Compagnia Autocarrate Tedesca

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Compagnia Autocarrate Tedesca


Post by Marcus » 09 May 2003, 20:20

[Split from the "Obscure Axis combat units of WW2" thread]

This has to be one of the most obscure:

Compagnia Autocarrate Tedesca (Deutsche Motorisierte Kompanie) was made up of some 150 German volunteers who had fled from Kenya and Tanganyika. They arrived to Ethiopia on the Italian ship Piava before Italy entered the war, but once that happened they volunteered and on 1 July 1940 the Compagnia Autocarrate Tedesca was formed.
They were trained in Asmara, Eritrea, and saw action against the British forces in Sep 1940 as part of the Italian East-African Army.

The photo below is from "Uniforms & Traditions of the German Army Vol 3" by John R Angolia & Adolf Schlicht, note swastikas on armband, cap and collar patches.

Last edited by Marcus on 10 Jul 2003, 21:26, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Timo » 09 May 2003, 20:28

Posted by Michi in the Feldgrau forum some time ago:

Compagnia AutoCarrata „Tedesca“
*02/07/1940 Graziani-Kaserne in ASMARA durch einen Tagesbefehl des Gouverneurs von Italienisch-Eritrea & Bekanntgabe des Befehls durch den Sender ADDIS ABEBA.

Kdt: Tenente Gustav HAMEL
stvKdt: Sottotnente Arturo RAGGI
DfUO: Maresciallo Maggiore Adolf BREMER

138 Mann
3 Züge: 1. & 2. Zug: je 2 Gruppen je 1 leMG; 3. Zug: 3 Gruppen je 1 sMG

Bekleidung: olivgrüne Staubhose mit Wickelgamaschen & hohen Bergschuhen
olivgrüner Waffenrock aus leichtem Tropentuch
Hemd & Krawatte
olivgrüner Tropenhut & Staubschutzbrille
+ Hakenkreuz am linken Arm
+ Hakenkreuz an der Stirnseite des Tropenhutes

Compagnia AutoCarrata „Tedesca“ war Bestandteil eines selbständigen schnellen Bataillons.
Kdt: Maggiore Clemente FERRERO
Squadrone „Asmara“ (Panzerspäh-Kompanie mit Fiat 611)
Kdt: Capitano CARDUCCI, später Tenente MOLINARI
Bekleidung: olivgrüne Staubhose mit Wickelgamaschen & hohen Bergschuhen
schwarze Tuchjacke
ledernen Sturzhelm
Compagnia AutoCarrata „Tedesca“
Kdt: Tenente Gustav HAMEL
stvKdt: Sottotnente Arturo RAGGI
DfUO: Maresciallo Maggiore Adolf BREMER
+ 2 italienische Kompanien (Dubat-Kompanien??)

02/07/1940 – 30/09/1940: Ausbildung in der GRAZIANI-Kaserne in ASMARA.
11/07/1940 Vorbeimarsch –im passo romano- vor dem
Oberbefehlshaber und Gouverneur von Italienisch-Eritrea,
30/09/1940 – 15/10/1940: Formierung des selbständigen schnellen Bataillons in
01/10/1941: Compagnia AutoCarrata „Tedesca“ bekommt als einzige
Kompanie in Italienisch-Ostafrika einen Wimpel gestiftet.
06/10/1941: Compagnia AutoCarrata „Tedesca“ wird durch General
FESSITORE vereidigt.
15/10/1940 – 02/11/1940: Bataillon fährt nach KASSALA.
03/11/1940: Compagnia AutoCarrata „Tedesca“ verlegt in den
Es folgen wechselvolle Kämpfe.
Allierte Truppen werden mit Hilfe der Squadrone „Asmara“
19/01/1941: Compagnia AutoCarrata „Tedesca“ setzt sich zusammen
mit der Squadrone „Asmara“ nach KASSALA ab.
Kompanie hat noch 127 Mann.
22/01/1941: KASSALA wird geräumt.
Compagnia AutoCarrata „Tedesca“ geht in Stellung bei
24/01/1941: Nach heftigen Kämpfen mit ANZAC-Truppen zieht sich die
Kompanie zurück.
Kompanie hat noch 114 Mann.
25/01/1941: Compagnia AutoCarrata „Tedesca“ gehört der Nachhut an,
die den Rückzug von der Sudanfront zu decken hat.
??/??/1941: Kompanie hatte sehr schwere Verluste in den Kämpfen bei
AGORDAT erlitten.
Kompanie hat noch 91 Mann.
??/??/1941 - 25/03/1941: Kampf um KEREN.
Kompanie ist am Westrand von KEREN stationiert;
zusammen mit dem Grenadierbataillon „Toselli“ und dem
Schwarzhemdenbataillon „Gabriele D’Annunzio“.
Kompanie hat noch 52 Mann.
26/03/1941: Später liegt die Compagnia AutoCarrata „Tedesca“
zusammen mit der Squadrone „Asmara“ im
Bahnhofsgebäude von KEREN.
Kompanie hat noch 44 Mann.
Squadrone „Asmara“ hat noch 5 Fiat 611 Panzer-
Squadrone „Asmara“ deckt den Rückzug und geht unter.
27/03/1941: Kompanie wird zur Bildung einer Kampfgruppe unter
Oberst Geraldo CISBIO mitverwendet.
Kampfgruppe hat den Auftrag, den Brückenkopf am
Westufer des Flußes ANSEBAs zu halten.
28/03/1941: Rückzug nach ASMARA.
03/04/1941: Aufgabe von ASMARA.
03/04/1941 – 01/05/1941: Rückzugs- & Nachhutkämpfe.
Compagnia AutoCarrata „Tedesca“ trifft in AMBA ALAGI
Kompanie hat noch 21 Mann.
02/05/1941: Compagnia AutoCarrata „Tedesca“ wird als Kompanie
aufgelöst, behält aber den Namen, und wird zu einem Zug
der Compagnia Carabinieri „Amba Alagia“ (Kdt: Tenente
GALLICO) umgeformt.
14/05/1941: „Kompanie“ hat noch 19 Mann.
16/05/1941: Letzter Angriff einer italienischen Einheit im Raum AMBA
Compagnia Carabinieri „Amba Alagia“ greift Richtung
Angriff bleibt 50 Meter davor liegen.
„Kompanie“ hat noch 8 Mann.
18/05/1941: Die italienischen Truppen in AMBA ALAGIA kapitulieren.
KEINER der Compagnia AutoCarrata „Tedesca“ ist unter
den Überlebenden.

