The propaganda of April-May 1945

Discussions on the propaganda, architecture and culture in the Third Reich.
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Helly Angel
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Re: The propaganda of April-May 1945


Post by Helly Angel » 04 Aug 2011, 19:37

GRACIAS!!!!! Jeff!!! Thanks very Much!!!!

Carl Schwamberger
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Re: The propaganda of April-May 1945


Post by Carl Schwamberger » 09 Aug 2011, 09:38

this thread has been a amusing read. First a question: The Donitz government continued on for a few days, and it controled a radio station. The Red Army became quite anoyed with the broadcasts from the 'nazi' radio & asked the British to shut it down. I wonder if the Donitz government attempted to publish and offcial news paper, or if any of its proclimations or other information appeared in the local newspapers near the governments offices?

The text of the nazi publications in the last days contrasts with bits I've seen from the French newspapers published just as the Allied armies overran France.

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Re: The propaganda of April-May 1945


Post by kingotanks88 » 21 Jun 2013, 05:36

Hi i have been translating the last issue of Der Panzerbär using google translate. This translation is not perfect but i thought some people would be interested in it. It still needs a lot of work but you can kind of get the gist. If anybody has a better translation i would appreciate reading it. I only have two pages done so far.

29, April 1945

Lesen und weitergeben!
Der Panzerbär
Kampfblatt Fur Die Verteidiger Gross-Berlins
Read and pass on!
The Armored Bear
Battle Sheet for the Defenders of Greater Berlin

Heroisches Ringen
Bei tag und nacht neue eingreifkräfte herangeführt
Heroic Struggle
Brought up at day and night new response forces

Der Kampf um den Stadkern entbrannt
The battle for the city center erupted

Entlastungsangriffe laufen
Relief attacks run

Aus dem Führerhauptquartier 28, April Das Oberkommando der wehrmacht gibt bekannt: In dem heroischen kampf der stadt Berlin kommt noch einmal vor aller Welt der Schicksalskampf des deutschen Volkes gegen den Bolschewismus zum Ausdruck.
From the Leader headquarters 28 April, the High Command of the Wehrmacht announced: In the heroic struggle of the city Berlin is once again before the world the fate of the German people struggle against Bolshevism expressed.

Während in einem der Geschichte einmaligen grandiosen Ringen die Hauptstadt verteidigt wird, haben unsere Truppen an der Elbe den Amerikanern den Rücken gekehrt, um von außen her im Angriff die Verteidiger von Berlin zu entlasten.
While the history in one unique grandiose struggle the Capital is being defended, our troops have swept the Americans at the Elbe's back to relieve the defenders of Berlin from the outside in the attack.

In dem inneren Verteidigungsring ist der Feind vom Norden her in Charlottenburg und von Süden her über das Tempelhofer Feld eingedrungen. Am Halleschen Tor und am Alexanderplatz hat der Kampf um den Stadtkern begonnen. Die Ost-west Achse liegt unter schwerem Feuer.
In the inner defense ring of the enemy has invaded from the north and from the south in Charlottenburg on the Tempelhof field. Halle Gate and Alexanderplatz the battle for the city center has begun. The east-west axis is under heavy fire.

Fliegende Verbände unterstützen die Kämpfe unter aufopferndem Einsatz der Besatzungen. Trotz stärkster Jagd- und Flakabwehr wurden bei Tag und Nacht Eingreifreserven gelandet und Muition abgeworfen. Unsere Jagd und Schlachtfliegerverbände vernichte in den letzten vier Tagen 143 Flugzeuge, 58 Panzer und über 300 Fahrzeuge.
Flying associations support the struggles of sacrificial acts of use of the crews. Despite the strongest fighter and flak defenses tactical reserves were landed and dropped Muition day and night. Our hunting and fighter-bombers destroy associations in the last four days, 143 aircraft, 58 tanks and over 300 vehicles.

Im Raum südlich Königs Wusterhasen setzten Divisionen der 9. Armee ihre Angriffe nach Nordwestern fort und erwehren sich während des ganzen Tages konzentrischer Angriffe der Sowjets gegen die Flanken, Die vom Western angesetzten Divisionen warfen den Feind in erbittertem Ringen auf breite Front zurück und haben Ferch erreicht.
In south King Wusterhasen room sat divisions of 9 Army continued its attacks to North Western and ward off throughout the day the Soviets concentric attacks against the flanks. The recognized by Western divisions threw the enemy into a bitter struggle with wide front and back have reached Ferch.

Westlich Berlin wurde wurde die Linie Brandenburg Rathenau-Kremmen gegen alle feindlichen Angriffe behauptet.
West of Berlin, the Brandenburg line Rathenau Kremmen was claimed against all enemy attacks.

Im Raume von Prenzlau warfen die Sowjets neue Panzer- und Infanterieverbande in den Kampf und erzwangen unter starken Schlachtfliegerensatz tiefe Einbrüche.
In the space of Prenzlau threw the Soviets new tanks and infantry into battle and forced infantry band under heavy attack aircraft set deep when the invasions.

Im nordwestdeutschen Raum kam es gesten nur zu ortlichen Kampfen. In Bremen halt der Kampfkommandant mit dem Rest der tapferen Besatzung den Nordostfeil der Stadt.
In north-western Germany, there was only gesture to local governing Fight. In Bremen, the battle commander holding the rest of the brave crew of the North-East of the city filing.

An der Donau brach der Feind in Regensburg und Ingolstadt ein. Zwischen Dillingen und Ulm setzten die Amerikaner ihren Vorstoss nach Suden fort. Kampfe sind in Mindel und im Guenztal im Gange.
On the Danube, the enemy broke in Regensburg and Ingolstadt.
Between Dillingen and Ulm put the Americans continued their advance into south. Struggle in Mindel and Günztal underway.

Die Armeen in Italien setzten sich hinter dem Po und Tessin ab.
Wahrend die Sowjets im SÜdabschnitt der Ost front sich auf starke ortliche Vorstösse beschränkten, setzen sie ihre Angriffe im Raum Brunn mit starken Kraften fort und konnten trotz zaher Gegenwehr der Besatzung in die Stadt eindringen.
Nordwestlich Bautzen, wo bei Meissen die Verbindung mit der Westfront an der Elbe bergestellt wurde, sind unsere Truppen zum Angriff nach Norden angetreten.
Sicherungsfahrzeuge der Kriegsmarine versenkten östlich Gotenhafen ein sowjetisches Schnellboot und schossen ein weiteres in Brand.

The armies in Italy sat down behind the Po and Ticino. While the Soviets in the southern sector of the Eastern Front on strong Local initiatives limited, they put their attacks in space Brunn continued with strong forces and despite tenacious resistance of the crew into the city. Northwest Bautzen, where at Meissen was the connection with the western front mount is on the Elbe are started our troops to attack the North.Safety vehicles of the Navy sunk east Gotenhafen a Soviet speedboat and scored another on fire.

