First atomic bomb was German !?!

Discussions on the equipment used by the Axis forces, apart from the things covered in the other sections. Hosted by Juha Tompuri
Simon Gunson
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Re: First atomic bomb was German !?!


Post by Simon Gunson » 04 Feb 2013, 03:36

The first mistake you make Phylo is relying upon the 2006 PTB report as your bible.
If you understood nuclear physics, then you would quickly realise how deeply flawed that report is. One could drive a bus through the gaps in it’s arguments as I am about to do...
by phylo_roadking on 14 Mar 2010, 06:01

(Thread Re: German Bomber modified for A Bomb Delivery)

The results of the Radionuklidanalysen are now available. The readings give no indication that sources other than the fallout of above-ground nuclear bomb tests in the 1950er/1960er years, and the reactor accident at Chernobyl in 1986 are responsible for soil contamination. Overall, the PTB measurement results for a nuclear explosion "no findings" show.
Untrue, the PTB did not undertake a Fission Track Analysis, therefore have no scientific basis for the claim that Soviet era tests, or Chernobyl were the source.

Where PTB allege Ohrdruf samples also gave evidence for 1950s/1960s era Atomic weapon tests then it equally follows there is evidence at Ohrdruf for a nuclear explosion.

What PTB are really saying in a very deceptive, false and misleading way is that they did not undertake the correct analysis of sample readings to determine and differentiate between a 1945 Atomic test and later Soviet era testing.
by phylo_roadking on 14 Mar 2010, 06:01
The PTB-testing of the present soil samples are thus complete: A total of Radionuklidanalysen showed no indication of a nuclear explosion in the Thuringian Ohrdruf. The soil samples show only contamination stemming in part by the reactor accident at Chernobyl. A scientific rebuttal to the alleged nuclear test at the end of World War II, but cannot with this nor any other sample analysis will be provided. A final assessment of the historical context is thus still open.
AS said several times before - the ONLY isotope found in ANY quantity above normal background levels was Caesium-137 from do we know it's from Chernobyl and not WWII?
Actually Phylo you don’t know and neither does the PTB researcher Dr Janssen, whether Caesium 137 at Ohrdruf came from Chernobyl or not...

Had the PTB been able to determine the origin of Caesium 137 at Ohrdruf conclusively they would have disclosed that in their report, but did not. Indeed a careful reading of the PTB press release alludes to no Fission Track analysis at all which is the only scientific method to determine such a claim. It only required one 200mg sample of soil to conduct this test.

Caesium-137 was first released around sites used for early nuclear tests in 1945 (Carter & Moghissi) Widespread global dispersal of 137Cs to the environment began with high-yield thermonuclear tests in November 1952 (Perkins & Thomas). In these tests, 137CS was injected into the stratosphere where it circulates globally (Longmore) and takes an average 1.5~2 years to fall out of suspension. Caesium by its nature does not travel far from the location of a nuclear test, but by the action of high atmospheric testing this caused release of Caesium-137 into the stratosphere which finely redistributed it globally. Where it is concentrated locally however that is still considered a clear indicator of local nuclear tests.

“Three Decades of Nuclear testing” 1977, Carter MW & Moghissi, AA.
“Transuranic Elements in the Environment,” Perkins RW & Thomas,CW 1980
“The Caesium-137 dating Technique and associated Applications in Australia,”1982, Longmore, ME

What you don’t understand Phylo is that since 2004 PTB has adopted a convention to manipulate figures arithmetically with GESPECOR software to average out the measured background levels of radiation at specific sites to conform to a national quarterly average. In sampling since 1987, there have been wide variations in readings of Caesium 137 and Plutonium all across Germany and the greatest problem PTB has, is defining exactly what the “normal background” level is?
by phylo_roadking on 14 Mar 2010, 06:01

And before you say it could have come from ANY "release" of fissionable material at the site - it most certainly could NOT relate to a SECOND WORLD WAR event...
You can’t say that definitively either for the reasons I have just stated above. Just because you say it is does not mean it is so. Nor is it so just because PTB says it is. PTB have not shown with careful analysis why it should be so and their report blends fact with subjective opinion of the report’s author relying on public naivety about methodology to blur the conclusion.

Therefore Phylo you should cite a source for your claim that fissionable material at the site could not relate to any Second World War event. That is not proven at all by the PTB report therefore the PTB press release is not a source which has established sufficient credentials to assert such a thing.
...for as I'm sure you know, its radiological half-life is 30.07 years. If there had been an atomic explosion in the mid-1940s the Caesium-137 from THAT event would have completely decayed into inactivity and non-detection by the mid-1970s. It can ONLY have come from an event occuring SINCE 1975.
That simply discloses your ignorance of nuclear physics Phylo.

You do not understand the concept of radiological half life Phylo. If in a given sample of soil there was originally 100 grams of Caesium 137 in March 1945, then by April 1975 there would still be 50 grams left and in another 30.5 years (ie in Jan 2005) there would still be 25 grams left.

