Jews in the Ottoman Army

Discussions on the final era of the Ottoman Empire, from the Young Turk Revolution of 1908 until the Treaty of Lausanne in 1923.
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Post by Ami » 23 Oct 2007, 20:32

Bill Woerlee wrote:Ami

G'day mate

Whoa there and hold up pardner. I think you have mounted the horse from the wrong end. Laying into Tosun over the Hadiths and Koran is a bit out of the field.

But to deal with this objection, anyone can grab a verse from the Koran or take a Hadith and turn it into something vile. Heck there is a Hadith which suggests that it is perfectly fine to belt the living hell out of your wife. In my experience, I haven't heard of or seen many followers of Islam and the Sharia actually doing this.

But when you begin finger pointing with extreme interpretations of the Koran and Hadiths Ami, you gotta make sure your plot is clean. When it comes to the Torah and the Mitvot, heck, it makes the Hadiths look like child's play. I mean stoning someone for looking at you in a funny way or executing someone for having a square haircut is a tad bit extreme to say the least and yet it is sitting there. And worse still is the anti-Arab propaganda in the Ishmael story. So casting stones is not a productive adventure, especially if it is a religious stone of radical interpretation. Let's not go there brother because it will cause great pain for no reward.

The rest of your commentary picks up on what Steve and I have already said - scapegoating is a convenient way of avoiding responsibility.

The fine distinction about only Lebanese selling land is a bit skewed with tortured logic. If you really want to go here, perhaps you might look at the origin of the Hebrews and you will find that all the folks living in that patch of land are Lebanese anyway. There was no such thing as the exodus nor King David nor anything else lauded in the mythology of Israel. All we get are a group of Phonecian hill tribes people banding together under the call of an Egyptian prince, Moses, for the purposes of creating an Egyptian buffer state, and bound together by a god of coalition. The language, writing system and even religion is all from the Phonecians, or if you want to modernise it a bit, the Lebanese.

The term Palestine is the Roman name for the province of Philistia, the old name for that area. At the end of the day, even Jews are, by definition, also Palestinians.

Call me stupid but all I see is a pointless internecine struggle being writ large upon the world stage. Nothing good comes from family squabbles and those who poke their noses into it are likely to get hurt without any thanks for their pains.

So if you want to debate this stuff, that's fine, but you are wasting everyone's time rehashing that which to the outside world, looks rather short sighted and foolish.


The main problem with your post, is that you try to create equality between religious custom and laws in Judaism and Islam while ignoring the major part - the facts. The bottom line, is that at the end of the day, the amount of Jewish leaders or Israeli politicians who follow the guidlines of what you claim to be biblical Jewish laws in your posts (although killing a guy for his haircut or for looking at you in a funny way sounds more like criminal street thuggary than Jewish law) and preach them to their supporters, is close to none, while the opposing verses I brought are mainstream, pushed deep in to the minds of young Muslims in many Muslim countries, as part of the educational system and the surrounding culture.


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Bill Woerlee
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Post by Bill Woerlee » 24 Oct 2007, 00:27


G'day mate

What I am trying to do is suggest that no one in this matter is perfect. If you want to belt Islam over the head with the texts from the Koran or the Hadiths, go to this site:

You will find a treasure trove of all the things you talk about. Anything anti-Koranic or against the Hadiths is there. These guys do not miss a trick. So your friend can go to this site and vent his rage by say: "Yeah, you tell 'em fellers! This is what those Moslems believe! Stick it into them!"

But before you get too comfortable, you might also want to see what is said about the Tanakh, Torah and Mitzvot. Every Moslem will say the same things with glee when reading these pages:

Nothing is one sided or so simplistic as to be in the reality what is stated in these texts or their interpretation. We know that. But if folks want simplistic finger pointing, these sites provide all the ammunition. Now your friend will have a whole armoury of finger pointing material. The only thing he need to ask himself is: "So now I know all of that, how is it useful in progressing tolerance?"

Just to give you some of my personal history, when I was young and stupid, I was an elected representative on a city council in Australia, a large city in South Australia. In my specific electorate, I had a mosque, a Phillapina Diocese, a Hindu Temple and a whole swag of different Christian denominations. I was given the honour of helping with the opening ceremonies of the new mosque. My relations with the Islamic community were one of sheer joy. Yeah, there were a few bad eggs, but that is true of all communities, but this group were honest, hard working people. They were pious and carried into their personal lives their teachings. Almost to a person, they also accepted Australian values of democracy and gender equality illustrating that Islam and western democratic values could live hand in hand without conflict. I had similar experiences with the Hindus.

You know which group in the community were the nastiest, meanest and most intolerant when it came to pluralism? The fundamentalist Christians. I grew to loathe them. It was this group that opposed the building of a "godless" Hindu Temple because it encouraged too many of "them" to come into the community - a comment which was no more than snide racism dressed up as religion. There is nothing more loathsome to me than intolerance underpinned by religion. I have witnessed the good and the evil with this issue but it didn't matter how it was dressed, it was always fanatical intolerance from bigots.

Introducing your friend's ideas onto this site is one example of that. My conclusion - everyone is guilty of what is accused. If you say Islamic youth have their head filled with hateful verses, I look at the Hassidim and say: "Yeah, and your point being ...." Every Religious group has its fanatics, that is all you are actually telling us. But Ami, we all know that. No point in you stating the obvious. We are all adults here and accept that as a given.

So can we leave it there mate.

What really impresses me about you is your pic of the academy which illustrates two things. Firstly you have access to a repository of archival material that appears to have great importance in this area of study and secondly you have a willingness to share it with us. Let me assure you, we would love to see what it is you have to show us. Perhaps you could also give us a bit of background as to yourself so we know the correct things to ask you or discuss things with you on those subjects.



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Location: ISRAEL


Post by Ami » 24 Oct 2007, 14:35

Hi Bill

Fine, I see we have here not much more then the commonly found "all agree hes guilty" tempting attitude, “morally” supported by the “axioms” coming from the range of Zionophobic/Israelophobic feelings. Since reality has no place here (after all, the Jewish religious scripts are open to all, translated in several version and even online), I would not insist on attending where I am not welcomed just by definition of my nationality, and let you take the full advantage of putting all your money on the "bash Israel and get nothing but cheers" all win bet.



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