Full Austria-Hungarian Officers Name in Ottoman Army..

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Tosun Saral
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Re: Full Austria-Hungarian Officers Name in Ottoman Army..


Post by Tosun Saral » 03 Nov 2019, 12:30

2'nd Lieutenant Adelbert Lederer was the first commander of all kuk motor vehicles formationen. and then Rittmeister von Seutter were appointed commander. Von Seutter was later appointed to his hometown, Major Knight Maximilian Ritter von Henriquez took over the command. A total of 43 officers, 918 noncommissioned officers and soldiers served on the Kraftwagen units.(Jung p.53)

The 2nd Army logistics support line had eight automobile kolonne, consisting of four German, three Austro-Hungarian, and one Turkish kolonne with 101 cars and trucks.(Mareşal Mustafa Fevzi Çakmak, Birinci Dünya Savaşı’nda Doğu Cephesi, Genel Kurmay Basımevi, Ankara, 2005, s.308.

(k.u.k. Kraftfahrtruppenkommando Türkei I, II)
(k.u.k. Kraftwagenkolonne Türkei Nr 2,3,4 ) 2nd Lt. Karl Meiner from Kraftwagen kolonne III
who won turkish war medal died at vienna off ilness. Grazer Tagblatt, 25.8.1917,

(k.u.k. Autokolonne Nr 1 in Konya) one of the drivers was Josef Gabriel. Nr 1 had Praga GI model 1 PKW, 1 ammu car, 5 Fiat LKW per 2 tons, 2 Waf kamyon/2 tons Peter Jung, Die K.u.K Streitkräfte im ersten Wetkrieg 1914-Verlag Stöhr Wien 1995 2. Folge.

( k.u.k. Autokolonne Nr 2) commander: 2nd Lt Alfred Schwachhöfer/Schwallhöfer. 1 Praga GI PKW, 1 Praga GI ammu wagon, 1 Graft & Stift ammu wagon

k.u.k. Autokolonne Türkei Nr 5,9, 10) one of the crew was korporal Franz Schilberg fron vienna .Nr. 10 had 1 Puch PKW, 1 Puch ammu wagon, 20 Praga kamyon LKW/3 tons.

The trucks ordered from Austria for the Hijaz expeditionary forces arrived in Istanbul at the beginning of 1917. Under the command of Captain Joseph Jobb, there was also a training platoon to train turkish drivers. 3 motor vehicle colonne was established with incoming cars. Each arm had a passenger car PKW , a material truck (Rüstfahrzeug) and 14 trucks. However, the dispatch of these vehicles to Hejaz was later abandoned and in March 1917 they were sent to Mosul under the order of the 6th Army.

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Re: Full Austria-Hungarian Officers Name in Ottoman Army..


Post by stevebecker » 03 Nov 2019, 23:00


Could it be that old German to English again

Seutter von Lotzen or Lötzen (Loetzen)

German "ö" english "oe"


Can you give me a page number of these Autotruppe officers?

I checked pages 1494 to 1498

But could not see those in Turkey, other then possibly those with FJO-R

If thats correct?


Thank you thats great.



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Re: Full Austria-Hungarian Officers Name in Ottoman Army..


Post by stevebecker » 03 Nov 2019, 23:42


Thank you for that details on the KUK Transport units in Turkey.

Ten KUK Truck companies were in Turkey, interesting I did not think there were so many.

Now if I understand it

No 1 Company was at Konya

No 2 No 3 and No 4 Companies were in Central Turkey supporting the Caucusas

No 5 No 9 and No 10 Companies (Autokolonne Türkei) where were these units?

No 6 No 7 No 8 Companies Where were these units?

You mentioned there were Four German , three Austrian and one Turkish MT Companies with the 2nd Army

German records are hard to confirm

I have these German Truck units possibly around there Central Turkey Caucasus

Kraftwagen-Kolonne 513 (part) in Amanus another Part at Hassan Beyli
Kraftwagen-Kolonne 512
Kraftwagen-Kolonne 516
KraftFahr Sonderformation 500 in Bozanti
ErzKolonne D
Erzkolonne E (Motor Vehicle Columns)

Do you know what Ottoman Truck companies were formed?

Lt Jobb , I had him down as German?

(A vusturyali) 6th Ordu'da Ordu'da T 2 Motorlu tasitlar Komutani (The Austrian 6th Army Da Army Da T 2 Motorized Vehicles Commander)

So he was Austrian, thank you for that

The Autotruppe has him as Capt Jobb Anton

Maj Jobb Josef is shown with the IR 76

Which is right?



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Re: Full Austria-Hungarian Officers Name in Ottoman Army..


Post by Tosun Saral » 04 Nov 2019, 13:32

(A vusturyali) 6th Ordu'da Ordu'da T 2 Motorlu tasitlar Komutani (The Austrian 6th Army Da Army Da T 2 Motorized Vehicles Commander

Ordu'da : Ordu: Army, 'da : in :Ordu'da in the Army
(Bir Avusturyalı) 6'ncı Ordu'da T 2 Motorlu Taşıtlar Komutanı: (An Austrian) Commander of T 2 Motorized Vehicles in the 6th Army.

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Re: Full Austria-Hungarian Officers Name in Ottoman Army..


Post by Tosun Saral » 04 Nov 2019, 14:04

Dear Steve, unfortunately there is little knowledge. That's what ı collected. Jung and others dont give very detailed information. Sorry I aM not interested on Germans. Because there are many academics and others working on them but there are a few working on austria-hungarian formations during WW! in Turkey and one distiquished searcher is me the humble derwish.

