Germans and Slavs intermarriage

Discussions on the propaganda, architecture and culture in the Third Reich.
George L Gregory
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Re: Germans and Slavs intermarriage


Post by George L Gregory » 19 Jan 2021, 18:41

Himmler was apparently fixated with the idea of a Mongol presence in the East.

Mark Mazower in his book Hitler's Empire Nazi Rule in Occupied Europe wrote that even Hitler himself believed in the same idea:
"Hitler himself talked about a Mongolensturm, while German propaganda referred to the 'spineless Slavic-Mongol pap' that compromised the human matter of the USSR. Sometimes it sounded as though Barbarossa was a duel between Goths and Nordic peoples on the one hand and Tatar Untermenschen on the other. These racial stereotypes played an important role in the targedy that unfolded.
Page 160.

And, Hitler did indeed speak of a 'Mongolensturm' during WW2:
Hier hat sich gegen Europa eine Macht zusammengeballt, von der leider die meisten keine Ahnung hatten und viele heute noch keine Ahnung besitzen. Es ware dies ein zweiter Mongolensturm eines neuen Dschingis Khan geworden. DaB diese Gefahr abgewendet wurde, das verdanken wir zunachst der Tapferkeit, der Ausdauer und Opferwilligkeit unserer deutschen Soldaten und dann auch den opfern aller derer, die mit uns marschiert sind. Denn zum erstenmal ist diesmal doch so etwas wie ein europaisches Erwachen durch diesen Kontinent gegangen.

Here a power has come together against Europe, of which unfortunately most of the people had no idea and which many today have no idea. It would have been a second Mongol storm by a new Genghis Khan. We owe that this danger was averted first of all to the bravery, perseverance and willingness to make sacrifices of our German soldiers and then also to the sacrifices of all those who marched with us. Because for the first time something like a European awakening has passed through this continent.
Sie kennen unsere Verbundeten, angefangen vom Norden das tapfere kleine Heldenvolk der Finnen, das sich wieder so tiber alle MaBen bewahrt hat. Aber dazu sind dann gekommen Slowaken, Ungarn, Rumanen und endlich Verbundete aus ganz Europa: Italiener, Spanier, Kroaten, Hollander, danische Freiwillige, selbst franzosische und belgische Freiwillige. Ich kann wirklich sagen, daB im Osten vielleicht zum ersten Male in einer gemeinsamen Erkenntnis ganz Europa kampft: so wie einst gegen die Hunnen, so diesmal gegen diesen Mongolenstaat eines zweiten Dschingis Khan.

You know our allies, starting from the north with the brave little hero people of the Finns, who have once again preserved themselves beyond all measure. But then there were Slovaks, Hungarians, Romanians and finally allies from all over Europe: Italians, Spaniards, Croats, Dutch, Danish volunteers, even French and Belgian volunteers. I can really say that in the East perhaps for the first time all of Europe is fighting with a common understanding: as once against the Huns, this time against this Mongol state of a second Genghis Khan.
Von Monat zu Monat mehr wurde schon im Jahre 1940 die Erkenntnis gewonnen, daB die Plane der Manner im Kreml bewuBt auf die Beherrschung und damit Vernichtung ganz Europas hinzielten. Ich habe der Nation schon ein Bild des Aufmarsches der russischen militarischen Machtmittel im Osten gegeben, zu einer Zeit, in der Deutschland nur wenige Divisionen in den an RuBland angrenzenden Provinzen besaB. Nur ein Blinder konnte es ubersehen, daB sich hier ein Aufmarsch von weltgeschichtlich einmaligen Dimensionen vollzog. Und zwar nicht um etwas zu verteidigen, was nicht bedroht war, sondern nur um etwas anzugreifen, was zur Verteidigung nicht mehr fahig zu sein schien. Wenn die blitzartige Beendigung des Feldzuges im Westen den Moskauer Machthabern auch die Moglichkeit nahm, mit einer sofortigen Erschopfung des Deutschen Reiches rechnen zu konnen, so beseitigte dies keineswegs ihre Absichten, sondern verschob nur den Zeitpunkt des Angriffes. Im Sommer 1941 glaubte man den gunstigsten Moment des Losschlagens zu sehen. Nun sollte ein neuer Mongolensturm tiber Europa hinwegbrausen.

