Battle of Sovkhoz «Red Star» (Sovkhoz 79)

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Post by Qvist » 15 Mar 2007, 02:15

Hello again,
the source of information is the manuscript I'm working on, using some 50+ books (German, Russian, English, Hungarian), several original documents and many internet sources.
Well, in that case we could hardly have wished for a more ideal new contributor to this thread!
(1) Grenadier-Regiment 354

Well, most of the sources dealing with the subject (f.e. see Wolf Höpper - Against The Flood, an excellent article available on the net) would agree this regiment was at the moment part of the 403. Sicherungs-Division. (The 286. Sich Div is a total nonsense, the 62. Inf Div comes into picture later and I'll tell you how and why). I would go against this statement.

During 11-12/42, there were five German "security" regiments deployed at the HGr B / Don sector. These were the SR 57, SR 177, SR 610, GR 318 and GR 354, making up the 213. and 403. Sicherungs Divisionen.

The OKH Kriegsgliederung as of 1/1/43 reports the following:
tle. 403. SD at HGr Don reserve.
tle. 403. SD at Agr Hollidt. / became A-A Hollidt 2/1/43.
tle. 213. SD at Agr Hollidt.
tle. 213. SD at HGr B reserve.
tle. 213. SD at XXIV. PzK.

Anyone who has extensively worked with such OKH papers will know that in this context, Teile almost exclusively means regiments. It is therefore reasonable to argue these groupings are thus identical with the five above regiments. Let's tackle them one by one.

SR 57 was detached from 213. SD to r.Heeresgebiet B on 10/10/42 and remained there throughout the winter campaign. Therefore, this most be identical with the tle. 213. Sich Div at HGr B.

SR 177 was part of the 403. SD. On 2/43, this regiment was only entered into the frontline at Belaja Kalitva, as "Gruppe SR 177" of A-A Hollidt. This regiment should therefore be identified as the tle. 403. SD at HGr Don reserve.

SR 610, also a part of 403. SD, has been "cleared" as part of Gr. Spang (Gruppe SR 610 - Gruppe Wandke). It is reasonable to identify it as tle. 403. SD at Agr Hollidt.

GR 318, a part of the 213. SD, was deployed to the Italian 8. Army on 9/12/42. It fought as Gruppe Mielke in the structure of XXIV. PzK until 2/43. Clearly, this is the tle. 213. SD at XXIV. PzK.

What remains? The GR 354 and the tle. 213. SD at Agr Hollidt, which is in support of my claim.

Also, it would be quite strange if the 403. SD would be beefed up to 3 regiments (177, 610, *354*) versus the lone regiment of the 213. SD (318).

And, yes, the fact that the Russians thought it was part of the 213. SD is also of relevance.

I know this theory is far from sure but I will hold on to it until any "real" proof about it being false is shown. I would be very interested in your opinion, Quist!
My opinion is that this sounds persuasive - sufficiently so that we are in my opinion forced to conclude that both Haupt and Nafziger are either wrong to have placed the Regiment with 286.Sich.D., or that they have missed a later redesignation, and also that GR354 may very well be the unit listed with AA Hollidt (and with,. on 22 December). As said, I have practically no documents pertinent to this, and have only general reference works to go on.
Anyone who has extensively worked with such OKH papers will know that in this context, Teile almost exclusively means regiments.
I agree with this. Roughly regimental-sized seems to be the threshold for inclusion in the Gliederung, and if it's anything significantly more than that it would be listed as "Masse" or "1/2".
And, yes, the fact that the Russians thought it was part of the 213. SD is also of relevance.
I also agree with this. It just isn't sufficient as a basis alone, and especially not if there are indications of mistaken identity worth taking seriously, which there appeared to be in this case.

Spang and Stumpfeld:

I can only say "bravo" to the clarification effort and "ouch" to the thought of trying to estimate their strength at some given point. :)

I as said have embarrasingly little data or organisational information to contribute on these points that would be relevant relative to what you have provided, but I can provide a good deal on the replacement situation for Hollidt in January, which does have at least an indirect bearing as it reflects on the losses of he command in December.

Before I get into that however, one question: What about arrival of 8.LW-FD? You wrote earlier that it was in the line by 10 December, but there remains the point that the OKH-Gld of 22.12. lists it as "In Antransport", and also that no transports are mentioned in the early December Tagesmeldungen. Now, it was far from unusual that transports were staggered over quite long periods of time - could it be that only parts of the division arrived this early, with elements continuing to dribble in over the next 1-2 weeks? It seems strange that the Gld. should list it so if the whole division was in the line almost two weeks previously.


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Post by Qvist » 15 Mar 2007, 02:35

1. Strength for Ital. AOK 8, which also enter into the picture on the Chir after all, on 1 December:

204,233 Italians
17,033 Germans
1,106 Croats
946 Turkic

8 December, XXIX AK: 16,265 German troops (mainly 298.ID), 37,864 Italians (Torino, Sforzesca, Celere), 1106 Croats.

On 12 December, XXIX AK reported 55,963 men of whom 16,265 were Germans.

Source: BA-MA RH31-IX/18. RH31-IX are the files of the Deutsche Verbindungsoffizier ital.AOK 8

2. Something on the Don and Hollidt replacement situation in January:

An OrgAbt Vortragsnotiz of 12 January paints a grim picture of the condition of HG Don. It’s 5 motorised divisions (excepting the five currently underway to that command) each required 6,000 replacements, for a total of 30,000. It’s five infantry divisions required 7,000 replacements apiece. It was also considered to need 35,000 men as a personnell reserve for upcoming operations in March – all in all, 100,000 men. Concerning possibilities to achieve this, it is noted that no more than 3-5,000 Genesene can be expected to arrive in the units in question. In the main, the personnell is to be found from the 180,000 strong JG24, who would have five months of training by the beginning of March.

( „Vortgragsnotizen betr. Ersatzbedarf für die operationen der H.Gr. Don“. OrgAbt 984/42, 12.1.43.)

A 3 January overview lists 6 M.Btl. arrived to AG Hollidt – 2 of them in late December, 4 in early January. On 21 January, the following Ersatz was designated by AG Hollidt, including the previously mentioned 6:

XXXXVIII Pz.Korps, 2 M.Btl.
336.ID/Korps Mieth, 4 M.Btl.
XXIX AK , 1 M.Btl., 1 Urlauber-Btl., 600 Urlauber AOK 6, 2 Gen.Kp.
6.PzD, ½ M.Btl.
11.PzD, ½ M.Btl.

On 22 January, 3 gen.Kp. were march ready at Schachty, and distributed to XXXVIII PzK, SVII AK and XXIX AK.

