An extensive list of Volkssturm-Bataillons?

Discussions on all (non-biographical) aspects of the Freikorps, Reichswehr, Austrian Bundesheer, Heer, Waffen-SS, Volkssturm and Fallschirmjäger and the other Luftwaffe ground forces. Hosted by Christoph Awender.
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Re: An extensive list of Volkssturm-Bataillons?


Post by Germanicus » 15 Jan 2022, 01:48

Das Kriegsende 1945 im Westteil des Warthelandes und im Osten der Neumark von Karl Hielscher [translation difficult to say the least]

The use of the Wartheland Volkssturm

On January 16, 1945, the Volkssturm was called up in Wartheland. First, the men had to be reasonably captured, armed and somewhat
to be clothed. So they could not start marching until January 18th.

The Grätz district set up two battalions, namely Volkssturm-Bataillon No. 47 in Neutomischel and Volkssturm-Bataillon No. 49 in Opalenitza/Oppenbach.

The Neutomischeler Volkssturm-Bataillon 47, consisting of three companies of 156 men each, was formed on the 20th of January loaded on the railway to Jarotschin. They was even three assigned to Russian guns. Since meanwhile no one understood them or how to handle, they had to
be left behind. That was in Jarotschin the battalion sat foraround for three days without being looked after by an officer, neither of the army
nor of the party. It was therefore difficult to feed.

Finally, on the evening of January 24th, the order was given the ordermove to Lissa. That was pretty late. In the night it came like -
started shooting with Russian troops. That led to bad Losses, although allegedly one or the other enemy tank with Panzerfaust is said to have
been destroyed. The Volkssturm-Bataillon commander, Lieutenant Colonel Richard von Hardt, was at his age the no longer able to cope
with the rigors of the night march through snow and ice. He stayed behind and put his hand on himself. The Volkssturm-Bataillon was
blown up, only remnants could be taken by army troops will. Some men fought their way home. 54 men were reported missing.

Volkssturm-Bataillon 49 fared little better , albeit less about it messages are available. At the request of the army it was also loaded on January 20th, but at cost. There it happened on January 24th a skirmish with Russian vanguards. The next day, however, the defenders had to evacuate the city, and the Volkssturm was already there should have pretty much dissolved.

The Birnbaumer Volkssturm-Bataillon No. 35 led Dietrich von Jagow. He had been a German plenipotentiary in Budapest, and then
they had him Assigned to Groß-Münche as a retirement home. Only 268 men formed the Volkssturm-Bataillon.

Since part was put aside — the Forest Service kept their Men back — only 206 men could move out. dog tags could no longer be issued,
only master roles could be created. The men were armed with Russian rifles, plenty of cartridges and 75 rocket-propelled grenades.
They were clothed with Soldiers' coats and caps and belts. Loaded on the evening of January 18th, the Volkssturm-Bataillon arrived early
on the 19th in Podzamcze/Wilhelms-bridge at the Prosnaan . There it immediately came into contact with combat Russian troops.

In a thin line, interspersed with soldiers of the Army and men of the labor service, based on the Volkssturm-Battalion No. 65 Kempen,
the Volkssturm-Bataillon defended itself for three days. Then it was shattered and had to be taken back.

In an addition to the Wehrmacht report of 21 January 1945 it says:

"SA-Obergruppenfuhrer von Jagow, Battalion Commander in the Volkssturm, and Erich Voß, company commander in the Volkssturm,
have in Upper Silesia Border area in the last two days by Panzerfaust four tanks shot down. "The battalion adjutant Gräber even states
, by Jagow shot down two and Voss four more tanks. By Jagow was seriously wounded and succumbed to his injuries in April. 20.

The Hauptmann der Reserve Voss then took over command of the Volkssturm-Bataillon. He reached Breslau with 21 men left.
Wounded there, he died late June. Immediately after the Volkssturm-Bataillon was unloaded, the Rittmeister was the Reserve von
Willich from Gorschin with two men on a scouting party over the Prosną gone from where he didn't return. Also the last Kompanie-fuhrer von Kerssenbrock from Kwiltsch/Lärchensee died.

Unfortunately, nothing is known about the total losses of this Volkssturm-Bataillon. But several men fell and another one Russian captivity advised, especially those who had come to Breslau. Some stragglers had been sent home by the gendarmerie.

The second Birnbaumer Volkssturm-Bataillon under the forest master Runge covered the deduction of treks. With the Russians
pushing after it, it turned into a Combat involved, probably near Krinitze/Warthetal in Kreis Schwerin in the north of the Warthe. Two men fell. Later helped this detachment in Wittenberge to clean up the train station when he was through had been devastated by a bomb attack.