From month to month, as early as 1940, the realization was gained that the plans of the men in the Kremlin were deliberately aimed at the domination and thus the destruction of all of Europe. I have already given the nation a picture of the deployment of Russian military power in the east at a time when Germany had only a few divisions in the provinces bordering Russia. Only a blind man could overlook the fact that a march of dimensions unique in world history was taking place here. And not to defend something that was not threatened, but only to attack something that no longer seemed capable of defending itself. If the sudden termination of the campaign in the west also deprived the Moscow rulers of the possibility of an immediate exhaustion of the German Reich, this in no way eliminated their intentions, but only postponed the time of the attack. In the summer of 1941, it was believed that the most favorable moment to strike was seen. Now a new Mongol storm was about to sweep across Europe.
Himmler declared during WW2:
An aesthete, like many racists, he attached great importance to physical appearance. 'The racial enquiry should prevent the development of Mongol types in the newrly settled East,' he ordained. 'I want to build a blond province here.'
Mark Mazower, Hitler's Empire Nazi Rule in Occupied Europe, page 194.

Himmler declared during a speech to SS soldiers in July 1941:
It is a war of ideologies and struggle races. On one side stands National Socialism: ideology, founded on the values of our Germanic, Nordic blood. It is worth the world as we want to see: beautiful, orderly, fair, socially, a world that may be, still suffers some flaws, but overall a happy, beautiful world filled with culture, which is precisely Germany. On the other side stands the 180 million people, a mixture of races and peoples, whose names are unpronounceable, and whose physical nature is such that the only thing that they can do - is to shoot without pity or mercy. These animals, which are subjected to torture and ill-treatment of each prisoner from our side, which do not have medical care they captured our wounded, as do the decent men, you will see them for yourself. These people have joined a Jewish religion, one ideology, called Bolshevism, with the task of having now Russian, half [located] in Asia, parts of Europe, crush Germany and the world. When you, my friends, are fighting in the East, you keep that same fight against the same subhumans, against the same inferior races that once appeared under the name of Huns, and later - 1,000 years ago during the time of King Henry and Otto I, - the name of the Hungarians, and later under the name of Tatars, and then they came again under the name of Genghis Khan and the Mongols. Today they are called Russian under the political banner of Bolshevism.
As late as 1944, Himmler was still claiming similar things:
An Atilla was born in this seething mass of millions of subhumans, in the same way suddenly in some couple of two people the spark can be ignited by means of which an Atilla, a Genghis Khan, a Tamberlaine, a Stalin can emerge from lost traces of Nordic-Germanic-Aryan blood that is floating in this mass and which alone can give rise to powers of leadership and organization.
Peter Longerich, Heinrich Himmler: A Life, page 263.

George L Gregory
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Re: Germans and Slavs intermarriage


Post by George L Gregory » 19 Jan 2021, 18:55

gebhk wrote:
19 Jan 2021, 16:34
Do you have a link to the thread? I'm interested in other people's opinions about the Third Reich's Germanisation policies.
Hi George

I wasn't ignoring you, just was looking in the Polish Section when in fact the relevant thread

Related blood peoples - the Poles - citizenship after the invasion of Poland

In in this one!


Is that the thread you mean?

If so, examples of Poles being described as Aryans or of related blood to the Germans meant nothing at all. Even during WW2 some Poles tried to help some Jews by giving them 'Aryan Papers' (i.e. papers declaring someone to be a non-Jewish European) to try and help them avoid persecution from the Nazis.

