Beheadings in the Third Reich

Discussions on the Holocaust and 20th Century War Crimes. Note that Holocaust denial is not allowed. Hosted by David Thompson.
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Arcangelo Pesenti


Post by Pete26 » 31 Mar 2018, 07:27

Arcangelo Pesenti was guillotined in Munich Stadelheim prison by Johann Reichhart on 31 January 1945. He was 26 years old. His crime: Taking several packs of cigarettes from bombed out barracks. Yet another example of totally inhuman application of the "People's Pest Regulation."


Image ... CArcangelo

Translation of the last sentence in the Execution notice:

"Pesenti, after a terrorist attack on Salzburg in a bombshell-damaged barracks, stole a substantial amount of cigarettes destined for distribution to workmates."

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A Prussian execution by Reindel


Post by Pete26 » 31 Mar 2018, 17:24

the-prussian-execution-machine.jpg (85.18 KiB) Viewed 10339 times
Not a realistic illustration of the block and table. The block could not be this thin in profile as it would be totally unstable. The top of the block must have a flat spot for the neck behind the cutout. Otherwise the executioner could not fully sever the neck, unless he aimed for the gap between the block and the table which is not the way an execution axe was intended to be used. The table looks like a dining room table, in reality it was nothing more than a crude bench with folding legs, which was directly attached to the block so there was no gap between them. ... execution/

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Paul Junius


Post by Pete26 » 01 Apr 2018, 04:02

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Paul Junius was guillotined in Brandenburg Gorden prison on 4 December1944.
Geboren am 10. Juli 1901 in Berlin, besuchte Paul Junius die Volksschule, begann zunächst eine Modelltischlerlehre, arbeitet dann als Arbeitsbursche, Hilfsschlosser und Maschinenschlosser. 1916 trat er in den DMV, 1917 schloss er sich dem Arbeiter-Touristen-Verein "Naturfreunde" an und war als Wassersportler Mitglied der Wanderpaddler "Havel". Ende 1923 trat er in die KPD ein, wirkte als ehrenamtlicher Funktionär in Berlin und stand seit 1933 an der Spitze illegaler Betriebszellen in den Askania-Werken, wo er als Dreher arbeitete. Er hielt im Auftrag der Gruppe Kontakt zu antifaschistischen Arbeitern verschiedener Rüstungsbetrieben im Süden Berlins. 1933 gewährte er dem gesuchten KPD-Funktionär Werner Prochnow Quartier und hatte später auch Kontakte zur Widerstandsgruppe um John Sieg, Herbert Grasse und Otto Grabowski in Neukölln. Als Mitglied der Saefkow-Gruppe war er für die illegale Arbeit in den Betrieben in Berlin-Marienfelde und Berlin-Mariendorf verantwortlich. Am 13. Juli 1944 in Helmstedt verhaftet, hierher war der Betrieb verlagert gewesen, wurde Paul Junius am 26.Oktober 1944 vom Volksgerichtshof zum Tode verurteilt und am 4. Dezember 1944 in Brandenburg-Görden ermordet.
Translated by google:
Born on July 10, 1901 in Berlin, Paul Junius attended elementary school, initially started a model carpenter apprenticeship, then works as a work boy, auxiliary mechanic and machinist. In 1916 he joined the DMV, in 1917 he joined the Arbeiter-Touristen-Verein "Naturfreunde" and was a water sports member of the hiking paddler "Havel". At the end of 1923 he joined the KPD, worked as an honorary functionary in Berlin, and since 1933 has been at the head of illegal plant cells in the Askania works, where he worked as a turner. He held on behalf of the group contact with anti-fascist workers of various armaments companies in the south of Berlin. In 1933 he granted the wanted KPD functionary Werner Prochnow quarters and later had contacts with the resistance group to John Sieg, Herbert Grasse and Otto Grabowski in Neukölln. As a member of the Saefkow group, he was responsible for the illegal work in the companies in Berlin-Marienfelde and Berlin-Mariendorf. Arrested on July 13, 1944 in Helmstedt, here the operation had been relocated, Paul Junius was sentenced to death on 26 October 1944 by the People's Court and murdered on 4 December 1944 in Brandenburg-Görden.
Last edited by Pete26 on 01 Apr 2018, 04:21, edited 1 time in total.