On January 22, the train unexpectedly appeared in Birnbaum Volkssturm-Bataillon No. 147 from Samter. It had been driven to Kaüsch,
where it lay around for a few days without being used. When Kaiisch threatened to be cut off, he succeeded with the last one train via Lissa and Bentschen to Birnbaum. Well wanted the men to Samter to their families, who had of course fled in the meantime. It was also said that the
railway lines to Samter and Tillers have already been destroyed. Therefore, the Volkssturm-Bataillon drove via Landsberg on the Warthe
to Küstrin.

It seemed ominous as it turns out that many men have just been drafted into the Volkssturm. No one knew how far the Russian armored
spearheads had advanced had advanced. Terror spread and caused a confused rushing. The authorities were not prepared for anything.

3 . The fights

The situation since January 20, 1945

The German troops at the front were led by the German leadership, who were overwhelmingly superior Attacks on the Vistula were mostly wiped out. Only weak remnants succeeded to get by. With help by alarm units, reinforced by Volkssturm-Bataillon to resist the Russians in the
reception positions.

However, since there were hardly any heavy weapons, it was not of much use the few German forces could do that only in bases
be opposed to the Russian onslaught. The Russians pushed sideways these localities, which were cut off, could not hold on.

The Russian advance in the Kreis of Grätz / Neutomischel

On January 23, one of the Ersatz-brigade "Großdeutscland' put together reconnaissance Gruppe. It consisted of four tank and assault gun
companies, about a strong battalion corresponded. Only the weapons were sometimes makeshift. There the Russians had already cut the railway
line to Posen be unloaded from the department in Buk/Buchenstadt. The following day managed to restore the track for a short time and some
more to smuggle troop trains through to Posen.

The Gruppe moved over Stenschewo/Seenbrück to the Moschin area. There she became pushed to the south-east in battles with superior Russian forces and then had to move to the southwest. Their remains fought their way to Neusalz via Kosten and Storchnest in Silesia through where
they arrived on January 30th. Four to six trains came along every day Troop reinforcements by Neutomischel. How confused the situation was
It is clear from this that Sieradz, 150 km to the south-east, was only January 23 early in the morning was evacuated by the army and the

The Russian invasion of the Kreis Birnbaum

In the night of January 22nd to 23rd, a collection point was set up in Pinne set up for the stragglers, which flowed back from the western edge of Poznań and from the Obornik area. 34 soldiers, mostly Luftwaffe, and 48 Volkssturm men could be registered and assigned to units.

When the Russians approached on January 25, the reception area gave way Gorschin/Willichsee near Birnbaum, where she only stayed for a short time, to move on to Schwerin an der Warthe. Captain Feldman from the Wehrmeldeamt Samter tried on January 24th in Birnbaum to collect scattered soldiers and other men to cross the Warthe Bridge to defend, but didn't get very far with it. From the Warthelager-Obornik area
the combat group of the SS-Brigade-Fuehrer Ballauf from.

In order to pick them up, the SS Battalion Schäfer bis in the Rokietnica area. It had been set up by the Leibstandarte training unit.
Also became plus the well-armed Berlin Volkssturm-Bataillon Wedding-Wilmersdorf deployed in the Samter-Scharfenort area.

But on January 26, the first Russian troops moved into Samter arrived and were greeted enthusiastically by the Poles. They prepared them
a ceremonial reception at the town hall and put in their white and red flags out.

Meanwhile these Russians moved on. Suddenly At about 8 p.m. SS troops with two assault guns entered the city from the east.

It was the Ballauf group had fought its way through from Warthelager. Shootings broke out. The white and red flags disappeared again,
and so did the Polish men fled to the surrounding villages. The next morning more arrived Russian troops approached, whereupon the
SS withdrew. A part, the battalion Schäfer with the Berliner Volkssturm, crossed the Warthe at Zirke, made its way north-west through the
woods and finally got to the Netze almost destroyed while the rest of the group made it to Birnbaum on the hurry.

V SS Mountain Corps under Obergruppenfuhrer Krüger.

The position troops were reinforced by the local Volkssturm. Unlike in the Volkssturm in Wartheland, they were not shipped
abroad by battalion, but deployed locally. The exception was the Hitler Youth, which was to be repatriated under its own leaders.
In order to occupy the bunker position between the Oder and the Warthe, on top of that a few battalions of the Mark and Berlin Volkssturm
were brought up. However, they had almost no weapons. That was on January 30th behind Schwiebus the Volkssturm-Bataillon "Guben"
with 560 men appeared, but only with 20 rifles.