Schwächere amerikanische Kampfverbände führen am Tage Angriffe gegen Orte in Suddeutschland. In der Nacht herrschte Über dem Reichsgebiet nur geringe feindliche Kampftätigkeit.
Weaker American combat units conduct daily attacks against sites in southern Germany. At night over the Reich ruled only small enemy combat activity.

Kleines Unterseeboote versenkten aus den stark bewachten feindlichen Nachschubverkehr zwischen Themse und Schelde zweivollbeladene Schiffe mit 8000 BRT.
Small submarines sunk from the heavily guarded enemy supply traffic between Thames and Scheldt two fully loaded ships of 8000 GRT.

Der längere Atem
The longer breathing

Seit fünfeinhalb Jahren lodert die Fackel des Krieges in Europa. Ihr verzehrendes Feuer hat nach Polen ganz Europa, nach diesem Erdteil schliesslich noch zwei weitere erfasst, Asien und Amerika.
For five and a half years the blazing torch of war in Europe. Your consuming fire has to Poland over Europe, to this continent finally acquired two more, Asia and America.

Deutschland musste einerseits die Ketten abzustreifen versuchen, die ihm in Versailles auferlegt waren und ihm jede LebensmÖglichkeit nahmen, Es hat dies seit 1933 in dem denkbar engsten Rahmen getan und peinlichst vermieden, dabei den Kreis der unmittelbar betroffenen Gebiete, d. h. die deutche Leben- und Intersessenzone zu uberschreiten.

Germany had one hand to try to throw off the chains imposed had him at Versailles and took away any possibility of life, it has done so since 1933, the possible narrowest part, and scrupulously avoided, while the circle of affected areas, ie the deutche life and Inter Food Zone to exceed.

Wenn unsere Feinde behaupteten, Deutschland habe eigennÜtzige Machtziele verfolgt und die Unabhängigkeit und Freiheit der kleinen Nationen bedroht, so haben England und Amerika sehr bald durch ihr Verhalten bewiesen, dass ihnen in Wirklichkeit nicht nur nichts an der Freiheit dieser kleinen Nationen gelegen ist, sondern dass sie selbst bereit waren und sind, diese an Stalin zu verkaufen, ja, sie fur ihr eigenen imperialistischen Ziele auszubeuten.
If our enemies claimed that Germany had pursued selfish power goals, and threatens the independence and freedom of small nations, have Britain and America very soon demonstrated by their conduct that they have not truly nothing is situated on the freedom of small nations, but that they themselves were ready and are selling them to Stalin, yes, to exploit them for their own imperialist aims.

Mehr noch ! Wahrend die von Deutschland besetzten Feindländer durchaus auskÖmmlich leben konnten, zum Teil sogar einen fÜhlbaren witschaftlichen und sozialen Aufschwung nahmen, ächzen die "befreiten" Budesgenossen unter der Hungersnot, Desorganisation und Ausbeutung durch die Englander und Amerikaner, Besonders, gross aber sind die Leiden der Neutralen und jener VÖlker, die sich den judisch-plutokratischen und bolschewistischen Drahtziehern auf Gedeih und Verderb unterwarfen.
Even more ! While the territories occupied by Germany enemy countries could certainly live a decent life, some even took a tangible for non commercial and social recovery, the "liberated" booth companions groan under the famine, disorganization and exploitation by the Englishmen and Americans, in particular, large, however, the suffering the neutrals and those peoples who submitted to the judeo-plutocratic Bolshevik power brokers and at the mercy.

Deutschland ist durch den Verrat klug geworden, dem es 1918 zum Opfe fiel. Es weiss, dass alle Versprechungen der Feindseite nichts anderes bedeuten als den Versuch, unser Volk wiederum vollig wehrlos zu machen und es damit der wirtschaftlichen Ausbeutung, personlichen Versklavung und vÖlkischen Vernichtung auszuliefern.
Germany has by treachery become wise, where it fell in 1918 Victim. It knows that all the promises of the enemy side mean nothing more than an attempt to make our people turn completely defenseless and thus of economic exploitation, personal enslavement and racial extermination deliver.

Zu verlieren haben wir nichts mehr. Wir haben alles verloren und wurden durch Kapitulation uns selbst, unsere Zukunft, Frau und Kind preisegeben. Wohl aber haben wir die Chance, uns zu behaupten und einst dann Existenz, Familienleben und unseren sozialen Staat wieder auzubauen, in dem wir einen noch grosseren Wohlstand erreichen werden, als wir ihn vor diesem Kriege bereits geniessen konnten.
We have nothing to lose. We lost everything and were surrender ourselves, prices give our future, woman and child. But we have a chance to prevail and then once existence, family life and our social state build upon again, in which we will achieve even bigger wealth than we could enjoy it before this war already.
Dies ist ein fernes, aber ein reales Ziel. Wir wollen es stets vor Augen behalten, wenn die Gegenwart heute Anforderungen an uns stellt, die uns fast unertraglich erscheinen mÖgen, wenn unser Todfeind uns Wunden schlagt, aus denen das Blut unserer Besten fliesst. In Berlin, in den rauehenden Ruinen der Reichshauptstadt
This is a distant, but a real goal. We always want to keep in mind when the present day demands on us is that we may seem almost unbearable when our mortal enemy strike us wounds from which the blood of our best flows. In Berlin, in the rough existing ruins of the Imperial Capital
End of Page 1

Page 2
entscheidet sich Europas Schicksal, von dem du das deine nicht trennen kannst, Kamerad! Bedenke das, beisse die Zahne zusammen und halte aus, treu deinem Eid, eingedenk der Verantwortung, die du gegenuber deinen eigenen Nachkommen, deiner Mutter, deiner Frau und deinem Kindern zu tragen hast. Der Spruch des Schicksal steht bevor, du kannst ihm nicht entgehen, seine Fällung nicht einmal hinausschieben.
decides the fate of Europe, from which you can not separate that you, Comrade! Remember that bite, the teeth together and hold out faithful to your oath, mindful of the responsibility that you have to carry over to your own offspring, your mother, your wife and children. The tribunal's fate is imminent, you can not escape it, not even his precipitation postpone.

Du bist nicht allein! In dieser Stunde schon muss der Bolschewist in der Schlacht um Berlin nach zwei Seiten kämpfen, in Richtung auf uns und in Richtung auf unsere Armeen, die aus dem Westen, Suden, Osten und Norden herbeigeeilt sind und unsere Gegner im Rucken packen. Diese kampferprobten jungen Verbande haben an manchen Abschnitten bereits die äusseren Igelstellungen der Sowjets zurÜckgedrÜckt und aufgesplittert. Ja, sie sind bereits mit Vorhuten in den die roten Horden um Berln zu verdichten versuchen.
You're not alone! In this hour, the Bolshevik already in the Battle of Berlin fighting on two fronts, packing toward us and toward our armies have hurried from the west, south, east and north, and our opponents in jerks. These battle-hardened young associations have in some sections already pushed back the outer hedgehog positions of the Soviets and fragmented. Yes, they are already at the vanguard in the red hordes try to compress Berln.