Not only that, but the Caesium 137 would also leave detectable decay products in the same sample, in this case Barium 137. The 2006 PTB report appears from the press release not to have made any investigation of the ratio of Caesium 137 to Barium 137 at Ohrdruf, does not disclose any findings of such a ratio and had the author investigated it, then it is certainly not a finding which the author would keep quiet, therefore you can’t claim anything Phylo = QED.

One more note, Caesium 137 an artificially created radionuclide has been detected in French wine since November 1944. Wine produced in the Thirties has no detectable Caesium. Successive vintages of wine also showed peaks of Caesium 137 matching Soviet and American nuclear tests of the 1950s/1960s plus also the Chernobyl disaster.

In November 1944 Captain Robert Blake collected a bottle of Rhöne Valley wine and sent it to Washington for analysis which returned positive for Caesium 137. This was nine months before the Trinity nuclear tests and eight years before the global spread of Caesium 137 by atmospheric thermonuclear testing.

“The Mass of the Neutrino to the Dating of Wine,” scientific paper prepared by the Centre Etudes Nucléaires de Bordeaux Gradignan.
“The ALSOS Mission,” NY,1969. Pash, Boris T.

Incidentally you are also wrong about the half life of Caesium 137 because it is actually 30.17 years.

Failure to conduct Chronometry analysis

The PTB claim is unsupported because there were tests which those samples could have been subjected to like Caesium 135/137 ratio Chronometry to detect the age of Caesium laid down there, but these tests were not undertaken. Quite remarkably the PTB failed to perform the most obvious test able to resolve the question.
Lee et al. (1993) [5] first detected man-made environmental 135Cs in sedimentary
samples using a Finnigan MAT262-RPQI (TIMS) [6] and described the possible applications
of 137Cs/135Cs as a chronometer for the quantitative estimation of recent sedimentation and
erosion rates. For such a usage, the initial fallout ratio of 137Cs/135Cs is required to be
constant. According to nuclear physics studies, the fission yield for Caesium would remain
constant if the atmospheric nuclear tests were performed under similar conditions (e.g.,
neutron energy) and have common fission fuels. (Chen, Lee, Ku, & Das, 2008)
If it is true as you suggest Phylo, from your conversation with the report’s author that PTB withheld data from release to the public, then the overwhelming question has to be why would they?

The concealment of information calls into question the whole validity of that report’s findings.
Who, or what benefits when vital information from a report commissioned to clarify a controversial topic is witheld?

“Production Ratio of Nuclear Fallout 137Cs/135Cs,” 2008, Hsin-Wei Chen, Typhoon Lee, Teh-Lung Ku, and J. P. Das.

by phylo_roadking on 14 Mar 2010, 06:01
The theses of the historian Karlsch did last year even the ZDF perk. Soil samples from the Ohrdruf military training, were therefore transferred to the PTB to investigate this to its contamination with radionuclides. For a nuclear explosion has taken place whenever they could even today be seen in view of the long half-lives of certain radionuclides still detected. A total of eight soil samples were investigated in the laboratories of the PTB according to the rules of mensuration.

Some radionuclides "betrayed" by a typical gamma radiation that occurs during the decay of atomic nuclei. The PTB scientists took therefore first the gamma spectra of the samples under the microscope. The result: All the measured specific activity (number of radioactive decays per unit time, based on the mass of the sample material) are small and mainly come from naturally occurring radionuclides.
Gamma Ray Activity

Naturally from an almost 70 year old test blast the Gamma activity is low. Short lived radio-nuclides have all expired and longer lived ones are slow emitters. We are not told by the PTB author and are not able to learn from Dr Janssen’s report what total mass of radionuclide gamma emitters are present therefore PTB has withheld data preventing independent analysis.

What we can say however is this, the PTB press release for the 2006 report makes two mutually-exclusive and self contradictory claims:

(1) That the fall out present likely either came from Chernobyl, or Soviet era nuclear tests, and;
(2) That there was insufficient gamma activity to indicate a nuclear test at Ohrdruf.
You can say either one conclusion or the other, but not both.

Evidence to support one claim mutually excludes the possibility of the other. If there is evidence of Soviet era bomb tests, then it also follows there is definite evidence in Ohrdruf samples for 1945 bomb tests too, therefore the Gamma ray emissions data do not exclude a test at Ohrdruf at all.

What the PTB report is actually saying is there is evidence for a bomb test in the sample but the overall level of Gamma ray activity in the sample is quite low.

That is not inconsistent with an almost 70 year old, low yield nuclear explosion, as reported by witnesses in 1945.

It also suggests the PTB applied a scaling rule adopted since 2004 with their GESPECOR software which is applied to all samples across Germany to make results conform to the Europe wide mean average of all other samples (Wershofen & Arnold).

Gamma counting calculations from spectrometry analysis are made by PTB with a software package which automatically applies a scaling factor, which has an effect of subtracting the background activity of Soviet era tests(Wershofen & Arnold). This then distorts all readings by a process of minimising and downplaying results. PTB has not reported actual site data from any specific sampling since 2002.

“Radionuclides in Ground-level Air in Braunschweig –Report of the PTB Trace Survey Station from 1998 to 2003,” published 2005, Herbert Wershofen and Dirk Arnold.