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Alfred Kowalke


Post by Pete26 » 01 Apr 2018, 04:09

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Alfred Kowalke was guillotined in Brandenburg Gorden prison on 6 March 1944.
Geboren am 11. April 1907 in Berlin, lernte Tischler und arbeitete anschließend in Berlin und Hamburg. 1925 trat Kowalke in die KPD ein und gehörte seit Ende 1931 dem illegalen AM-Apparat des ZK der KPD an. Er war für Waffen- und Munitionsbeschaffung verantwortlich und reiste Ende 1932 zu einer militärischen Ausbildung nach Moskau. Nach Beendigung des Kurses kehrte er über Prag im Mai 1935 nach Deutschland zur illegalen Arbeit zurück. Ende 1935 emigrierte Kowalke nach Prag und war dort im AM-Apparat der Auslandsleitung der KPD eingesetzt. Er kam dann als Instrukteur unter dem Namen Arthur Janda nach Danzig und arbeitete mit den zwei kommunistischen Volkstagsabgeordneten zusammen. Als diese verhaftet wurden, ging Kowalke erneut nach Prag und wurde zur illegalen Arbeit nach Mitteldeutschland geschickt. Im Februar 1937 reiste er über Amsterdam nach Paris, in den folgenden Monaten Instrukteur des ZK der KPD in Bremen und im Ruhrgebiet. Bei Kriegsausbruch in den Niederlanden, ging Kowalke im Spätherbst 1941 nach Westdeutschland, um Verbindungen zu suchen und aufzubauen sowie für illegal einreisende Instrukteure Quartiere zu beschaffen, was erst in der Folgezeit in Berlin gelang.
Kowalke wurde ein enger Mitarbeiter des illegalen ZK-Instrukteurs Wilhelm Knöchel. Mit dem ZK-Instrukteur Wilhelm Beuttel schrieb er Artikel für die Zeitungen »Ruhr-Echo«, "Freiheit" und die von Knöchel redigierte Zeitung "Der Friedenskämpfer". Während eines illegalen Treffs am 2. Februar 1943 verhaftet, am 5. November 1943 vom 2. Senat des VGH zum Tode verurteilt, wurde Alfred Kowalke am 6. März 1944 im Zuchthaus Brandenburg ermordet.
Translated by google:
Born on April 11, 1907 in Berlin, Tischler learned and then worked in Berlin and Hamburg. In 1925 Kowalke joined the KPD and belonged since the end of 1931 to the illegal AM apparatus of the Central Committee of the KPD. He was responsible for arms and ammunition procurement and traveled to Moscow in late 1932 for a military training. After completing his course, he returned to Germany in May 1935 for illegal work via Prague. At the end of 1935 Kowalke emigrated to Prague where he was employed in the AM apparatus of the KPD's foreign office. He then came to Danzig as an instructor under the name of Arthur Janda and worked with the two communist members of the People's Party. When these were arrested, Kowalke again went to Prague and was sent to Central Germany for illegal work. In February 1937 he traveled via Amsterdam to Paris, in the following months instructor of the Central Committee of the KPD in Bremen and in the Ruhr area. At the outbreak of the war in the Netherlands, Kowalke went in the late autumn of 1941 to West Germany to seek connections and to establish and for illegally arriving instructors to procure quarters, which succeeded only in the aftermath of Berlin.
Kowalke became a close associate of the illegal ZK instructor Wilhelm Knöchel. With the ZK instructor Wilhelm Beuttel he wrote articles for the newspapers "Ruhr Echo", "Freedom" and the newspaper "The Peace Fighter" edited by Knöchel. Arrested on February 2, 1943, sentenced to death by the second senate of the VGH on November 5, 1943, Alfred Kowalke was murdered on March 6, 1944 in the Brandenburg penitentiary.
Last edited by Pete26 on 01 Apr 2018, 04:23, edited 1 time in total.