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Re: Germans and Slavs intermarriage


Post by gebhk » 19 Jan 2021, 20:40

Sorry no, It's called:

Related blood peoples - the Poles - citizenship after the invasion of Poland

Started Jul 2019 - last post 30.9.2019


George L Gregory
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Re: Germans and Slavs intermarriage


Post by George L Gregory » 19 Jan 2021, 21:29

gebhk wrote:
19 Jan 2021, 20:40
Sorry no, It's called:

Related blood peoples - the Poles - citizenship after the invasion of Poland

Started Jul 2019 - last post 30.9.2019

K ... p?t=242945

That thread?

The fact is that even though the Nazis 'legally' considered the Poles and other Slavs (or any non-Jewish European in general) to be an 'Aryan' or of 'related blood' to the Germans, they were not allowed to become Reich citizens after 1939.

Suddenly after September 1939 the Poles became 'subhumans' in Nazi propaganda. And, Nazi propaganda made up lies to justify the invasion of Poland. Neo-Nazis even repeat the same lies these days.

The Nazis considered all peoples to be a mixture of different sub-races e.g. Alpine, Nordic, Dinaric, etc. They wanted to find those who were considered to be of 'good blood' i.e. Nordic in the occupied territories and to Germanise them and that includes a lot of Poles, Czechs, Ukrainians, etc.

George L Gregory
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Re: Germans and Slavs intermarriage


Post by George L Gregory » 24 Jan 2021, 13:08

It appears that Himmler did indeed ban sexual relations between Germans and Slavs since March 1942:
The dangers to 'racial policy' created by mass deportations from eastern Europe to Germany and the numerous provisions for individual cases that were made either to contain these risks or to filter out 'good blood' seem to have prompted Himmler to introduce a radical reversal of racial reversal of racial policy in the spring of 1942. In March that year he decreed, in his capacity as Settlement Commissar, that the term 'related' (artverwandt), which up to that point had been used consistently in Nazi racial terminology to refer to the non-German European nations, was to be replaced by a set of new prescribed terms. The term 'related', it was claimed, was based on the 'presupposition [ . . . ] that the racial structure of all European nations is so closely related to that of the German nation that if interbreeding occurs there is no danger that the German nation's blood will be racially contaminated'. This, it was claimed, is not at all the case, however: even in the European context, 'racial intermingling' was a threat, particularly in the case of contact with 'Slavdom'.

The corresponding directive states that at a meeting in the Party Chancellery of the party branch offices involved it had therefore been decided, 'with immediate effect' (until a comprehensive law protecting German blood was passed after the end of the war), to divide the term 'related' into first, 'German blood and blood of related ( = Germanic) races' (to which members of 'non-Germanic' nations who were 'capable of reGermanization' also belonged, in other words whose who exhibited 'Nordic-Faelish (nordische-fälische) racial elements'), and secondly, 'related blood but not from related races', by which was meant all non-Germanic European nations (Slavs, Latins Celts Balts).

The introduction of this terminology heralded Himmler's policy of permitting Germans in future to have sexual relations only with other Germans or 'Teutons'. Although at first intercourse was banned only with Slavs the directive made a basic distinction undoubtedly intended to prepare the way for a future ban on sexual relations between Germans and those of Latin, Baltic, or Celtic origin.
Peter Longerich, Heinrich Himmler: A Life, pages 594-595.

The German Wikipedia article "Deutschblütig" also mentions the change in the meaning of 'related blood' by Himmler in 1942:
Die Formel „deutschen oder artverwandten Blutes“ wurde während des Zweiten Weltkriegs häufig in amtlichen Dokumenten benutzt: In einem Führererlass betreffend die Verwaltung der Ostgebiete vom 8. Oktober 1939 zum Beispiel werden Bewohner „deutschen oder artverwandten Blutes“ nach Maßgabe näherer Vorschriften zu deutschen Staatsangehörigen erklärt. Auslegungsfähig und unpräzise blieb lange Zeit der Terminus „artverwandten Blutes“.

