Documents relating to "Aktion Reinhardt"

Discussions on the Holocaust and 20th Century War Crimes. Note that Holocaust denial is not allowed. Hosted by David Thompson.
David Thompson
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Documents relating to "Aktion Reinhardt"


Post by David Thompson » 17 Nov 2004, 01:32

This is another research thread, on the controversial "Aktion Reinhardt." Interested readers are encouraged to also take a look at:

The SS-WVHA: violent police entrepreneurs (where this material would ordinarily have been posted)
Final Solution of the Jewish Question in Galicia

and (off-site):

Extermination of the Jews of Galicia (Poland)

Document NO-724, in Trials of War Criminals Before the Nuernberg Military Tribunals Under Control Council Law No. 10. Vol. 5: United States v. Oswald Pohl, et. al. (Case 4: 'Pohl Case'). US Government Printing Office, District of Columbia: 1950. pp. 695-697



Top Secret
6 copies-4th copy

Chief A/Pr./B.
Journ. No. 050/42 secr.
VS 96/42
26 September 1942

To the Chief of the SS Garrison Administration Lublin
To the Chief of Administration Concentration Camp Auschwitz
Subject: Utilization of property on the occasion of settlement and evacuation of Jews.

Without taking into account the over all regulations which are expected to be issued during October, pertaining to the utilization of mobile and immobile property of the evacuated Jews, the following procedure has to be followed with regard to the property arrived by them -- property, which will in all orders in the future be called goods originating from thefts, receiving of stolen goods, and hoarded goods:

1. a. Cash money in German Reich Bank notes have to be paid into the account: Economic and Administrative Main Office 158/ 1488 with the Reich Bank in Berlin-Schoeneberg.

b. Foreign exchange (coined or uncoined), rare metals, jewelry, precious and semi-precious stones, pearls, gold from teeth and scrap gold have to be delivered to the SS Economic and Administrative Main Office. The latter is responsible for the immediate delivery to the German Reich Bank.

c. Watches and clocks of all kinds, alarm clocks, fountain pens, mechanical pencils, hand and electrical razors, pocketknives, scissors, flashlights, wallets, and purses are to be repaired by the Economic and Administrative Main Office in special repair shops, cleaned, and evaluated; and have to be delivered quickly to front line troops.

Delivery to the troops is on a cash basis through the post exchanges. Three-fourth price grades are to be set and it has to be made sure that each officer and man cannot buy more than one watch.

Exempt from sale are the gold watches, the utilization of which rests with me. The proceeds go to the Reich.

d. Men's underwear and men's clothing including footwear has to be sorted and valued. After covering the needs of the concentration camp inmates and in exceptions for the troops they are to be handed over to the Volksdeutsche Mittelstelle. The proceeds go to the Reich in all cases.

e. Women's clothing and women's underwear, including footwear; children's clothing and children's underwear, including footwear; have to be handed over to the Volksdeutsche Mittelstelle against payment. Underwear of pure silk is to be handed over to the Reich Ministry of Economics according to orders by the SS Economic and Administrative Main Office. This order refers also to underwear, under letter.

f. Featherbeds, quilts, woolen blankets, cloth for suits, shawls, umbrellas, walking sticks, thermos flasks, ear flaps, baby carriages, combs, handbags, leather belts, shopping baskets, tobacco pipes, sun glasses, mirrors, table knives, forks and spoons, knapsacks, and suitcases made from leather or artificial material are to be delivered to the Volksdeutsche Mittelstelle. The question of payment will be decided later.

The needs in quilts, woolen blankets, thermos flasks, ear flaps, combs, table knives, forks and spoons, and knapsacks can be furnished from Lublin and Auschwitz from these stocks against payment from budget funds.

g. Linen, such as bed sheets, bed linen, pillows, towels, wiping cloths, and tablecloths are to be handed over to the Volksdeutsche Mittelstelle against payment.

Bed sheets, bed linen, towels, wiping cloths, and table cloths can be furnished for the needs of troops from these stocks against payment from budget funds.

h. Spectacles and eyeglasses of every kind are to be handed in to the medical office for utilization. (Spectacles with golden frames have to be handed in without glasses together with the rare metals). A settlement of accounts for the spectacles and eyeglasses need-not take place with regard to their low value and their limited use.

i. Valuable furs of all kinds, raw and cured, are to be delivered to the SS WVHA.

Ordinary furs (lamb, hare, and rabbit skins) are to be reported to the SS WVHA, Amt B II, and are to be delivered to the clothing plant of the Waffen SS, Ravensbrueck near Fuerstenberg (Mecklenburg).

k. All items mentioned under the letters d, e, and f, which have only one-fifth or two-fifths of the full value, or are useless altogether will be delivered via the SS WVHA to the Reich Ministry for Economics for utilization.

For the decision on items which are not mentioned under the letters b-i, application for a decision as to their utilization should be made to the chief of the WVHA.

2. The SS WVHA will establish all prices under observation of the legally controlled prices. This estimation, however, can be made later on. Petty evaluations which only waste time and personnel may be eliminated.

Average prices for single items have to be established in general. For instance, one pair of used men's trousers 3.00 RM, one woolen blanket 6.00 RM, etc.

For the delivery of useless items to the Reich Ministry for Economics, average Kilo prices will have to be established.

It has to be strictly observed, that the Jewish Star is removed from all garments and outer garments which are to be delivered. Furthermore, items which are to be delivered have to be searched for hidden and sewed-in valuables, this should be carried out with the greatest possible care.

Heil Hitler!
[Signed] FRANK
SS Brigadefuehrer and Brigadier General of the Waffen SS

David Thompson
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With money like this, who needs auditors?


Post by David Thompson » 17 Nov 2004, 01:41

Document NO-1105, in Trials of War Criminals Before the Nuernberg Military Tribunals Under Control Council Law No. 10. Vol. 5: United States v. Oswald Pohl, et. al. (Case 4: 'Pohl Case'). US Government Printing Office, District of Columbia: 1950. pp. 698-699.

With money coming in like this, who needs auditors?



The Chief of Office W II
Poznan, 29 January 1943
Wilhelm-Gustloff-Str. 5
Telephone: 4375

[Stamp partly illegible]

To Dr. Hohberg,
German Economic Enterprises Ltd.
Unter den Eichen 126-135.
Receipt: 1 February 1943

St.W. [initial] Ho
To files

Dear Dr. Hohberg,

The chief of the Main Office has announced the liquidation of the auditing section and the drafting of the auditors for various tasks, in a circular dated 20th inst. As you know I had already reduced my staff to a minimum. As a result of the conscription of five of my men who are fit for active service, I am faced with great difficulties in carrying on my work in an organized way. In the course of a telephone conversation with SS Hauptsturmfuehrer Dr. Volk, I asked him yesterday to apply to you for three of your auditors. Although I am aware that in requesting a quarter of your former staff, I am perhaps rather pretentious compared with the other W officers, but I beg you to take into consideration that not only do I have to supervise the greatest number of plants, but also that these are spread out over an extraordinarily large area, so that I can only survey them by a repeated revision of the accounts of the different groups of plants. On top of this, I had to engage my accountants during the war and consequently I do not always have very highly qualified workers at my disposal, and they require constant supervision and advice. Finally, I ask you to take into consideration that the Ostdeutsche Baustoffwerke G.m.b.H. [Eastern German Building Material Works Ltd.] is now under reconstruction and that new ledgers must be opened with special care.