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Franz Mett


Post by Pete26 » 01 Apr 2018, 04:14

Mett_Franz.jpg (271.35 KiB) Viewed 10301 times
Franz Mett was guillotined in Brandenburg Gorden prison on 21 August 1944.
Geboren am 25. Oktober 1904 in Nickelnischken in Ostpreußen, stammte Franz Mett aus einer kinderreichen Arbeiterfamilie. Nach dem Besuch der Volksschule arbeitete er zeitweise als Bergmann im Ruhrgebiet und als Metallarbeiter in Berlin. 1928 trat er der KPD bei, seit 1929 war er arbeitslos und widmete sich ganz der Parteiarbeit, zuerst als Kassierer, später als Funktionär im Berliner Unterbezirk Zentrum. Wegen seiner Aktivitäten im kommunistischen Widerstand, Mett war Kurier der Berliner Bezirksleitung und schleuste illegale Schriften aus der Tschechoslowakei nach Deutschland ein, wurde er im November 1934 festgenommen und am 30. Januar 1935 vom 3. Strafsenat des Kammergerichts Berlin wegen "Vorbereitung zum Hochverrat" zu drei Jahren Zuchthaus verurteilt, die er im Zuchthaus Luckau verbüßte, wo er Robert Uhrig kennen lernte, mit dem er nach der Haftentlassung 1938 eine neue Widerstandsgruppe aufbaute. Mett, der nach seiner Entlassung als Automatenhelfer bei der Fabrik "Robert Carst" in der Alten Jacobstraße beschäftigt war, gehörte zu den führenden Mitgliedern der Uhrig-Gruppe und war u. a. verantwortlich für den Aufbau und die Anleitung illegaler Gruppen in Großbetrieben. Am 4. Februar 1942 verhaftet, wurde er am 6. Juni 1944 vom 5. Senat des Volksgerichtshofes zum Tode verurteilt und am 21. August 1944 im Zuchthaus Brandenburg-Görden ermordet.
Translated by google:
Born on October 25, 1904 in Nickelnischken in East Prussia, Franz Mett came from a large working-class family. After attending elementary school, he worked at times as a miner in the Ruhr and as a metalworker in Berlin. In 1928 he joined the KPD, since 1929 he was unemployed and devoted himself entirely to party work, first as a cashier, later as an official in the Berlin subdistrict center. Because of his activities in the communist resistance, Mett was a Berlin district executive and smuggled illegal writings from Czechoslovakia to Germany, he was arrested in November 1934 and on January 30, 1935 by the 3rd Criminal Court of the Berlin Court for "preparation for high treason" He was sentenced to three years in a penitentiary, which he served in the Luckau Prison, where he met Robert Uhrig, with whom he built a new resistance group after his release in 1938. Mett, who was employed after his dismissal as a machine assistant at the factory "Robert Carst" in the old Jacob street, belonged to the prominent members of the Uhrig group and was u. a. responsible for setting up and guiding illegal groups in large companies. Arrested on 4 February 1942, he was sentenced to death on 6 June 1944 by the 5th Senate of the People's Court and murdered on 21 August 1944 in the Brandenburg-Görden penitentiary.
Last edited by Pete26 on 01 Apr 2018, 04:24, edited 1 time in total.