Fission Track Analysis

With Fission Track analysis one can obtain the date of original fission from two or more fission products in the same decay chain to precisely date the original time of fission yet the PTB press release makes no mention of the PTB investigation attempting this simple but obvious technique.

In addition to the initial percentages of fission products being well known, so too are their decay half lives, therefore the rate of decay and also the rate at which that percentage reduces over time can be deduced if the total mass of radio-nuclides are known. By a process of backtracking their age of creation can be reverse calculated.

Both the presence of Uranium and of Cobolt 60 was also noted in samples by Karlsch, but we are not given their percentile presence, nor any further data by the Report’s author. Cobolt 60 is a fission product of Uranium therefore the report has either deliberately ignored analysing this valuable data or worse still suppressed the results from public knowledge because it conflicts with the personal views of the report writer.

Decay products from Plutonium fission explosions characteristically differ from those by Uranium but the paucity of data revealed prevents any independent analysis and just dumbs down the public.

It is particularly useful when Caesium 137 is present because the initial percentage of fission products from both Uranium and Plutonium fissions leading to Caesium are known and documented. If Caesium 137 is present at Ohrdruf then it is also likely that Strontium 89, Caesium 135 and Barium 137 were co-located there too since they are noted for not travelling far from a test site (Li, Bin) and from the ratio between these radio-nuclides the exact time of a test blast can be identified. Strontium 89 would no longer be detected at Ohrdruf because of its’ short 50.5 day half life, but its’ daughter isotope Yittrium 89 would be present in unusual abundance.

The greatest failure of the report apart from non disclosure of raw data from spectroscopy analysis is the equal failure not to compare samples from Ohrdruf with identical samples from ten and twenty kilometre radius to compare. For example if Yittrium 89 were relatively abundant at Ohrdruf but less so in the surrounding district, one could identify a test blast occurred at Ohrdruf.

If the PTB investigation of 2006 failed to even attempt such analysis then the report therefore is as about as worthless as toilet paper

Science and Global Security 1998, Li,Bin

Flawed PTB Analysis Methodology

At the Ohrdruf location you also need certainty in calculations with respect to certain other multipliers before you, or PTB can cite Gamma ray activity to rule out a test blast at the site.

You have to know the total mass of radio-nuclides in the sample because the total Alpha activity (natural decay) is divided by the number of Gamma emissions over time. The calculation formula also first requires input of the known yield from the original fission event which created fission products as a baseline before gamma activity can be cited to refute a test blast.

For this reason the PTB analysis falls at the first hurdle. For the formula to work at all, the original fission event must involve a nuclear weapon with only one common fission fuel (Chen, Lee, Ku, & Das). We know from patents by Schumann and Trinks that the Nazi Atomic weapons of 1944 and 1945 featured Deuteron boosted Uranium fission. The neutron yield from Deuterium in an Atomic explosion is 24 times greater than for Uranium leading to the almost total combustion of Uranium in such a bomb leaving little or no trace of the original Uranium except perhaps it’s fission products (Gsponer & Hurni )

That leaves you a little bit stumped Phylo, because the PTB by its’ own admission in the 2006 Press release acknowledged it could not differentiate the original fission event from Soviet era tests.

The largest error factor in calculating this type of analysis come from not knowing the original yield figure to input to a calculation. For example were one to assume that there was a nuclear explosion, but that the original bomb was caused by a critical mass, say 64kg of Uranium 235 (15kt), when in fact it might well have been a sub-critical warhead of just 57 grams Uranium (57g = 1kt yield, Li, Bin) then the multiplication factor would be so hugely erroneous as to give a false negative result.

If, in addition to a gross error in estimating the original yield the spectrometry data from the samples was arithmetically manipulated by GESPECOR software to match the mean average across Germany as was the practice of PTB in 2006, then two of the most important components in plotting the fissile track would have been impossibly incorrect.

Assuming for a moment the PTB did attempt a Fission Track analysis of Ohrdruf samples then they would have had to employ such a formula... then the question arises what original blast yield did they factor into their equation?

Was it the yield from a First Generation critical mass 64kg Uranium warhead?

The Nazis developed a more sophisticated Third Generation nuke as developed and tested from the Schumann Trinks patents between 1942 and 1944.

With a 57 gram fissile mass or similar, then GESPECOR software would not calculate results properly, nor recognise the possibility of a test blast, but would show a false negative with general evidence for fission products from Atomic test blasts which is precisely what the PTB press release of the 2006 Report alludes to.

These two computational errors would account for the mutually incompatible statements made in the 2006 PTB report press release. It would also account for the Report author’s reluctance to reveal the report itself because the data is so conflicted and self contradictory.

Methodology used by PTB with respect to Ohrdruf investigation report were so deeply flawed that in fact they are unable to tell us anything and the conclusions drawn by Dr Janssen therefore was simply highly subjective assumptions. His final remarks in the 2006 PTB press release leave the question entirely open and declines to issue a definitive finding against a 1945 test blast.

Now Phylo that you have added to the uncertainty of the 2006 PTB report by advising us from the report’s author Dr Janssen that he was unable to release the full report itself due to contractual obligations to ZDF to maintain confidentiality, then the value of anything the PTB report says is now thoroughly discredited.