I am sure that you will appreciate my request, and that you will help me.

Heil Hitler!
SS Sturmbannfuehrer and Chief of Office

* * * * * * *
Staff W WL/J
To the Chief of Office W II,
SS Sturmbannfuehrer Dr. Bobermin
Poznan Wilhelm-GustlofF-Str. 5
Subject: Assignment of auditors
Reference: Letter of 29 January 1943 AC/Zy


I am extremely sorry that my reply has to be in the negative. All available auditors who have not already been conscripted into the army or sent to other places of duty, are earmarked for a special task to be carried out at Lublin under the direction of SS Brigadefuehrer Globocnik and SS Obersturmfuehrer Dr. Horn.

[Signed] Ho (Dr. Hohberg)

David Thompson
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Post by David Thompson » 17 Nov 2004, 02:23

Document NO-1257, in Trials of War Criminals Before the Nuernberg Military Tribunals Under Control Council Law No. 10. Vol. 5: United States v. Oswald Pohl, et. al. (Case 4: 'Pohl Case'). US Government Printing Office, District of Columbia: 1950. pp. 699-704.



{Stamp] Secret
Personal Staff of the Reich Leader SS
Administration of Central Files
File No. Secret 181/6
B/Ch 186
6 February 1943

Report on the realization of textile-salvage from the Jewish resettlement up to the present date.

The enclosed statement gives an account of the quantity of old garments from the Jewish resettlement that have been sent from the camps of Auschwitz and Lublin up to the present date. In this connection special consideration must be given to the fact that the delivery of rags is very high. As a result, the amount of usable old garments, especially men's clothing, is naturally diminished. It has therefore not been possible to satisfy the demand for men's clothing to its full.

The transportation by rail proved to be especially difficult. Through the continually recurring transportation stoppages, the dispatch was held up, resulting in temporary accumulations in the individual camps.

The transportation barrier to the Ukraine has been especially noticeable since December 1942, and prevented the delivery of old clothing intended for the racial Germans there. The whole delivery to the racial Germans in the Ukraine was, therefore, taken by the office for Germanization to Lodz and there placed in a large store. As soon as the transportation situation is relieved, the inter-office for Germanization will carry out the distribution.

Up till now the supply of the great amount of necessary cars has been carried out in close cooperation with and through the Reich Ministry for Economics. Also, in the future, the Reich Ministry for Economics will endeavor to obtain cars for the dispatch of old materials from the Government General through the Reich Ministry for Transportation, making reference to the bad situation in respect of textile raw materials.

[Signed] POHL
SS Obergruppenfuehrer and Lt. General of the Waffen SS

Certified true copy
[Signed] KERSTEN
SS Hauptsturmfuehrer

* * * * * * *
Secret [Stamp]

Personal Staff of the Reich Leader SS Administration of Central Files
File No. Secret 181/6

Statement on the quantities of old textile-materials delivered from the camps of Lublin and Auschwitz by order of the SS Economic and Administrative Main Office.

1. Reich Ministry of Economics

Men's old clothing without underwear - 97,000 sets
Women's old clothing without underwear - 76,000 sets
Women's silk underwear - 89,000 sets

Total 34 cars

Rags - 400 cars 2,700,000 kg
Bed-feathers - 130 cars. 270,000 kg
Women's hair - 1 car 3,000 kg
Scrap material - 5 cars 19,000 kg
Total - 2,992,000 kg

Total - 536 cars

[Total] - 570 cars

2. Office for Germanization [VoMi]

Men's clothing:
overcoats - 99,000
jackets - 57,000
vests - 27,000
pants - 62,000
drawers - 38,000
shirts - 132,000
pullovers - 9,000
scarves - 2,000
pajamas - 6,000
collars - 10,000
gloves - 2,000 pairs
socks - 10,000 pairs
shoes - 31,000 pairs

Women's clothing:
coats - 155,000 pieces
dresses - 119,000 pieces
blouses - 30,000 pieces
pullovers - 60,000 pieces
drawers - 49,000 pieces
panties - 60,000 pieces
jackets - 26,000 pieces
shirts - 30,000 pieces
chemises - 125,000 pieces
pajamas - 27,000 pieces
aprons - 36,000 pieces
brassieres - 25,000 pieces
underwear - 22,000 pieces
kerchiefs - 85,000 pieces
shoes - 111,000 pieces

Children's clothing:
overcoats - 15,000
boys' jackets - 11,000
boys' pants - 3,000
shirts - 3,000
scarves - 4,000
pullovers - 1,000
drawers - 1,000
girls' dresses - 9,000
girls' chemises - 5,000
aprons - 2,000
drawers - 5,000
stockings - 10,000 pairs
shoes - 22,000 pairs

Linen, etc.:
bed covers - 37,000 pieces
bed sheets - 46,000 pieces
pillowslips - 75,000 pieces
tea towels - 27,000 pieces
handkerchiefs - 135,000 pieces
hand towels - 100,000 pieces
table cloths - 11,000 pieces
napkins - 8,000 pieces
woolen shawls - 6,000 pieces
rubber shoes and boots 24,000 pairs
caps 9,000 pieces

Total 211 cars

3. Reich Youth Leadership — Rural Service
Men's old clothing 4,000 sets
Men's overcoats 4,000
Men's shoes 3,000 pairs
Women's old clothing 4,000 sets
Women's overcoats 4,000
Women's underwear 3,000 sets
Women's pullovers 20,000
Women's aprons 5,000
Scarves, various sorts 6,000
Women's shoes 3,000 pairs

4. The enterprise "Heinrich"
Men's old clothing 2,700 sets

5. I. G. Farbenindustrie, Auschwitz
Men's old clothing 4,000 sets

6. Organization "Todt"-Riga
Men's old clothing 1,500 sets

7. The Fuehrer's Inspector General for Motor Transport
Men's old clothing 1,000 sets
Men's underwear 1,000 sets
Men's shoes 1,000 sets
Men's overcoats 1,000

8. Concentration camps
Men's jackets - 28,000
Men's pants - 25,000
Men's vests - 7,000
Men's shirts - 44,000
Men's drawers - 34,000
Men's pullovers - 1,000
Men's overcoats - 6,000
Women's overcoats - 25,000
Men's shoes - 100,000 pairs

Total - 44 cars

Grand Total - 825 cars

Certified true copy.
[Signed] KERSTEN
SS Hauptsturmfuehrer

* * * * * * *
Personal Staff of the Reich Leader SS Administration of Central Files
File No. Secret 181/5

The Reich Leader SS
Journal No. I 110/43 Ads/G

Field Command Post, 15 January 1943

1. SS Obergruppenfuehrer Krueger
2. SS Obergruppenfuehrer Pohl

[Handwritten] x Jewish warehouses

On my visit to Warsaw I also inspected the warehouses containing the material and the goods taken over from the Jews, that is, at the emigration of the Jews.