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Herbert Tschäpe


Post by Pete26 » 01 Apr 2018, 04:18

Tschaepe_Herbert.jpg (183.63 KiB) Viewed 10300 times
Herbert Tschäpe was guillotined in Brandenburg Gorden prison on 27 November 1944.
Geboren am 15.Januar 1913 in Berlin-Schöneberg. Nach dem Besuch der Volks- und Mittelschule absolvierte Herbert Tschäpe eine kaufmännische Lehre bei der Zentral-Europäischen Versicherungsbank. Nach nur einem Jahr wurde der Lehrvertrag gelöst und Herbert Tschäpe besuchte für ein Jahr die Kaiser-Friedrich-Oberrealschule in Berlin-Neukölln, danach arbeitete er als Bauarbeiter bei verschiedenen Berliner Firmen. Von 1928 bis 1930 in der Sozialistischen Arbeiterjugend (SAJ) organisiert, wurde er 1930 Mitglied des KJVD und der KPD. Er war politischer Leiter des KJVD in Berlin-Neukölln und gehörte 1933 der illegalen Leitung des KPD-Unterbezirks Berlin-Neukölln an. Im Dezember 1933 verhaftet und im Februar 1934 zu einem Jahr Gefängnis verurteilt. Nach seiner Entlassung im Dezember 1934 entlassen (die Untersuchungshaft wurde angerechnet) arbeitete er bis zu seiner Flucht aus Deutschland bei einer Gartenbaugesellschaft in Berlin-Zehlendorf. Mitte 1935 emigrierte Herbert Tschäpe in die Tschechoslowakei und meldete sich im Herbst 1936 zu den Internationalen Brigaden nach Spanien. Als Hauptmann in der XI. Internationalen Brigade kämpfte er bis 1938 auf Seiten der spanischen Republik, danach war er bis Ende 1940 in einem französischen Lager interniert. Im Mai 1941 kehrte er nach Deutschland zurück, wurde sofort verhaftet und kam in das KZ Sachsenhausen. Von dort flüchtete er am 22. April 1944, lebte illegal in einer Laube und nahm Kontakt zur Widerstandsgruppe um Anton Saefkow auf, wo er verantwortlich für den zivilen Sektor der Arbeit des NKFD war. Am 5. Juli 1944 erneut verhaftet, wurde er am 24. Oktober 1944 vom Volksgerichthof zum Tode verurteilt und am 27. November 1944 im Zuchthaus Brandenburg-Görden ermordet.
Translated by google:
Born on January 15, 1913 in Berlin-Schöneberg. After attending elementary and secondary school, Herbert Tschäpe completed a commercial apprenticeship with the Central European Insurance Bank. After only one year, the apprenticeship contract was solved and Herbert Tschäpe attended for one year the Kaiser-Friedrich-Oberrealschule in Berlin-Neukölln, after which he worked as a construction worker at various Berlin companies. Organized from 1928 to 1930 in the Socialist Workers' Youth (SAJ), in 1930 he became a member of the KJVD and the KPD. He was political leader of the KJVD in Berlin Neukölln and belonged 1933 to the illegal guidance of the KPD Unterbezirks Berlin Neukölln. Arrested in December 1933 and sentenced to one year in prison in February 1934. After his release in December 1934 dismissed (the custody was counted) he worked until his escape from Germany at a horticultural society in Berlin-Zehlendorf. In the middle of 1935, Herbert Tschäpe emigrated to Czechoslovakia and in the fall of 1936 he applied to the International Brigades in Spain. As a captain in the XI. He fought on the side of the Spanish Republic until 1938, after which he was interned in a French camp until the end of 1940. In May 1941, he returned to Germany, was arrested immediately and came to the Sachsenhausen concentration camp. From there he fled on April 22, 1944, lived illegally in an arbor and made contact with the resistance group around Anton Saefkow, where he was responsible for the civil sector of the work of the NKFD. Arrested again on 5 July 1944, he was sentenced to death by the People's Court on 24 October 1944 and murdered on 27 November 1944 in the Brandenburg-Görden penitentiary.