The next question arises whether the analytical process itself disguises the result.
by phylo_roadking on 14 Mar 2010, 06:01
As an artificial radionuclide produced in the samples could ONLY be detected Cs 137th The nuclide is found for this activity, especially for the reactor accident at Chernobyl, it falls under the ground to be found everywhere in Germany contamination. Just Chernobyl has led in Germany to a large local variations of soil contamination with the radionuclide Cs-137. The load values vary greatly within Germany, depending on how much was Cs-137 leached by rain from the contaminated "Chernobyl" cloud.
Caesium Readings

The 2006 PTB report however does not mention discovering any Caesium 134 (or daughter isotopes) in samples from Ohrdruf which is inconsistent with the known fall-out activity from Chernobyl. At Aurach in Bavaria Caesium 134 fall out was found in far greater abundance on 30 April 1986. Caesium 134 was measured with a specific activity of 20,000 Bq/m2 versus just 600 Bq/m2 for Caesium 137.

There are indeed huge variations in soil samples of Caesium 137 all across Germany and precisely because of that PTB massages the numbers to average out all results. The PTB policy since 2004 has been not to comment upon, or release site specific data on highly localised variations in Caesium 137.

Usually 137Cs in Germany registers as 12% of γ-ray (Gamma) radio nuclides present, but Germany wide there are huge variations from 2% to 25% of samples, therefore since 2004 there has been a Europe wide agreement to average out these variations by applying a mathematical formula. This alone distorts the sample readings from Ohrdruf as we are not told the actual sample variation there nor the mathematical averaging formula which was used in the 2006 report.

PTB manipulates the 137Cs fall out figures from location to location to conform to a European mean average which reduces and thereby distorts the reading. I have been unable to find which details how much if any 137Cs was deposited in the forests at Ohrdruf in 1986 by the Chernobyl disaster and given the land there is heavily forested, serious questions arise whether sufficient 137Cs would actually reach the forest floor at all, rather than being absorbed by the trees?

Of course in March 1945 in an Atomic blast, deposition would be direct.

If soil samples taken from Ohrdruf were collected according to rules of mensuration then soil cores had a surface of 18 cm 2 and a depth of about 12 cm. Caesium does not penetrate undisturbed (ie: untilled soil) to any great depth. Caesium 137 distribution in undisturbed soil shows an exponential decrease with soil depth (Beck, 1966; Ritchie 1970).

Studies of Caesium deposition have proven that in undisturbed soil sediments Caesium laid down in 1946 ±5.9yrs would be found at a depth of 3cm and Caesium laid down in the early 1960s at 2cm deep, whilst Chernobyl Caesium sediments would be expected at 0.5cm deep. (Chen, Lee, Ku, & Das 2008). If PTB failed to record or publish the Caesium activity at relevant soil depths then their investigation was incompetently conducted.

Vegetation in particular dense forest like that overgrowing Ohrdruf can mask and absorb fall out. Winds carrying the fall out over Bavaria veered east after initial deposition over Germany and subsequent deposition occurred over Poland and Sweden. I can find no record of fall out over Thuringa in the available literature.

It is not at all open to assumption that Caesium 137 at Ohrdruf was deposited by Chernobyl fall out because it is the combination of rain and not just wind alone which deposited Chernobyl fall out. Whilst a radioactive plume may have blown over Ohrdruf without the further action of rain to deposit that fall out it may have entirely avoided Ohrdruf.

The 2006 PTB report apparently failed to take investigative steps to clarify the original age of Caesium found at Ohrdruf as defined by the depth located in the soil samples and that was an obvious investigative flaw.

There are 14 trace survey stations to monitor radioactive fall-out across Germany. Readings obtained are subject to wide statistical variations called “uncertainties”. According to the convention between the German trace survey stations, it is the arithmetic mean of the uncertainties of the particular data set which is reported and not the uncertainty of the mean value calculation.

For example between 1998 to 2003 mean weekly variation of radio nuclides in Germany were:

7Be(Beryllium)= 2%-12%
22Na(Sodium)= 5%-38%

...but PTB averages these readings to conform to a Europe wide model, not to tell the site specific truth. Therefore when PTB said readings give no indication distinguishing Caesium at Ohrdruf from post war sources it was actively misleading the reader. What the PTB should have said was that it undertook no analysis capable of distinguishing Caesium at Ohrdruf from post war sources.

“Radionuclides in Ground-level Air in Braunschweig –Report of the PTB Trace Survey Station from 1998 to 2003,” published 2005, Herbert Wershofen and Dirk Arnold.
“Environmental Behaviour of Radionuclides deposited after the Reactor Accident of Chernobyl and related exposures.” 1993, Jacob, Miiller, Pröhl, Voigt, Berg, Paretzke, Regulla

Plutonium Readings

To demonstrate the massaging and manipulation of data by PTB at other sites in Germany unexplained surprisingly high levels of Plutonium were mathematically averaged out to make it appear that at those specific sites that the mean average γ-ray (Gamma) radio nuclides figure of was much lower. If the raw data for Ohrdruf was with held by PTB and ZDF how can we know whether PTB manipulated and dumbed down just like Plutonium readings across Germany?