There is a general overview of Ersatz to AG Hollidt in January, which states:

Date Unit Strength Recipient
1................M.Btl. Eberswalde I .........720..............Gr.Pfeiffer, 6.PzD
3. M.Btl. Spandau 645 Gr.Pfeiffer,6.PzD
10. M.Btl. Eberswalde II 924 6. and 11.PzD
22. Gen.Kp. XI/71/2 132 Gr. Pfeiffer
29. Urlauber Kamensk 256 302.ID
457 Gr. Pfeiffer
369 6.PzD
22. Gen.Kp. XI/71/3 135 62.ID
25. Gen.Kp. VI/371/1 205 62.ID

Korps z.b.v.Mieth
2. M.Btl. Leisnig 872 336.ID
11. Gen.Kp. IV/336/2 213 336.ID
19. Gen.Kp. II/292/7 111 384.ID
20. M.Btl. Königsbrück I 893 336.ID
28. Urlauber 384.ID 115 384.ID

5. Urlauber-Btl. I and II/79 995 79.ID
19. M.Btl. St.Pölten 1,021 Gr. Rosswurm?
19. 3 Gen.Kp. 457 79.ID

It would hence appear that AG Hollidt received a total of 8,520 Ersatz and Genesene during January.

The chaotic situation along the Don and in Stalingrad naturally also had an upsetting effect on the predictability of the manpower flow. Returning Urlauber and Genesene from the divisions encircled in Stalingrad could of course not rejoing their units, and so were put to use elsewhere. Simulatneously, stragglers from destroyed or defeated units were collected in the rear and reinserted into the fighting in different ways. Of some value in clarifying the situation is the reports from the various staffs set up to organise this. For instance, Stab 403.Sich.D. were tasked with collecting such personell in Schachty. It reported daily, and it seems that the reports give the total number of men received minus those that it had desptached again to reinforce other units. It reported on 7 January that it had taken control of a total of 5,501 men, plus 454 Versprengte. On that day, it had sent 882 men to 294.ID. By 10.1., it had received 5,222 men belonging to the Stalingrad divisions and to 17. and 22.PzD and 306.ID. Of these, 2,150 were versprengte, ie, stragglers from units that had lost cohesion. Frontsammelstelle Lichaja reported 709 versprengte arrived on 6 January alone, from 8 different German divisions. On the two following days, only 22 and 32 men were collected. On the 12th, Auffangsstab Schachty was formally established, tasked with collecting and organising all versprengte of AG Hollidt for further use, collecting all personnell from 94., 79. and 394.ID (who were in Stalingrad) who had been released to the AG, dispatch of replacements for the AG and collection of all weapons to be drummed up from the rear areas.

On 28 January, AG Hollidt ordered that 302.ID were to absorb the Urlauber belonging to 71. and 398.ID, Gruppe Pfeiffer those belonging to 94.ID, 6.PzD those belonging to 14.PzD and Gr. 384.ID bei Korps Mieth those belonging to 384.ID. These Urlauber were at the time engaged in fighting in the Kamensk bridgehead.

(replacements and part of the information on Versprengte, RH20-6/260. Otherwise, RH19-VI/9b, 19, 125, 132, and RH19-VI/9a-21 and 94. The also mentions an additional 9 Germans and 9 Ukrainians in Rostov, 125 Romanians in Bataisk – and Abgänge through 50 men being flown into Stalingrad. )

3. Divisional movement

On 6 January, 67 of 91 trains carrying 7.PzD had arrived. By the 7th, 1 more train had arrived. The vanguard of 302.ID Was still west of Poltava in early January. A 7 January report states that it is to arrive somewhat after 10 January.

(BA-Ma RH19-VI/159 „Stand Antransport 6.1.43 morgens“., RH19-VI/9b-90 )

Hope this is of interest.


Abel Ravasz
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Post by Abel Ravasz » 15 Mar 2007, 04:10

Hi Qvist,

thanks for the nice words and for the wonderful post!

(1) 8. Luftwaffen-Feld-Division

Should have arrived on the frontline via air transport from Mielau during the first days of 12/42. It assembled at Solonezhki on the Chir on 10/12/42. On 18/12/42 it was moved towards Morozovsk, but ran headlong into a Soviet pincer, which did a good job to masaker most of the III. and IV. battalions. It was then inserted between Gr. Spang and Gr. Stumpfeld. After particularly heavy combat alongside the 306. Infanterie-Division, the division was again overrun by Soviet forces on 29/12/42, losing also its staff. Command was taken over by Oberst Kurt Hähling, commander of Art Reg 294, and the division was attached to the 294. Infantry-Division for the remainder of the campaign.

(2) Unfortunately, Italian units are quite irrelevant in the battles for the Chir. Involved were the Agr Hollidt (including its I. and II. Romanian Corps, the Gruppe Mieth, the XVII. Armeekorps and the XXXXVIII. Panzerkorps) and the remnants of the 3. Romanian Army (alarm units). The XXIX. Armeekorps, at a point also attached to Hollidt, had participated in the battles of the Italian army, a quite different direction.

(3) I see the question mark at Gruppe Russwurm. It's the staff of the 403. Sich Div, fighting near Belaja Kalitva (the staff mentioned in your post later collecting stragglers at Schachty).

(4) 306. Inf Div began unloading at Morozovsk on 16/12/42, elements were incorporated to Gruppe Pfeiffer (Stab 94. Infanterie-Division, the battle group being formed on 22/12/42). 302. Inf Div arrived something like 16/1/43, but I'm not 100% positive about the date.


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Post by Abel Ravasz » 15 Mar 2007, 04:39

This is the situational map for 1/12/42.


My evaluation of the forces on the Chir:

The I. Romanian Army Corps (7. ID, 11. ID, elements of the 9. ID) was in good shape holding the left flank of the frontline on the Don. Until 17/12/42 it could also rely upon limited help of the Italians (as the events of 11/42 have shown).

The XVII. Armeekorps (62. Inf Div, 294. Inf Div) were the backbone of the Agr Hollidt. The 62. Inf Div was missing many of its organic elements (parts of Gren Reg 190, full Pi Bn 162, PzJg Bn 162, Radf Bn 162), and was not in the best shape. The 294. Inf Div was quite well off, but it also missed its Pi Bn 294 (both engineer battalions were inside Stalingrad).

The II. Romanian Army Corps (7. CD, 14. ID) was a quite weak formation. Its 7. Cavalry Division was bled out but fought quite well throughout the campaign. the 14. Infantry Division was an ad-hoc formation of many straggling units of the 3. Romanian Army, roughly in divisional size.

The XXXXVIII. Panzerkorps (22. PzD, 1. Rom PzD) was in a really bad shape after the combat against the Russian pincer; both divisions were basically reduced to small armoured Kampfgruppen (KG von Oppeln in the first case). 22. PzD reported 9(33) armour on 30/11/42. 1. Rom PzD reported 3 armour and 7200 men on 2/1/43.

The 3. Romanian Army, practically controlled by German Oberst Wenck, was reformed to command several ad-hoc groupings.

Gruppe Spang was formed out of Korück 593 and had two groups built around SR 610 and GR 354, both beefed up with a great number of Alarm battalions.

Gruppe Fiebig, the later Gruppe Stahel (also known as Gruppe VIII. Fliegerkorps), was formed from several air force ground units, as well as elements of the Stalingrad divisions and up to half a dozen Alarm battalions. Later also incorporated elements of the 8. Lw Feld Div.

Gruppe Schmidt (Pionier Regiment 516) had roughly Alarm 5 battalions and was incorporated into Gruppe Stumpfeld during 12/42.