I again request SS Obergruppenfuehrer Pohl to arrange a written agreement with the Minister of Economics regarding each individual category; whether it is a question of watch glasses, of which hundreds of thousandsperhaps even millionsare Iying there, and which for practical purposes could be distributed to the German watchmakers; or whether it is a question of turning lathes, which we need for our workshops, and which we can either have legally given to us by the Minister for Economics or buy from him; or whether it is a question of sewing machines to which the same thing applies; or common furs, or superior ladies' furs. I believe, on the whole, we cannot be too exact.

It struck me furthermore that no proper administrative chiefs had been appointed. SS Obergruppenfuehrer Pohl has made the Higher SS and Police Leaders his commissioners and subordinated to them the SS and Police Leaders. I, personally, do not believe that the individual Higher SS and Police Leader, and SS and Police Leader are capable of dealing with these matters alone.

I wish all reports and deliveries to the Office for Germanization to be signed by the delegated commander as well as by a delegated administrative chief.

In Warsaw an administrative chief from the cavalry brigade, who was very pleasant and who made an excellent impression, was assisting in setting things in order. He was, however, in no way legally appointed, but SS Oberfuehrer von Sammern had very reasonably called on his assistance.

I request SS Obergruppenfuehrer Pohl to clear up and arrange these matters to the last detail, as the strictest accuracy now will spare us much vexation later.

Heil Hitler!
[Signed] H. HIMMLER
To SS Obergruppenfuehrer Wolff for information.
[Signature illegible]

michael mills
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Post by michael mills » 18 Nov 2004, 01:26

Note that the "Lublin" camp referred to in the documents was the camp commonly called "Majdanek".

Both KL Auschwitz and KL Lublin were under the control of the WVHA.

All the property seized during the deportation of Jews from the ghettos in the Generalgouvernement and from the Jews arriving at the killing centres run by Wirth was supposed to be sent to KL Lublin where it came under the control of the WVHA and was processed under "Aktion Reinhardt".

However, the indications are that Globocnik and some of his men misappropriated a lot of the confiscated property. That appears to be one of the reasons why Globocnik was relieved of his command in Lublin and sent to Trieste in 1943, and why he wrote a detailed exculpatory report to Himmler, seeking to refute the accusations of theft of Reich property on a grand scale.

David Thompson
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Post by David Thompson » 18 Nov 2004, 13:35

NO-060, in Trials of War Criminals Before the Nuernberg Military Tribunals Under Control Council Law No. 10. Vol. 5: United States v. Oswald Pohl, et. al. (Case 4: 'Pohl Case'). US Government Printing Office, District of Columbia: 1950. pp. 704-705.



Personal Staff Reich Leader SS
Files Administration
File No. Secret 115
[initialed by Himmler]

Valuables Turned In from the "Operation Reinhardt"

Valuables from the "Operation Reinhardt" have been handed in at the SS WVHA Berlin for transmission to the Reich Bank or to the Reich Ministry of Economy as follows:

a. RM, total value - RM 53,013,133.51

b. Foreign currency, in notes, from all main countries of the earth (particularly the half million dollars are noteworthy), total value - RM 1,452,904.65

c. Foreign currency in coined gold, total RM 843,802.75

d. Precious metals (about 1,800 kg. gold and about 10,000 kg. silver in ingots), total value -.RM 5,353,943.00

e. Other valuables such as jewels, watches, glasses, etc., in particular, the number of watches, about 16,000 watches in working condition and about 51,000 watches in need of repair, is noteworthy; they have been placed at the disposal of the troops - RM 26,089,800.00

f. About 1,000 boxcars of textiles, total value - RM 13,294,400.00

Total - RM 100,047,983.91

About 1,000 boxcars of textiles are still in stock, and about 50 percent of above-mentioned other valuables, which still must be counted and appraised. It should be stressed that the valuations given above have been established on the basis of official exchange rates and prices; commercial values are, however, much higher, for instance when selling precious stones or metals abroad, as the flight into fixed values is greater there than in our country. Moreover, sales abroad bring us foreign currency.

If these prices have keen used here for evaluation purposes, then this was done in order to be able to give a survey of the delivered valuables, in general, this valuation is not so decisive.

The value of the receipts lies mainly in the fact that such large quantities of raw material, which are so urgently required, could be had and that on the basis of the seized valuables foreign currency can be secured, thus permitting Reich offices to buy more raw material.

SS Gruppenfuehrer and Major General of the Police

1 detailed list attached.[Document NO-061. Prosecution Exhibit 475, pp. 699-702.]

David Thompson
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Post by David Thompson » 18 Nov 2004, 14:00

Document NO-061, in Trials of War Criminals Before the Nuernberg Military Tribunals Under Control Council Law No. 10. Vol. 5: United States v. Oswald Pohl, et. al. (Case 4: 'Pohl Case'). US Government Printing Office, District of Columbia: 1950. pp. 706-709.



Valuation of Jewish belongings delivered up to 3 February 1943

Personal Staff Reich Leader SS
Files Administration
File No. Secret 116

1. Cash - RM 15,931,722.01

Delivery SS Econ. Krakow - RM 31,500,000.00
SS WVHA Berlin (R.B.) - RM 5,581,411.50

[Total] - RM 53,013,133.51

2. Foreign currency notes

[Currency; Amount; Rate of Exchange; Value (RM)]

Currency: USA Dollar;
Amount: 505,046.00;
Rate of Exchange: 2.50;
Value: RM 1,262,615.00.

Currency: Palestinian Pounds;
Amount: 1,069/00/00;
Rate of Exchange: 9.30;
Value: RM 9,941.70.

Currency: Pengoe;
Amount: 16,435.00;
Rate of Exchange: .60;
Value: RM 9,861.00.

Currency: Rubles;
Amount: 294,070.00;
Rate of Exchange: .10;
Value: RM 29,407.00.

Currency: English Pounds;
Amount: 3,822/00/00;
Rate of Exchange: 9.30;
Value: RM 35.,544.60.

Currency: Canadian Dollar;
Amount: 3,380.75;
Rate of Exchange: 2.50;
Value: RM 9,601.87.

Currency: Pesetas;
Amount: 131.00;
Rate of Exchange: 2.40;
Value: RM 314.40.

Currency: Czech Kr;
Amount: 789,630.00;
Rate of Exchange: .10;
Value: RM 78,963.00.

Currency: French Francs;
Amount: 22,767.50;
Rate of Exchange: .05;
Value: RM 1,138.37.

Currency: Brasil. Frs. [sic];
Amount: 8.00;
Rate of Exchange: .09;
Value: RM 0.72.

Currency: South African Pounds;
Amount: 28/10/00;
Rate of Exchange: 4.40;
Value: RM 125.40.

