson » 17 Feb 2003, 20:18

For Jonathan Swift --

In addition to Mr. Wendel's caution to you posted above:

(1) The topic of this thread is "mass graves," not some other forum or the personalities of contributors to this or some other forum.

(2) The purpose of the forum is to exchange facts and viewpoints, not insults.

(3) You wrote: "On this forum, my dear Steaming Joe, I’m trying to have a discussion with Moran that I couldn’t have on the Air Photo forum due to the moderator’s censorship and banning. He has received an invitation by e-mail with a link to this thread. I made my overture deliberately provocative to improve the chances of his showing up. And I also have never been one to mince words about what I think."

I won't "mince words" with you either. I suggest you read the "sticky" post "On Civility" at the top of the index page. Provocations and insults, particularly for the purpose of satisfying a narrow personal agenda, are inappropriate here.

(4) "But whatever their [the moderators] reason for not enforcing their guidelines against you, and against others of your persuasion, the fact is that they are not enforced and that so-called Revisionists therefore have nothing to fear here."

If you're trying to be offensive, Mr. Swift, you're succeeding. The idea of having this forum is to exchange information and points of view on the holocaust and WWII war crimes. Holocaust denial is not permitted, and this policy is strictly enforced.

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Post by Jonathan Swift » 17 Feb 2003, 20:20

Marcus Wendel wrote:Jonathan Swift,

Drop that unfriendly tone and as David already has pointed out:
David Thompson wrote:This forum is for discussion of our own issues -- not those of other forums and other moderators.
I’ll be glad to comply, but … why is Scott Smith allowed his unfriendly tone and his discussing the issues of other forums and other moderators?

As I said, I opened this thread to have a discussion I was kept from having at the other forum, with an opponent I invited for this purpose.

While I wait for this opponent, I will brief our readers about the background of the exchange, the posts of Max preceding my deleted post. They contain material that is surely of interest for this forum.

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Post by Marcus » 17 Feb 2003, 20:24

Jonathan Swift wrote:I’ll be glad to comply, but … why is Scott Smith allowed his unfriendly tone and his discussing the issues of other forums and other moderators?
When/if he (or anyone else) does not follow the guidelines, he is told to drop it by David or someone else on the staff, just like you have been in this thread.



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