Gruppe Abraham, also known as Gruppe Adam, was formed from school units and rear area troops during the first days of the offensive and had three battalions. On 12/12/42, this unit was added to the Stab / 384. Infanterie-Division, which was flown out a couple of days earlier to take control of the sector.

Gruppe Tzschökell (yes this is the correct spelling) was formed around Stab / Werfer-Brigade 2 and had elements of Werfer-Regiment 53 plus of course Alarm units; this group was added to the Kamfgruppe Sauerbruch.

Gruppe Stumpfeld was formed on 23/11 and of course mostly had Alarm units as well as elements of Gren Reg 354, railway troops and such. It absorbed the Gruppe Schmidt and Gruppe Selle in itself during 12/42, and was also supported by the artillery of the 336. Infanterie-Division (and vica versa). It had around 10 battalions.

Gruppe Schmid, the later Kampfgruppe Sauerbruch had two battalions of motorized troops, mainly elements of the 14. and 24. Panzer Divisions. It had a two-battalional structure and worked as the mobile reserve for this section of the frontline. It fought in close cooperation with Stab / 384. Infanterie-Division.

From here on, the line crosses the Don and is taken over by the Armeegruppe Hoth.

You can see the 336. Infanterie-Division arriving at the frontline, having started transfer from the sector of the 2. Hungarian Army on 21/11/42.


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Post by Abel Ravasz » 15 Mar 2007, 05:08

This is the situational map for 1/1/43.


Situation has changed much since 1/12/43. While Agr Hollidt is still clinging on to the Chir, the 8. Italian Army has collapsed, leaving a gaping left flank. The Romanian units have just been withdrawn from the frontline, and the grouping is renamed A-A Hollidt (effective 2/1/43).

The left flank is totally in the air. Closest is Kampfgruppe Hünten of 304. Infantry-Division (A-A Fretter-Pico), desperately trying to cover the routes to the Donez.

The XXXXVIII. Panzerkorps had in the last months shifted positions twice: 4/12/42 to the lower Chir and 22/12/42 back to the left flank. At the moment, it controlled the following units:
306. Infanterie-Division - arrived with bulk on 20/12/42; at the moment not in best shape, basically most of it distributed between the other units
Gruppe Pfeiffer (Stab / 94. Infanterie-Division) - formed 22/12/42 with GR 379 of 306. Inf Div, elements of the 8. Lw Feld Div and stragglers
6. Panzer-Division - arrived 23/12/42 in moderate shape after being bled out in Wintergewitter; its armoured elements concentrated into Kampfgruppe Hünersdorff

The XVII. Armeekorps controlled the central sector.
The 294. Infanterie-Division was by now in a quite bad shape. It also had the remnants of the 8. Lw Feld Div under its control.
22. Panzer-Division - was down to an armoured Kampfgruppe von Oppeln, in regimental size at most. Made a good service to the infantry in the following weeks.
Gruppe Huffmann (Harko 306) incorporated the weak remnants of the 62. Infanterie-Division (having lost its staff on 22/12/42) as well as the two regimental groups of the former Gruppe Spang.
Gruppe Stahel was more or less the same as above but with attached elements of the 8. Lw Feld Div.

Gruppe Mieth was formed on 25/12/42 as a provisorical corps staff to control the units after the departure of the XXXXVIII. PzK.
336. Infanterie-Division - suffered heavy casualties in earlier combat but was still a strong asset. It also had the remnants of the 7. Lw Feld Div under its tactical control.
Stab / 384. Infanterie-Division controlled the units of the former Gruppe Adam. For a certain time it also commanded the neighbouring Gruppe Heilmann.
Gruppe Heilmann was raised from elements of the 3. and 60. ID (mot) as well as Alarm units, and had some 4000 men.
Gruppe Burgstaller was a battalion put together from elements of the 24. PzD, and was most likely in connection with KG Sauerbruch.

The 11. Panzer-Division was the operational reserve of the army.


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Post by ATH » 15 Mar 2007, 08:11

Qvist wrote:
And, yes, the fact that the Russians thought it was part of the 213. SD is also of relevance.
I also agree with this. It just isn't sufficient as a basis alone, and especially not if there are indications of mistaken identity worth taking seriously, which there appeared to be in this case.

Hi Qvist and Abel, there was a post by cpa95 (Thomas) in the German Kampfgruppen thread that may be of interest (actually, the whole thread is of interest...): ... 7&start=75
Sicherungsdivision 213/renamed 213. Grenadierdivsion defended on the left wing of XXIX. Korps.
The division (IR 354/213. GD) was supported by "Panzerkampfgruppe/22. PD" (Oberst v. Oppeln-Bronikowski with Staff PR 204, Panzerkampfstaffel 22. PD, Pz.Pio.Komp 140 (SPW) and 2/3 of the armoured elements of 22. PD, incl. PGR 129) in the middle of December 1942. She supported the 213. GD during the the defense of Bokowskaja/Waramov-Prokowskij. PR 204 lost 4 tanks.
Actually, this came just before (By Yuri)
On November, 17, 1942 on station Morozowskaja has arrived 354 IR 213 ID - the commander a regiment the colonel von RECOWSKI. In Morozowskaja 354 IR 213 ID has arrived from Lisichansk.

After reception of news about the beginning of the big approach Russian from area Sirafimowich, 354 IR 213 ID it was put forward on a boundary of the river Chir where has borrowed defense in area WARLAMOFF. A strip of defense 354 IR 213 ID on river CHIR: - WARLAMOFF, UST '-GRJAZNOWSKIJ.

After arrival in the appointed area unit of the colonel von REKOWSKI (or RECOVSKI; по-русски фон РЕКОВСКИ) has received significant updating. Everyone company 354 IR 213 ID has received either security, or police, or a modular battalion.
So, for example, 1-n a company of 1-st battalion has received 4-th security battalion.
Each of three company 4-th security battalion had 90 Germans, 25 Romanian and 15 Ukraine.
After that 4-th security battalion has received the name grenadierial.
The commander 1-st company of 1-st battalion ober-leitenant PEMAT.

The commander of 1-st battalion major KLIWITS.
The commander of 2-nd battalion major MAJA (or MEIJA, in Russian - МАЯ;; Field Post № 07577).
The surname of the commander of 3-rd battalion is not established yet.

Thus, on river CHIR 354 IR 213 ID has turned actually to an infantry brigade.
354 IR 213 ID operated in close communication with 129 IR (mot.) 22 Pz. Div. which borrowed defense in CHERNYSCHEWSKAJA.

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Post by Abel Ravasz » 15 Mar 2007, 16:32


thanks for the input.

Well, yes, I do not totally subscribe to Thomas' version.

(1) Middle of 12/42, 22. PzD, with KG Oppeln, was part of the II. Romanian Corps (see OKH Kgl 12/12/42 and 22/12/42 for further reference). It indeed was in support of the 62. Inf Div (KG von Alberti) and Gruppe Spang (both Agr Hollidt), fighting at Karginskaja. These units were badly mauled and joint into Gruppe Huffmann, see above.