The fate of the Brandenburg Volkssturm

When on 20./21. January the Brandenburg home troops through the Keyword "Gneisenau" had been mobilized, was at the same time
the Volkssturm called in the Neumark. Again unlike in the Wartheland, his battalions were not shipped abroad, but in the closer home
used. Unfortunately, there is about the fate of Volkssturm of the districts of Meseritz and Schwerin only incomplete reports.

A Volkssturm-Bataillon was deployed near Bentschen around January 28, puts, which will probably shatter in the following fights and
was destroyed . The Volkssturm around Tirschtiegel fared similarly. It happened in Bentschen that two Volkssturm men travelling
off the beaten path met had been incited by hiding Poles from across the pre-war border and did not surrender. Because they're supposed to
be on a patrol should have shot who had come to pick them up, they were shot dead the other day, January 28th. But on January 29th
the Bentschener Volkssturm repelled the Russian attack over the frozen city lake.

In the early afternoon they were pulled out and got in before the Russians appeared in Politzig over the Obra to Meseritz and the following
day to Zielenzig. There it was cut off because of the rapid advance of the Russians. the Men bought civilian clothes and made their way home.
Another Kompanie fared worse. It was part of the cover of the guns that the Russians got their hands on the road in the woods fell, and was
blown up or taken prisoner . ... 4659/4658/

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Re: An extensive list of Volkssturm-Bataillons?


Post by Germanicus » 15 Jan 2022, 01:57

Bildung des Volkssturms im Kreis Pirna [a typical situation in attempting to discover Volkssturm-Bataillones]

A rally marked the beginning of the formation of the Volkssturm in the district of Pirna the Pirna market square on October 21, 1944, on a
Saturday afternoon. had before Wehrmacht, NSDAP and their branches, police and associations merged into one propaganda march that led
through the city to the marketplace. NSDAP district leader Elsner, who had also become Gau propaganda leader for all of Saxony since January
1944 was, appointed the leader of the SA Standard 177 Kliemann as Volkssturm leader for the district of Pirna.

Loudly, Elsner announced: "With the establishment of the Volkssturm, the Multiplied by the power of the German Wehrmacht and built up as
quickly as the Volkssturm can be, the enemy will never succeed in raising as many men as the Volkssturm is able to do so; we will be able to act
faster and faster. it's coming relies on everyone participating in the training to become a shooter and fighter will. The main value lies in infantry training. What a people that in his the motherland is attacked, is able to accomplish, the speaker emphasized, that Japanese people proved in
recent days.

That's how it will be in Germany too Volkssturm prove that the enemy cannot invade our country with impunity. Everyone Man will take up arms
and defend himself to the last drop of blood. Only the bravest men will be leaders of the Volkssturm. The commanders of the battalions
are suggested by the Kreisleiter to the Gauleiter and appointed by the latter, while the leaders of the companies are appointed by the district leader.Similar rallies also took place in other towns in the district. Appeals to register the Volkssturm followed on 11/12 then the public
swearing-in of the Pirna Volkssturm men.

At the SA-Standarte in Albertstraße 9, voluntary reports were accepted beforehand the result of which, however, is not known.

About the structures of the Volkssturm in the district, its division into battalions and Companies is nothing to learn.
Last edited by Germanicus on 15 Jan 2022, 21:50, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: An extensive list of Volkssturm-Bataillons?


Post by Germanicus » 15 Jan 2022, 03:35

Volkssturms im Kreis Arnswalde

Since Arnswalde had been spared from enemy attacks so far, only one Landesschützen and two Volkssturm battalions of low combat value in
the City. In January 1945, the Artillerie-Regiment Z. V. Hohmann, consisting of 800 men, was transferred to Arnswalde, but its combat effectiveness
was also low. Since the regiment had previously been used with the V-Waffen, it had no guns, was only equipped with carbines and light
machine guns and was only used by infantry.

Gerhard Hohenhaus was responsible for organizing the Volkssturm in Arnswalde with the Arnswalde non-commissioned officer school and the Landesschützenersatzbataillon Woldenberg which only took place when the front was approaching and only to Defense of the closer home should
be used. True, it was planned weapons and equipment to deliver in good time before an assignment becomes necessary, but none actually took
place Guarding the Volkssturm in the district of Arnswalde.

Hohenhaus reports on individual missions Volkssturm men, for example to reinforce the guards when transporting the prisoner of war camp, but an order for the Arnswalder Volkssturm to be deployed was never issued or even considered.

