Books I suggest for Required Reading on the topic of WW2 Germany

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Books I suggest for Required Reading on the topic of WW2 Germany


Post by RichUrich » 24 Jun 2017, 18:34

I have studied the topic of WW2 Germany for over 50 years, having read hundreds of text and research books. Recently going through my library, I thought I would share some suggestions for serious students of the subject, so that they can have a greater perspective of the subject. By no means is this a complete list, Just a list of some excellent books I have read this year, so far:

Churchill, Hitler & the Unnecessary War by Patrick Buchanan
The Taste of War – WW2 and the Battle for Food by Lizzy Collingham
Armageddon -The Reality Behind the Distortions, Myths, Lies, and Illusions of World War II
Hitler's Beneficiaries: Plunder, Racial War, and the Nazi Welfare State by Gotz Aly
Architects of Annihilation by Gotz Aly
The Hitler Salute: On the Meaning of a Gesture by Tilmann Alert
Hitler's Banker: Hjalmar Horace Greeley Schacht
Confessions of "The Old Wizard": The Autobiography of Hjalmar Horace Greeley Schact

Strongly Suggested:
Exorcising Hitler – The Occupation & De-Nazification of Germany
The Axmann Conspiracy – Werewolf and The Nazi Plan for the 4th Reich 1945-1947 and how the US Army CIC defeated it
Hitler’s Prisons – Legal Terror in Nazi Germany
Karl Brandt (Hitler’s Doctor) – Medicine & Power in the Third Reich
Vlasov (WW2 Russian General who then joined the Wehrmacht)

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