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Erwin Nöldner


Post by Pete26 » 01 Apr 2018, 04:29

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Erwin Nöldner was guillotined in Brandenburg Gorden prison on 8 November 1944.
Geboren am 29. April 1913 in Berlin-Lichtenberg, erlernte der Sohn einer Arbeiterfamilie den Beruf eines Schlossers und Werkzeugmachers. 1928 wurde er in Berlin Mitglied des KJVD, engagierte sich in der Roten Jungfront der Jugendorganisation des RFB. Nöldner leitete die KJVD- Gruppe Görlitzer Viertel und gehörte der Leitung des KJVD Berlin-Kreuzberg Südost an. Ab 1933 illegal tätig in einer KPD-Zelle des Unterbezirks Südost, wurde er im Dezember 1935 verhaftet, am 4. Juni 1936 vom 4. Senat des Kammergerichts Berlin wegen "Vorbereitung zum Hochverrat" zu 3 Jahren Zuchthaus verurteilt. Nach den Haftstationen Luckau, Esterwegen und Aschendorfer Moor II wurde er Anfang Dezember 1938 entlassen. Unter Polizeiaufsicht stehend, arbeitete er dann bei der Fabrik "Auert" in Berlin-Weißensee.
Seit 1939 mit Lucie Kolboske verheiratet, wurde ihr gemeinsamer Sohn Jürgen 1941 geboren. Während des zweiten Weltkrieges hatte er Kontakt zu der von Anton Saefkow, Franz Jacob und Bernhard Bästlein geführten Widerstandsgruppe und bemühte sich als Verbindungsmann um die Herstellung von Kontakten zu anderen antifaschistischen Gruppen in mehreren Berliner Rüstungsbetrieben. Am 7. Juli 1944 wurde er festgenommen und mit Bernhardt Almstadt und Arthur Weisbrodt am 19. September 1944 vom Volksgerichtshof zum Tode verurteilt. Der Werkmeister Erwin Nöldners reichte im Namen aller Mitarbeiter der Firma Auert ein Gnadengesuch ein, das jedoch ignoriert wurde. Am 6. November 1944 wurde Erwin Nöldner im Zuchthaus Brandenburg-Görden ermordet.
Translated by google:
Born on April 29, 1913 in Berlin-Lichtenberg, the son of a working-class family learned the trade of a locksmith and toolmaker. In 1928 he became a member of the KJVD in Berlin, was involved in the Red Youth Front of the Youth Organization of the RFB. Nöldner headed the KJVD Group Görlitzer Viertel and was a member of the KJVD Berlin-Kreuzberg Südost. From 1933 onwards, he was illegally arrested in a KPD cell in the suburb of Southeast. He was arrested in December 1935 and sentenced to 3 years in prison by the 4th Senate of the Berlin Supreme Court on 4 June 1936 for "preparation for high treason". After the detention centers Luckau, Esterwegen and Aschendorfer Moor II, he was released in early December 1938. Under police supervision, he then worked at the factory "Auert" in Berlin-Weißensee.
Married to Lucie Kolboske in 1939, her son Jürgen was born in 1941. During the Second World War, he had contact with the led by Anton Saefkow, Franz Jacob and Bernhard Bästlein resistance group and tried as a liaison to the establishment of contacts with other anti-fascist groups in several Berlin armaments companies. On July 7, 1944, he was arrested and sentenced to death by the Volksgerichtshof on 19 September 1944 with Bernhardt Almstadt and Arthur Weisbrodt. The foreman Erwin Nöldners filed a pardon request in the name of all employees of the company Auert, which was however ignored. On November 6, 1944 Erwin Nöldner was murdered in the Brandenburg-Görden penitentiary.

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Re: A Prussian execution by Reindel


Post by fredric » 01 Apr 2018, 19:52

Pete26 wrote:the-prussian-execution-machine.jpg

Not a realistic illustration of the block and table. The block could not be this thin in profile as it would be totally unstable. The top of the block must have a flat spot for the neck behind the cutout. Otherwise the executioner could not fully sever the neck, unless he aimed for the gap between the block and the table which is not the way an execution axe was intended to be used. The table looks like a dining room table, in reality it was nothing more than a crude bench with folding legs, which was directly attached to the block so there was no gap between them. ... execution/
Some time ago I sent my comments on this article which appeared on Chris Woodyard's terrific site
" I recommend this weird site to all. The illustration and news article were familiar to me. It appeared in several variations in U.S. newspapers. The article in its many forms is a bonanza of axe beheading information, mythical and factual. You will find everything from the mercury-filled axe to this crazy illustration, all myths.
The illustration to "artist's license" by a newspaper artist of the day. Everything is crazy, especially the axe and the table!
The real board would have been thin, with folded legs as you say and most important, slanted upward and hooked to
the block, leaving a gap. A zinc tray was beneath that gap to catch the blood. The tray was hooked to the block.
The block had a "chin cup" and the victim was held by the helper's, either their hands or two straps. The victim was pulled up and forward. The axe was dropped, almost always severing the head. No chop. Just drop. 13 lb. blade dropped from above the scharfricter's head.
An assistant positioned the head (hell of a job) and pulling forward. Immediately after the head was cut,
the straps were loosened allowing the trunk to fall and the blood to drain into the zinc tray. Of course the block was surrounded by sand.
This "sand castle" formed a neat little moat for the blood...a blood cup. The same type of sand cup was used beneath the Mannhardt when
the Mannhardt was first introduced...perfect for outdoor executions.

Suggest everyone read the full article on Woodyard's fun site. It is not her writing. It is a "find" by her. Her books are good!