However, the second company of the Volkssturm battalion led by Schulrat Becker was over Alarmed in January/early February and housed on the ground floor of the “Deutsches Haus” hotel on Steintorstrasse. There they waited for days to be deployed, although they were neither still had enough weapons and their training only consisted of smaller exercises on Sundays. ... 541820.pdf
Last edited by Germanicus on 15 Jan 2022, 21:51, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: An extensive list of Volkssturm-Bataillons?


Post by Germanicus » 15 Jan 2022, 04:05

Das letzte Aufgebot: Jugendliche und Alte im Kriegseinsatz – Flakhelfer und Volkssturm - Christoph Laue

Young men from the age of 16 were deployed with the German Volkssturm, which Launched in October 1944. In addition to the young men
should report the elderly as well. The tasks included construction work and Security measures that usually take place in the respective places of residence should. In the Volkssturm, therefore, all the men who had previously -from various reasons - were not drafted and not with the
Wehrmacht served. While the older generations were quite skeptical about the Volkssturm standing opposite, the younger ones often volunteered.

Some were previously worked as an anti-aircraft helper, i.e. in defense against air raids. Many were proud to be "needed".

Luftwaffenhelfer was the official designation for 15 to 17 year old high school students and high school students born between 1926 and 1928
who, since February 1943, have been Flak helpers were used as part of the wartime auxiliary service. From 1944 were also apprentices born in
1928 from the commercial and used in the commercial area. Luftwaffenhelfer did not have the status of Soldiers, but like soldiers, they
performed tasks on guns and equipment and lived in the flak positions. But they were also students at the same time were taught to their teachers.

Luftwaffe, Hitler Youth and school regulated the use of air force auxiliaries. The students were divided into classes and delegated for use within
the school classes by year.

70% of those born in 1928, entirely during the National Socialist Rule had been socialized, volunteered for military service. On March 1945,
members born in 1929 were committed.

The Luftwaffenhelfer were considered to be replacements for soldiers who had left the anti-aircraft positions were sent to the front to
replace the losses there. 100 each Luftwaffe helpers replaced 70 soldiers. In the years 1943 to 1945 were about 200,000 Luftwaffenhelfer
and Marinehelfer in action, exact data about. There are no casualties, but there are numerous direct hits in anti-aircraft positions assume a
higher number of victims.

Luftwaffenhelfer und Volkssturm in Herford

Luftwaffe helpers were drafted in Herford from January 1944, as in the War Chronicle by Gustav Schierholz reports: "At the beginning of January, many Pupils from the local higher schools as Luftwaffe helpers to Bielefeld moved in. From class 5 of the Gymnasium, 17 out of 31 students
became seconded, two more from class 6, so that the whole class 6 was exposed. The Boys answered the call with great enthusiasm,
but returned as supernumerary back to school after a few weeks.”

From March 1944, anticipating the Volkssturm, the older ones began to appear Vintages of the Herford men patterned. Schierholz reports on his
Muster: “The war requires the total registration of all those who are still fit for military service Men. Previously, conscription ended at the age of
45, so it is now fixed at 60 years. In March were born 1884 and following patterned.

At the beginning of 1945 the development escalated. On January 3, 1945 Gauleiter arrives Meyer to the Herforder Volkssturm men, on January 6, 1945 is issued in Herford a call from the NSDAP for a "people's sacrifice": clothing and Equipment is to be collected for the Wehrmacht and Volkssturm - "From the tarpaulin to the cannon stove.”

On February 1, 1945, the Hitlerjugend Bann Herford 183 announced: “The 1929 class will be drafted into four-week courses to train the Hitler Youth."

On February 24, 1945, the NSDAP called for a district service in Herford. For the first time, the battalion and company commanders of the
Volkssturm of the city and district of Herford. District leader Nolting announced that that at the people's sacrifice about six times the last
collection of textiles has been submitted.

The people's sacrifice was repeated in March 1945. Schierholz's report Above that, the bad equipment shows indirectly: “Because the Volkssturm called up equipment had to be considered. The population became requested to hand over all expendable uniforms and equipment
such as weapons, knapsacks, drinking utensils, cooking utensils, etc. It was It is gratifying to see the willingness to make sacrifices with which the population responds to this call followed. I personally convinced myself what amounts of material were piled up in the Gasthof Brinkmann. Party officials were asked to to provide their uniforms. How successful this action was out of my knowledge."

From March 25, 1945, the withdrawal of those deployed in the west began Herforder Volkssturm units via Greven to Herford, contrary to orders
of district leader Nolting.