In the case of Plutonium analysis Germany wide the elative statistical uncertainties of the a-particle spectrometric measurements are in the range of 10%-84% (238Pu) and 8%-10% (239Pu)

It does not follow automatically that any Uranium, or Caesium found at Ohrdruf came from Chernobyl. That assumption cannot be made in a scientific report which fails to ask the appropriate scientific questions and manipulates data.

Misleading Attributions in other PTB reports

An example of similar misleading claims was analysis of Plutonium fall-out at Garching where Chernobyl fall-out was blamed in 1990 for Leukemia deaths amongst children, yet later independent research subsequently proved the real cause were synthetic Titanium coated microsphere beads of Plutonium, Americium, Curium and Thorium released by a fire in September 1986 at the GKSS Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik ASTERIX laboratory.

At Garching the nuclear scientific community responsible for causing deaths to these innocent children in 1990 took it upon itself to lie to the public to cover up the incident and protect the jobs of fellow scientists. Without proper analysis a report can conclude anything it wishes without risk of being challenged by hiding behind the author’s scientific authority, but that is a false and misleading abuse of authority to create deception. Such reports rely upon the scientific naivety of the audience to get away with making unsupported subjective denials.

In the case of the 2006 PTB Report about Ohrdruf the same deceptive process has occurred if the report’s methodology and raw data was with-held from us.

There was no accurate data collected during the Chernobyl disaster because there was at that time no network of sampling stations across Germany. Equally nobody is able to say definitively what fall-out came from where or when, because there was no pre Chernobyl baseline data to compare it with.

Some areas of Europe over which the Chernobyl radioactive plume travelled were not deposited with fall out at all. Deposition of Caesium 137 fall out is strongly determined by rainfall (Davis 1963).

It does not follow that because Chernobyl fall out was deposited in southern Germany that it was also deposited in Thuringia along the border with the Czech republic. A more recent case in which radioactive fall-out failed to cross the Sudeten mountains challenges that assumption.

Following accidental release from Hungary’s PAKS nuclear power plant 4 October 2003, Iodine 131 fall-out crossed Austria and southern Poland, but did not cross mountains into Germany and no German trace survey station could detect that fall-out event. Chernobyl fall out was known to have deposited across Bavaria mainly due to wet deposition, but I can find no clear claims that it fell over Thuringia. It can not merely just be assumed Phylo, but I welcome you providing us with any accurate scientific data proving otherwise?

Had you not revealed your email exchange to us with the report’s author Phylo we would all still be unaware that the PTB refused to release the report, their methodology, or its’ data. Your disclosure has done us a great service in discrediting the report which you relied upon to discredit the 1945 test blasts.

I would just like to thank you again Phylo for drawing to our attention how flawed and unreliable the 2006 PTB report actually is.

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Re: First atomic bomb was German !?!


Post by Simon Gunson » 04 Feb 2013, 03:39

LWD wrote:
Simon Gunson wrote: ... An example of your ignorance of the subject LWD is before I told you, you totally denied Switzerland and Sweden even had an Atomic bomb project... Now pretentiously, you masquerade pretending you are some kind of an expert on the topic. I dislike pretentiousness because it is intrinsically dishonest.
Amazing you accuse me of all sorts of things then illustrate that you can't even comprehend simple statments on my part. I never denied that they had bomb projects. I did however point out that there is little or no evidence that they ever built a bomb and indeed some that that they did not.

Or maybe you did understand. In which case it's clear that I'm not the one who is being "intrinsically dishonest".
You make so many simple statements it is hard to toss up which if any are worthy of a response....

When you deny the Swiss had an atomic bomb project without a shred of evidence, and are proven wrong, then come back claiming my disclosure of evidence of that project confirms your original claim then that is intrinsically dishonest.

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Re: First atomic bomb was German !?!


Post by phylo_roadking » 04 Feb 2013, 04:15

The first mistake you make Phylo is relying upon the 2006 PTB report as your bible. mean the 2006 PRESS Report, I take it?

Unlike you, I never claimed to have read the actual Report prepared for ZDF.
Untrue, the PTB did not undertake a Fission Track Analysis
How do you know?*
is that they did not undertake the correct analysis of sample readings to determine and differentiate between a 1945 Atomic test and later Soviet era testing
How do you know?*
Had the PTB been able to determine the origin of Caesium 137 at Ohrdruf conclusively they would have disclosed that in their report, but did not.
Still claiming to have read THE Report?*
Indeed a careful reading of the PTB press release alludes to no Fission Track analysis at all which is the only scientific method to determine such a claim. It only required one 200mg sample of soil to conduct this test.
Ahem...are you familiar with "Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence"? You're ONLY able to say what they did or did not do if you'd read THE Report.