Lassen wir nicht nach in Zähigkeit und Ausdauer! Auch die Sowjets setzen alles dran,uns zu erwÜrgen, bevor die eingreifenden deutschen Reserven sie an diesem teuflischen Vorhaben hindern und den roten Spuk verjagen konnen. Jeder Sowjetpanzer, der heute in Berlin abgeschossen wird, schwacht die Kraft unseres Feindes und kann nicht mehr gegen die von aussen her wirkenden Gegenmassnahmen der deutschen Fuhrung eingesetzt werden.
We are not stopping toughness and stamina! The Soviets do our utmost to strangle us before engaging the German reserves to prevent this diabolical plans and can chase away the red ghost. Every Soviet tank, which is now shot in Berlin, weakens the power of our enemy and can not be used against the forces acting from outside countermeasures of German leadership.

Aus Gefangenenaussagen geht hervor, dass die Bolschewisten in den Strassen - und Häuserkämpfen ungeheure Verluste haben. Die Vollstrecker der militärischen Befehle Stalins haben hinter ihren Infanterielinien sogar Flammenwerfer eingesetzt, um sie zum Angriff voranzutreiben. Der Kreml weiss, dass er keine Zeit zu verlieren hat, es geht um Stunden. Wir aber mussen und werden den längsten Atem haben. A-z.
From prisoner statements indicate that the Bolsheviks in the streets - and houses battles have enormous losses. The executor of the military orders of Stalin behind their infantry lines have even used flame throwers to push them to attack. The Kremlin knows that he has no time to lose, it's about hours. But we must and will have the longest breath. A-z.
Flakkanonen als Panzerknacker In Richtung des Flakturmes Friedrichshain brachen 26 sowjetische Panzer durch. Unter Fuhrung von Oberleutnant Küttner stiessen 150 Flakkanoniere und Flakhelfer aus dem Turm vor und vernichteten mit Nah bekämpfungsmitteln 10 sowjetische Panzer. Die sowjets drehten daraufhin ab.
Anti-aircraft guns as Tank Cracker
Towards the Friedrichshain flak tower broke through 26 Soviet tanks. Under leadership of Lieutenant Kuttner encountered flak gunners and 150 Flakhelfer ago from the tower and destroyed with close combat submit 10 Soviet tanks. The Soviets then turned away.

RAD im Abwehrkampf!
An der westlichen Seite des inneren Verteidigungsringes stehen unter der Fuhrung von Obergeneral-Arbeitsfuhrer Dr. Decker Kräfte des Reichsarbeitsdienstes in tapferem, erfolgreichem Abwehrkampf.
RAD in defensive battle!
On the western side of the inner defense ring under the leadership of general upper-working Fuhrer Dr. Decker forces of the Reich Labor Service in brave, successful defensive battle.

Wo der Fuhrer ist, ist der Sieg! Klärung des Kampfbildes in Kurze zu erwarten Die Von aussen her in den Berliner Grossraum hineinstossenden deutschen Ent satzgruppen haben sich dem Gegner bereits gefährlich genähert. Sie storen die feindlichen Nachschubbewegungen empfindlich und drÜcken immer stärker in unaufhaltsamem Vormarsch in den Rucken des Gegners.
Where is the leader, is the victory!
Expected to clarify the battle image in Brief
Access from outside into the abutting in the Berlin metropolitan area
German development groups set themselves the opponents have already approached dangerous. They disrupt the enemy supply and push more and more sensitive to movements in the inexorable rise in the back of the opponent.

Es ist klar, dass die Sowjets in letzter Stunde mit alles Kraft versuchen, ihr Ziel, die Besetzung Berlins, zu erreichen, um nicht zwischen zwei Feuer zu geraten. Der Gegner drÜckt also mit alles Kraft auf den inneren Verteidigungsring. Er versucht, schwache Stellen unserer Verteidigung ausfindig zu machen, um hier durchstossen, denn seine Kräfte reichen nichtaus, um seinen Zerrungsring Überall in gleicher Stärke zum Sturm anzusetzen.
It is clear that the Soviets in the last hour with all force to try to reach their goal, the occupation of Berlin, in order not to be caught between two fires. So the opponent pushes with all force to the inner defense ring. He tried to make our defense identify weak spots to break through here, because its rich undistributed forces to put his ring strain everywhere in the same strength to the storm.

Aus dieser Lage ergaben sich verschiedene Schwerpunkte des Kampfes, an denen es vorübergehend unübersichtliche und auch kritische Situationen gab, die aber dank des entschlossenen Einsatzes der Verteidiger, zum Teil im Gegenstoss, wieder geklärt wurden. Im grossen und ganzen haben sich an der inneren Berliner Front keine bedeutenden veränderungen des inneren Berlin mit allen Kräten ihre Stellungen halten, damit die Operationen der von auswärts anrückenden Truppen voll zur Auswirkung kommen können und die Verbände des Gegners aufgespalten bleiben.
From this position different focuses of the fight, where it temporarily confusing and even critical situations were, but were clarified again thanks to the serious attention of the defenders, some resulted in counter-shock. On the whole, have to adhere to the inner front Berliner no significant changes in the inner Berlin crowed with all their positions, so that the operations of the advancing troops abroad can come to full effect and the associations of the opponent remain split.

Wenn weiter mit der gleichen Tapferkeit gekämpft wird, dann muss sich in Kürze das Bild auf dem Kampfplatz Berlin grundlegend wandeln. Wie entschlossen der Berlier seine Heimatstadt verteidigt, geht schon daraus hervor, dass gestern wiederum. Auch die Luftwaffe unterstützte wieder mit starkem Jagd- und Schlachtfliegereinsatz den Erdkampf. Unsere Aufgabe ist klar. Wir stehen und halten. Bei uns ist den Führer. Wo aber der Führer ist, ist der Sieg!
When fighting continued with the same bravery, the picture on the battlefield Berlin must fundamentally change soon. How determined the Berlier defended his hometown, is evident from the fact that yesterday again. Also, the Air Force again supported with strong fighter and attack aircraft using the ground attack. Our mission is clear. We stand and hold. With us is the leader. But where is the leader is the victory!