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Re: A Prussian execution by Reindel


Post by Pete26 » 02 Apr 2018, 06:22

fredric wrote: Some time ago I sent my comments on this article which appeared on Chris Woodyard's terrific site
" I recommend this weird site to all. The illustration and news article were familiar to me. It appeared in several variations in U.S. newspapers. The article in its many forms is a bonanza of axe beheading information, mythical and factual. You will find everything from the mercury-filled axe to this crazy illustration, all myths.
The illustration to "artist's license" by a newspaper artist of the day. Everything is crazy, especially the axe and the table!
The real board would have been thin, with folded legs as you say and most important, slanted upward and hooked to
the block, leaving a gap. A zinc tray was beneath that gap to catch the blood. The tray was hooked to the block.
The block had a "chin cup" and the victim was held by the helper's, either their hands or two straps. The victim was pulled up and forward. The axe was dropped, almost always severing the head. No chop. Just drop. 13 lb. blade dropped from above the scharfricter's head.
An assistant positioned the head (hell of a job) and pulling forward. Immediately after the head was cut,
the straps were loosened allowing the trunk to fall and the blood to drain into the zinc tray. Of course the block was surrounded by sand.
This "sand castle" formed a neat little moat for the blood...a blood cup. The same type of sand cup was used beneath the Mannhardt when
the Mannhardt was first introduced...perfect for outdoor executions.

Suggest everyone read the full article on Woodyard's fun site. It is not her writing. It is a "find" by her. Her books are good!
I do not agree that it was enough just to drop a 13 lb axe on a person's neck and the gravity alone would do the job. Here is why. If we use the Pankrac fallbeil as an example, the sledge and blade weigh about 60 kg (about 130 lbs). They fall from the height of about 1.2 meters (3.9 ft) on a person's neck. The kinetic energy of the sledge/blade at the end of the fall is 130 X 3.9 = 507 ft-lbs. Now if a 13 lb axe blade is dropped from the same distance, its kinetic energy will be only 50.7 ft-lbs, or 1/10 that of the fallbeil blade. Another disadvantage of the axe is that the blade is relatively straight and it has to sever the neck by crushing action, rather than cutting, as the slanted guillotine blade does. Separating by crushing requires even more energy. I seriously doubt that if they used a 13 lb sledge/blade combination on a fallbeil that it would do the job it was designed to do.

I think that the executioner must accelerate the axe downward, even if he does not raise it high over his head. A mere gravity fall would not be enough to sever the neck. Because the ability of the axe blade to sever the neck is a direct function of its final kinetic energy, and the kinetic energy varies as a square of blade striking speed, doubling the axe final striking speed with quadruple its kinetic energy. It is easy to double, or even triple the striking speed of the axe blade just by purposely accelerating it downward, as opposed to letting it fall just by gravity. In case the striking speed is tripled (compared to the free fall final striking speed), the kinetic energy of the axe blade will then be about 90% of the kinetic energy of the free falling 130 lb fallbeil blade. At that point the axe will easily separate the neck and probably gets stuck in the wooden block.

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Re: Beheadings in the Third Reich


Post by fredric » 03 Apr 2018, 00:40

Can't dispute your engineering analysis of the kinetic energy of the falling richtbeil and conclusion that the scharfrichter could not have
just "dropped" the richbeil on a victim's neck but would have had to swing the richtbeil to increase its striking power.
I am not an engineer. I am a researcher on the topic.

Here are a few comments on the subject by people who observed richtbeil beheadings:

1. In 1935, in response to press criticism of beheading with the richtbeil as being "barbaric", the Reich Ministry of Justice (in a response to
Ernst Hanfstaengl) wrote: "Execution with the axe cannot be described as an impractical or cruel way of carrying out a death sentence.
We are dealing not with a normal 'chopper' but with a specially made execution axe. Because of its unusual weight, it has such a powerful
cutting force that it is absolutely unnecessary to swing it. The weight of this instrument also helps achieve a particularly accurate blow."

2, Jan Valtin (author of "Out of the Night" describing the execution of three communists) says: " Before I could realize what was happening,
the headsman raised his ax over Comrade Dettmer's head. He did not strike. He simply let it fall on Johnny's neck. Then, with an easy
motion, he drew the blade toward him, and stepped back. Johnny Dettmer's head fell into the basket."

3. The weight of richtbeil blades probably varied. Polchau describes one as "massive" but give no weight. I have a drawing of Groppler's
axe (Groppler executed the communists in Valtin"s book). The drawing says "Schwere des Beils 6 Klg" (13.227 lbs). 13 lbs. is also
given as the weight of Vopel's axe which he asserted he borrowed from Breslau (possibly a lie).