Im Zusammenhang mit der Rekrutierung zur Waffen-SS, die Freiwillige aus Skandinavien, den Niederlanden und Flandern aufnahm, erließ Heinrich Himmler am 23. März 1942 eine geheime Anordnung, wonach „germanische“ Völker als „artverwandtes Blut“ zu gelten hätten, während „nichtgermanische Völker“ und insbesondere Slawen nicht dazu gehören sollten. Folgerichtig wurden Ostarbeiter als Zwangsarbeiter besonders schlecht behandelt. Ein Kommentar zur „Rassen- und Erbpflege“ führt zur Unterscheidung fremder Völker näher aus: „Zu den Trägern artverwandten Blutes gehören die Angehörigen derjenigen Völker, die im wesentlichen von denselben Rassen abstammen wie das deutsche Volk.“ Hierzu zählten die nordischen Völker einschließlich der Engländer, aber auch Franzosen, Italiener, Balten und weitere, soweit sie sich „artrein“ erhalten hätten. Der Besitz der entsprechenden Staatsangehörigkeit reiche indes für die Beurteilung von „artverwandt“ oder „artfremd“ nicht aus; es komme auf die persönlichen rassebiologischen Merkmale an.

Isabel Heinemann spricht in diesem Zusammenhang von „einer begrifflichen Neufassung“: „Waren bisher Norweger wie Russen in der nationalsozialistischen Rassentheorie als ‚artverwandtes Blut‘ bezeichnet worden, so unterteilte man nun stattdessen in ‚germanische‘ (‚stammesgleiche‘) und ‚nichtgermanische‘ (,nichtstammesgleiche‘) Völker sowie ‚wiedereindeutschungsfähige Angehörige nichtgermanischer Völker‘ mit Sonderstatus.“ütig
Initially a general ban on sexual intercourse between Germans and all foreign workers was even decreed. As the labor shortage worsened, however, the terms of the ban were relaxed again by the circular order of December 7, 1942, referred to above, since for political reasons Italian workers and other foreigners coming from allied countries could not be included in it. This was also the case for the French, who were to be integrated as a nation in the "new Europe." Thus, sexual intercourse with people of these nationalities remained merely "undesirable," and intervention was envisaged only in the case of "intolerable conduct" (cohabitation, etc.) but externally this should under no circumstances appear to have any national or racial basis.

In contrast, sexual relations between Germans and members of Eastern European nations were relentlessly prosecuted by the Gestapo on grounds of the "risk for the racial integrity of the German nation," and as usual only two sanctions were apples: committal to a concentration camp if the foreign offender was capable of being Germanized, or execution ("special treatment"). Preventive detention was demanded in the case of German offenders. This concerned above all Polish workers, the first to arrive in the Reich, but also Polish prisoners of war, over whom hung the threat of committal to a concentration camp, at least provisionally. A leaflet on the "duties of civilian workers . . . of Polish nationality" confirmed explicitly that the death sentence would be meted out for the offense of sexual intercourse with personals of German blood. Russians ("Eastern workers"), Czechs, Serbs, and others later came to be included in this category.
Diemut Majer, "Non-Germans" Under the Third Reich, pages 180-181.

Sid Guttridge
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Re: Germans and Slavs intermarriage


Post by Sid Guttridge » 24 Jan 2021, 14:27


That appears to be to prevent foreign men working in Germany "adulterating" the blood of German women, particularly in the absence of so many of their men in the Wehrmacht.

But I wonder if Himmler was so prescriptive about German men "sowing their wild oats" around the rest of Europe?



George L Gregory
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Re: Germans and Slavs intermarriage


Post by George L Gregory » 24 Jan 2021, 18:11

Sid Guttridge wrote:
24 Jan 2021, 14:27

That appears to be to prevent foreign men working in Germany "adulterating" the blood of German women, particularly in the absence of so many of their men in the Wehrmacht.