Keine andere Wahl
als durch Standhaftigkeit zu bestehen

No other choice
as to pass through steadfastness

Immer kommt einmal ein Augenblick, in dem die Schwachen im Volke glauben, nun ginge es einfach nicht mehr, nun sei es zuviel des Schreckens und des Kampfes. Und sie fragen was denn noch für ein Sinn hinter dem Widerstand stünde, wofür denn immer noch mehr Blut vergossen würde. Es ist auch menschlich so verständlich, dass Mutter den letzten Sohn, der ihnen geblieben ist, nun behalten möchten und doppelt um ihn bangen, und menschlich verständlich, dass ein Frau den Mann, der jetzt als Volksstrum-soldat bei der Verteidigung seiner Stadt seine Pflicht tun muss, fur sich behalten mochte. Wenn die Sohne und die Vater fallen, mussen die Frauen das Leben - soweit das, was dann komme würde, noch Leben wäre - ja weiterfuhren in tausend Nöten und Schmerzen, und ihnen bliebe die ewige Sorge der Mutter um die Kinder.
Always there comes a moment in which the weak believe in the people, now it simply would not know it was now too much of horror and struggle. And they ask for more than what was behind a sense resistor, what for still more blood would be shed. It is also humanly understandable that the last mother's son, who is left to them now and want to keep banging around him twice, and humanly understandable that a woman's husband, who now works as People Storm Home Guard-soldier in the defense of his city, his duty needs to do to keep for himself liked. When the son and the father fall, the women have to life - to the extent that, then what would come, yet life would be - yes drove into a thousand hardships and pain, and they remain the eternal anxiety of the mother of the children.

Gerade aber um der Frauen und der Kinder willen geht der Kampf weiter, um ihretwillen darf er nicht eingestellt werden, ehe nicht Leben und Zukunft des deutschen Volkes gesichert sind! Es geht ja gar nicht nur um uns, sondern um die Kinder und die noch ungeborenen, Ihr Recht zum Leben, zum Leben in Freiheit und als Deutsche, mussen wir heute durch den aussersten und erbittersten Widerstand erkämpfen. In der letzten Entscheidung über Leben und Zukunft des Volkes gibt es keinen personlichen Egoismus mehr, gibt es kein Recht mehr, sich zu schonen und zu sparen, und auch kein Recht, die menschlich verstandlichen personlichen Wunsche hoher als die unerbittliche Pflicht zu Stellen. Und es gibt keine Rucksicht mehr auf personliche Schicksale. Es darf sie nicht geben, weil diese Rucksicht ein Verbrechen am Schicksal der Nation ware!
But just go to the women and the children's sake continue the struggle for their sake he must not be set before not life and future of the German people are saved! It is not gonna work just about us, but about the children and the unborn, your right to life, to live in freedom and as a German, now we must fight through the outermost and fiercest resistance. In the final decision on the life and future of the people there is no personal selfishness more, there is no law to protect yourself and save, and no law, human understanding union personal desire high as the inexorable duty job. And there is no more jerk view of personal fates. It must not be, because this jerk would view a crime in the fate of the nation!

Das klingt nicht nur hart, sondern es ist in der Tat unermesslich hart. Es ist ein härteres Schicksal, das uns seine unabdingbaren Gesetze diktiert, als es je uber unserem Volke stand. Aber wir begreifen, dass wir nur noch durch Harte, durch ausserste und ubermenschliche Harte bestehen konnen! Davor verliert alles andere sein Gewicht. Dass das keine Phrasen sind, erlebt jeder am eigenen Leibe und im eigenen Schicksal. Sind wir nicht auch schon so weit, dass wir über die personliche Furcht, uber die Lebensangst hinaus sind, da wir nur noch in der Furcht stehen um das allgemeine Schicksal? Das gibt uns die Kraft, immerweiter zu kampfen, um schliesslich durch Standhaftigkeit doch zu bestehen.
This not only sounds hard, but it's immensely hard indeed. It is a harder fate that dictates its inalienable laws than it ever was about our people. But we realize that we can exist only through hard, outermost and by superhuman Hard! Before that, everything loses its weight other. That these are not phrases that everyone has experienced at first hand and in their own destiny. Are we not already so far that we have the personal fears about the life beyond fear, since we are only in the fear to the common fate? This gives us the strength to always continue to fight to finally exist but by perseverance.

Und wir müssen uns immer wieder daran erinnern, daß es in diesem Augenblick nur ein einziges überzeugendes Argument für unsere Feinde gibt, das mit jedem Tage des Widerstandes größeren Eindruck auf sie macht: die Blutopfer, die sie bisher erbringen mußten und deren Ende sie um so weniger abzusehen vermögen, als unser Widerstand und unsere Gegenschläge mit zähester Verbissenheit andauern und neue Höhepunkte gewinnen! Oder glaubt jemand, daß unsere Feinde etwa nicht kriegsmüde sind und sich selber fragen, wofür sie denn diese Blutopfer noch erbringen?
And we must remember that there is only a single convincing argument for our enemies are at this moment that makes greater impression on them with each day in the resistance again and again: the blood sacrifices that they had to provide so far and the end of it so less able to predict when our resistance and our counter-attacks with doggedness last and most tenacious win new heights! Or does anyone believe that our enemies are not tired of war and wonder about themselves, what they provide for this blood sacrifice yet?

Je gewisser sie schon glaubten, den Sieg in der Tasche zu haben, um so zwingender und unausweichlicher wird diese Frage für sie. Und darum müssen wir es ihnen jeden Tag noch härter und fanatischer beweisen, daß der Kampf weitergeht, an den Fronten und hinter den Fronten und daß wir nicht nachlassen im Kampfe, bis der Sieg er fochten ist.
The more certain they already believed to have victory in the bag, the more compelling and inescapable this question is for them. And that's why we need them every day even harder and fanatical prove that the struggle continues and on the front and behind the fronts and that we do not let up in the struggle until victory he is challenged.

"Es ist alles vorn"
PK Berlin, 28, April, Vor einem Eingang eines zerbombten Hauses im Südwesten Berlins steht eine Bataillonsstandarte. Ein weißes Kreuz im roten Feld. Das ist der Gefechtsstand der Kampfgruppe Norge. Ich gebe hinunter in den Keller. Auf der untersten Stufe sitzt ein Melder. Arm jacke, Stahlhelm, MP, Gesicht und Hände verdreckt. Er ist übermüdet, er zieht langsam an einer Zigarette. Den Stummel drückt er aus, dann tut er ihn behutsam in ein abgeschabtes Etui.

"It's all forward"
PK Berlin, 28 April,
Before an entrance of a bombed house in the southwest of Berlin there is a battalion Standard. A white cross on a red field. This is the command post of the battle group Norge. I'll go down to the basement. At the lowest level sits a detector. Arm jacket, helmet, MP, face and hands dirty. He is tired, he slowly pulls a cigarette. He expresses the stump, he does it gently scraped into a case.

Im Gefechtsstand ist niemand. Ich frage den Melder, wo der Stab geblieben ist. "Es ist alles vorn", gibt er mir in gebrochenem Deutsch zur Antwort. Dann geht er dran und dreht sich aus vier Kippen eine neue Zigarette.
The command post is none. I ask the detector, where the staff has remained. "It's all forward," he gives me in broken German to reply. Then he goes off and turns out four new cigarette butts.