(2) The XXIX. Armeekorps was cut off from other forces on 17/12/42. It controlled units of the so-called Blocco Sud, an Italian grouping trying to reach own lines towards the south: the Sforzesca Division, the KG Carloni (6. Bersaglieri Regiment of the Celere Division), KG Mazzocchi (remnants of Pasubio and Celere), elements of KG Schuldt, plus splinter elements of the 62. Inf Div (Stab, Nachr Abt 162).

(3) As far as I know the designation 213. Grenadier-Division was unofficial, but as I mentioned it above, this version is frequently used in German documents.

I can basically agree with Yuri's post.


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Post by Yuri » 17 Mar 2007, 00:43

At night with November 24/25 from an encirclement in region Bol. Dontshchinka, Mal. Dontshchinka, Medvezhij the group of Germans has left: 35 tanks and a mechanized infantry - on 100 motor vehicles and 50 motorcycles. The common number of a mechanized infantry is estimated in 1500 person.

The route of movement of this group was such: from Medvezhij on the south on a ravine Medvezhij up to the big road to the west from Petrovka; an exit on road with turn to the west; movement on road to a western direction up to the bridge through Chir; transition on the bridge through Chir and attack on Chernyshevskaja (to look on the map ).
At this time Chernyshevskaja defended a left-wing battalion left-wing 437-th RR 47-th Guards RD (comander guards of general - major Fokanov).
From Chernyshevskaja on the south on the river Chir Russian at that time still was nothing.

Number of the German group which have left an encirclement does not cause doubt. Messages on movement of this column acted from various places and from different sources independent from each other.
In all these messages it is underlined about presence in a German column from 35 up to 40 tanks, up to 100 motor vehicles and up to 50 motorcycles.
The same data on amount of tanks and mechanized infantries informed POWs.
These German tanks and mechanized infantry belonged 22 Pz. Div.

It, for example, the radiogramm informs about occurrence of a column of Germans in Chernyshevskaja.

TSAMO RF f. 331 i. 5041 f. 24 s. 285
Radiogramm No 34
To whom: the Aquarium *
It is accepted: 15.27 25/11
From radio station: the Bolt (47 GRD)
Has accepted: Devochkin **
It is sent: 25/11 14.03

To Strgeev ***, on northeast surburb Chernyshevskaja have broken up to 35 tanks and the big column of a mechanized infantry and motorcyclists, I conduct battle on destruction of the broken grouping of the enemy.
Dubov [oaks -Yuri] ****
= Ol'khov [alder-Yuri] ***** =

Has accepted [Signature] 15.35
The chief of an army headquarters 47 GRD.

It is informed
NSHA ******
* An aquarium - a code name of an army headquarters 5TA
** Devochkin - a surname of the radio operator
*** Sergeev - a conditional surname commanding 5TA general - lieutenant Romanenko
**** Dubov (Oaks) - a conditional surname of the commander 47 GRD guards of general - major Fokanova
***** Ol'khov (Alder) - a conditional surname of the chief of an army headquarters 47GRD - guards of colonel Golosko
****** NSHA - an abbreviation from « the chief of an army headquarters »

Earlier, till November, 25, for the river Chir to Chernyshevskaja other units from structure 22 Pz. Div have receded.
Except for units from structure 22 Pz. Div here there were other German units, for example, two railway battalions. One of these battalions had 740 person.
Railway battalions conducted construction of the narrow-gauge railway from Oblivskaja to the north to Don and to 19/11/42 these battalions were in Pitchugin (to northeast from Chernyshevskaja).
After departure for the river Chir railway battalions have not received an independent defended area. It is logical to assume, that she began to operate under the direction of an army headquarters 22 Pz. Div. In anyone cases railway battalions submitted to an army headquarters XLVIII Pz Korp.

In German sources of data on number 22 Pz. Div. it is not enough and they are strongly fragmentary. Only from German sources it is not possible to define real force of this division.

According to the Romanian source in 22 Pz. Div on 19/11/42 was more than 11,0 thousand person.
During the period with 19 on 25/11 losses in 22 Pz. Div have not exceeded 50 % from initial number.
In book Hans Dyorr «The Campaign to Stalingrad » it is told, that till November, 25 all XLVIII (general Heim) has lost 50 % of the initial structure. However it is known, that losses rum. 1AD (included corps Heim's) exceeded losses of Germans. Thus, losses 22 Pz. Div in should be less than 50 %/

Before occurrence broken of Bol. Dontshchinka 35 German tanks, in Chernyshevskaja were already 15 tanks. Thus, the common number of German tanks in Chernyshevskaja by November, 25 has reached 50 pieces.
Except for German tanks from an encirclement 10 Romanian tanks have left structure 1 Arm Div.
Hence, for November, 26 in XLVIII Pz. Korp was about 60 tanks.
Such number of German and Romanian tanks in region Chernyshevskaja figures in all documents.

By this time to the north from Chernyshevskaja (on a boundary of the river Krivaja -Curve) arrived two German infantry divisions XVII AK (294 ID and 62 ID).
With 26/11/42 German-Romanian forces massed on the river Krivaja (Curve) and in Chernyshevskaja, have led approach by forces German XLVIII Pz. Korp., rum. II AK, German XVII AK, rum. I AK

Attacks XLVIII Pz. K in region Chernyshevskaja till November, 29 beat off 47-n GRD general Fokanova.
Germans aspired to reject Russian from western coast of Chir. Here Russian had bridgehead with two settlements arranged to the north from Chernyshevskaja. One of these settlements was Chistjakovskaja (it is shown on my card{map} to the north from Chernyshevskaja) refers to. Other settlement refers to Leont'evsky (it is arranged between Chernyshevskaja and Chistjakovskaja).

Defense on western coast of Chir at Chernyshevskaja was held with two rifle regiments of 47-th GRD - 437 RD and 473 RD. Thus Chistjakovskaja and Leont'evskij were in zone of defense 437 RD. Distance from Chernyshevskaja up to Chistjakovskaja of 8 kms on a straight line. In Chistjakovskaja there was a joint with positions 473 RD. The right border 473 RD rested against coast of Chir in 6 kms from Chistjakovskaja.
Thus, 437 RD and 473 RD held defense in a strip of 14 kms on a straight line.

However, the main danger for 5 TA proceeded not from XLVIII Pz. Korp, and from again arrived of a reserve XVII AK. Therefore commanding 5 TA has commanded to general Fokanov to throw to the north the main forces 47 GRD.
They should help 159 RD and 14 GRD which reflected attacks of German and Romanian infantry divisions in a boundary of the river Krivaja (Curve).

From the below-mentioned message of the commander of 47-th GRD it is visible, that he has received the corresponding order from commanding 5 TA and on November, 29 starts to movement of the main forces of the division to the north. Thus on western coast of the river Chir general Fokanov decides to leave one 437 RD. Thus, since November, 29 this rifle regiment holds a strip defense of 14 kms.

TSAMO RF f. 331, i. 5041, f. 24, s. 299
To Commander 5 TA

1. Within three days 47 GRD conducts not equal battle with tanks and a mechanized infantry of the opponent, has had the big losses.

2. In 7.00 28/11/42 mine CP [command point - Yuri] in Leont'evskij has been attacked by 16 tanks of the opponent. Attack has been beaten off. Directly in Leont'evskij we destroy 5 heavy tanks and one reserved platform [the self-propelled open gun - Yuri], and for three days of battles we destroy 18 tanks of the opponent and 1 reserved platform.