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Post by Dan E. Moe » 12 Jun 2003, 10:23

Do you have a closeup on the collar patches and the cap badge on the soldier from Compagnia Autocarrate Tedesca? What is the color on the collar patches and the cap badge?

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Post by Marcus » 10 Jul 2003, 21:26

This thread was split from the "Obscure Axis combat units of WW2" thread.


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Post by Marcus » 10 Jul 2003, 21:27

frontkjemper wrote:Do you have a closeup on the collar patches and the cap badge on the soldier from Compagnia Autocarrate Tedesca? What is the color on the collar patches and the cap badge?
I'll check later.


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Post by Dan E. Moe » 22 Jul 2003, 19:02



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Post by Michi » 14 Jan 2004, 23:17

As I have found the post about the Compagnia AutoCarrata „Tedesca“ just today, I wanna share my ENGLISH article about this coy, which I have written on 21st October 2002.

Compagnia AutoCarrata „Tedesca“
Formed as a mechanized infantry coy on 02nd July 1940 in the GRAZIANI-barracks in ASMARA, by a daily order by the govener of Italian Eritrea. This was also broadcasted by the radio-station in ADDIS ABEBA.

The Germans were drafted from the cargo-ships in Italian-Eritrea and Italian-Somalia and also local Germans which were in till 10th June 1940 in internment camps.

Commander: Tenente Gustav Hamel
2nd Commander: Sottotnente Arturo Raggi
Company First Sergeant: Maresciallo Maggiore Adolf Bremer

138 men
-->3 platoons:
-----> 1. & 2. platoon: each w/2 groups each w/ 1 ltMG;
-----> 3. platoon: 3 groups each w/ 1 hyMG

--> olivegreen trousers with puttee/gaiters
--> ankle high climbing boots
--> olivegreen tunic made of light cloth
--> shirt & tie
--> olivegreen tropical helmet
--> dust protection glasses
--> + swastika on the left arm
--> + swastika on the front-side of the tropical helmet

Compagnia AutoCarrata „Tedesca“ was part of an
independent mechanized infantry battalion.
COmmander: Maggiore Clemente Ferrero
Squadron „Asmara“ (armoured car squadron w/ Fiat 611)
COmmander: Capitano Carducci, later Tenente Molinari
--> olivegreen trousers with puttees/gaiters
--> and ankle high climbing boots
--> black tunic
--> leather helmet

Compagnia AutoCarrata „Tedesca“
COmmander: Tenente Gustav HAMEL
2nd COmmander: Sottotnente Arturo RAGGI
Company First Sergeant: Maresciallo Maggiore Adolf BREMER

+ 2 italian coys (maybe Dubat coys??)

02/07/1940 – 30/09/1940: Training in the GRAZIANI-barracks in ASMARA.

11/07/1940: The German coy defiled/marched past –in passo romano- in front of the supreme commander and governer of Italian-Eritrea, Luigi Frusci.

30/09/1940 – 15/10/1940: Forming of an independent mechanized infantry battalion in KEREN.

01/10/1941: Compagnia AutoCarrata „Tedesca“ receives as the only coy in Italian East-Africa a pennant.

06/10/1941: Compagnia AutoCarrata „Tedesca“ was sworn in by General Fessitore.

15/10/1940 – 02/11/1940: Battalion moves to KASSALA.

03/11/1940: Compagnia AutoCarrata „Tedesca“ moves to the
Eventful actions followed.
Together with the Squadron „Asmara“ all Allied attacks were repulsed.