On March 31, 1945, a few days before Herford was taken, a large one returned Part of the VolkssturmKompanie led by the main teacher Krüger
from Schwarzenmoor back from the Lower Rhine. She was on March 19, 1945 to Millingen am Lower Rhine and was subordinate to the 6th
Parachute Division been. Krüger reported: “Despite the new infantry uniforms that the Company commander in Herford had forced for the relief platoon, could not hide the fact that most of the men were only partially fit for action. The Company was equipped with Italian, Polish, Danish
and German rifles, plus two Panzerfausts, one light Machine gun 42, one Illing and two twin guns. was ready to use only the LMG, an Illing rifle
and the bazookas, their handling only few understood. The average age of the men was fifty! The state of health was not very satisfactory.”

On April 1, 1945, people from the Volkssturm were to be deployed. reedwood reports: "40 men between the ages of 60 and 70 are identified as members of the Volkssturm VI contingent ordered to the Schanzen. they gather on Ahmser Strasse at the furniture factory 'Bähr und Priester' for instructions to accept. The group is first asked to wait, then released again without further orders.”

According to a report by the editor Albers, on April 2, 1945, when the US Army marched into Herford-Eickum at around 4:30 p.m. and
then into Diebrock, an American tank destroyed by a bazooka. Am Roonstein in Laar there were minor fights, in which two Volkssturm men
to die. The battalion commander of the Herforder Volkssturm, Dr. Schiebel advised the commander of the rest of the Herford garrison not to
defend the city given the superiority. On April 3, 1945, the last day of the war in space Herford, the Volkssturm Enger received the order at night,
all Volkssturm units from the district of Herford were to withdraw to Minden.

The order was not carried out and Enger was handed over to the Americans. ... m_Sieg.pdf
Last edited by Germanicus on 15 Jan 2022, 21:52, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: An extensive list of Volkssturm-Bataillons?


Post by Germanicus » 15 Jan 2022, 08:18

Army postal service - WWII | Volkssturm


VOLKSSTURM 1945, Gau 36 Wartheland, rotes Dienstsiegel "1. Batallion" auf Karte ab Cottbus 1.2.45 nach Naumburg, viel Text,
gute Bedarfserhaltung


VOLKSSTURM 1945, Gau 41 Wien, violettes Dienstsiegel "4. Komp. 36. Btl." auf Faltbrief ab Ober-Litsch in Mähren 24.2.45 nach
Wien, sehr gut erhalten


VOLKSSTURM 1945, Gau 41 Wien, violettes Dienstsiegel "1. Komp. 2. Btl." auf Brief ab Wien 26.1.45 als Ortsbrief, oben
2 Verschluss-Klebezettel, mit vollem Inhalt


VOLKSSTURM 1945, Gau 41 Wien, blaues Dienstsiegel "4. Komp. 36. Btl." auf Karte mit viel Text ab Ober-Litsch in Mähren 6.3.45
nach Wien, sehr gut erhalten


VOLKSSTURM 1945, Gau 41 Wien, blaues Dienstsiegel "4. Komp. 36. Btl." auf Karte mit viel Text ab Ober-Litsch in Mähren 27.2.45
nach Wien, sehr gut erhalten ... los=784141

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Re: An extensive list of Volkssturm-Bataillons?


Post by Germanicus » 15 Jan 2022, 22:09

Volkssturm in Baden and Württemberg / 19th Army.

FDBC5C4D-661C-46E1-8631-A3416C2D7AE9.jpeg ... &pageNo=21

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Re: An extensive list of Volkssturm-Bataillons?


Post by Germanicus » 15 Jan 2022, 22:14

From ... &pageNo=20

As posted by Johann Heinrich

"few small pieces of the puzzle for the Volkssturm with some unit designations and personal names not yet mentioned in the forum, these are
(due to the specified running times) presumably post-war elaborations that are in the East documentation of the BA in Bayreuth. Perhaps these
factual files are also of interest as a source for further research and could be listed as corresponding bibliographical references for the CM units mentioned? Some of these inventories have already been digitized, but unfortunately have not been released for public use on the internet. As
far as possible I have tried to link the units to VS units you have already listed or to the corresponding districts/Reichsgaue.