3. Carrying out your order from 28/11/42 main forces of a division I focus in region Pronin with approach of darkness as tanks and aircraft of the opponent attack battle orders of a division. The aircraft of the opponent bombs continuously groups at 20-40 planes.
For maintenance of a direction Chernyshevskaja I leave 437 RR.
My command point as I move Pronin.

The division commander 47 general - major [signature - Yuri]
The chief of an army headquarters the colonel [signature - Yuri]
In the morning on November, 29 to Chernyshevskaja there has arrived the new chief XLVIII Pz. Korp the lieutenant colonel the von Mellenthin. Early the von Mellenthin was at war in Africa. Having arrived on the river Chir to Chernyshevskaja he has seen, that in German tankmen to sink at ocean of hordes Russian.
Anyway, so the von Mellenthin describes in memoirs attack 22 Pz. Div on "two villages » - farm Leont'evskij and a village Chistjakovskaja.

It is difficult to tell, how the von Mellenthin stretched at the front in 14 kms to a regiment could see the whole ocean of hordes.
There can be on the river Chir a von Mellenthin has brought with itself from Africa any special field-glass from Zeis?

But, can be 437 RR 47 GRD any special regiment was and had improbable number of fighters?
However from archival documents it is visible, that it was a usual rifle regiment.

We have an opportunity precisely to specify number persons 437 RR 47 GRD that day when it was seen in fight by the von Mellenthin.

TSAMO RF f. 331 i. 5041 f. 24 s. 302
Operative report No 37 Army headquarters 47 GRD 13.00 2/12/42

1. The general Fokanov's units place in region: Karasev, Varlamov, Pronin, Old Pronin is assiduously prepare for defense by centers of resistance on type fire interactions in readiness together with 216-n TBR to counter a strike on a case of break opponents on a defended area 159th RD and 50th GRD.

159th RD holds a former boundary of a harrow. At night with 1 on 2/12/1942 opponent ñèëîþ up to IR, at support of 15 tanks attacked Krasnokutskaja, has crumpled defense 159th RD, has held Krasnokutskaja and was consolidated.

With parts 14th GRD elbow connections are not present, with 50th GRD there is an elbow connection.

Data on position of units 50th GRD did not act.

216 TBr Pronin in readiness for delivery of a strike with parts 47th GRD holds all-round defense in region.
Has sent a tank platoon in sentry guards in region height 168.6
Battle structure: KV - 12; T34 - 2; T70 - 5
Only 19 battle units.
Security 216 Tbr

2. 47 GRD is increased prepares for defense and mines on boundaries
473 RR - a southwest Karasev
437 RR - northwest of surburb Varlamov
510 RR - northeast of surburb Old Pronin, a ravine the Big Broad gully.

3. In time with 19/11 on 30/11/4247 GRD in battles with Romanian-German troops has lost:
Average commanding structure - 292;
Younger commanding structure - 516;
Ordinary structure - 2616.
Only 3,424 killed and wounded.

Losses of an equipment are specified.

4. As of 1/12/42 in 47 GRD has:
Average commanding structure-749;
Younger commanding structure - 917;
Ordinary structure - 3224.
Only 4910, including:
473 RR - 953 persons;
519 RR - 1290 persons;
437 RR - 668 - "-

Machine guns manual - 97
Rifles - 3934,
Automatic devices - 522,
Machine guns heavy - 47,
- " - air-defence - 5,
ATR - 94
Guns of 122 mm - 10,
- " - 76 mm - 21,
- " - 45 mm - 20,
- " - 37 mm - 1
Mortars of 120 mm - 11,
- " - 82 mm - 56;
- " - 50 mm - 37

The deputy chief of an army headquarters
The chief of an operations section
Guards the senior lieutenant /Tarannikov/
From this message it is visible, that on December, 2 47-n GRD conducts struggle against the opponent on a boundary of the river Krivaja (Curve).

By December, 3 collected on average Chir and on the river Krivaja (Curve) of force of Germans and Romanian their attacks here have run low also have calmed down.
On December, 4 the army headquarters XLVIII Pz. Korp has moved to the bottom Chir. Thus any troop movement did not occur. German and Romanian divisions earlier included XLVIII Pz. Korp have remained on an old place - in region Chernyshevskaja.

The purpose of this thread a forum to show under archival documents a course of battle for state farm « Red Star » (No 79), occurred on December, 7 and 8, 1942.

Short digression about the events happened before this battle on the river Chir in region Chernyshevskaja and on the river Krivaja (Curve), is necessary because on December, 9 the von Mellenthin on a new place will meet the old enemies general Fokanov and 8th GSTBr. Having understood on December, 8, that in region state farm "Red Star" (No 79) fresh forces of Germans, including a tank division have appeared, the general - lieutenant the Romanenko throws in the shortest term from river Krivaja (Curve) to state farm "Red Star" (No 79) of the general Fokanov's 47 GRD and 8th GSTBr.

It is necessary to notice, that courageous maneuvering on wide front (a distance almost in 200 kms) commander 5 TA the general - lieutenant the Romanenko has created at German command illusion of presence at him ocean of hordes Russian.
Compare: completely motorized division of the general of the Balck maneuvers at the front 25 kms and it is presented by American military historian Stolfi as top of military art.
The general - lieutenant the Romanenko carries out a manoeuvre the not numerous tank brigades and infantry divisions at the front 186 kms. A troops of the general - lieutenant the Romanenko overcome this distance for 24 hours per winter conditions. It is necessary to mean still, that a motor-vehicle transport in 5-th tank army was less, than it was in 11 Pz. Div the general of the Balck.
And what we read about the general - lieutenant Romanenko in article of American military historian Stolfi? The dark, gloomy and severe type, hardly thinks brains. The basic role for the Romanenko in serving as a boxing pear for such German generals as the Balck and the von Mellenthin.
But it is a theme for separate discussion.

On the bottom Chir an army headquarters the von Mellenthin takes the new divisions arriving from deep rear under the command: 7 LW-FD, 336 ID, 11 Pz. Div.
Except for these regular divisions on the bottom Chir the structure XLVIII Pz. Korp includes some the battle groups formed here on a place since November, 23.
Among these numerous groups for us the main interest represent:

The army headquarters the von Mellenthin starts development of the plan joint with LVII Pz. Korp attacks to Stalingrad for break of blockade around of 6-th army.

However the von Knobelsdorff's corps obviously prevents Russian bridgehead which russian have grasped on western coast of the river Chir to the south from Surovikino.
And an army headquarters the von Mellenthin develops operation on liquidation of this bridgehead Russian.
The plan of attack of a troops XLVIII Pz. Korp (the von Knobelsdorff and the von Mellenthin) on bridgehead Russian is shown on map.
Attack is appointed at 6.00 (time Central European) 7/12/42.