19/01/1941: Compagnia AutoCarrata „Tedesca“ and the Squadron „Asmara“ retreat back to KASSALA ab.
The German coy has a strength of 127 men.

22/01/1941: KASSALA was evacuated.
New position of the Compagnia AutoCarrata „Tedesca“ at SABDERAT.

24/01/1941: After fierce fightings with ANZAC-troops the German coy retreats.
The German coy has a strength of 114 men.

25/01/1941: Compagnia AutoCarrata „Tedesca“ is part of the rearguard, which covers the retreat from the Sudan-front.

??/??/1941: The coy has very heavy losses in the actions at AGORDAT.
The German coy has a strength of 91 men.

??/??/1941 - 25/03/1941: Battle for KEREN.
Compagnia AutoCarrata „Tedesca“ is westwards of KEREN; together with the Infantry-battalion „Toselli“ and the Black-shirt battalion „Gabriele D’Annunzio“.
The German coy has a strength of 52 men.

26/03/1941: Later on the Compagnia AutoCarrata „Tedesca“ together with the Squadron „Asmara“ is stationed at the railway-station in KEREN.
The German coy has a strength of 44 men.
Squadron „Asmara“ has 5 Fiat 611 armoured cars on strength.
Squadron „Asmara“ covered the retreat and perished.

27/03/1941: The German coy was used to form a battle-group commanded by Colonello Geraldo Csibio.
Battle-group had the order, to keep the bridgehead on the west bank of the river ANSEBA.

28/03/1941: Retreat to ASMARA.

03/04/1941: Evacuation of ASMARA.

03/04/1941 – 01/05/1941: Retreat and rearguard actions.
The Compagnia AutoCarrata „Tedesca“ arrived in AMBA ALAGI.
The German coy has a strength of 21 men.

02/05/1941: Compagnia AutoCarrata „Tedesca“ is disbanded as a coy, but keeps ist name as honour, and is formed as a platoon of the Compagnia Carabinieri „Amba Alagia“ (CO: Tenente

14/05/1941: The German „coy“ has a strength of 19 men.

16/05/1941: Last attack of an Italian unit in the area of AMBA ALAGIA.
Compagnia Carabinieri „Amba Alagia“ attacks towards FONTANA VENEZIA.
The attack get stuck just 50 Meter before.
The German „coy“ has a strength of 8 men.

18/05/1941: The Italian forces surrender in AMBA ALAGIA.
None of the Compagnia AutoCarrata „Tedesca“ survives.

MfG Michi

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Post by gabriel pagliarani » 17 Jan 2004, 18:49

138 braves completely forgotten. But they took part at the battles of Kassala, Agordat, Keren, Amba Alagi: the history of A.O.I. (Africa Orientale Italiana) lacks this small brave unit.

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Post by pkenny » 30 Aug 2004, 15:16

ANy chance we could get a listing of the vehicles this unit employed?

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Post by zaptiè » 21 Dec 2004, 20:25

collar ( mostrine ) :white field , red piping and black svastika
rosette : center white out red , black svastika
armband : red , whithe disc with black svastika ( note : the svstika is little different from the official german , it's handmade in italian east africa )
tropical helmet : the same of italian army with the rosette like above
arm ranks for caporals and sergents like italian army
german officiers shoulders straps , but is not clear if italian or german
unity flag : triangular with in one side the german flag on the second the italian with the savoy cross and the crown ; a strange top of the flag : fascio and svastika

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the name of ship


Post by 2jack » 11 Jan 2005, 20:45

the name of ship is PIAVE

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Re: Compagnia Autocarrate Tedesca


Post by AUFSEHERINNEN » 14 Oct 2011, 08:49

Does anyone have any colorize photos of the Compagnia Autocarrate Tedesca?
Note: Don't colorize the sky blue in any photo!!! Keep it white!!!


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Re: Compagnia Autocarrate Tedesca


Post by Vincent10100 » 11 Jan 2023, 17:15

I am a collector of postal history with special interest in the events during 1939-1941 in Africa Orientale Italiana (AOI).
I have in my collection covers (sometimes with written contents) from German merchant ships the were blocked in the harbours of Massaua (Eritrea) and Chisimaio (Somalia).

I have also a few covers sent by members of the Autocarrata Tedesca.

-Hans Daube, former crewmember (2. Ingenieur ) of the M.S. Coburg
-Heinrich Triebel, he survived surely as I have also a letter of him from a POW camp in South Africa, dated 25 Aug. 1941.
-Friedrich Nickel. His letter was sent to family in Switzerland
-V. Hamel, (the return address on the envelope is Villagio Genio 25, Asmara) I am not sure that V. Hamel was a member of the Autocarrata Tedesca, the envelope is addressed to Emma Huber in Vienna. Maybe he is family of Gustav Hamel?

Who can help me finding out about V. Hamel? Was Villagio Genio 25 the trainings camp of the Autocarrata members?

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