But I wonder if Himmler was so prescriptive about German men "sowing their wild oats" around the rest of Europe?


Only the last quote refers specifically to German women and foreign workers.

German women often complained about the double standard.
By contrast, in the case of German men and foreign women who were sexual partners there was official displeasure but no consistently applied penalty, although in Landkreis Stade, for example, a German man might be arrested and even sent to a concentration camp for having sex with a foreign woman. This was, however, by no means the rule. In Württemberg, most men escaped with a warning.

This double standard was a source of both confusion and disgust to many ordinary civilians. For example by mid 1941, there were around 800 French and Belgian women renting rooms privately privately in Württemberg. The local population complained about their attitude in general and their alleged sexual promiscuity in particular. They could not understand why French women, especially, could flaunt their relationships with German and even teenage boys unmolested, while a German woman found to have a foreign lover might have to endure public humiliation and imprisonment. The SS, in particular, was keen to pillory women who were guilty of 'racial defilement', and Himmler encouraged local party activists to stage the public head shaving of such women and to parade them around their locality bearing a placard detailing their offence. The age old prejudice which judged women more harshly than men in sexual matters was the essential context for reactions to German women's liaisons with foreign men. In both an age and a place where traditional conservative attitudes to sexual morality prevailed, many people felt the lapses, particularly on the part of women, deserved retribution, not least where wives of serving soldiers were consorting with men from enemy countries. The regime played its part by introducing in 1942 a new crime of 'insult of husbands at the front', and then in March 1943, the possibility of a 'post-mortem divorce', by which the adulterous widow of a dead soldier might have her pension cancelled. The chief issue for Nazis, however, was less the contravening of conventional moral standards than the dual concern of the invasive defilement by a 'racial inferior' of a German woman and the associated risk of a 'polluted' pregnancy.
Jill Stephenson, Hitler's Home Front Wurttemberg Under the Nazis, page 281.
In May, the "Sexual Relations Decree" (GV-Erlaß) was expanded. German women "who engaged in intercourse with prisoners of war in a manner that grossly offended popular sentiment" were to be sent to a concentration camp if the court did not impose a penalty. "Offending popular sentiment" was defined as "any social intercourse (e.g. at celebrations, dances) as well as any sexual intercourse.

Initially, these decrees were principally addressed to German women and girls, who were evidently considered by Nazi authorities to be a very unreliable "folk-political" factor. In fact the regulations were distinctly anti-women. It was inconceivable that a German soldier could have been hounded through the village streets with shorn head and a board round his neck, just because he had had intercourse "with a little Polish girl in a little Polish town," as in the text of a well-known soldier's song. The "Sexual Relations Decrees" were the most powerful way to show Germans how the "master race" should behave toward Poles and German women who had "disgraced their honor." The decrees were aimed principally against German women who, by engaging in intimate relations with Poles, had offended not only German honor in general, but the honor of German males in particular.
Ulrich Herbert, Hitler's Foreign Workers Enforced Foreign Labor in Germany Under the Third Reich, page 77.
The regulations of September 1940 also dealt with prohibited sexual intercourse between a German male and a Polish female worker. If the latter had been seduced by a superior taking advantage of her dependent position, she should be detained for up to 21 days; in other cases, the penalty was imprisonment for an unspecified period in a women's concentration camp. In all instances, the penalty for the German man was three months in a concentration camp.
Ibid, page 132.
Sex became particularly important in these circumstances. A camp commander or guard was a powerful figure who could exert heavy pressure on foreigners, especially female Eastern workers, who were mostly very young. Eastern female workers were evidently considered fair game, protected only by their fellow countrymen and the strictures of Nazi racial ideology, which classified sexual intercourse with Eastern workers as a crime. A German male could be penalized by being sent to a labor education camp; the Eastern female worker went to a concentration camp. Nonetheless, the rules were often broken; and, conspicuously, it was often superiors and camp commanders who were charged by the Gestapo with having had intimate relations with an Eastern worker. Such "relations" involved threats and rape, as well as presents of money and privileges.
Ibid, page 219.