Currency: Turkish Pounds;
Amount: 5/50/00;
Rate of Exchange: 1.90;
Value: RM 10.45.

Currency: Dutch Guilders;
Amount: 1,720.00;
Rate of Exchange: 1.33;
Value: RM 2,287.60.

Currency: Swiss Francs;
Amount: 7,530.00;
Rate of Exchange: 5.80;
Value: RM 4,367.40.

Currency: Lire;
Amount: 883.00;
Rate of Exchange: .13;
Value: RM

Currency: Leva;
Amount: 100.00;
Rate of Exchange: .01;
Value: RM 1.00.

Currency: Australian Pounds;
Amount: 15/10/00;
Rate of Exchange: 2.50;
Value: RM 38.75.

Currency: Lei;
Amount: 13,486.00;
Rate of Exchange: .02;
Value: RM 269.72.

Currency: Egyptian Pounds;
Amount: 4/10/00;
Rate of Exchange: 4.40;
Value: RM 19.80.

Currency: Belga;
Amount: 4,203.00;
Rate of Exchange: .40;
Value: RM 1,681.20.

Currency: Lats;
Amount: 10.00;
Rate of Exchange: .10;
Value: RM 1.00.

Currency: Argentina Pesos;
Amount: 90.00;
Rate of Exchange: 1.00;
Value: RM 90.00.

Currency: Paraguayan Pesos;
Amount: 10.00;
Rate of Exchange: .60;
Value: RM 6.00.

Currency: Swedish Kr;
Amount: 455.00;
Rate of Exchange: .60;
Value: RM 273.00.

Currency: Norwegian Kr;
Amount: 165.00;
Rate of Exchange: .60;
Value: RM 99.00.

Currency: Dinars;
Amount: 30.00;
Rate of Exchange: .05;
Value: RM

Currency: Karbowanets;
Amount: 1,555.00;
Rate of Exchange: .10;
Value: RM 155.50.

Currency: Slov. Kronen;
Amount: 59,608.75;
Rate of Exchange: .10;
Value: RM 5,960.88.

Currency: Litas;
Amount: 140.00;
Rate of Exchange: .10;
Value: RM 14

Total [Value] - RM 1,452,904.65

3. Foreign currency in minted gold

[Currency; Amount; Rate of Exchange; Value (RM)]

Currency: USA Dollar;
Amount: 116,425.00;
Rate of Exchange: 4.20;
Value: RM 488,985.00.

Currency: Rubles;
Amount: 91,362.00;
Rate of Exchange: 2.15;
Value: RM 196,428.30.

Currency: English Pounds;
Amount: 3,822/00/00;
Rate of Exchange: 20.40;
Value: RM 77,969.00.

Currency: Austrian Kronen;
Amount: 30,940.00;
Rate of Exchange: .85;
Value: RM 26,299.00.

Currency: Austr. Shillings;
Amount: 1,975.00;
Rate of Exchange: -;
Value: RM 1,185.00.

Currency: Ducats;
Amount: 2,366.00;
Rate of Exchange: 10.00;
Value: RM 23,660.00.

Currency: Finnish Mark;
Amount: 20.00;
Rate of Exchange: 1.00;
Value: RM 20.00.

Currency: Reichsmark;
Amount: 12,730.00;
Rate of Exchange: 1.00;
Value: RM 12,730.00.

Currency: Zloty;
Amount: 1,080.00;
Rate of Exchange: .50;
Value: RM 540.00.

Currency: Danish Kronen;
Amount: 230.00;
Rate of Exchange: .52;
Value: RM 119.60.

Currency: Czech Ducats;
Amount: 2.00;
Rate of Exchange: 10.00;
Value: RM 20.00.

Currency: Portuguese Reis;
Amount: 15,000.00 (150 Ese);
Rate of Exchange: 1.00;
Value: RM 150.00.

Currency: Pesetas;
Amount: 25.00;
Rate of Exchange: 1.50;
Value: RM 37.50.

Currency: Fr. Frs;
Amount: 8,005.00;
Rate of Exchange: 1.62;
Value: RM 12,968.10.

Currency: South African Pounds;
Amount: 2/00/00;
Rate of Exchange: 20.40;
Value: RM 40.80.

Currency: Turkish Pounds;
Amount: 47/00/00;
Rate of Exchange: 3.5;
Value: RM 164.50.

Currency: Dutch Guilders;
Amount: 315.00;
Rate of Exchange: 17.00 (for 10 guild);
Value: RM 535.50.

Currency: Swiss Frs;
Amount: 490.00;
Rate of Exchange: 16.50 (for 10 Frs.);
Value: RM 404.25.

Currency: Lire;
Amount: 1,210.00;
Rate of Exchange: .50;
Value: RM 605.00

Currency: Australian Pounds;
Amount: 6/10/00;
Rate of Exchange: 20.40;
Value: RM 172.60.

Currency: Lei;
Amount: 1,140.00;
Rate of Exchange: .50;
Value: RM 570.00.

Currency: Belga;
Amount: 140.00;
Rate of Exchange: .50;
Value: RM

Currency: Swedish Kronen;
Amount: 20.00;
Rate of Exchange: 11.20 (for 10 Kr.);
Value: RM 22.40.

Currency: Norwegian Kronen;
Amount: 35.00;
Rate of Exchange: 11.20 (for 10 Kr.);
Value: RM 39.20.

Currency: Dinars;
Amount: 30.00;
Rate of Exchange: .50;
Value: RM 15.00

Currency: Cuban Pesos;
Amount: 10.00;
Rate of Exchange: 4.20;
Value: RM 42.00.

Currency: Alb. Frs;
Amount: 20.00;
Rate of Exchange: .50;
Value: RM 10.00.

Total - RM 843,802.75

4. Precious metal

1,775.46 kg gold bullion at RM 2,784 - RM 4,942,870.00
9,639.34 kg silver bullion at RM 40 - RM 385,573.00
5.10 kg broken-up platinum at RM 5,000 - RM 25,500.00

