Soviet Cannibalism during Winter and Continuation war

Discussions on the Winter War and Continuation War, the wars between Finland and the USSR.
Hosted by Juha Tompuri
Posts: 32
Joined: 12 Apr 2007, 23:42
Location: FIN



Post by aahoo » 20 Oct 2011, 06:35

Juha Tompuri wrote:
Martti Kujansuu wrote:
Yhden kuvan takana kerrotaan tapahtumista Krivin lounaispuolella tammikuussa 1942: "Käydyissä taisteluissa on todettu venäläisten sotilaitten leikaneen lihaa kaatuneitten toveriensa ruumiista ja kuljettaneen lihaa mukanaan repussa pakomatkalle, jolla suomalaiset 13.1.42 tuhosivat ihmissyöjät. Lihaa löytyi kolmen kaatuneen sotilaan repusta.

My humble, far from optimum, translation:
Behind one photo there's text about the incidents at South-West of Kriv on January 1942: "During the battles, Soviet soldiers have been found out to have been cut meat from the corpses of their fallen comrades, and to have carried meat at their rucksack on their attempt to escape. During that attempt Finns eliminated the cannibals.
Meat was found from the rucksacks of three fallen soldiers
The paper version also mentions that there are several such photos,
There is also a mention of Finnish veterans of war testimonies of how they have found their (lost, JT) superior, partly eaten by the enemy.

Regards, Juha
There are 3 photos of that, I came across them while scanning negatives from 1942, if someone is interested, and wants ask for them from PVKK (Puolustusvoimien kuvakeskus), negative numbers are 70908, 70909 and 70910, description on negatives are same as in quote above.

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