What if Hitler dies in 1938, and Goering takes over?

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Carl Schwamberger
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Re: What if Hitler dies in 1938, and Goering takes over?


Post by Carl Schwamberger » 23 Aug 2018, 11:19

I'd guess the corrupt kleptocracy of the nazi party would have continued under Goering. That has long term effects. I'm also curious about Goerings ability at long term planning and economic understanding. He proved hims self a great operator, at executing short term solutions to the requirements of nazi policy. What sort of longer term effect will he have 1939-1949?

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Re: What if Hitler dies in 1938, and Goering takes over?


Post by South » 23 Aug 2018, 20:27

Good afternoon Uncle Bob,

ROFL !!!

Futurist, Globalization 41 and Praetorianavis in the same room !

The Central Committee of the Politburo attending the Third International would thus appear as the august collective wisdom product of Jacob Riis, Albert Schweitzer, Mother Teresa, Hosea Williams, Doctors WITH Borders !

I believe Koestler did get framed in sight pictures of rifle optics. He had to defend against some sort of sex scandal and it wasn't about carnal lust or unreported pound sterling.....a modernized assassination attempt by a modern version of a sniper's rifle.

President Ike couldn't be wrong about living in Pennsylvania. The knowledgeable know about nice places. For that matter, LTjg John Kerry married a Pennsylvanian (Ketchup Lady). After Kerry depleted his inheritance, he married the widow of the late Republican US Senator from Pennsylvania.

I guess a kibbutz trip is the antithesis of volunteering for the Cuban sugar cane harvest.

Karl Marx's scribbling were efforts to grasp at the arriving industrialization. He failed but Dostoevsky and his NOTES FROM UNDERGROUND focuses us.


I am now in the mood for some Amish cooking.

eastern Virginia, USA

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Robert Rojas
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RE: What If Hitler Dies In 1938? Does Georing Take Over?


Post by Robert Rojas » 24 Aug 2018, 13:36

Greetings to both brother South and the community as a whole. Howdy Bob! Well sir, in respect to your posting of Thursday - August 23, 2018 - 10:27am, old yours truly is never ceased to be amazed with your broad range of literary interests. Like yourself, I also lean to the classic works of Fyoder Dostoevsky. There are those of us who see the world through the lens of his work entitled as NOTES FROM THE UNDERGROUND and there are those of us who see the world through the lens of his work entitled as THE IDIOT. Now, whether it be old Karl's DAS KAPITAL or old Adolf's MEIN KAMPF, I believe the celluloid character of Forrest Gump summed it up best - STUPID IS AS STUPID DOES! Incidentally, old Uncle Bob was also equally impressed with your eclectic cast of characters within your latter day version of the Central Committee of the Politburo - especially with Médecins Sans Frontiéres! I believe that old Vladimir Ulyanov would cynically concur your colorful list of misguided but clearly USEFUL IDIOTS. With the likes of Herman Göring, at least you know what you're getting! Well, that's my latest two cents or pfennigs worth on this expansive topic of interest - for now anyway. In any case, I would like to bid you an especially copacetic day over in the Old Dominion that is the Commonwealth of Virginia.

Best Regards,
Uncle Bob :idea: :) :P :lol: :wink: 8-) :thumbsup:
"It is well that war is so terrible, or we should grow too fond of it" - Robert E. Lee

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