OSTDOK 10/406

Fritz Voss, Führer des Volkssturmbataillons Rummelsburg: Das Volkssturmbataillon Rummelsburg (Rummelsburg/Kreis Rummelsburg, Pommern)

Laufzeit: 1964
Unterlagenart: Sachakte
Benutzungsort: Bayreuth

OSTDOK 10/410

Walter Poepel, Adjutant des Volkssturmbataillons 2: Das Volkssturmbataillon 2 Schlawe

Unterlagenart: Sachakte
Benutzungsort: Bayreuth

OSTDOK 10/636

Paul Flegel, Batl. Führer des Volkssturm-Kampf-Bataillons: Die Volksturmbataillone des Kreises Habelschwerdt

Laufzeit: 1960
Unterlagenart: Sachakte
Benutzungsort: Bayreuth

OSTDOK 10/790

Johannes Martini, Kompanieführer: Das I. Volkssturmbataillon Cosel

Laufzeit: 1962

Enthält auch : Konrad Meyer, Kommandeur des Wehrbezirkskommandos Cosel: Die Kämpfe 1945 im Kreis Cosel, 1945

Unterlagenart: Sachakte
Benutzungsort: Bayreuth

OSTDOK 13/54

Einige Angaben des Bürgermeisters von Sudauen (Suwalki) Kramer und des Landrats Horst Schmidtsdorff über den Kreis Sudauen (3 S.)

Laufzeit: 1965

Enthält auch: Kramer: Bericht über das Volkssturmbataillon Sudauen (2 S.), 1965; ... (Landkreis Sudauen, Ostpreußen)

Unterlagenart: Sachakte
Benutzungsort: Bayreuth

OSTDOK 13/179

Frhr. K. A. v. Massenbach: Das Volkssturmbataillon Nr. 147 des Kreises Samter (10 S.)

Laufzeit: 1977 - 1980
Unterlagenart: Sachakte
Benutzungsort: Bayreuth ... reuth.html

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Re: An extensive list of Volkssturm-Bataillons?


Post by Germanicus » 15 Jan 2022, 22:25

Endzeit-Jan records the following ... &pageNo=20

Endzeit-Jan Oct 13th 2021

"In my documents for the 19th and 24th Army I found a list of VS-Btl. Unfortunately I have no date for this list.
When I get back to work tomorrow I'll scan them. But that before".

1.) eingesetzt

a) beim LXIV.AK

II.Bad. Volkssturm-Bataillon
III.Bad. Volkssturm-Bataillon
IV.Bad. Volkssturm-Bataillon
V.Bad. Volkssturm-Bataillon
X.Bad. Volkssturm-Bataillon
XXII.Bad. Volkssturm-Bataillon

b) beim XVIII.SS-AK

XIII.Bad. Volkssturm-Bataillon (alt)
XII.Bad. Volkssturm-Bataillon (Res.)
XX.Bad. Volkssturm-Bataillon
XI.Bad. Volkssturm-Bataillon
Württemb. Volkssturm-Bataillon "Staufen"
XIX.Bad. Volkssturm-Bataillon
XIII.Bad. Volkssturm-Bataillon
I.Bad. Volkssturm-Bataillon /332
XIV.Bad. Volkssturm-Bataillon
Württemb. Volkssturm-Bataillon "Stettenfels"
I.Bad. Volkssturm-Bataillon /143 (Res.)

c) beim AOK 24

Württemb. Volkssturm-Bataillon "Wunnenstein"
Württemb. Volkssturm-Bataillon "Lichtenstein"

2.) in Zuführung

a) zum LXIV.AK

VI.Bad. Volkssturm-Bataillon
VII.Bad. Volkssturm-Bataillon (gestrichen)
XVIII.Bad. Volkssturm-Bataillon

b) zum XVIII.SS-AK

XVI.Bad. Volkssturm-Bataillon

Kriegsgliederung vom 20.03.1945 / Signatur RH 20-19-161

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Re: An extensive list of Volkssturm-Bataillons?


Post by Germanicus » 15 Jan 2022, 23:10

Kreise im Reichsgau Franken habe ich im Buch "Der Volkssturm - Das letzte Aufgebot 1944/45" von Klaus Mammach

Reichgau Franken.JPG ... &pageNo=18

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Re: An extensive list of Volkssturm-Bataillons?


Post by Germanicus » 15 Jan 2022, 23:29

Kreis Bitterfeld

On October 29, 1944, the Brehna Volkssturm was drafted, all four male teachers were assigned to the 1st contingent. Two days later, the Roitzsch
rural advanced training school was moved to the Brehna school building, since the building in Roitzsch was used as a hospital (certainly a military hospital). On November 12, the Volkssturm was sworn in in two companies, company commander of the 4th company became teacher Hartmann,
the 7th company Rector Brosowsky.

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Re: An extensive list of Volkssturm-Bataillons?