Braucht er das, dieser norwegische Freiwillige der Waffen- SS? Er könnte ja doch durch die Prinz-Johann-Gate in Oslo flanieren, könnte vor den lichtdurchfluteten Schaufenstern von William Smit stehen, Leben sich seine Braut. Vielleicht heißt sie Günvor. Er könnte den Duft ihres Haares um sich haben. Er könnte ihr das elegante Jackett dort im Erker kaufen und sich diese schnittigen Halb schuhe, und - zum Donnerwetter - er könnte eine gute Bluemaster rauchen. Er könnte im Café sitzen später am Abend, bei der gedämpften Musik träumen.
He needs it, this Norwegian volunteers of the Waffen-SS? Yes but he could stroll through the Prince Johann gate in Oslo, could stand before bright windows of William Smit, living, his bride. Maybe she is called Günvor. He could have the scent of her hair around. He could buy her an elegant jacket there in the bay, and these sleek half shoes, and - damn it - he could smoke a good Bluesmaster. He could sit in the cafe later in the night, dreaming in the subdued music.

Oh, was könnte er alles! Statt dessen ist er heute im staubenden Schmettern der Reihenwürfe der Sowjetbomber umhergehetzt, Die Jagdbomber haben ihn gejagt. Wie oft hat er sich vor den heranfauchenden Granaten zwischen Ruinen geschmissen. Von Kompanie zu Kompanie ist er gehastet, ununterbrochen, genau 25 Studen ohne Schlaf.
Oh, what it could be anything! Instead, he is now umhergehetzt in dusty Spiking the series throws the Soviet bombers, the bombers have chased him. How many times has he thrown before the heranfauchenden grenades among the ruins. Company by company he is scuttled, continuous, exactly 25 students without sleep.

Verdammt! Hat saan das nötig - Könnte aan in Oslo nicht ebensogut Tennis spielen? Nein, er kann nicht Tennis spielen, während deutsch Soldaten in Berlin für Europa kämpfen. Nein, man darf nicht zur selben Stunde mit Günvor promenieren, während die Berliner Frauen sich Stahlhelm aufsetzen, wenn sie sich ihre Zuteilung holen. - und manche dabei von Granatsplittern verletzt wereden.
Damn! Has the necessary nan - nan could just as well not play tennis in Oslo? No, he can not play tennis, while German soldiers in Berlin fight for Europe. No, you must not at the same hour with Günvor promenade, while the Berlin women sit up helmets when they pick up their allotment. - And some are being injured by shrapnel.

Ja, der müde und abgehetzte Melder weiß, es denken nicht alle seine norwegischen Landsleute so. Das weiß er, und das tut manchmal weh, sehr weh. Er hat dasselbe schon gedacht vor
Yes, the white tired and jaded detector, it does not think all of his Norwegian compatriots that. He knows that, and that hurts sometimes, very painful. He has been thinking the same thing before