Still claiming you have???*
What you don’t understand Phylo is that since 2004 PTB has adopted a convention to manipulate figures arithmetically with GESPECOR software to average out the measured background levels of radiation at specific sites to conform to a national quarterly average. In sampling since 1987, there have been wide variations in readings of Caesium 137 and Plutonium all across Germany and the greatest problem PTB has, is defining exactly what the “normal background” level is?
Reference please.
That is not proven at all by the PTB report therefore the PTB press release is not a source which has established sufficient credentials to assert such a thing.
SO as you're making a distinction between them there - you ARE still claiming to have read THE Report * :P
The PTB claim is unsupported because there were tests which those samples could have been subjected to like Caesium 135/137 ratio Chronometry to detect the age of Caesium laid down there, but these tests were not undertaken. Quite remarkably the PTB failed to perform the most obvious test able to resolve the question.
And you're saying this from having read the FULL Report?*
If it is true as you suggest Phylo, from your conversation with the report’s author that PTB withheld data from release to the public, then the overwhelming question has to be why would they?
If you look carefully I've told you about six times in the last two months..ah, yes you HAVE read them!
Now Phylo that you have added to the uncertainty of the 2006 PTB report by advising us from the report’s author Dr Janssen that he was unable to release the full report itself due to contractual obligations to ZDF to maintain confidentiality...
The greatest failure of the report apart from non disclosure of raw data from spectroscopy analysis is the equal failure not to compare samples from Ohrdruf with identical samples from ten and twenty kilometre radius to compare.
Still claiming to have read the FULL Report?*
Had you not revealed your email exchange to us with the report’s author Phylo we would all still be unaware that the PTB refused to release the report, their methodology, or its’ data. Your disclosure has done us a great service in discrediting the report which you relied upon to discredit the 1945 test blasts.

I would just like to thank you again Phylo for drawing to our attention how flawed and unreliable the 2006 PTB report actually is.
Are YOU still claiming to have read the FULL Report?*

*...and so on ad infinitum :roll:

Have you read the FULL Report....and if so HOW???

If you have purchased it from ZDF, then you are free to copy it here.

If you haven't purchased it - then ALL you are commenting on is the PRESS Report.

You can dress it up all you want; you can throw up ANY smokescreen you want like that huge amorphous mass of useless typing you've just wasted your time on...if you don't actually have the Report, then in relation to all the above - unfortunately the forum rules prevent me using the correct descriptive term :( Merely euphemisms.

If you have it - post it up. If you don't, just admit it and move on. But stop trying to score ridiculous debating points on what the PTB didn't include in its press release for journalists.

If you've got the Report - LET'S SEE IT. That's all you have to do.
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Lord, please keep Kevin Bacon alive...

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Re: First atomic bomb was German !?!


Post by Dunserving » 06 Feb 2013, 17:03

Worry not Phylo.

I've worked out the correct descriptive term. And I suspect I am not alone. Your analysis is correct.

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Re: First atomic bomb was German !?!


Post by steverodgers801 » 07 Feb 2013, 07:00

Simon, remember that Heisenberg miscalculated how much U235 would be needed for a bomb which is why they used heavy water. What type of uranium did Germany have? If they did have a facility where did it get its energy from. The two US plants were both next to hydroelectric plants because of the massive amounts of electricity needed. Where did all the variious specialists come from to build the bomb, the US had thousands at work working on the various aspects of a bomb. A good number of the scientists in the US were European refugees because Hitler denounced Einsteins work as Jewish nonsense. What kind of blast was it air or ground. An airburst would have been seen and a ground burst would have left a massive crater.

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Re: First atomic bomb was German !?!


Post by stellung » 17 Feb 2013, 07:18

You are quite mistaken, sir. I have seen photos of the aftermath of the explosion of what the Americans called "the gadget." It was set atop a small tower. There was no massive crater.

To Mr. Gunson, thank you, again, for your detailed analysis.

The German project was dispersed as was the American one. In each case, a large chemical company or cartel was required. The Americans chose DuPont de Nemours, the Germans chose the largest chemical company in the world, I.G. Farben. The Germans had the necessary materials (see Spying on the Bomb by Jeffrey T. Richelson) and processing occurred at the code name I.G. Farben Buna Werke at Auschwitz. Electrical power was facilitated via a local Polish coal mine and the output was documented to be greater than the entire city of Berlin.

The project supposedly came to a halt, but this is contradicted by a published document in the book Atomversuche in Deutschland by Guenter Nagel. A number of documents related to German atomic research, and held by the Americans, were finally released to the Deutsches Museum in the late 1990s. The document in question gives clear evidence of the status of the project as of January 1945. The Deutsches Museum held a short public viewing in 2001 of some of the documents with the rest remaining in its archives.

Other processing work occurred just outside Kiel and heavy water was produced in Germany by the Linde Ice Machine Company (see Physics and National Socialism, edited by Klaus Hentschel). Uranium metal was provided by the Auergesellschaft in Oranienburg, which was soon bombed by the Americans.

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Re: First atomic bomb was German !?!


Post by phylo_roadking » 17 Feb 2013, 15:57

You are quite mistaken, sir. I have seen photos of the aftermath of the explosion of what the Americans called "the gadget." It was set atop a small tower. There was no massive crater.
I'm afraid YOU are the one that's mistaken - Steve Rodgers isn't asking about Trinity....he's asking about the effect of the GERMAN bomb...
What kind of blast was it air or ground. An airburst would have been seen and a ground burst would have left a massive crater.
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Re: First atomic bomb was German !?!