Post by Germanicus » 15 Jan 2022, 23:51

Volkssturm und Feldpost

As reported by the competent authority, are the fee reductions of the field post also for the German Volkssturm and his granted to relatives, of
course but only if the Volkssturm for Purposes of the Wehrmacht is used. Such Volkssturm units enjoy for the official consignments they send out,
and members of these units for those emanating from them and for those shipments addressed to them, as long as the Volksstumngehöngen used for purposes of the Wehrmacht and through their use of are separated from the family.

However, members of the Volkssturm who are deployed in the Wehrmacht must be sent to the official address. Shipments to a recipient's
home address do not qualify for the reduced fee granted. The Volksturm units deployed by the Wehrmacht must also and their relatives must be
marked with an official stamp. Units of the Volkssturm and their relatives, who are only combined to provide services for training purposes
are entitled to the reduced fee Field post not.

FP.JPG (80.87 KiB) Viewed 763 times

MARBURGER ZEITUNG - Marburg-Drau, Donnerstag, 30. November 1944


From the same paper on the same day!!

Swearing-in of the Volkssturm men

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Re: An extensive list of Volkssturm-Bataillons?


Post by Germanicus » 16 Jan 2022, 00:38

The following is the official listings of the Volkssturm in the Brandenburgischen Landeshauptarchivs and where they can be located.

Inventar zur brandenburgischen Militärgeschichte 1914–1945

Quellen des Brandenburgischen Landeshauptarchivs über das Zeitalter der Weltkriege - Bearbeitet von Klaus Geßner


Rep. 2A Regierung Potsdam I Pol

[301] Bestimmungen über die Aufstellung des Volkssturms
Nr. 2319, 2320 1944

[302] Volkssturm im Kreis Teltow
Nr. 2321, 2322 1944–1945
Enthält u.a.: Dienstpläne. - Befehle. - Stützpunktbesetzung. - Rundschreiben

Rep. 2A Regierung Potsdam III D

[462] Volkssturm
Nr. 25562 1944–1945

Rep. 2A Regierung Potsdam III F

Nr. 2854 1943–1945
Enthält u.a.: Einberufungen zur Wehrmacht und zum Volkssturm.

[513] Erfassung von Waldarbeitern für den Volkssturm
Nr. 2860

Rep. 3B Regierung Frankfurt (Oder) I Präs.

Volkssturmbataillon 512 in Frankfurt (Oder)
• Nr. 1738 1944–1945
Enthält: Meldungen der Kompanien des Volkssturmbataillons 512 über Versetzungen, Lehrgänge und Stärkenachweise.
• Nr. 1739 1945
[914] Aufstellungen einberufener Volkssturmmänner für Stützpunkte in Frankfurt (Oder)
Nr. 1740 1945
[915] Nachweise des Volkssturmbataillons 512 über ausgegebene Einberufungsbefehle
Nr. 1741 1945
[916] Meldungen über Ausbildung, Versetzungen, Waffen, Bekleidung und Wäsche
des Volkssturmbataillons 512

Rep. 3B Regierung Frankfurt (Oder) II Stiftsverwaltung Neuzelle

[961] Militärdienst, Forstschutzkorps und Volkssturm
Nr. 717 1931–1945

Rep. 3B Regierung Frankfurt (Oder) III F

Nr. 276 1939–1945
Enthält auch: Einberufungen zum Volkssturm.

Rep. 5E Amtsgericht Eberswalde

• Nr. 126 1939–1945
Enthält u.a.: Erfassung von Angehörigen des Amtsgerichts Eberswalde für Wehrmacht und Volkssturm, 1945.

Rep. 6B Landratsamt Ruppin

[1280] Heranziehung zum 1. und 2. Aufgebot des Volkssturms
Nr. 1689 1944

Rep. 14C Bergrevier Frankfurt (Oder)

Nr. 14 1945
Enthält auch: Volkssturm

Rep. 15G Forstamt Groß Dölln

[2096] Volkssturm
Nr. 51 1944–1945

Rep. 15G Forstamt Schorfheide

Nr. 4 1941–1945
Enthält auch: Namentliche Aufstellung der gefallenen Waldarbeiter und Lohnempfänger. - Namenslisten der zum Volkssturm eingezogenen Angestellten des Forstamtes Schorfheide.

Rep. 41 Amtsbezirk Bötzow

Nr. 88 1933–1945
Enthält u.a.: Abwurf „feindlicher“ Flugblätter. - Behandlung sowjetischer Kriegsgefangener. - Luftkriegssachschäden. - „Spionage“.
- Volkssturm. - Werkluftschutz.
- Wehrpflichtige.