When a German woman was with a placard that stated, "I have sullied the honour of the German woman" for having sexual relations with a French POW:
Some of the women in town muttered about the double standard openly, and wondered if German men who had sexual relations with French women in France were treated this year.
Robert Gellately, The Gestapo and German Society: Enforcing Racial Policy 1933-1945, page 239.

But also remember, only men could be prosecuted under the Nuremberg Laws.
Jewish men caught violating the Nuremberg Laws were to be tried for 'an attack on German blood', while 'German' men were brought to court for 'treason against their own blood'. Though Hitler himself inisited initially that women (Jewish or not) were not subject to prosecution, Heydrich issued a secret order to the Gestapo on 12 June 1937 to take Jewish women involved in such relationships into custody as also similarly involved non-Jewish women who had Jewish relatives or otherwise undesirable political views.
Ibid, page 172.

George L Gregory
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Re: Germans and Slavs intermarriage


Post by George L Gregory » 26 Jan 2021, 00:47

One of the more fierce anti-semitic Nazis Julius Streicher certainly didn't hide his feelings:
In 1924 Streicher told a public meeting that Jews having sexual relation with Gentiles should be executed. German girls involved should have their hair cut off, and German men ignorant enough to chase Jewish women should be castrated. In 1932 he wrote: "Racial defilers will continue their work until the German people rise up and put a brutal end to the disgrace. . . . If Adolf Hitler were at the helm, every Jewish racial defiler would be hanged."
Randall L. Bytwerk, Julius Streicher Nazi Editor of the Notorious Anti-Semitic Newspaper Der Sturmer, page 154.

One may also be interested in a video that was found containing footage of the public humiliation of a German guy (aged 19) and a Polish slave labourer (aged 16) for having sexual relations:
Public humiliation for violation of racial laws in Silesia, 1941

Film | Accession Number: 2012.142.1 | RG Number: RG-60.1356 | Film ID: 2954

Public humiliation of a young couple guilty of "Rassenschande" [racial shame or racial defilement] in Steinsdorf [present day Scinawa Nyska, Poland] in Silesia. Sexual relations between Germans and non-Aryans were forbidden and punishable by law in Nazi Germany. Bronia, a 16 year old Polish slave laborer, had been working with Gerhard Greschok (Krzeszczok), a 19 year old German, at the Adler family farm in Steinsdorf in the summer of 1941 when their forbidden affair was reported to the Gestapo. The film was discovered in an attic in Sturov, Slovakia in 1946.

01:00:00 Bronia and Gerhard are brought to Paul Hose's farm. They stand in front of the gate next to the home on the street, Gerhard with a sign around his neck. The men begin to place a bag over Bronia's head. A group of spectators and a policeman in uniform gather by an automobile, a few of the children have musical instruments, street sign "Neisse" visible in BG. Man with an overcoat, hat, and round-rimmed glasses (government official?) with his back to the camera seems to be in charge. Quick shot of four men (including the policeman and the man with glasses) around a building with an iron gate and a sign reading "...Steindorf". Cut to quick shot of young men (local Hitler Youth?) marching down the road (filmed from behind). 01:00:31 Back in front of Paul Hose's home, men finish putting the straw bag with a sign over Bronia's head. Spectators behind the fence can be seen peering over the fence observing the activity. Another view of the couple. Bronia's sign says "I am a Polish pig". Gerhard wears a sign saying "I am a German traitor." His hands are tied behind his back. The couple is forced to parade through the village streets. Approximately a dozen men (Hitler Youth?) escort Bronia and Gerhard, while children with musical instruments hover and walk closer to the curb. 01:00:41 A man with a still camera (frame right) quickly walks off screen.