Note for map:
1.WEKE – place of command point of battle group WEIKE on 2/12/42.
2.Weike - place of a concentration of forces of battle group WEIKE at the moment of attack on Russian bridgehead 6.00 7/12/42.
Similarly for battle groups SELLE, SCHMIDT, STUMPFELD, ADAM.
3.Selle-ArtGr - Artillery group battle group SELLE
4. 3HAAR - 3th Heavy of Air Defence Regiment

5.Northern border XLVIII Pz. Korp up to 6/12/42 passed through Lisinskij and further on northeast on the river Liska.
With 7/12/42 northern border passed through Chuvilevskij.
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Post by Yuri » 17 Mar 2007, 16:54

Definition of the locations for command points (army headquarters) of battle groups Schmidt, Weike, Selle and Stumpfeld, and as 525-th battalion

(file 24 pp. 188, 188 revers)
Translation from German

/ An army headquarters of a column of supply 525th battalion/


Senior treasurer KEILHOFFER, army headquarters 525th battalion has received an at an army headquarters of supply in CHERNYSHKOVSKIJ:
1000 complete sets of winter regimentals
1000 blankets
1500 sweaters

And at an army headquarters of supply in MOROZOVSKAJA
14000 heater of a stomach
8200 gloves

As at army sanitary point 6 of army in MOROZOVSKAJA
3 first-aid sets
100 bags - stretcher for to transfer wounded /according to instructions of the army druggist of 6 armies /

These things should be distributed according to distribution specified on the back.

On a commission the lieutenant and the officer of communication.

The plan of distribution

The addressee
Site of an army headquarters

Battle group SCHMIDT

Winter regimentals: 350
Blankets: 350
Sweaters: 400
Gloves: 3 000 pairs
Heater of a stomach: 3 500

Battle group WIEKE

Winter regimentals: 250
Blankets: 250
Sweaters: 350
Gloves: 400 pair
Heater of a stomach: 1 400

Battle group SELLE

Winter regimentals: 400
Blankets: 400
Sweaters: 750
Gloves: 600 pair
Heater of a stomach: 1 000

Battle group SHTUMPFELD

Winter regimentals:
Gloves: 4 100 pairs
Heater of a stomach: 8 100

/for battle group GEILMAN
and ADAM/
3 first-aid sets and 100 bags - stretcher for wounded

525th battalion

Gloves: 100 pairs

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Post by Yuri » 17 Mar 2007, 17:08

Definition of number of 36-th Estonian police battalion

(f. 24 p. 194)
Translation from German

36 Estonian battalion
Place of an accommodation
The officer of communication of the chief of detective police

In the attitude: required railway cars for transportation 36-th police battalion.

On the basis of the oral order from 15/11/42.

1 - the carriage for 22 officers;
15 - carriages for 425 soldiers / in everyone 35 person/;
12 - commodity cars for 63 horses and fodder;
2 - commodity the car for an ammunition;
2 - commodity the car for luggage and the foodstuffs;
10 - platforms for 24 horse vehicles;
5 - - “ - - “ - 2 automobile and 3 lorries;
2 - - “ - - “ - 5 field kitchens

46 railway cars
16 passenger
16 commodity
17 platforms

The captain of police of a battalion and the officer of communication
The common number of people in 36-th Estonian police battalion will make:
447 person

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Post by Yuri » 17 Mar 2007, 20:51

The organization of defense Surovikino forces of battle group SCHMIDT - colonel Schmidt.
(defense Surovikino)

(f. 24 p. 195)
Translation from German language

Battle group SCHMIDT

The commander
Place an accommodation


The below-mentioned order needs to be notified immediately to all officers, to corporals and soldiers.


Higher command has charged me to supervise over defense of a site SUROVIKINO.
You are collected from various units and divisions, however I hope, that you rally in uniform iron unit, as defenders of NARVIK.
I appoint commanders of groups with full authority of commanders of battalions
On east site: ober-lieutenant KAMENBERG
On northern site: captain SCHTILLER
On a western site: captain KARGER
On a southeast site: major GEDEMAN
On a southwest site /NIZHNE-KALINOVKA/ captain SCHONE
The organization of groups on companies is represented by commanders of sites. Commanders of groups are responsible for integral use of these groups.
Northern and east sites are responsible for communication with ahead taking place position of captain REIBSCHTEIN.
For investigation answer:
Southeast site on TCHUDIN, stations SVIRIDOVSKIJ,
East site on TCHUDIN, station DMITRIEVKA and
ZHIRKOV /especially to pay attention to a valley of the river DOBRAJA /
Put forward position «REIBSCHTEIN» to ZHIRKOV, to the North and to LUKICHEVSKIJ.
Western site on OSINOVSKIJ
Southwest site / NIZH.KALINOVKA / on OSINOVSKIJ and
CHUVILEVSKIJ / a valley of the river CHIR/, and as in intermediate space.
At last:
Southwest and southeast sites in raised district to the south of the river CHIR.
Specified in the order of colonel Schmidt items are well visible on a map.
Exception is item TCHUDIN.
Such settlement or other any point on a map with such name in vicinities Surovikino to find out it was not possible.

Battle group Shmid has consisten of six groups, each of which was equal to a battalion.
map 100 000
Aggregate number of battle group Shmid 3500 person
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Post by Yuri » 18 Mar 2007, 16:47

Definition of number of battle group Schmidt

Documents with the exact data on number of battle group Shmid to find out for today yet it was not possible.
However in the documents found out on today there are data giving clear representation about number of some battalions from structure of battle group SHMID. Under these documents it is possible to estimate, for example, number the captain SCHTILLER's a battalion which has held north site defenses Surovikino.
For an estimation of number the captain SCHTILLER's a battalion we shall use records of magazine of operations 36-th Estonian police battalion.
(f. 24 p. 174)

According to record from 22/11/42 Estonians have been included in structure a the captain SCHTILLER's battalion.
In this battalion have come as two more companies.
Translation from German

Magazine of operations of 36-th Estonian police battalion.

The GENERAL : 36-th Estonian battalion will be delayed with 17/11/42 in CHISTJAKOVO at STALINO and 18/11/42 is shipped at station KHARTSISK.
The battalion has received the instruction to follow region Chir and to take blocking position to the north to the railway MOROZOVSKAJA - STALINGRAD. Yet not having achieved the specified region, the battalion has got under fire of the opponent to SUROVIKINO.

The opponent, having broken on the north, has achieved CHIR, has taken in ticks station CHIR and pressed mainly tank forces to SUROVIKINO.
The battalion has received the order will be unloaded to Surovikino and to take a defensive position of 3 km to the north Surovikino, to block a way of movement of the opponent further and to keep the held boundary.
The NOTE: Except for a battalion one the corps company and next day a made of holidayers company is entered into battle. These companies have been armed with machine guns from trophy warehouses. They had no anti-tank means. Only within a week have been brought up a little AT guns and 3 - 88-mm of an antiaircraft gun. In a weekend the group has received 3 tanks.
BATTLE : the Battalion has taken a battle position two companies at 11.45. 3-n a company has remained about 800 m behind in a reserve in a ravine (gully.) There has not come yet darkness, positions were under strong rifle and machine-gun fire.
This record from magazine specifies that the captain SCHTILLER's battalion included, as a minimum, policemen a battalion and two companies: certain «the corps company» and a company made of the soldiers of holidayers.
Number of Estonians at the moment of loading in an echelon to us is known - 425 soldiers and corporals and 22 officers, total 447 person.
It is improbable, that in these two companies was less than on 150 person, so total 300 person.
Thus, held northern defended area Surovikino the captain SCHTILLER's battalion had number not less than 700 person.