4. In the only photo so far discovered of an axe beheading, Reindel seems to have raised the axe above and perhaps (blurred) a bit
behind his head... and could well have put some extra energy into the fall... but this is certainly not what the foreign press
depicts in a drawing of Reindel... about to swing the axe like a baseball bat!

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Re: Beheadings in the Third Reich


Post by Pete26 » 03 Apr 2018, 01:53

fredric wrote:Can't dispute your engineering analysis of the kinetic energy of the falling richtbeil and conclusion that the scharfrichter could not have
just "dropped" the richbeil on a victim's neck but would have had to swing the richtbeil to increase its striking power.
I am not an engineer. I am a researcher on the topic.

Here are a few comments on the subject by people who observed richtbeil beheadings:

1. In 1935, in response to press criticism of beheading with the richtbeil as being "barbaric", the Reich Ministry of Justice (in a response to
Ernst Hanfstaengl) wrote: "Execution with the axe cannot be described as an impractical or cruel way of carrying out a death sentence.
We are dealing not with a normal 'chopper' but with a specially made execution axe. Because of its unusual weight, it has such a powerful
cutting force that it is absolutely unnecessary to swing it. The weight of this instrument also helps achieve a particularly accurate blow."

2, Jan Valtin (author of "Out of the Night" describing the execution of three communists) says: " Before I could realize what was happening,
the headsman raised his ax over Comrade Dettmer's head. He did not strike. He simply let it fall on Johnny's neck. Then, with an easy
motion, he drew the blade toward him, and stepped back. Johnny Dettmer's head fell into the basket."

3. The weight of richtbeil blades probably varied. Polchau describes one as "massive" but give no weight. I have a drawing of Groppler's
axe (Groppler executed the communists in Valtin"s book). The drawing says "Schwere des Beils 6 Klg" (13.227 lbs). 13 lbs. is also
given as the weight of Vopel's axe which he asserted he borrowed from Breslau (possibly a lie).

4. In the only photo so far discovered of an axe beheading, Reindel seems to have raised the axe above and perhaps (blurred) a bit
behind his head... and could well have put some extra energy into the fall... but this is certainly not what the foreign press
depicts in a drawing of Reindel... about to swing the axe like a baseball bat!
The advangtage of a heavier axe is that it does not have to be raised nearly as high as a light axe to perform the same task. This enables the executioner to follow the blade with his eyes and aim much better, even if he is putting force into accelerating the blade downward.

The following simple experiment illustrates well the difference between the free fall strike and additionally accelerated strike:

Sit straight in a chair and then stretch out your right arm with the edge of your palm pointing down. Then let the arm drop on your leg with the palm edge striking it, but without conscientiously moving your arm down. Then do the same thing, but move the arm as fast as you can downward. Now you see how much difference accelerating a striking object downward makes, even if it is not from a great height. (I am not suggesting you try this, but it proves the point)

As for the observers of the executions, they associate "axe swinging" with someone chopping wood with an axe where they raise it high above their head and swing hard. So if the executioner raised the axe only to his eye level and then accelerated it down, they would interpret it to mean that he just dropped it without swinging it. The way to prove if the axe fell merely by gravity or was accelerated downward would be to measure the time it took for the axe to descend from a known height. A gravity free fall time from a known distance with zero initial velocity is very easy to calculate based on the relationship s = 1/2(g)(t)(t), where s is the drop height, g is the gravitational acceleration, and t is time. Time is then equal to square root of {2(s)/g}. If the measured time is less than the fall time due to gravity only, then the axe was accelerated downward in addition to the gravitational acceleration acting on it.

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Re: A Prussian execution by Reindel


Post by Pete26 » 03 Apr 2018, 04:44

fredric wrote:
Some time ago I sent my comments on this article which appeared on Chris Woodyard's terrific site
" I recommend this weird site to all. The illustration and news article were familiar to me. It appeared in several variations in U.S. newspapers. The article in its many forms is a bonanza of axe beheading information, mythical and factual. You will find everything from the mercury-filled axe to this crazy illustration, all myths.
The illustration to "artist's license" by a newspaper artist of the day. Everything is crazy, especially the axe and the table!
The real board would have been thin, with folded legs as you say and most important, slanted upward and hooked to
the block, leaving a gap. A zinc tray was beneath that gap to catch the blood. The tray was hooked to the block.
The block had a "chin cup" and the victim was held by the helper's, either their hands or two straps. The victim was pulled up and forward. The axe was dropped, almost always severing the head. No chop. Just drop. 13 lb. blade dropped from above the scharfricter's head.
An assistant positioned the head (hell of a job) and pulling forward. Immediately after the head was cut,
the straps were loosened allowing the trunk to fall and the blood to drain into the zinc tray. Of course the block was surrounded by sand.
This "sand castle" formed a neat little moat for the blood...a blood cup. The same type of sand cup was used beneath the Mannhardt when
the Mannhardt was first introduced...perfect for outdoor executions.