End of Page 2

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Joined: 20 Jun 2013, 08:58

Re: The propaganda of April-May 1945


Post by kingtigerfish » 11 Oct 2013, 01:07

29, April 1945

Read and pass on!
The Armored Bear
Battle Sheet for the Defenders of Greater Berlin
Heroic Struggle
Brought up at day and night new response forces
The battle for the city center erupted
Relief attacks run
From the Leader headquarters 28 April, the High Command of the Wehrmacht announced: In the heroic struggle of the city Berlin is once again before the world the fate of the German people struggle against Bolshevism expressed.
While the history in one unique grandiose struggle the Capital is being defended, our troops have swept the Americans at the Elbe's back to relieve the defenders of Berlin from the outside in the attack.
In the inner defense ring of the enemy has invaded from the north and from the south in Charlottenburg on the Tempelhof field. Halle Gate and Alexanderplatz the battle for the city center has begun. The east-west axis is under heavy fire.
Flying associations support the struggles of sacrificial acts of use of the crews. Despite the strongest fighter and flak defenses tactical reserves were landed and dropped Muition day and night. Our hunting and fighter-bombers destroy associations in the last four days, 143 aircraft, 58 tanks and over 300 vehicles.
In south King Wusterhausen room sat divisions of 9 Army continued their attacks on Western and Northern defend himself during the day concentric attacks against the flanks of the Soviets, The recognized by Western divisions threw the enemy into a bitter struggle with wide front and back have reached Ferch.
West of Berlin, the Brandenburg line Rathenau Kremmen was claimed against all enemy attacks.
In the space of Prenzlau threw the Soviets new tanks and infantry into battle and forced infantry band under heavy attack aircraft set deep when the invasions.
In north-western Germany, there was only gesture to local governing Fight. In Bremen, the battle commander holding the rest of the brave crew of the North-East of the city filing.
On the Danube, the enemy broke in Regensburg and Ingolstadt.
Between Dillingen and Ulm put the Americans continued their advance into south. Struggle in Mindel and Günztal underway.
The armies in Italy sat down behind the Po and Ticino. While the Soviets in the southern sector of the Eastern Front on strong Local initiatives limited, they put their attacks in space Brunn continued with strong forces and despite tenacious resistance of the crew into the city. Northwest Bautzen, where at Meissen was the connection with the western front mount is on the Elbe are started our troops to attack the North.Safety vehicles of the Navy sunk east Gotenhafen a Soviet speedboat and scored another on fire.
Weaker American combat units conduct daily attacks against sites in southern Germany. At night over the Reich ruled only small enemy combat activity.
Small submarines sunk from the heavily guarded enemy supply traffic between Thames and Scheldt two fully loaded ships of 8000 GRT. (Gross Registered Tonnes)
The longer breathing
For five and a half years the blazing torch of war in Europe. Your consuming fire has to Poland over Europe, to this continent finally acquired two more, Asia and America.
Germany had one hand to try to throw off the chains imposed had him at Versailles and took away any possibility of life, it has done so since 1933, the possible narrowest part, and scrupulously avoided, while the circle of affected areas, ie the German life and Inter Food Zone to exceed.
If our enemies claimed that Germany had pursued selfish power goals, and threatens the independence and freedom of small nations, have Britain and America very soon demonstrated by their conduct that they have not truly nothing is situated on the freedom of small nations, but that they themselves were ready and are selling them to Stalin, yes, to exploit them for their own imperialist aims.
Even more ! While the territories occupied by Germany enemy countries could certainly live a decent life, some even took a tangible for non commercial and social recovery, the "liberated" booth companions groan under the famine, disorganization and exploitation by the Englishmen and Americans, in particular, large, however, the suffering the neutrals and those peoples who submitted to the judeo-plutocratic Bolshevik power brokers and at the mercy.
Germany has by treachery become wise, where it fell in 1918 Victim. It knows that all the promises of the enemy side mean nothing more than an attempt to make our people turn completely defenseless and thus of economic exploitation, personal enslavement and racial extermination deliver.
We have nothing to lose. We lost everything and were surrender ourselves, prices give our future, woman and child. But we have a chance to prevail and then once existence, family life and our social state build upon again, in which we will achieve even bigger wealth than we could enjoy it before this war already.
This is a distant, but a real goal. We always want to keep in mind when the present day demands on us is that we may seem almost unbearable when our mortal enemy strike us wounds from which the blood of our best flows. In Berlin, in the rough existing ruins of the Imperial Capital decides the fate of Europe, from which you can not separate that you, Comrade! Remember that bite, the teeth together and hold out faithful to your oath, mindful of the responsibility that you have to carry over to your own offspring, your mother, your wife and children. The tribunal's fate is imminent, you can not escape it, not even his precipitation postpone.
You're not alone! In this hour, the Bolshevik already in the Battle of Berlin fighting on two fronts, packing toward us and toward our armies have hurried from the west, south, east and north, and our opponents in jerks. These battle-hardened young associations have in some sections already pushed back the outer hedgehog positions of the Soviets and fragmented. Yes, they are already at the vanguard in the red hordes try to compress Berln.
We are not stopping toughness and stamina! The Soviets do our utmost to strangle us before engaging the German reserves to prevent this diabolical plans and can chase away the red ghost. Every Soviet tank, which is now shot in Berlin, weakens the power of our enemy and can not be used against the forces acting from outside countermeasures of German leadership.
From prisoner statements indicate that the Bolsheviks in the streets - and houses battles have enormous losses. The executor of the military orders of Stalin behind their infantry lines have even used flame throwers to push them to attack. The Kremlin knows that he has no time to lose, it's about hours. But we must and will have the longest breath. A-z.
Anti-aircraft guns as Tank Cracker
Towards the Friedrichshain flak tower broke through 26 Soviet tanks. Under leadership of Lieutenant Kuttner encountered flak gunners and 150 Flakhelfer ago from the tower and destroyed with close combat submit 10 Soviet tanks. The Soviets then turned away.
RAD in defensive battle!
On the western side of the inner defense ring under the leadership of general upper-working Fuhrer Dr. Decker forces of the Reich Labor Service in brave, successful defensive battle.
Where is the leader, is the victory!
Expected to clarify the battle image in Brief
Access from outside into the abutting in the Berlin metropolitan area
German development groups set themselves the opponents have already approached dangerous. They disrupt the enemy supply and push more and more sensitive to movements in the inexorable rise in the back of the opponent.
It is clear that the Soviets in the last hour with all force to try to reach their goal, the occupation of Berlin, in order not to be caught between two fires. So the opponent pushes with all force to the inner defense ring. He tried to make our defense identify weak spots to break through here, because its rich undistributed forces to put his ring strain everywhere in the same strength to the storm.
From this position different focuses of the fight, where it temporarily confusing and even critical situations were, but were clarified again thanks to the serious attention of the defenders, some resulted in counter-shock. On the whole, have to adhere to the inner front Berliner no significant changes in the inner Berlin crowed with all their positions, so that the operations of the advancing troops abroad can come to full effect and the associations of the opponent remain split.
When fighting continued with the same bravery, the picture on the battlefield Berlin must fundamentally change soon. How determined the Berlier defended his hometown, is evident from the fact that yesterday again. Also, the Air Force again supported with strong fighter and attack aircraft using the ground attack. Our mission is clear. We stand and hold. With us is the leader. But where is the leader is the victory!
No other choice
as to pass through steadfastness
Always there comes a moment in which the weak believe in the people, now it simply would not know it was now too much of horror and struggle. And they ask for more than what was behind a sense resistor, what for still more blood would be shed. It is also humanly understandable that the last mother's son, who is left to them now and want to keep banging around him twice, and humanly understandable that a woman's husband, who now works as People Storm Home Guard-soldier in the defense of his city, his duty needs to do to keep for himself liked. When the son and the father fall, the women have to life - to the extent that, then what would come, yet life would be - yes drove into a thousand hardships and pain, and they remain the eternal anxiety of the mother of the children.
But just go to the women and the children's sake continue the struggle for their sake he must not be set before not life and future of the German people are saved! It is not gonna work just about us, but about the children and the unborn, your right to life, to live in freedom and as a German, now we must fight through the outermost and fiercest resistance. In the final decision on the life and future of the people there is no personal selfishness more, there is no law to protect yourself and save, and no law, human understanding union personal desire high as the inexorable duty job. And there is no more jerk view of personal fates. It must not be, because this jerk would view a crime in the fate of the nation!
This not only sounds hard, but it's immensely hard indeed. It is a harder fate that dictates its inalienable laws than it ever was about our people. But we realize that we can exist only through hard, outermost and by superhuman Hard! Before that, everything loses its weight other. That these are not phrases that everyone has experienced at first hand and in their own destiny. Are we not already so far that we have the personal fears about the life beyond fear, since we are only in the fear to the common fate? This gives us the strength to always continue to fight to finally exist but by perseverance.
And we must remember that there is only a single convincing argument for our enemies are at this moment that makes greater impression on them with each day in the resistance again and again: the blood sacrifices that they had to provide so far and the end of it so less able to predict when our resistance and our counter-attacks with doggedness last and most tenacious win new heights! Or does anyone believe that our enemies are not tired of war and wonder about themselves, what they provide for this blood sacrifice yet?
The more certain they already believed to have victory in the bag, the more compelling and inescapable this question is for them. And that's why we need them every day even harder and fanatical prove that the struggle continues and on the front and behind the fronts and that we do not let up in the struggle until victory he is challenged.
"It's all forward"
PK Berlin, 28 April,
Before an entrance of a bombed house in the southwest of Berlin there is a battalion Standard. A white cross on a red field. This is the command post of the battle group Norge. I'll go down to the basement. At the lowest level sits a detector. Arm jacket, helmet, MP, face and hands dirty. He is tired, he slowly pulls a cigarette. He expresses the stump, he does it gently scraped into a case.
The command post is none. I ask the detector, where the staff has remained. "It's all forward," he gives me in broken German to reply. Then he goes off and turns out four new cigarette butts.
He needs it, this Norwegian volunteers of the Waffen-SS? Yes but he could stroll through the Prince Johann gate in Oslo, could stand before bright windows of William Smit, living, his bride. Maybe she is called Günvor. He could have the scent of her hair around. He could buy her an elegant jacket there in the bay, and these sleek half shoes, and - damn it - he could smoke a good Bluesmaster. He could sit in the cafe later in the night, dreaming in the subdued music.
Oh, what it could be anything! Instead, he is now umhergehetzt in dusty Spiking the series throws the Soviet bombers, the bombers have chased him. How many times has he thrown before the heranfauchenden grenades among the ruins. Company by company he is scuttled, continuous, exactly 25 students without sleep.
Damn! Has the necessary nan - nan could just as well not play tennis in Oslo? No, he can not play tennis, while German soldiers in Berlin fight for Europe. No, you must not at the same hour with Günvor promenade, while the Berlin women sit up helmets when they pick up their allotment. - And some are being injured by shrapnel.
Yes, the white tired and jaded detector, it does not think all of his Norwegian compatriots that. He knows that, and that hurts sometimes, very painful. He has been thinking the same thing before Leningrad, on the Volkhov in Toropets, in East Prussia, but he had just always be ahead, there in front of the front against the Bolsheviks, far from his home.
Many times in the last days of the battalion staff took the gun in the hand, as the commander gave the orders in the firing line, in a cellar hole. And then they are all the Dutch, Danes, Norwegians and Flemings. They are the activists in Europe. So now they also fight the destiny Battle of Berlin, which brings the decision-making in Europe. They know what they believe - and why they are forward.
Supply of food
in the 75th allocation period
The delivery of foodstuffs for the 75th Allocation period occurs on sections of the Berlin reference cards (11th edition). The usual ration cards are not distributed.
It will be delivered:
1. for the period from 30. 4. to 6. 5. 1945, for the first Week of the allocation period 1000 g bread on e21, 100 g of fat on e22, 250 to e23 and e24 meat (per 125g).