Post by LWD » 19 Feb 2013, 18:56

stellung wrote:You are quite mistaken, sir. I have seen photos of the aftermath of the explosion of what the Americans called "the gadget." It was set atop a small tower. There was no massive crater. ...
Well technically the Trinity explosoion was an air burst. Set off at a height of ~100 feet it was indeed visible for some distance see:
At the time of detonation, the surrounding mountains were illuminated "brighter than daytime" for one to two seconds, and the heat was reported as "being as hot as an oven" at the base camp. The observed colors of the illumination ranged from purple to green and eventually to white. The roar of the shock wave took 40 seconds to reach the observers.[29] The shock wave was felt over 100 miles (160 km) away, and the mushroom cloud reached 7.5 miles (12 km) in height.
In the official report on the test, General Farrell wrote, "The lighting effects beggared description. The whole country was lighted by a searing light with the intensity many times that of the midday sun. It was golden, purple, violet, gray, and blue. It lighted every peak, crevasse and ridge of the nearby mountain range with a clarity and beauty that cannot be described but must be seen to be imagined..."[40]

News reports quoted a forest ranger 150 miles (240 km) west of the site as saying he saw "a flash of fire followed by an explosion and black smoke." A New Mexican 150 miles (240 km) north said, "The explosion lighted up the sky like the sun." Other reports remarked that windows were rattled and the sound of the explosion could be heard up to 200 miles (320 km) away.
Indeed that site notes that even a much smaller conventional blast was seen for some distance:
A pre-test calibration explosion of 100 tons of TNT, spiked with 1,000 curies (37 TBq) of fission products from the Hanford reactor, was detonated on a wooden platform 800 yards to the south-east of Trinity ground zero on May 7. The fireball of the conventional explosion was visible 60 miles away
As for no "massive crater" I also have been there and the crater is still visible. According to the above:
It left a crater of radioactive glass in the desert 10 feet (3 m) deep and 1,100 feet (330 m) wide.
For an airburst that's fairly massive. A ground burst would obviously have left an even greater one. Which of course was what others were suggesting.

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Re: First atomic bomb was German !?!


Post by Takao » 19 Feb 2013, 23:02

Seems to me that since radiation was, at least, well detectable into the late-1990s using a jury rigged Geiger counter, GPS, and computer, all this fuss about nit-picking what is or isn't at Ohrdruf points to the fact that there is nothing to it. If there was concrete proof that there was a nuclear detonation there, provided that the site has not been used for commercial use, it would still be easily detectable.

Radiation map of Trinity using data from one person's 1998 vacation trip there: ... tyrad.html

Geiger counter instrumentation: ... ation.html

Note - the radiation is still detectable even after the Army had removed most of the Trinitite and covered the area with fresh "fill" to cut down on radiation levels.

Anyone have a similar radiation map for Ohrdruf? Is there even one - if so it would be nice to see.

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Re: First atomic bomb was German !?!


Post by Carl Schwamberger » 20 Feb 2013, 02:45

Takao wrote:
Radiation map of Trinity using data from one person's 1998 vacation trip there: ... tyrad.html
Nuclear tourism ??? 8O

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Re: First atomic bomb was German !?!


Post by Takao » 20 Feb 2013, 08:07

Radiation Vacation. :lol:

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Re: First atomic bomb was German !?!


Post by LopEaredGaloot » 15 Jul 2013, 12:32

[Split from "He 177 at Gardermoen, Norway 1945"]


You will find you are given very short shrift here for even mentioning the German atomic or evacuation programs which are of course at the heart of this.

It is worth noting that multiple (as in a dozen or more) He 177 fuselages and at least 3 complete He 177B (as distinct from He 277 with the Ju 290 style tail) were found at Chebs sometimes known as Schwecat or Rusin in Czechoslovakia.
The presence of these conversions at this place, by themselves, are unusual for all bomber programs had officially been cancelled for almost 9 months at this point and yet these aircraft appeared recently built and demolished.

What is particularly interesting is that this field, in just outside Prague was the original intended destination of Patton's run from the Elbe 150 miles into the Russian occupation zone.

He stopped at Pilsen but all indications were, he wanted to go to Prague and had to be talked down from meeting the Russians head on.

Prague was where the home offices (read: records) of the massive Skoda industrial conglomerate were located, the Pilsen division of which was most certainly associated with Kammler's Black Projects group before it was bombed flat, just a few weeks before wars end.

Kammler himself was supposedly killed, either in Prague by the Russians or via cyanide pill between Prague and Pilsen. Which is strange because he had no business being there, having been assigned the safe keeping of the Rocket and Aircraft Program and Personnel from the Dora Mittlebau as well as the Zement A 9/A 10 effort in Austria.
Indeed, his last known telegram is from Munich almost 300 miles away, telling Himmler that a certain 'truck' was not available for transport from Berlin (Ju 390 could not be sent to Rechlin).

In the Czech website images for Chebs I have seen, there are multiple 177B conversions to the four engine standard, shown with broken cut fuselage indicative of scuttling charges while poised over pits which could be large munition loading depressions, specifically designed (as the X-1 system was on the B-29) to facilitate hoisting of outsize ordnance into place. They are truly deep which does somewhat confuse me.