Total - RM 5,353,943.00

5. Other valuables

5 pieces gold automatic pencils at RM 30.00 - RM 150.00
17 pieces gold fountain pens at RM 70.00 - RM 1,190.00
4 pieces ladies' platinum watches at RM 300.00 - RM 1,200.00
2,894 pieces gold gentlemen's pocket watches at RM 500.00 - RM 1,427,000.00
579 pieces gold gentlemen's wrist watches at RM 300.00 - RM 173,400.00
7,313 pieces gold ladies' wrist watches at RM 250.00 - RM 1,828,250.00
19 pieces platinum watch cases with brilliants and diamonds at RM 1,000.00 - RM 19,000.00
280 pieces bracelets with brilliants and diamonds at RM 3,500.00 - RM 980,000.00
6245 pieces gentlemen's wrist watches at RM 10.00 - RM 62,450.00
13,455 pieces gentlemen's pocket watches at RM 20.00 - RM 269,100.00
1 pieces gentlemen's pocket watches gold with brilliants at RM 600.00 - RM 600.00
179 pieces ladies' gold watches with brilliants and diamonds at RM 600.00 - RM 107,400.00
7 pieces ladies' gold ring watches at RM 150.00 - RM 1,050.00
4 pieces ladies' lapel watches with pearls at RM 200.00 - RM 800.00
394 pieces ladies' lapel watches with brilliants at RM 600.00 - RM 236,400.00
228 pieces ladies' watches, platinum and brilliants at RM 1,200.00 - 273,600.00
293 pieces ladies' watches, gold at RM 250.00 - RM 73,250.00
22,324.00 pieces spectacles at RM 3.00 - RM 66,972.00
3 pairs cuff links with brilliants at RM 150.00 - RM 450.00
11,675 pieces gold rings with brilliants and diamonds at RM 1,500.00 - RM 11,675,000.00
7,200 pieces ladies' wrist watches at RM 10.00 - RM 72,000.00
40 pieces gold brooches at RM 350.00 - 14,000.00
1,399 pairs gold earrings with brill. at RM 250.00 - RM 349,750.00
169 pieces pins with brilliants and diamonds at RM 100.00 - 16,900.00
1974 pieces gold brooches with brilliants and diamonds at RM 2,000.00 - RM 3,948,000.00
27 pieces gold bracelets with brilliants and diamonds at RM 250.00 - RM 6,750.00
49 kg pearls - RM 4,000,000.00
7,000 pieces fountain pens at RM 10.00 - RM 70,000.00
130 pieces large single brilliants at RM 1,000.00 - RM 130,000.00
2 pieces necklace with brilliants and diamonds at RM 1,500.00 - 3,000.00
1 pieces gold cigarette case at RM 400.00 - RM 400
1 pieces mother-of-pearl box - RM 20.00
3 pieces gold compacts at RM 50.00 - RM 150.00
2 pieces binoculars, mother-of-pearl at RM 50.00 - RM 100.00
1.44 kg corals - 150.00
51,370 pieces watches, to be repaired at RM 5.00 - RM 256,850.00
1,000 pieces automatic pencils at RM 3.00 - RM 3,000.00
350 pieces razors at RM 2.50 - RM 875.00
800 pieces pocket knives at RM 1.00 - RM 800.00
3,240 pieces purses at RM 1.50 - RM 4,860.00
1,315 pieces pocketbooks at RM 2.50 - 3,287.50
1,500 pieces scissors at RM 0.50 - RM 750.00
230 pieces flashlights at RM 0.50 - RM 115.00
2,554 pieces alarm clocks, to be repaired at RM 3.00 - RM 7,662.00
160 pieces alarm clocks, in working condition at RM 6.00 - RM 960.00
477 pieces sun glasses at RM 0.50 - RM 238.50
41 pieces silver cigarette cases at RM 30.00 - RM 1,230.00
230 pieces clinical thermometers at RM 3.00 - RM 690.00

Total - RM 26,089,800.00

6. Textiles

462 boxcars rags at RM 700.00 - RM 323,400.00
253 boxcars feathers for bedding at RM 10,000.00 - RM 2,510,000.00
317 boxcars clothes and linen at RM 33,000.00 - RM 10,461,000.00

Total - RM 13,294,400.00


1. Delivered cash and cash on hand - RM 53,013,133.51
2. Foreign currency, notes - RM 1,452,904.65
3. Foreign currency, minted gold - RM 843,802.75
4. Precious metals - RM 5,353,800.00
5. Other items - RM 26,089,800.00
6. Textiles - RM 13,294,400.00

Total - RM 100,047,983.91

Lublin, 27 February 1943

[Signed] WIPPERN
SS Sturmbannfuehrer

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Post by David Thompson » 18 Nov 2004, 14:17

Document NO-2003, in Trials of War Criminals Before the Nuernberg Military Tribunals Under Control Council Law No. 10. Vol. 5: United States v. Oswald Pohl, et. al. (Case 4: 'Pohl Case'). US Government Printing Office, District of Columbia: 1950. pp. 709-712.



SS Economic Administrative Main Office
Phone: local 765261
long distance 765101

Top Military Secret

Top Military Secret!

Dictating sign:
Chief A/Fr/B, positively to be given in the answer.
[Handwritten] 0109/43 top military secret

Berlin, 13 May 1943
Unter den Eichen 126-135

To the Reich Leader SS

Subject: Utilization of Jewish concealed and stolen goods.

[Himmler's initials] H. H.
[Handwritten note]: Given out by the Chief on 27 December. Letter remained that long with him.
To be filed. [initials] Bg

Reich Leader!

1. Delivered up to 30 April 1943-

94,000 Men's watches.
33,000 Ladies' watches.
25,000 Fountain pens.
14,000 Mechanical pencils.
3,500 Pocket books.
4,000 Wallets.
130,000 Razor blades.
7,500 Safety razors and straight-edge razors.
400 Hair-cutting machines.
14,000 Scissors of all kinds.

2. Repaired and ready for shipping thereof are

7,000 Men's watches (beginning 1 May 1943, an additional 2,500 watches will be ready for shipping every month; therefore about 20,000 more this year).

8,000 Fountain pens.
100,000 Razor blades.
5,000 Razors.
400 Hair-cutting machines.
14,00 Scissors.

Of these repaired quantities are already delivered:

100,000 Razor blades, to be sold at post exchanges.
4,000 Razors, to be sold at post exchanges.
1,000 New or as good as new razors to SS hospitals for SS men from the front lines.
250 Straight razors for the barber shops of the concentration camps.
400 Hair-cutting machines.

The scissors were distributed as follows: Tailor scissors, paper scissors are sold to the German Equipment Works Ltd. for technical purposes; needlework, nail, and household scissors are delivered to the Lebensborn, registered association without payment; surgical scissors are delivered to the camp physicians of the concentration camps; and barber scissors are received by the barber shops of the troops with the concentration camps.

3. I suggest to distribute the repaired men's watches as follows:

(a) Each combat division receives immediately500 items, beginning 1 October 1943, "Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler," once more 500 items, division "Das Reich," "Totenkopf Division," (once received already 500 watches each).

(b) The submarine service receives immediately 3,000 items beginning 1 October 1943, once more 3,000 items.

(c) Concentration camps receive for squads on outside duty, guard-commanders etc., according to the decision of the commandant, 200 items. This is a total of about 25,000 watches; remainder 2,000 items.

Fountain pens -- Each combat division receives 300 items; the submarine service receives 2,000 items; remainder 1,500 items.

I request decision what has to be done with the 33,000 ladies' watches.

4. Also on hand from Jewish concealed and stolen goods are

(a) Some hundreds numismatically very valuable old gold and silver coins (partly from the period prior to the Christian Era) of high collector's value.

(b) Four big boxes with valuable stamp collections, among them complete collections of an individual value of 40,000 marks and more.

(c) About 5,000 watches of most expensive Swiss make, in pure old and platinum cases, partly fitted with precious stones (golden watches of inferior make or of clumsy or ostentatious style were already handed to the Reich Bank for melting down).