On a map (scale 1:100 000 or 1 sm - 1 km) it is visible, that positions the captain SCHTILLER's battalion are arranged on convenient for the organization of defense of district (here there are hills, and roads are absent).
The district convenient for defense was and on southeast site: major GEDEMAN's battalion. Here defending the side is helped by two rivers: from front a mouth of the river Dobraja (Kind), on flank the river Chir.
On conditions of district on which defensive positions placed, we shall relate the captain SCHTILLER's battalion and the major GEDEMAN's battalion to the battalions type 1.

To type 2 we shall relate staying four battalions from structure of battle group SHMID, namely:
- southwest site: captain SCHONE;
- western site: captain KARGER;
- northeast site: position of captain REIBSCHTEIN
- east site: ober-lieutenant KAMENBERG
Here on district there were no serious natural obstacles.
It is natural to assume, that soldiers in these four battalions were considerably better quality, than in the captain SCHTILLER's a battalion where there was 36-th Estonian battalion.
Really, Germans taken in a captivity on these sites were, as a rule, holidayers from tank and motorized divisions or anti-tank battalions of infantry divisions from structure of 6-th army.
Simultaneously it meant, that losses on sites of battalions type 2 were higher than, on a site of battalions type 1. The opponent (Russian) has concentrated artillery fire and tanks on these sites.

Let's assume, that the interest of losses in battalions type 2 in one and a half time was higher, than at 36-th Estonian police battalion.
From record of magazine of operations 36-th Estonian police battalion follows, on 30/11 from 392 person is lost 75 person.
Thus, battalions type 1 the percent of losses will be equal of 19,13 %. Then in battalions type 2 percent of losses will be equal of 28,70 %.

Calculation for battalions type 1 (captain SCHTILLER and major GEDEMAN)
Number of battalions ………………………. 2
Number of people in battalions …………….. 1,400…… (2 x 700 = 1400)
Percent of losses in battalions……………….. 19,13%..... (as at 36th Est.police bat.)
Losses on 30/11 in battalions ………………. 268

Calculation for battalions type 2 (captain SCHONE, captain KARGER, captain REIBSCHTEIN and ober-lieutenant KAMENBERG)
Number of battalions ………………………. 4
Number of people in battalions …………….. 2800……. (4 x 700 = 2800)
Percent of losses in battalions type 2 ………. 28,70% … (19,13 % x1,5 = 28,70 %)
Losses on 30/11 in battalions type 2 ……….. 918

Calculation for battle group SHMID as a whole
In total battalions …………………………… 6
In total people in 6 battalions ………………. 4200
Losses on 30/11 in 6 battalions …………….. 1186
The rest on 30/11 in 6 battalions …………… 3014

According to this record from magazine of operations for 1/12/42 in battle group SHMID has arrived 600 person, to command with which have appointed the commander 36-th Estonian battalion of captain GIRGAKE.
b/ CHUVILEVSKIJ: to the officer of communication defense of a site CHIR other German subdivisions in an aggregate number about 600 person has been charged
According to record from other document (which it will be given below) 36-th Estonian battalion has been divided into two parts - the most part of a battalion (228 person, 13 officers and 215 soldiers) has passed to battle group WEIKE, and one company has remained in battle group SHMID to Surovikino.

In view of all aforesaid on 7/12/42 number of battle group SHMID will be such:

The rest on 30/11 in 6 battalions …………… 3014
Has arrived 1/12 ……………………………. 600……..(one modular a battalion - captain GIRGAKE)
Became on 1/12 …………………………….. 3614
36-th has decreased in battle group WEIKE .. 228……. Estonian a battalion without one company (13 + 215)
Remained on 7/12 in 7 battalions …………… 3386
Reserve of colonel Schmidt……………………120
In total in battle group SHMID on 7/12………. 3506

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Post by Yuri » 18 Mar 2007, 21:01

There were some reasons why German command aspired to keep settlement Surovikino in the hands.
Not last role was played with that circumstance, that to Surovikino there were various warehouses of 6-th army. Here a lot of arms and other military property have been concentrated.
The sizes of stocks of this property are drawn with the message of an army headquarters 119 RD about capture of this settlement.
On the message there is a date 16/12/42 and, hence, it has appeared later the whole week after battle in state farm « Red Star ». However it is expedient for giving now to have visual representation that numerous battalions of battle group SCHMIDT tried to rescue in Surovikino

(file 13 p. 214)
The operative report No 86 to 16.0016/12/42
Division headquarters 119 ravine to the north of 2 km SUROVIKINO

1. The opponent under onslaught of our forces, being covered with rifle-machine-gun, mortar, automatic and artillery fire, has departed in a southern direction and was consolidated on southern slopes of height 118.3
2. The division has a problem to seize a field camp, and of height 107.2
6. Losses for 15/12/42
It is killed - 23 persons and are wounded - 31 person.

7. On northern slopes of height 118.3 it is grasped a some German DZOTs (the Long-term earthen strong point) and it is taken in a captivity of 3 German soldiers.

8. By estimation 15/12/42 to SUROVIKINO it is taken trophies:
Guns of different calibres - 580,
Mortars - 65,
Heavy machine guns - 205,
Rifles different - 3510,
rifles AT - 650,
Cargo motor vehicles - 851,
Automobile motor vehicles - 675,
Motorcycles - 960,
Platform soles - 15,
Easy tanks - 15,
Rifle cartridges - 570 boxes,
Cartridges of large-calibre machine guns - 25 boxes,
Cartridges for ATR - 160 boxes,
Gas masks – 3,900 pieces,
Petrol tanks - 10,000 pieces,
Motors for motor vehicles - 140 pieces,
Slopes for motor vehicles - 2 cars,
Aviation bombs - 260,
Medical property - 7 cars,
Air-defence shells – 2.200;
Helmets – 3,800;
Armour vehicles - 11,
Trailers - 46,
Mines - 200 boxes,
Manual a pomegranate - 143 boxes,
Large-calibre machine guns-3,
Three warehouses with the foodstuffs.
Calculation proceeds.

9. During tank counter-attack of the opponent in region NIZH.KALINOVKA 15/12 our artillery and guns AT knock out 10 tanks, counter-attack is beaten off.

The chief of an army headquarters
major Vladychevskij

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Post by Yuri » 20 Mar 2007, 09:28

From magazine of operations of 1-st tank company we can find out, that arrived of an army group "North" in Morozovskaja the ober-lieutenant Abenddrot's company acted to the river Chir from November, 26 till December, 2 together: about 99-th air-defence regiment, battle group " Adam ", battle group " Stumpfeld " and battle group " Schmidt ".

