Stoßtrupp Schotters.... details

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Christoph Awender
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Stoßtrupp Schotters.... details


Post by Christoph Awender » 09 Sep 2002, 12:56


Balkan 1941: A Stoßtrupp of 4.Geb.Div. under Leutnant Schotters captures the HQ of the serbian Krajinskadivision.
I have the story but would like to know some additional info which is not given by this report.

When exactly did this take place? It was "Ostersonnabend" which means the saturday before Easter-sunday. But when was easter in 1941?
What was the name of the serbian general (Cdr. of Krajinkadivision) captured and pictured below.

Leutnant Schotters after the mission:

The serbian general after interrogation:


Mark V.
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Post by Mark V. » 17 Sep 2002, 13:25

Hi Christoph!

Sorry for a late reply.
I tried to find that general's name, but unfortunately without any success. There really aren't that many good books about the attack on Yugoslavia and more specifically the actions of Yugoslav Army, I wonder why.
Regarding the other question the Easter Sunday was on 13 April.
I still hope you'll give us the details of Leutnant Schotters actions.


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Thanks Mark


Post by Christoph Awender » 18 Sep 2002, 09:42

Hello Mark!

Thank you for the help. I am researching the Balkan campaign at the moment for my site and I must agree with you it is really a white spot on the history map.
I´ve read about Schotters in a book from Panzergruppe Kleist printed 1941. It´s not a very "exciting" story but if you are interested. :-)

".....the enemy tried to breakout at several locations with strong forces. He wasn´t successfull. Now he is to be annihilated. Strong enemy forces are expected at Boljevac. In this area several important bridges are located. A Spähtrupp should reconnoit the area and secure the bridges if possible. The regiment orders Lt.Schotters to command this operation. His Spähtrupp is 10 men strong. To advance fast the Spähtrupp receives a tracked Zugkraftwagen. His men are armed with rifles, a machinegun, pistols, MPi´s and handgrenades. The Spähtrupp marches off. The tracks rattle on the stony, muddy roads. The sun is shining, the visibility is god. Lt.Schotters observes the terrain through his binoculars. The last german forward positions are passed and the Spähtrupp enters unknown enemy territory. Behind each road-bend a enemy position can show up. On a height the ZgKw. stops and the Spähtrupp looks around. The panorama is great but no enemy troops are spotted.
The vehicle drives down the mountain again. Suddenly the driver stops hard. A single serbian soldier appears on the road. He carries his rifle on the back and walks into the morning.
As he sees the german vehicle he throws away his rifle and raises his hands. He understands german. He has deserted and left his unit alone. Where he had seen the last serbian troops? At Dubropoltje. Thats the next larger village. There he saw strong regular serbian troops. Maybe a regiment he says. Further behind the area is crowded with serbian forces.
His walk is interrupted - he has to climb on the vehicle which he doesn´t like very much. He should guide them to Dubropolje.
Lt.Schotters recognizes that the serbian soldiers are afraid of german tanks. So he gives order to approach the first houses of Dubropolje at top speed.
The first serbian uniforms can be see. Lt.Schrotters:" Los, Vollgas!!!" At top speed the vehicle pushes into the town. The serbian soldiers take cover. And before they can shoot the vehicle is around the next corner.
In front of a large building at the main-street Schrotters sees several serbian officers. The vehicle stops and the men jump down and bring their weapons into position. Some officers flee into the house. Immediately Schrotters men search the house and capture eight serbian officers.
After they are disarmed they are placed on the german vehicle.
Schrotters sets up his men for defense to all sides.
The M.G. fires down the mai-street to hold the enemy down.
Schrotters thinks about what to do. Boljevac is far and the area is crowded with enemy troops.
In this moment a limousine comes down a road passing the two german soldiers positioned there.
The limousine stops in front of the ZgKw. which blocks the road.
A serbian general is sitting beside his driver and bends out the window. He shouts complains about the stop... he didn´t realise the situation yet.
Just as he sees a german Karabiner aiming on his face he stops shouting.
Now Lt.Schrotters is at the limousine and opens the door with the laft hand while the right holds the Mpi. "Bitte aussteigen, Herr General!"
The general understands german well and his face turns from frightened to friendly.
While his officers are disarmed the serbian general starts to chitchat with the german soldiers. He wants to win time... he knows he is trapped but he also knows that hundreds of his soldiers are around.
Schrotters feels what he wants and orders him to hurry up... The general, his staff commander, a Oberst, another Oberst and several high officers, the entire Stab of the Krajinskadivision are ordered into the german vehicle.
The serbs felt safe in this area as they didn´t suspect the germans to advance that fast in the difficult terrain.
The men of Spähtrupp Schrotters get on the mudguards and bumbers of the ZgKw. Firing with all weapons the ZgKw leaves the town at top speed again and reports back at his unit....... next day Schrotters is ordered to the divisional commander where he receives the E.K.I and II.
Next day Lt.Schrotters is wounded at a Spähtrupp mission by shot in the hand and a breastshot which is slowed down by his steel-comb and mirror in his breast pocket."

thats it..

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Jugoslawien, April 1941


Post by Octavianus » 18 Sep 2002, 16:07

Servus Christoph und Ave Mark,

I will check for the names of the Commanding General of the Serbian Krajina Division and his chief-of-staff and also for any other updates regarding this event from some German and Yugoslav sources I have on disposal, and I'll also e-mailed a friend of mine, who knows a lot about the April War in Jugoslawien in April 1941. You'll just have to give me a couple of days to settle down a bit. I have namely just returned this week from a hospital after spending three weeks in it due some heart problems. Yes, I know, I am not as young as I used to be. :lol: :cry: :(

Christoph, do you have any official reports of the 1st Gebirgs-Division, 101st and 125th Infanterie Division from Jugoslawien Campaign? I am also looking for some info about Brandeburgers in Jugoslawien.



Mark V.
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Post by Mark V. » 18 Sep 2002, 18:12

Nice to see you back Octavianus. I was just wondering where you were. Hope you'll get well soon.

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