Suggest everyone read the full article on Woodyard's fun site. It is not her writing. It is a "find" by her. Her books are good!
The following model clearly shows the tray between the block and the table: ... sW6-uWTXbC

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Re: Beheadings in the Third Reich


Post by fredric » 03 Apr 2018, 04:54

I figure the Reich Ministry of Justice/Roland Freisler's comments stand up too.
What do you calculate the weight a free fall axe would have to be to cut through
15-1/2 " (circumference) of muscle, a windpipe and vertebrae?

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Re: Beheadings in the Third Reich


Post by Pete26 » 04 Apr 2018, 05:49

fredric wrote:Thanks.
I figure the Reich Ministry of Justice/Roland Freisler's comments stand up too.
What do you calculate the weight a free fall axe would have to be to cut through
15-1/2 " (circumference) of muscle, a windpipe and vertebrae?
It depends what height would the axe be dropped from. It also depends on how sharp the blade is and where it strikes the neck. if it slices through it between two vertebrae, then less energy would be required than slicing through a vertebra itself. It also depends on how big and heavy is the executioner wielding the axe.

I am afraid there is no straight answer here and something like this would have to be determined by trial and error at best. When an executioner guides the axe downward and accelerates it somewhat to increase the striking speed of the blade, the axe becomes an extension of his arms and in reality one must take the weight of his arms and weight of the axe as a whole to determine the total energy at the end of the strike. Assuming each arm weighs about 10 lbs, then the total mass is 20 lbs+ 13 lbs =33 lbs. This means the kinetic energy increases by a factor of about 2.5 because it is directly proportional to total mass. Then if the speed of the striking blade is doubled by accelerating the axe downward, the kinetic energy increases by a factor of 4. So then at the end, accelerating the axe downward and considering the total mass of the axe and executioner's arms, the axe can strike with kinetic energy approaching that of a free falling fallbeil blade.

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Re: Beheadings in the Third Reich - Jozef Raskin


Post by Martinski » 04 Apr 2018, 22:52

Hello all! Found recently following information:
Jozef Maria Raskin (21 June 1892 – 18 October 1943) was a Belgian artist, painter, draftsman, and Scheutist missionary who served in World War I and became a missionary in China from 1920 to 1934. Later, during World War II, he was drafted into the Belgian army as a chaplain and was a personal advisor to King Leopold III. While operating under the code name Leopold Vindictive 200 for the Dutch resistance, on 1 May 1942 he was arrested by the Gestapo, tried and convicted, and on 18 October 1943 was guillotined. A statue honoring his service stands in Aarschot. After World War II, a book about Raskin's exploits in both world wars was written by Jozef De Vroey, himself a Catholic priest and survivor of both these conflicts, under the title Pater Raskin in de beide wereldoorlogen (Father Raskin in Both World Wars).

Arrest and execution:
On 1 May 1942, Raskin was betrayed as a spy by a man dressed as a beggar and was arrested by the Gestapo. While imprisoned awaiting trial, he was described by other prisoners as being "a learned man, uplifting, eloquent, a support and an example" who sang every night, told stories of his years in China, and took confessions from his fellow inmates. On 31 August 1943 he was tried and convicted, offering as his only defense: Im Gewissen und vor Gott habe ich meine Pflicht getan (In conscience and before God I have done my duty). The following day, 1 September 1943, he was sentenced to death and on 18 October 1943, at 1843 hours, he was guillotined in Dortmund Prison.

Regards! Martin

PS:Sources: Found the book (in Dutch language) in the bookstore - text & pics from Wikipedia:
Jozef Raskin - statue.jpg
Raskin_Leo III.jpg
Raskin_Leo III.jpg (241.27 KiB) Viewed 10142 times
Pater_Jozef_Raskin.png (66.92 KiB) Viewed 10142 times

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