2. for the period from 30. 4. to 27. 5. 1945, for four weeks, 62.5 g and 125 g curd cheese on e25. 500 g or 250 g jam sugar or 300 g of sugar syrup, fruit syrup or artificial honey on e 26

3. Vegetables, namely either 1 kg of vegetables of any kind, or 100 g of dried vegetables to f 50 Against delivery of two sections 50 f 1 can of canned vegetables can be obtained.

4 .1 can of canned fish against delivery of two 64 g portions
For the period from 30. 4. to 27. 5. 1945, the foodstuff is ration to 250 grams, the sugar ration to 500 g, fixed the coffee ration to 100 g. These foods were already on 21. 4. invoked.
Potatoes are given further on the reference card for potatoes, and, as already published on 30. 4. to the 6. 5. 1945 1 ½ kg.
Expectant and nursing mothers, infants and children up to 6 years to receive food stamps or vouchers daily or ½ liter of milk - whole milk if there is not enough - a normal can of condensed milk for two days.
For very young children may fully or condensed islets emitted only when the supply of babies is guaranteed. Similarly, the supply of the infants toddlers going on. Daily delivery endorsement on the back of the Berlin reference card, the child's age is verified.
Detector at the Ruins
The shortest is not always the fastest way
For a moment, he still remains in the output of the command object. The Soviet artillery is just the area with a heavy barrage, but the message of the section is urgent, important decisions for the development of the overall situation depend on it. So, steel helmet on and get out!
The road looks like a dump, and you must not take the time to look for the best way and even still the "best way" We need to jump blindly One will then have to see if he takes a firm hold feet or not . Although the detector has gone the same way a few hours ago, but now many new impacts have the silhouettes of the ruins further chewed and hurled new obstacles.
Damn, as a launcher battery it spits a series of grenades close to his feet. A splitter rips him a hole in the sleeve. Been pig again! In a cellar hole he has to take a few minutes cover until the worst fire spell is over. Then he creates on the run, always in a zigzag, a good part of the way to the next street corner.
Flamethrower in the back
Where is the enemy, where the friend? No man knows it. The fronts - if one can still speak of at all fronts - are wild interlocked, wedged. From the north of Ivan backs away from the pressure of our hurrying from outside relief associations. The Bolshevik leadership begins behind their retreating infantry flamethrower, she is determined to fight to prevent thousands of Red Army soldiers in the blood. Stalin wants to Berlin; everything else does not count, from the south, the Bolsheviks also try to penetrate into the inner city. First, because it is so ordered, but then also, because even from the south-up German intervention forces. The Berlin defender is not allowed to enter the Ivan, coming from all sides of combat troops to take him into the pliers.
The detector knows all these houses, over the ruins of which bustles his foot, from the time when they are clean and bright, smooth lined the street in the guise of a solid middle-class comfort, for he is himself in Berlin and raised in this area. Here the milk shop, where the baker, and one block was on, in the direction in which now dust and smoke blocking any view, is, or was the house in which he himself lived. - What may look like it there? But now he has no second time to think about it. The command calls him the fastest way forward, which is not always the shortest.
The shortest way!
At the intersection, he has to cross, twittering machine-gun fire past him, and the firing of anti-tank cannon blasts at close range. Men of a tank destroyer crews who cower in the corner of the house, raise his hand in warning: "Warning!" - At one point a small group of enemy has broken through the protection of some tanks. For the moment, it does not go further here. The shortest way! By the F - Road and then into a hook by the M. - road would go there! Would ...
Just decided in short jumps to the next corner. Although this intersection is also strong bombardment, and then the detector must go into hiding before the bursting shells tightly around him in the basement enables all kinds, but he is in a few sentences about the protective wall.
Once again, it must modify the scheduled route, wait a few more times and take cover. The need to thoroughly check his alarm's license he must still like it, but then the command post of the division is reached. Are now on the new commands that are required by its message given. The atmosphere in the command state is excited, but calm and collected.
The detector sits on a bench and smoking a cigarette. Then a brief handshake. The detector relies on his helmet, still remains a moment in securing and searches among the rubble and craters bombers, artillery between - and grenade aimer - beats back his way, the shortest way!
Fifteen T-34 destroyed