The scarf is removed from Bronia's head. A light-haired man (Gestapo?) with wire-rimmed glasses, suit and striped tie, gestures and speaks to the crowd, and then begins to cut off Bronia's hair with scissors. Spectators of all ages (some were seen parading with the couple earlier) watch. A few smile. Some walk in and out of the frame. In the BG, a man leans out of a doorway. 01:01:22 An elderly woman with a headscarf watches. Different angles of the head-shaving. Another man shakes powder over Bronia's head. 01:01:42 Quick shot of the light-haired man cutting Gerhard's hair. Longer and wider shot of the man cutting Bronia's hair showing a ewspaper announcement board in BG and the man with camera (seen earlier). Camera pans left to show the captive audience. Back to the closer shot. A local helper with a mug of water assists the ringleader as he twists a bunch of hair at the crown of Bronia's head. They affix a flower to her sign. The light-haired man finishes cutting Gerhard's hair, stopping to berate him. He holds a mirror in front of Bronia's face so she can see herself, and twists a bunch of hair on Gerhard. Several women are in BG, other locals hang over a wire fence, and a youngster primps himself looking at the handheld mirror. The shorn couple stands side by side. 01:03:18 A brass band leads the procession of Bronia and Gerhard through the streets. They are surrounded by locals, the police officer, and two photographers. Very quick cut to film slate, "AGFA 1940."

01:03:30 The light-haired man crouches at street-level with Bronia (seen from behind) and bare-footed Gerhard at right. Their shorn hair is piled on the pavement and Bronia is forced to light a paper to set the pile of hair on fire. She is also barefoot. CU, hair in flames. Local children watch. 01:04:06 Long and wide shot of the couple paraded along the cobbled village streets, preceded by the brass band of youth. Another wide shot (from behind) as the couple walks along a dirt road surrounded by locals, Gerhard holds his hat behind him. Closer view as Bronia says something (to Gerhard?). 01:04:33 A young man in a cap and sweater points his finger and yells at the couple, they look down at the pavement. The police officer escorts Gerhard and Bronia to the city prison (filmed from behind a wire fence, trees block the view as the camera follows the activity). Side view of the couple, no longer wearing signs. A man stands behind them, talking to the light-haired man from earlier scenes. Crowd of locals. Another shot of the couple walking along with the policeman and a man in a trenchcoat, suit and hat (government official?), followed by the local spectators. View of landscape, presumably surrounding this Silesian town.

As punishment, Gerhard was sent to the Eastern Front where he was injured by shrapnel; he died in 1945. Bronia was sent to a concentration camp, where she most likely died (her fate is unknown). Typically, Polish men who violated the "racial laws" were hanged immediately. Polish women were sent to camps. German men were sentenced to front duty and German women, eventually, to prison.

George L Gregory
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Re: Germans and Slavs intermarriage


Post by George L Gregory » 08 Feb 2023, 00:18

Sid Guttridge wrote:
15 Jan 2021, 12:50
Himmler commissioned research into Hitler's ancestry in order to present him with his Aryan family tree for one birthday. It was never presented, possibly because Hindenburg had been right!
Do you have a source for that claim?

Hitler had his family tree published in 1937 by Rudolf Koppensteiner who published a very large illustrated genealogical tree showing his genealogy. Subsequently this was published in the book Die Ahnentafel des Führers ("The Pedigree of the Leader").
While there is no hard evidence of Hitler having Slavic ancestry, on the other hand recent DNA results from Austria indicate a much closer match with the Czech Republic than with Germany

So, if Hitler was a typical Austrian, he would certainly have had some Czech ancestry.


Not really, when one considers that Bohemia and Moravia were part of the Holy Roman Empire and then the Austrian Empire. Germans settled there. Hitler himself used that to justify the Nazi invasion of the rest of Czechoslovakia (Bohemia and Moravia) in 1939 when he said, "For a thousand years the provinces of Bohemia and Moravia formed part of the Lebensraum of the German people".

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