Ad. 4. I request decision whether

(1) The collectors coins may be turned over to the monetary museum of the Reich Bank,

(2) What has to be done with the stamp collection,

(3) Whether the watches may be handed to the Reich Bank for sale abroad or whether those watches or part of them (of the most valuable and most beautiful items) are to be retained for special use.

A number of fountain pens and mechanical pencils of pure gold are also on hand. Are they to be delivered to the Reich Bank for sale abroad or for melting down?

Heil Hitler!
[Signed] FRANK
SS Gruppenfuehrer and Major General of the Waffen SS

Personal Staff RF SS
In: 14 May 1943 [Handwritten] without

Journal No. 1612/43

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Post by David Thompson » 18 Nov 2004, 14:20

Document NO-1040, in Trials of War Criminals Before the Nuernberg Military Tribunals Under Control Council Law No. 10. Vol. 5: United States v. Oswald Pohl, et. al. (Case 4: 'Pohl Case'). US Government Printing Office, District of Columbia: 1950. p. 712.



Staff WWL/Kue.
Berlin, 6/3/1943
To the Chief of Office A II
to be passed on to SS Hauptsturmfuehrer Mellmer, in this building


Subject: Credit from the Reinhardt funds for the German Economic Enterprises.

After consulting SS Obergruppenfuehrer Pohl SS Gruppenfuehrer Frank has approved the granting of credit by the Reinhardt funds to the German Economic Enterprises, Ltd., in the amount of RM 30,000,000. The rate of interest to be paid according to previous agreement amounts to 3 percent. A written loan agreement is to be concluded between the Reich on the one side and the German Economic Enterprises on the other. It is requested that the agreement be presented. The term of the loan has not yet been agreed upon.

Gruppenfuehrer Frank has ordered, that the credit is to be claimed in shares, and not immediately in the full amount. Staff W (SS Obersturmfuehrer Wenner or Dr. Hohberg) is to be in constant touch with Hauptsturmfuehrer Mellmer concerning the possibility of payment.

[Signed] Ho (Dr. Hohberg)

Chief of Staff W

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Post by David Thompson » 18 Nov 2004, 14:25

Document NO-2754, in Trials of War Criminals Before the Nuernberg Military Tribunals Under Control Council Law No. 10. Vol. 5: United States v. Oswald Pohl, et. al. (Case 4: 'Pohl Case'). US Government Printing Office, District of Columbia: 1950. pp. 713-714.



Personal Staff Reich Leader SS
Archives File
File No. 332/10

The Reich Leader SS Personal Staff

Diary No. 38/383/43
Field Command Post, 3 December 1943

To SS Obergruppenfuehrer Pohl

Chief of SS Economic and Administrative Main Office

Reference: Your letter of 16 January 1943 Ch. Po/Ha.-13 May 1943

Dear Obergruppenfuehrer !

The Reich Leader SS has agreed that you, according to your proposition, distribute pocket watches, wrist watches, and fountain pens among the individual division. He merely requests that the police division should not receive 700 pocket watches, but only 500. Those 200 watches are to be distributed, 100 watches each, among the divisions, "The Reich," and "Death Head."

I have reported to the Reich Leader SS immediately because I thought that would be better that you suggested to put the watches and fountain pens in his name at the disposal of the divisions for the yuletide celebration.

I am also in a position, after a lengthy period, to answer your inquiry of 13 May 1943. The original letter could not be found any more. SS Gruppenfuehrer Frank had sent a copy over to me on 2 September 1943. The Reich Leader SS is agreeable to the distribution scheme set up at the time. Of the ladies' watches about 15,000 shall be given on yuletide to the racial German resettlers now coming from Russia, in accordance with SS Gruppenfuehrer Lorenz.

Furthermore, the Reich Leader SS is requesting that the coins be delivered to the coin museum of the Reich Bank. Likewise, the watches with the most precious Swiss works in pure gold and platinum cases, etc., and also pure golden fountain pens and propelling pencils have to be put at the disposal of the Reich Bank for sale abroad. The Reich Leader SS is of the opinion that also perhaps the stamp collections might be traded for foreign exchange.

Heil Hitler !
[Initials] R B [Rudolf Brandt]
SS Obersturmbannfuehrer

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Post by David Thompson » 18 Nov 2004, 14:29

Document NO-3034, in Trials of War Criminals Before the Nuernberg Military Tribunals Under Control Council Law No. 10. Vol. 5: United States v. Oswald Pohl, et. al. (Case 4: 'Pohl Case'). US Government Printing Office, District of Columbia: 1950. p. 714.



The Reich Leader SS Field Command Post, 22 September 1943
RF/Mae. 10/38/43 g.

Personal Staff Reich Leader SS
Document Archives
File No. Secret: 190/15

[Stamp] Secret

1. To the Chief of the Economic and Administrative Main Office, SS Obergruppenfuehrer Pohl,

2. To SS Gruppenfuehrer Globocnik

The transfer of SS Gruppenfuehrer Globocnik necessitates an adjustment for the settlement of the account "Reinhardt 1".

I order herewith that SS Gruppenfuehrer Globocnik is to take over the settlement of the account "Reinhardt 1" up to 31 December 1943, after which date he is to hand it over to SS Obergruppenfuehrer Pohl or the latter's deputy, whose name will yet have to be submitted to me.

On the whole, an effort should be made to balance the account "Reinhardt 1" until then, and to use and transfer the results, so that, after 1 January 1944, only the newly accrued values will have to be accounted for.

[Signed] H. HIMMLER

3. To the Chief of the Reich Security Main Office SS Obergruppenfuehrer Dr. Kaltenbrunner

4. To the Higher SS and Police Leader East, SS Obergruppenfuehrer Krueger

Passed on for information.
By Order
[Initial] B[randt]

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Post by David Thompson » 18 Nov 2004, 14:33

Document NO-064, in Trials of War Criminals Before the Nuernberg Military Tribunals Under Control Council Law No. 10. Vol. 5: United States v. Oswald Pohl, et. al. (Case 4: 'Pohl Case'). US Government Printing Office, District of Columbia: 1950. pp. 715-716.



Higher SS and Police Leader
Operational Zone of the Adriatic Coast
Gl./Go.Tgb. Nr. 1/44 gRs PK
Trieste, 5 January 1944

To the Reich Leader SS and Reich Minister of the Interior
Heinrich Himmler,

[Illegible pencil notes]

Reich Leader!

I beg to enclose the report on the economic settlement of the "Operation Reinhardt," as you ordered me in your letter of 22 September 1943, to conclude it and hand it over by 31 December 1943.

The recognition which I received for the "Operation Reinhardt" obliges me, too, to give an account of the economic side, in order to show you that in this respect also the work is as it should be. Although SS Obergruppenfuehrer Pohl has not had time so far to effect the transfer, nevertheless, I hope that the facts outlined in my report will implement my discharge.

A conclusion in accordance with regulations and my discharge are necessary insofar as my activities had been within the SS sphere and must therefore be concluded in a regular manner before the competent Reich offices. "Operation Reinhardt" was too dangerous for that.

