Top second-tier Nazi leaders

Discussions on all aspects of the NSDAP, the other party organizations and the government. Hosted by Michael Miller & Igor Karpov.
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Top second-tier Nazi leaders


Post by blzlmprt » 23 Mar 2021, 17:54

What do you think were the top second-tier Nazi leaders? I mean that in the amount of power they wielded, be it in the NSDAP, SS, or any other organization.

I have in mind like Wilhelm Stuckart as State Secretary in the Reich Ministry of the Interior under Wilhelm Frick or Herbert Backe as State Secretary in the Reich Ministry of Food and Agriculture, who wielded enormous powers under Richard Walther Darré.
The most (in)famous would probably be Reinhard Heydrich, but truth be told we probably can't count him as a second-tier, but let's say for the sake of the argument we count anybody who's isn't the top leader of his particular field.

Would love to hear about some even more obscure individuals if you guys know any.


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