By December, 2, 1942 in region to the south from Surovikino there has arrived 541-st security battalion and two modular battalions from city of Kharkov: modular Kharkov-I in structure of four companies (commander of a battalion Fisher) and modular Kharkov-II in structure of two companies (commander of a battalion Kramer). The Kharkov battalions have been from soldiers of rear services: butchers, hairdressers, cooks, drivers and other people.
These three battalions and the most part (two companies) 36-th Estonian police battalion have been subordinated to an army headquarters of the captain the Weike who has arrived from Leningrad together with 1-st tank company of 301-st tank battalion.

Thus, on December, 2 battle group "WEIKE" has been formed.
At this time Russian 333 RD it was forwarded on western coast of the river Chir near Golovskij (to a southeast from Surovikino).
The battle group "WEIKE" operated against this bridgehead on a site where were an educational battalion 333 RD and a part 1120 RD 333 RD.

Definition of number of battle group "WEIKE"

(file 24 p. 193)
Translation from German

Structure of group WEIKE

a/ 541 guard battalion:
7 officers
2 officials
82 corporals
467 soldiers

b/ 36 police battalion/without one company /
13 officers
215 soldiers

c/ II Kharkov modular battalion
Structure of II Kharkov modular
5 officers
1 official
49 corporals
275 soldiers

d/ Numerical structure of 1 company 301 tank battalions
7 officers
2 officials
37 corporals
160 soldiers
45 Russian workers/as the attendants/

e/ I Kharkov modular
1/ Air-defence platoon
2/ Field company
3/ Infantry company

The military translator
Guards the lieutenant / KOVAL'/
In the list is not specified Number for modular Kharkov-I a battalion.
From indications POWs follows, that Modular Kharkov-I a battalion has arrived to Golovskij on November, 30 on motor vehicles from Kharkov in structure of four companies an aggregate number 600 person.
From the trophy document it is visible, in structure of battle group the Weike were the part Modular Kharkov-I a battalion, namely, only two companies and one platoon is included. Number is parts of a battalion there will be not less than 350 person.
In view of it we have.

The battle group "WEIKE" has consisten of four battalions and one tank company.

1. 541-st guard battalion: = 558
2. 36-th Estonian police battalion: = 228
3. Modular Kharkov-II battalion (a surname of the commander of a battalion - Krammer): = 330
4. Modular Kharkov-I a battalion - (a surname of the commander of a battalion - Fisher): = 350

Total in four battalions: = 1466

5. 1-n a tank company of 301-st tank battalion: = 251

Total in battle group "WEIKE": = 1717

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Post by Yuri » 20 Mar 2007, 18:00

The information to reflection for experts

Who was on the bottom Chir?
Units 9 LW-FD or units 9 Flak. Div??

Here is how this problem is visible on the part of an army headquarters of 5-th tank army.

1. The first Germans POWs from 9 LW-FD have been grasped on December, 9 near height 157.8, that is the left flank 7 LW-FD.

2. Further, in the report for December, 13 it is told, that near Lisinskij have been grasped documents in which presence and action of units 9 LW-FD proves to be true.
Unfortunately translation of this German document is absent. There is only brief conclusion under his contents. It is told, that the grasped documents confirm action 9 LW-FD. And, their documents followed, that units 9 LW-FD has arrived to Chir on December, 1.
In the information of an army headquarters 5 TA (in which the brief characteristic of units of the opponent is given) in the column " date of arrival " for 9 LW-FD it is specified on December, 1 1942. In the note it is specified, that date is determined under documents. The first POWs as it has been already told, have appeared on December, 9.
It gives the basis to assume, that units 9 LW-FD could be thrown together with units 8 LW-FD.

Already in the first battles 7 LW-FD and 9 LW-FD had the big losses. By December, 15 the army headquarters of 5-th TA assumed, that the aggregate number of active bayonets in these two infantry divisions of Luftwaffe did not exceed 4000 person.

(file 24, p. 208)
Grouping of the opponent at the front for 15.12.52.

7-n, 9-n the air - field divisions formed by analogy of infantry divisions only from pilots which have received infantry preparation and are entered into battle, as an infantry. Are strongly shabby in these battles, total up to 4000 person of all.
On December, 15 the battle group Schmidt has receded from Surovikino. Then all battalions of all battle groups (Schmidt, the Stumpfeld, the Selle and the Weike) have been incorporated on one command. The army headquarters 5 TA has assumed, that command above them was accepted by colonel Shmid. Therefore these, strongly thinned battalions, were designated by one legend - «Schmidt's Group».
1-n company of 301-st tank battalion has been subordinated to 336-th ID.

«Group Schmidt» has held positions between 9 LW-FD and 7 LW-FD. Thus, 9 LW-FD began to adjoin to the right flank 8 LW-FD.
Further actions 9 LW-FD proved to be true POWs.
For example, on December, 19 (which also it is described in memoirs the von Mellenthin) in fight near Staro-Derbenovskij, Novo-Derbenovskij and Dal'nepodgorskij have been grasped up to 30 Germans from structure of 8-th and 9-th LW-FD.

Further these two divisions receded together to the west. In the first of January 43 rests 9 LW-FD have been merged in 8 LW-FD.
Since this moment independent actions of units 9 LW-FD were not fixed.

4. On a map conditions on southern coast of the river Chir between Lisinskij and Oblivskaja is shown.

a/ The site Lisinskij - height 156.0 was held with regiments 336 ID here again there were rests of 1-st tank company of 301-st tank battalion.
b/ The site height 156.0 - height 161 held separate 63-rd automobile battalion (has arrived at the end of November from Kharkov, has consisten of seven companies, of battle group the Stumpfeld earlier was part)
c/ Height 161 - height 155.0 held a site 7 LW-FD.
d/ The site height 155.0 - up to a southern extremity a gully (in Russian - balka) Kalinovskaja (is shown green color) was held with battalions of group Schmidt (or group Stumpfeld), include 36-th Estonian police battalion (by the way, this day Estonians have removed in rear).
e/ On both sides of a gully (balka) Kalinovskaja 9-th motor-group (border at the left height 172.4) operated.
d/ The site height 172.4 - height 135.7 was held with units 9 LW-FD.
f/ The height 135.7 - Kololovskij held a site the most part 8 LW-FD (two battalions it is divisions acted northern coast of the river Chir).
g/ Kololovskij and to the north held 83-rd railway battalion.

Probability of that the army headquarters 5 TA wrongly accepted 9 Flak Div for 9 LW-FD exists. However, the probability of such error is not too high if to take into account carefulness from which investigation revealed units of the opponent.
Under documents it is visible, that already on December, 13 the army headquarters 5TA had a clear idea of air - field divisions.

That fact, that documents on 9-th field division have been grasped near Lisinskij gives the basis to assume what exactly units of this division were on a site of battle group Adam. In memoirs of the colonel of Adam it is directly told about arrival on a site of his battle group of well equipped soldiers from an airfield division.
Unfortunately, the colonel Adam has not specified number of an airfield division which units acted a site of his battle group.

Probably, there on December, 1 there arrived units 9 LW-FD?
Could not, respected, Qvist and Abel Ravasz to look a situation on 9 LW-FD from this side?
It is question very interesting, in my opinion.
Front line on the bottom Chir as of December, 25, 1942
333RD_Report_Battle_ChirFront.jpg (225.54 KiB) Viewed 3811 times

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