Help and Guide

Lost Password
  1. Go to the Send password page.
  2. Enter your username and the associated e-mail address.
  3. You will now receive a New password activation e-mail. Check your spam folder if you have not received the e-mail within 30 minutes.
  4. Click the link in the e-mail.
  5. Go to the Login page.
  6. Enter your username and the password you received in the New password activation e-mail.
  7. You are now logged into the forum. It is strongly recommended that you change the password to a strong password only you know.
  8. Go to the Edit account settings.
  9. Under New password and Confirm password, enter a new, strong password that only you know.
  10. Under Current password, write the password you received in the New password activation e-mail.
  11. If you're still having problems:
    • Scroll to the bottom of this page.
    • Click "Contact us".
    • Fill out the form, and include your forum username.
Login Problems
  1. Scroll to the bottom of this page.
  2. Click "Delete all board cookies".
  3. Press Ctrl+F5 twice.
  4. Try logging in.
  5. If you're still having problems:
    • Scroll to the bottom of this page.
    • Click "Contact us".
    • Fill out the form, and include your forum username.
Post Attachment
  1. Open the full editor.
    • If you wish to start a new thread, press the "New Topic" button at the top of the appropriate section.
    • If you wish to reply to an existing thread, press the "Post Reply" button at the top of the thread, or the "Full Editor & Preview" button below the Quick Reply box at the bottom of the thread.
  2. Press the "Attachments" tab in the options box below the editing window.
  3. Press "Add files".
  4. Select the file or files you wish to upload.
  5. If you wish to have the attachment appear within you post's text, press "Place inline". This will insert the appropriate code in your post, which you can move to the desired location.
Send a Private Message
To prevent spam you must have posted at least one post on the forum, and the post must have been approved by a moderator.
  1. Go to the profile of the user to whom you wish to send a private message.
  2. Click the "Send private message" link in the "Contact" section.
  3. Fill out the Subject and Contents.
  4. Press "Submit".
    • Until the recipient reads the message it will appear under "Outbox" folder.
    • Once the recipient reads the message it will be moved to the "Sent messages" folder.