In addition I would have the unpleasant reputation of not keeping the necessary order in economic matters and in that case I must prove beyond a doubt that this is not so.

The whole settlement contains two parts

1. Economic part of "Operation Reinhardt," subdivided into

a. Account and delivery of valuables obtained.

b. Account of valuables achieved through work.

2. The economic groups' settlement [Siedlerwirtschaftsgemeinschaft] for the economic management of which I was also responsible and which is now transferred to civilian management.

With regard to the complete final accounts of "Operation Reinhardt" I must add that all vouchers should be destroyed as soon as possible, as has been done in the case of all other documents pertaining to this operation.

"SWG" [economic groups' settlement] is not only a question of financial settlement but also a question of transfer, so that the settlers may retain possession of these accommodations.

It is only after I have been duly discharged of my obligation in these two cases, that I consider my functions terminated.

I beg you, Reich Leader, to fix a date for the final settlement, based on my enclosures, to take place on the spot.

I have sent a copy of this letter to SS Obergruppenfuehrer Pohl.

Heil Hitler
[Signed] Globocnik

Enclosure [Enclosure follows as Document NO-057, Prosecution Exhibit 487.]

Personal Staff of Reich Leader SS
Received 10 January 1944
Journal No. 1851/44

To: Reich Leader

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Post by David Thompson » 18 Nov 2004, 14:43

Document NO-057, in Trials of War Criminals Before the Nuernberg Military Tribunals Under Control Council Law No. 10. Vol. 5: United States v. Oswald Pohl, et. al. (Case 4: 'Pohl Case'). US Government Printing Office, District of Columbia: 1950. pp. 716-720.



Top Secret Reich Matter
[Handwritten] 18 January 1944
4 copies
1st copy
[initials] H. H.. [Heinrich Himmler]

Economic Section of the Action Reinhardt

Combined in the SS Economic and Administrative Main Office Special tasks "G", for which I am responsible and have not been relieved of, the entire Reinhardt Action is divided into four branches

A. The deportation itself.
B. The utilization of manpower.
C. The utilization of property.
D. The recovering of hidden values and real estate.

A. The deportation

It has been carried out and brought to a close. The prerequisite for this was that with the meager powers on hand to seize the people by means of a methodically correct treatment, and to cause the least possible economic damage to the war production.

On the whole this was accomplished. Considerable damage resulted only in Warsaw where due to a mistaken situation the conclusion [of the deportation] was carried out methodically wrong.

Because of my transfer I could not settle matters in Lodz.

The installations which had been set up for this action and the means which had resulted from it which were to be considered as means of the Reich, have been completely removed. For the purpose of supervision a small farm, occupied by an expert was developed in each camp. He has to be paid rent regularly for the upkeep of the farm.

B. Utilization of manpower

The entire manpower was brought together and kept in closed camps into which manufacture of essential items for war had been transferred.

For this the requirements were as follows:

1. Construction of all housing quarters.

2. Construction of workshops and procurement of all the industrial installations such as machinery, power, supply, etc.

3. A basis for supplies, first by making use of TWL's [Truppenwirtschaftslagertroop supply depots] and otherwise by setting up agricultural establishments in the vicinity of the camps.

4. Installations for setting up satisfactory sanitary and hygienic conditions.

5. Security measures

a. By respective basic security measures.

b. By having a security organization within the camp.

c. By keeping an adequate guard. For this purpose SS guards were established which, led by Germans, rendered for the most part satisfactory service. The reliability was to be increased by intermingling of these guards with Reich-German guards from the concentration camps.

d. By having the SS Economic and Administrative Main Office take over the management of the camps, the prerequisite for a satisfactory security situation was accomplished.

6. Correct leadership and methodical treatment was made possible by giving extensive training to the German personnel in charge. It became evident that the working capacity of the Jews was steadily on the increase.

7. The commercial and mechanical sides were safeguarded by establishing commercial and mechanical management of the plant. "Osti" was founded for this purpose as second factory management the "Deutsche Ausruestungswerke" [German Equipment Works].

All together 18 establishments had been built up; still more were to be added. About 52,000 laborers were available. On this basis of labor it was possible to accept rush orders from the Armament Inspection as well as from the Reich Ministry Speer, and thus substitute for bombed-out plants.

The demands from these places were very large. "Osti" and German Equipment Works were directed by me personally whereas of other plants, such as Heinkel Airplane Works, I was only custodian. Supplement 1 contains factory report and production figures.

The orders on hand will be enough to keep DAW working at full capacity until March, while the other factories have work enough for 2-3 months.

C. Utilization of property

The utilization of property as carried out by Reinhardt 1 is given in supplement 2 and has been completed.

D. Recovering of hidden values and real estate

Recovery of hidden values and the utilization of real estate is subdivided in

1. Equipment which had become Aryan property, such as machinery, raw materials, etc., by "Osti".

6.3 million Reich marks is the result up to date, 7-8 millions are to be recovered yet.

This seizure had one advantage, inasmuch as it comprised all those who in this manner, with Jewish assistance, had built up factories without cost to them and thus became rich without effort.

2. Seizure of Jewish claims at home and abroad, by making the camp inmates relinquish their claims in favor of "Osti", who then collected claims. The result of the first effort amounted to 11,000,000 zlotys relinquished of which apparently at least one-half could be collected. Since it was possible to ascertain also money transferred to foreign countries, this action could have become a source of valuable foreign currency for the Reich.

3. Real estate was turned over to the real estate administration of the Government General for utilization.

All the installations described above were functioning perfectly when I departed. Since the Reich Leader SS in July 1943 already had hinted at the possibility of my transfer within the year, I proceeded immediately with the setting in order and financing of the establishment which I had founded and turned over the entire equipment to the SS Economic and Administrative Main Office.

The following measures were taken:

1. On 13 August 1943 the entire SS training camp Trawniki was handed over by SS Obergruppenfuehrer Pohl. (See letter of 13 August 1943 -- Chef A/Fr./Sencl. 3)

2. On 7 September 43 in a discussion with Obergruppenfuehrer Pohl it was decided to take over 10 labor camps in the Lublin district as branch camps of concentration camp [KZ] Lublin and furthermore to turn over other labor camps in the Government General. The manager of the Lublin KZ was given orders accordingly. This discussion resulted from a visit of SS Obergruppenfuehrer Krueger and SS Standartenfuehrer Schellin. (See file notation of the chief of the SS WVHA of 7 September 1943-D II/L (supplement 4) (Az.: 29 Ma./F).

3. Following this in a communication of 14 September 1943 the commander of KZ Lublin informed the SS labor camps that they had become branch camps of KZ Lublin. The mingling of the foreign protective guards with the Reich German KZ guards was also introduced.

