General Yagüe 1891-1952

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General Yagüe 1891-1952


Post by Egon95 » 31 Jan 2004, 23:11


Nació en 1891. Ingresó muy joven en la Academia Militar y solicitó ser destinado al Ejército de Africa. Allí mandó tropas de regulares, fue herido varias veces y reiteradamente condecorado. En la academia conoció a Franco y en 1934, por indicación de éste, fue llamado para ponerse al frente de las tropas africanas encargadas de combatir el movimiento revolucionario de Asturias. Militante falangista de primera hora, amigo de José Antonio Primo de Rivera, su actuación política estuvo siempre en función de sus ideas y de una gran fidelidad a Franco, pero cuando ambas entraron en conflicto terminó por imponerse siempre la segunda. Participó en la sublevación de la plaza de Ceuta y, cruzado el estrecho, contribuyó a afianzar el dominio de Sevilla. De aquí salió para el norte y conquistó Mérida y Badajoz donde se desencadenó una dura represión contra los vencidos. YA coronel, continuó el avance hacia el norte a lo largo del valle del Tajo. Sin embargo, cuando Franco y Mola decidieron que las fuerzas de Yagüe se desviaran de su marcha hacia Madrid para liberar al coronel Moscardó, cercado en el Alcázar, Varela sustituyó a Yagüe por su desacuerdo con la decisión adoptada. Tuvo problemas políticos durante los sucesos contra el decreto de Unificación (abril de 1937), permaneció fiel a Franco y fue miembro de FET y de las JONS aunque un año más tarde, en un discurso pronunciado en Burgos, que le valió una sanción disciplinaria, intercedió en favor de Hedilla y sus seguidores detenidos. En julio de 1937 fue nombrado jefe del I Cuerpo de Ejército marroquí. Sus tropas entraron en Barcelona el 26 de enero de 1939. Terminada la guerra, fue ascendido a general de división y nombrado ministro del aire el 9 de agosto de 1939. Ascendido a teniente general en 1942, un año más tarde se hizo cargo de la Capitanía General de la VI región militar con sede en Burgos. Falleció en esta ciudad en 1952 siendo ascendido, a título póstumo, a capitán general.
First question
I remember that in 1944-45 he led the offensive against the republicanos who tried to invade Spain by the Pireneos ? any detail available on this event ?

Second question
The north-africans troops have played a major role during the civil war, was Yagüe their leader ?

Third and last question
He seemed to be a 100% phalangist general and this tendance led eventually to a clash with Franco during the 40's. Is he famous in Spain by now or totally forgotten ?


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Post by Rodrigo » 01 Feb 2004, 08:33


You are so generous for called "offensive" to the military operations against the republican "maquis" at the french border. This guerrilla-style warfare was carried by small groups against detachments of the "Guardia Civil", but never was a planed "invasion".


General Yagüe was a true phalangist, very close to Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera, and this position was no very popular between high military ranks. At the first stages of the Extremadura campaing, Yagüe's leadership was very important, but he was stood out by generla Varela.


General Yagüe now in Spain? Yes, the name of some streets in many castillian towns, but nothing more.

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Post by Egon95 » 02 Feb 2004, 14:41

Rodrigo wrote:First

You are so generous for called "offensive" to the military operations against the republican "maquis" at the french border. This guerrilla-style warfare was carried by small groups against detachments of the "Guardia Civil", but never was a planed "invasion".


General Yagüe was a true phalangist, very close to Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera, and this position was no very popular between high military ranks. At the first stages of the Extremadura campaing, Yagüe's leadership was very important, but he was stood out by generla Varela.


General Yagüe now in Spain? Yes, the name of some streets in many castillian towns, but nothing more.
Thanks Rodrigo

I understand your opinion but I've heard that the guerilleros who tried to enter in Spain from october 1944 to 1948 were almost 6000 ... the last guerilleros (Juan Fernandez Ayala aka Juanin and Francisco Bedoya) were fighting until their death in 1957. Before 1945-1946 some of them were still hoping that Franco would be considered by the Allies as Mussolini was

Second : Yagüe led the army which entered in Barcelon in 1939 so I presume that he was still a commander in chief in the franquist forces and not only a second player

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Post by Patras » 02 Feb 2004, 20:38

Yagüe never was Commandant in Chief in the nationalist or rebeld army.

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Post by Egon95 » 02 Feb 2004, 21:14

I was thinking bout the title of commander in chief of the northern front, or Teruel front as some called it ...

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Post by Balrog » 06 Feb 2004, 01:04

yague was given command of the the "african forces" in november ,1936. he lead an attack on madrid, but failed to capture the city.

yague was a brute, he encouraged his men to rape spanish republican women and murdered civillians. he showed his true colors early on in the war. in badajoz, he lead his troops on a spree of rape, torture and murder after the fall of the city. he was known throughout the war as the "butcher of badajoz."

he played a leading role in the victory of the ebro river.

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Post by Balrog » 06 Feb 2004, 01:05

yague was given command of the the "african forces" in november ,1936. he lead an attack on madrid, but failed to capture the city.

yague was a brute, he encouraged his men to rape spanish republican women and murdered civillians. he showed his true colors early on in the war. in badajoz, he lead his troops on a spree of rape, torture and murder after the fall of the city. he was known throughout the war as the "butcher of badajoz."

he played a leading role in the victory of the ebro river.

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