It is equally interesting to me that this nominally unimportant airfield has multiple examples of the latest Me 262 and He 219 on it. Indicating that it was of some importance to the falling Reich. The presence of large maintenance hangars suggests that it was perhaps a FACO or umrustbausatzen conversion point in the German distributed manufacturing system which would be ideal for a small fleet of non-standard conversions.

And indeed, if you look at a map of the tristate border region between Poland, Czech Republic and Germany, it starts to make sense as Ohrdruf, Jonastahl and Pilsen are all proximately close to this field, well within the SS sphere of control over their Reichs Protectorate and as far as possible from the Allies advance to the north. Only Austria was safer.
Finally, it is a certainty that the Germans around Prague held out for another 9 or so days after the rest of the fronts had collapsed with Germany's capitulaiton, putting up a spirited defense of the Czech capital for no apparent reason.

If, like me, you see in the manifests of U 234 (tons of beryllium, zirconium, thousands of diamond dies, core clamps and 560 kilos of yellow cake 'oxide' in **gold lined** casks) sure and certain proof of a massive ongoing nuclear effort which could spare Japan these _reactor materials_ only because they were no longer needed at home, the question then becomes: "Why Bomb America?" If the weapons were ready, the threat was dire and viable targets were much closer in.

Indeed, by that time, Moscow, Paris, London, Antwerp, even the approaches to Berlin itself, all make for easier and more immediate effects based positive morale as political targets than New York which is a distant logistical port at best.
These He 177B are effectively then an He 177A6/A7 with the longspan outer wing panels, pressurized cabin, plus a four engine tractor inner wing which makes them ideally capable of trading armor and defensive ordnance for altitude as range. Indeed, if the Versuchs 38 prototype is any indicator they also being possessed an extended weapons bay, not for an atom bomb perse, as the existing configuration drawings of these weapons suggest that one of the two most likely designs could already fit. But for another fuel tank.

Which means that the single He 177B most commonly shown in photos as a big "Huh?" at this base in Czechoslovakia is not a one off testbed conversion for the Ju 287 program but part of a small combat fleet (think F-117) intended to fly single-aircraft missions, well above the threat intercept/flak altitude bands and come back home again. Or not. Because the He 177A7, stripped of armor, could already fly to Japan.

If it was an atomic strike in the making, timing would likely be critical to avoid the effects of an immediate 'by the belt buckle' Allied surge into German urban areas (why Hitler demanded a Festung condition) as well as what would certainly become an immediate and intense OCA effort to sterilize all remaining operational Luftwaffe airfields.
In this, it is quite possible that aircraft built and/or flown to Czechoslovakia would in fact stage from there as well before -landing- in Norway. Because Rusin is not only where they would have picked up Kammler's bombs but also the centerpoint of any high payload:range point mission radius to put timed strikes on the major Capitals then in Allied hands.

Recovery outside the inner Reich's fading perimeter of controlled airspace then being logical because Allied radar coverage extended across virtually all of the North German Plain at that time. But not into Norway.

It is worth noting one other thing: as late as April 27, 1945, Nazi officials were going house to house, in Berlin, telling everyone to hold on just a little longer because The Bomb would be dropped that morning.

When it didn't happen, Hitler, furious, ordered the arrests of Himmler, Kammler and Göring. While Göring himself, after the war, crowed that he had 'saved the world' by telling certain unit commanders to not execute a specific mission order, very late in the war. And the Luftwaffe War Diaries of that period in certain key units, remain 'missing or classified' to this day. It is said that several Geschwader Kommodores were shot for disobeying that order so it's further quite possible that the matter was 'self sealing' in terms of what they could do that would bring about such destruction as Göring would brag about it but not mention it at Nünberg. Because he literally had no proof. ... arsky.html

Don't give up. The truth is worth seeking. It may be masked and will likely take a long while to be admitted but it is really important to know what actually happened.


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Re: First atomic bomb was German !?!


Post by Larry D. » 15 Jul 2013, 14:09

Nobel-winning research, KPl! Your archival sourcing alone is beyond impressive and we are all deeply in your debt for solving one of the last great mysteries of World War II. But I hope you will allow me to add a few minor details that were omitted from your marvelous revelations: the fleet of modified He 177s were to use scram jets to reach 120,000 feet altitude and then switch over to ion thrusters; Hitler personally was scheduled to fly the lead He 177 (most historians do not know that he trained as a bomber pilot during 1943-44); and, finally, the planned nuclear strike was not against war-critical targets, but rather against America's peanut butter plants in southwestern Georgia. The Führer hated peanut butter.

[Sources: a carefully chosen selection of 26 conspiracy theory web sites]

P.S. Moderator: if you delete my nonsense you had better delete the one above it, too. :roll: :roll:

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Re: First atomic bomb was German !?!


Post by phylo_roadking » 15 Jul 2013, 20:06

...and this thread had been so gratifyingly quiet too for months...

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Re: First atomic bomb was German !?!


Post by Marcus » 27 Jul 2013, 12:22

In the documentary "Mission for Mussolini" the Italian journalist Luigi Romersa apparently is given plenty of time to share is unsupported claims of witnessing a German atomic bomb.



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