4. On 22 October 1943 SS Obergruppenfuehrer Pohl announced that he had ordered the following labor camps to be taken over by the Amtsgruppe D:

(a) Old Lublin airport.
(b) SS Labor camp Trawniki.
(c) SS Labor camp Poniatowa.
(d) Forced labor camp and SS shops in Radom.
(e) Forced labor camp and SS shops in Budzyn.
(f) Main camp Krakow-Placzow.
(g) German Equipment Works, Lublin.
(h) Armament camps at Lvov.

5. In the discussion of 22 October 1943 SS Obergruppenfuehrer Pohl informed me that I was to be replaced as 1st manager of "Osti" by the 2d manager and a new 2d manager was to be appointed.

My release was also to be effected.

I also fully informed my successor and pointed out his supervisory duties.

I had thereby created the basis necessary for the continuance.

The foundation for security had been provided and was guaranteed through the KZ management.

Up until now my release has not been effected.

On 3 November 1943, the labor force was withdrawn from the labor camps and the works were closed down.

The camp leaders had not been informed of this action, although the responsibility rested with them, and I was therefore hampered in my supervisory duties. I gave orders to the camp leaders, to carry out agreed contracts and to continue to accept orders or sublet them.

The day before the camp was cleared General Schindler, Armament Inspectorate Krakow, made an agreement with the camp leaders, based on the consent of SS Obergruppenfuehrer Krueger that

a. In the future only armament orders were to go to the labor camps.

b. On 2 November he had been assured that 10,000 more Jews were to be made available for the armament projects.

This agreement could not be carried out any more.

SS Gruppenfuehrer and Major General of the Police

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Post by David Thompson » 18 Nov 2004, 14:47

Document NO-726, in Trials of War Criminals Before the Nuernberg Military Tribunals Under Control Council Law No. 10. Vol. 5: United States v. Oswald Pohl, et. al. (Case 4: 'Pohl Case'). US Government Printing Office, District of Columbia: 1950. p. 720.



SS Economic and Administrative Main Office
Ref: A IV/Vo/Koe. 3.44. Journ. No. 391/44


Berlin, 15 March 1944

Secret 27/43

Distribution: All SS Economists, or Administrations, attached to the Higher SS and Police Leaders according to distribution list of 9 December 1943 (see attached)


Subject: Administration of Jewish property.

Reference: Gef. SS Economic and Administrative Main Office of 9 December 1943; Az. A II/3 Reinh. Secret Journal NO.13/45

With reference to the directive of the chief of the SS Economic and Administration Main Office, it is again requested to report here whether there occurred in the offices of your particular area of jurisdiction any receipts, or expenditures for resettlement of Jews, and whether and where a settlement of these accounts was accomplished.

Negative report required.

[Signed] VOGT
SS Standartenfuehrer Chief of Auditing Office

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Post by David Thompson » 18 Nov 2004, 14:52

Document NO-2756, in Trials of War Criminals Before the Nuernberg Military Tribunals Under Control Council Law No. 10. Vol. 5: United States v. Oswald Pohl, et. al. (Case 4: 'Pohl Case'). US Government Printing Office, District of Columbia: 1950. pp. 721-722.



Personal Staff Reich Leader SS
File No. Secret 332/10

The Chief of the SS Economic and Administrative Main Office
A II/3 Reinh./Me/Ro Secret Diary No. 69/44
Berlin, 29 July 1944
Unter den Eichen 126-135
Tel. Local 76 52 61
Long Dist. 76 51 01

[Stamp] SECRET
[Himmler's initials] H H

To the Reich Leader SS
Berlin SW 11
Prinz-Albrecht-Str. 8

Subject: Distribution of watches to members of the Waffen SS.
Reference: No previous reference.

Reich Leader:

Among the watches which came from Action Reinhardt are 16 gold precision wrist watches with stop devices and technical reading devices. These are particularly valuable articles made of sovereign gold. The value of the watches is about 300 Reichsmark each (peacetime retail price), according to the estimate of the Berlin pawn shop. I had the watches repaired by office D II at Oranienburg, and I am forwarding to you 15 watches by courier. One watch will be forwarded in about 3 weeks after repair are made, since an important repair part is not available here.

I assume that you want the distribution of these valuable gifts reserved for the watch distribution to the combat troops themselves. Because of their special devices, the watches are best suited for commanders of technical units.

Heil Hitler !
[Signed] POHL
SS Obergruppenfuehrer and Lt. General of the Waffen SS

Personal Staff RF-SS
Rec. 31 July 1944

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Post by David Thompson » 18 Nov 2004, 14:56

Document NO-725, in Trials of War Criminals Before the Nuernberg Military Tribunals Under Control Council Law No. 10. Vol. 5: United States v. Oswald Pohl, et. al. (Case 4: 'Pohl Case'). US Government Printing Office, District of Columbia: 1950. pp. 722-723.



The Chief of the SS Economic Administrative Main Office
File No.: A II/3 Reinhardt Gef. Journal No. 13/43
Berlin, 9 December 1943
Unter den Bichen 126-135
Telephone: Local 76 52 61
Long Distance: 76 51 01

Secret 27/43
[Handwritten note and initials illegible]

Subject: Administration of Jewish Property.
Reference: Decree of Reich Leader SS of 12 September 1942, Top Secret.
Enclosure: 1 [Not available.]

[Handwritten remark and initial illegible]
To all Chiefs of Main Offices
To all Higher SS and Police Leaders
To all SS Economists and/or Administrations with the Higher SS and Police Leaders
Division B
Division D Oranienburg
SS Economic Administrative Main Office, Office A IV
SS Gruppenfuehrer Sporenberg
SS Sturmbannfuehrer Wippern, Administration Special Tasks "G" Lublin
SS Obersturmbannfuehrer Moekel, Administration Concentration Camp Auschwitz.

An inquiry from the Supreme Auditing Court of the Reich (Rechnungshof) gives occasion to point out the following:

All amounts of negotiable currency are to be transferred to the Reich revenue. As far as special accounts have been opened for the assessment of these amounts, no changes will be necessary. All receipts and expenditures, however, are to be treated according to the rules of the Reich Auditing Code and the Reich Budget Ordinance. Expenditures are only authorized insofar as they are basically connected with the execution of the "Action."

The amount of the accounts is to be kept as low as possible and is in no case to exceed the monthly requirements. All amounts over and above these requirements are to be handed over to the comPetent SS economist who will transfer the amounts received to the SS Economic Administrative Main Office, office A II/3 by means of book entries. Units in the Reich territory make transfers through the Reich Bank Berlin-Schoeneberg No. 1488 to the SS Economic Administrative Main Office. Account office A II/3 does the final accounting and/or transfer to the Reich Main Finance Office. Upon completion of the resettlement operation the vouchers will have to be presented for auditing to the SS Economic Administrative Main Office, office A IV. As regards the use of the other values, foreign exchange, precious metals, jewelry, etc. as well as textiles and consumer goods, my decree of 26 September 1943 applies, a copy of which is attached hereto. The subordinated SS offices are to be informed accordingly.

The Chief of the SS Economic Administrative Main Office
[Signed] POHL
SS Obergruppenfuehrer and Lt. General of the Waffen SS

100 copies
Check No. 61

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