Rep. 41 Amtsbezirk Brieske

Nr. 9 1944
Enthält u.a.: Betreuung der Hinterbliebenen. - Einberufungen zum Volkssturm

Rep. 41 Amtsbezirk Schönwalde

[2661] Volkssturm
Nr. 34 1945

Rep. 55 Brandenburgischer Provinzialverband Abt. I

[2760] Einberufungen zum Volkssturm
Nr. 1482 1944–1945

Rep. 57 Wasserstraßendirektion Potsdam

[2870] Heranziehung und Eingliederung von Mitarbeitern der Wasserstraßendirektion Potsdam in das 1. und 2. Aufgebot des Volkssturms
Nr. 359 1944–1945

[2871] Einberufungsbefehle zum Volkssturm
Nr. 360 1944–1945

Rep. 61A NSDAP Gau Mark Brandenburg

• Nr. 307 1943–1944
Enthält u.a.: Kriegspropaganda. - Volkssturm

[2920] Aufstellung des Volkssturms in Brieske
Nr. 318 1944

[2923] Dienstanweisungen für das Volkssturmbataillon Michendorf
Nr. 363 1944–1945

[2928] Volkssturm Woltersdorf
Nr. 443 1945

• Nr. 574 1942–1945
Enthält u.a.: Volkssturm. - Gefallenenmeldungen. - Kriegswirtschaft.

• Nr. 575 1938–1945
Enthält u.a.: Volkssturm. - Überbringen der Todesnachricht an die Angehörigen
von Gefallenen.

Rep. 61C NSDAP Gliederungen

[2935] Rundschreiben über den Volkssturm
Nr. 34 1944

Quellenkomplex: Volkssturm

[300, 462, 961, 2042, 2507, 2935]

Aufgebote [1280, 2870] - Drafts

Aufstellung [301, 2920] - Lineup

Ausbildung [916] - Education

Befehle [302, 915] - Commands

Bekleidung [916] - Clothing

Bestimmungen [301] - Provisions

Bewaffnung und Ausrüstung [916] - Armament and equipment

Dienstpläne [302] - Rosters

Einberufungen [511, 914, 915, 980, 2518, 2760, 2870, 2871] - Conscriptions

Erfassung [513, 1056, 2870] - Capture

Lehrgänge [913] - Courses

Namenslisten [2099] - Name lists

Rundschreiben [302, 511] - Circular

Stärkenachweise [913, 914] - Strength evidence

Stützpunktbesetzung [302, 9914] - Base Occupation

Versetzungen [913, 916, 916] - Dislocations


Volkssturm-Bataillon 512 [913–916]
Volkssturm-Bataillon Michendorf [2923]


Bötzow, Amtsbezirk [2507]
Brandenburg, Provinz [2919]
Brieske [2920]
- Amtsbezirk [2518]
Frankfurt (Oder) [913–916, 2042]
Groß Dölln [2096]
Hammer [2931]
Michendorf [2923]
Neuzelle [961]
Schönwalde, Amtsbezirk [2661]
Schorfheide [2099]
Teltow, Kreis [302]
Woltersdorf [2928] ... 840436.pdf

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Re: An extensive list of Volkssturm-Bataillons?


Post by Germanicus » 16 Jan 2022, 00:45

Kreis Lippe

LSZ dated November 21, 1944. The Volkssturm men were identified by armbands with the imprint “Deutscher Volkssturm”, of which
15,000 were delivered to the Lippe district leadership, see letter from the Windel company, Windelsbleiche, dated December 5, 1944:
L 113 no. 1066, sheet 343. ... -10298-4_5

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Re: An extensive list of Volkssturm-Bataillons?


Post by Germanicus » 16 Jan 2022, 01:53

The Artwork of PieJaDak


OOB of a Full Strength Volkssturm-Bataillon


deoo5c9-e189c927-c1e7-4a2e-9631-8d915a4b5b3d.png ... -899715134


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Re: An extensive list of Volkssturm-Bataillons?


Post by Germanicus » 16 Jan 2022, 10:18

Volkssturm Schein

img718.jpg ... rm-schein/

Volkssturm-Kampftruppe „Gültig“

Heinrich Gültig Oberbürgermeister von Heilbronn

Stadt Heilbronn und seit dem 1. April 1945 offizieller Amtsverweser für den zum Volkssturm eingezogenen Oberbürgermeister Heinrich Gültig.
In einer der letzten Zeitungsausgaben, die vor Kriegsende noch in Württemberg. ... 81-318.pdf

Volkssturm-Bataillon Braunau
Volkssturm-Bataillon Obernberg
Volkssturm-Bataillon Schärding

Nevertheless, only the two Volkssturm battalions were available to secure the shore areas between Wernstein and Obernberg ... online.pdf

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