During the evening it was found that infiltrated in Charlottenburg enemy armored forces could not develop in the successful defense. You are stuck in a concentric ring surrounding them fight. Place 15 of the collapsed T-34 destroyed - until now have been in the section Sophie - Charlotte - Road to Friedrich Karl. Others are shot and damaged. Especially Home Guard men under the command of Wehrmacht officers who could approach the fight in Charlottenburg secured by sniper tank. While Lieutenant von Wedel destroyed the first attacking chariots had the Home Guard - Cherry well-run company commander of the local chapter of Kant special battle group in the defense share. Charlottenburg also brave women took part in the resistance.
On the military road
In section highway - Olympic bridge has become a battle group from HJ Bann 129, which in the last few days - has excelled multiple special cutting, excellent again. The Bolsheviks reached for lively preparing to fire from a wooded area behind the station highway with superior forces and tried to reach the West End Avenue on the embankment of time. They met fierce resistance of our young comrades. Although they renewed the advances twice, all failed attacks on the agile and skilled warfare geführeten of the SS sergeant leader Fritsche HJ small crowd. Many Bolshevik Fallen remained on the S-Bahn tracks.
With Hand Grenades
against the Bolsheviks
Berlin, 28 April. The 21-year-old sailor from Corporal Francis Bott Altenbamberg was used on the Oder front in Neuzolf as an observer Panzerjägerabteilung. When the Bolsheviks tried to land on the western shore, the sailors saw Corporal plötzilch surrounded by numerous ponds Bolsheviks. With hand grenades, he fought the Bolsheviks down, säuberie the Ufergerläbdem captured two machine guns, carbines and several brought two Bolsheviks as a Gefangeno.
"Hopefully I have ..."
Crap idioms starts to become stronger or feebler. "Hopefully we'll make it," to say at every opportunity and "hopefully everything will go well." to write in every letter. is silly. it shows a certain thoughtlessness and weakness of will. This ... Hopefully "is nothing more than an undetected dispersal of use force. Whoever" hopefully "says with regard to a desired target following its actions, loses the ability. Rethink all requirements., The needed to achieve the objective . are Who often "hopefully" says the is no who hopes, but a timid the requirements of the time they look forward to the bring it to nothing So again:..! way with this silly phrase but what is better than this feeble "Hopefully" ? the is better to ask again and again and rethink what remains to be done so that the goal which our best hope is the fastest and safest is achieved.....
Women in HKL (main battle line)
These days, even the women and girls of the capital to show that they are willing to fight with all their power the invading enemy. The women who witness the historical battle in the capital today to show in the face of HKL as brave as in the countless nights when they were exposed to the terror bombing of the Anglo-Americans.
Involuntarily one remembers the old Germanic custom that during the war, when the country was threatened, the woman followed her husband into battle and him if he wanted to back away, with shouts of encouragement sent back again to the battle line, yes, the Escaping the even killed.
Our current gender shows that it is hard and inflexible in times of need. The time of the dam on the little lady's fashion electors promenading past, the women and girls who have felt the law of war firsthand, are hard, hard as their men. Fathers and brothers are turned into long years of war on the fronts.
The uses for the woman in total war, as we are forced to lead him, have greatly increased compared to the first world war.
The main activity for women in war is primarily the exercise of the functions of the Red Cross. In addition, the use of women and girls as assistants is in postal services and transport and in the defense industry. There are no women in the truest sense of the word stand their ground. When the opponent then set foot on the German homeland, once closed, they hurried to the active use to do everything with a spade in his hand, to hinder the advance of the enemy, the defenders to build defenses.
When the Bolsheviks broke with her enormous material and human use in the area of the capital, it was for the defenders to give up the last. And countless individual examples here show that there outgrow the women themselves.
As we already reported, drove during the struggles of the last few days BDM (League of German Girls) - leader, who had fallen translated in an artillery battle group of the HJ-Regiment Berlin as a helper with a wagon over and over again the necessary ammunition approach, although the position was under attack and the constant exposure to low-flying attacks.
At a command post in the north of Berlin, four working Maiden had reported from a defunct Labor Service camp, which, although they had not slept for days, immediately made ​​themselves available for work and thus made ​​free soldiers for combat. They took over still and of course taking care of the wounded, prepared the food, and carried out the resulting paperwork. When the Bolsheviks, then hit with a tremendous superiority on the position section, as the location for the defenders was the most critical, the four girls appeared before the unit commander and asked him to bazookas, because they wanted to actively help avert the impending doom. In the fierce competition for Pankow surfaced among men of the Home Guard company on a 23 year old girl from Reinickendorf, which had obtained a bazooka and had to move by anything to leave his self-imposed a man-hole cover. She explained again and again: "My brother and I have lost my fiance in the east, I lost in the East, and my parents have been hit by a bomb Now there is no more protection for me, but not for the Bolsheviks.."
In Neukölln ( Borough of Berlin ) an older woman answered with a rucksack on a police station. She eventually landed in the cards housed in the same home office and asked: ".. I'd 'Report me his the Home Guard, which gives me a bazooka I have to fight the Bolsheviks" ow....
Before the women ashamed? Our loyalty is the act
What the German woman has to wear today at the expense, victims and duties, is as unique as it is to this world rings no historical parallel. Behind the fate of a faded Eleonore Prohaska, who fought in man clothes to the soldiers in 1813, and the much-cited victim of those women in those days, who sacrificed her hair in the absence of other values ​​to the fatherland. Each asset in the past and present, they may still Send Password so much respect and recognition, but does not reach the quiet grandeur and inner fortitude, which in their entirety defy the German women now in its schsten war years, against all odds, suffering or misfortune.
Almost admirable is the attitude with which the German woman confronts every difficulty and with it despite everything looks confident in the future. Look at our women, mothers and girls and yet to hear them in the cellars and bunkers speak! Certainly the war is not weeks! Certainly the war has left its mark on them, Serious and multiple pain has dug in their faces; certainly every woman wants this terrible war to an end sooner rather than later - but no end of shame and dishonor!
"Who does not fulfill his duty at this moment, is a traitor to our people. The regiment or the divisions that leave their position, behave so disgracefully that they are in front of the women and children to be ashamed" - as it says in call the leader. For desertion and cowardice, the German woman who has himself endured and suffered so much without being soft and wane in their resistance will not understand, but only the deepest contempt. When women have often been proven men forces, so expect even more from the man, when they look up, he fights like a man in the hour of danger. And if women and children whrlos under the bombs of the enemy and at low-flying attacks lose their lives, so must the man who can not defend themselves nor are certainly expected that, if needful, to die white and his life as sold expensively as possible!
How many times has a woman as their every effort to all the victims and all work for the victory still seemed too low, asked what they could still contribute to the success. And it will be even more so in this hour in which the decision on life or death of our nation falls, ask if their use and whether it matters not inconsequential now not only the feats of arms of our armed forces. As long as the hour is not yet come to breathe free, the women will not relent in their efforts will especially do not give up their faith and hope, which always come from new forces that eventually turn be induced force.
"The Armored Bear" Publisher: Department Fp.-NR. 67 700


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Re: The propaganda of April-May 1945


Post by kingtigerfish » 01 Sep 2014, 21:20

Hi here is the complete set of the Panzerbar from April 23 to April 29 1945 hope you enjoy.

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Re: The propaganda of April-May 1945


Post by Marcus » 25 Oct 2014, 20:20

A post about PK 625 was split off into a new thread at ... 4&t=210962


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Re: The propaganda of April-May 1945


Post by kingtigerfish » 21 May 2023, 14:16

Hi! I would like to let everyone know that the Panzerbär newspapers have been made in to a new book called - The Armoured Bear and the Battle for Berlin: An English translation of all 8 Panzerbär newspapers from April 22 to April 29, 1945. You can find it on Amazon in three different formats.

Now for the first time you can read the same newspaper that ordinary German soldiers and civilians read during the Battle of Berlin. This is the first complete English translation of all 8 Der Panzerbär - (The Armoured Bear) - newspapers. In addition to the 8 original Panzerbär newspapers I have created 4 new Fantasy Panzerbär issues. These are dated April 30 to May 3, 1945. I have also translated 7 leaflets from the Soviets and Germans.
Der Panzerbär was a frontline newspaper published by Berliner Deutscher Verlag. Eight issues appeared from April 22 to April 29, 1945. The newspaper was intended to support the fighting spirit of the soldiers and population, as well as to inform them about the fighting in and around the capital during the Battle of Berlin. The issues were intended to be read and passed on. It was the last newspaper to be published in Greater Berlin during the Nazi era. This book has large pictures of every page of all the Panzerbär issues, several color pictures, and also basic maps that show the day to day progress of the battle. If you are a fan of the Battle for Berlin, propaganda, or World War 2 then this book is for you!
Panzerbar Book Front Cover .jpg
Panzerbar Back Cover.jpg
Berlin map .jpg

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