My book "Çanakkale, Sina ve Filistin Cephelerinde Avusturya Macaristan Ordusu Topcu Bataryaları" (Austria-Hungarian Artillery Batteries at Gallipoli, Sina and Palestine Fronts) publishwd in 2012

Now finished "TÜRK CEPHELERİNDE AVUSTURYA MACARİSTAN ORDUSU BİRLİKLERİNİN FAALİYETLERİ" (Activities of Austria-Hungarian Formationen in Turkish Fronts)

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Re: Full Austria-Hungarian Officers Name in Ottoman Army..


Post by Tosun Saral » 18 Nov 2019, 11:32

Some hungarians decorated with turkish War Medal

Macar General Georg Freiherr Schariczer von Rény
Macar topcu askeri Kovács Ferenc,
Macar General Pokorny Hermann,
Macar General Hermann Freiherr Kövess von Kövessháza (kövessházi báró Kövess Hermann; Mart 30, 1854 – Eylül, 22, 1924),
Macar Kral Naibi Amiral Horthy Miklós,
Macar Tümgeneral Sorsich Béla,
Macar bestekâr ve müzisyen Askeri Mızıka Şefi Fricsay Richárd,
Macar Orduları Baş komutanı General Hugo v. Sónyi,
Macar asıllı sanayici Emil Jellinek-Mercedes,
Macar Korgeneral Kary Béla (altábornagy),
Macar General Álgya-Pap Sándor ( tábornok),
Macar Kurmay Binbaşı Pokorny Hermann,
Macar Muhabere subayı Pokorny Hermann,
Macar General Ignaz Freiherr Trollmann von Lovcenberg,
Macar Yarbay Pokorny Hermanm,
Macar Baron Samu Hazai (Samuel Freiherr von Hazai),
Macar Mareşal Hermann Baron von Kövess Kövessháza,
Macar Süvari Albay Broser Gusztáv,
Macar Pilot Ferdinand Udvardy,
Macar pilot Feyes Istvan,
Macar Pilot Üsteğmen Richard Hess,
Macar Pilot Béla Macourel,
Macar Üsteğmen Artur Freiherr von Groedel
Macar Ignaz Weber,
Macar Kızılhaçı İstanbul temsilcisi Dr. Koloman Hajos
Macar Dr. Géza Lobmayer,
Macar Graf Eugen Czechey,
Macar Graf Ladislaus Semsey,
Macar Baron Dr. Julius Szilassy von Szilas und Pilis,
Macar Bnb. Dr. Jur. Josef Graf Hunyadi von Kéthely,
Macar topçu er Szuki József 36 Numararalı Obüs Bataryası
Macar „Gyögyszer Ujsäg“ Gazetesi Muhabiri Ph. Mr. Sändor Szantö,
Fürst Ludwig Windisch Macar Otomobil Klubü Başkanı,

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Re: Full Austria-Hungarian Officers Name in Ottoman Army..


Post by Tosun Saral » 18 Nov 2019, 11:35

Imperial personalities that were awarded with turkish War Medal the Harb Madalyası,(Gallipoli Star)
Kaiser Karl von Österreich-Ungarn,
Arşidük Hubert Salvator, K.u.k. Savaş Bakanlığı Şark Misyonu Başkanı Kaiser Karl I'in kardeşi,
Erzherzog Hubert Salvator,
Erzherzog Josef Franz Leopold Anton Ignatius Maria,
Erzherzog Max,
Granddük Leopold Salvator

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Re: Full Austria-Hungarian Officers Name in Ottoman Army..


Post by Tosun Saral » 18 Nov 2019, 11:38

Generals awarded with turkish war medal
Genel Kurmay Başkanı Macar Freiherr Hermann Kövess-Kövessháza,
Orgeneral Kritek, 3’ncü Ordu Komutanı,
İstihkâm Orgeneral M. Victor Graf von Scheuchenstuel,
K.u.k. Başkomutanı Orgeneral Böhm-Ermoli,
Orgeneral Viktor Graf Dankl von Kraśnik,
Feldmarschalleutnant Franz Ritter Höfer von Feldsturm, Genel Kurmay İkinci Başkanı,
General a.D. Ing. Moritz Erwin Reichsfrei- und Panierherr von Lempruch,
General Baron Arthur Arz von Straussenburg,
Tümgeneral Joseph Pomiankowski,
Tümgeneral Richhart Müller
Piyade Generali Adolf Ritter von Ruith,
Piyade Generali Peter Baron von Hofmann,
Piyade Generali Stephan Freiherr v. Sarkovic,
General Friedrich Georgi,
General Viktor Severus,
General Viktor von Webenau,
General von Berzevicze und Kakas-Lomnitz,
General Alsted R. Rohm v. Hermannstädten,
General Julruß Melion,

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Re: Full Austria-Hungarian Officers Name in Ottoman Army..


Post by Tosun Saral » 18 Nov 2019, 11:39

some pilots awarded with turkish war medal
Denizci pilot Baron Gottfried von Banfield,
Pilot Brunner,
Pilot Franz Wognar,
Pilot Yüzbaşı Ernst Strochschneider,
Pilot Yüzbaşı Franz Rabitsch

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Re: Full Austria-Hungarian Officers Name in Ottoman Army..


Post by Tosun Saral » 18 Nov 2019, 11:41

Col.s and Lt.Cols that were awarded with turkish war medal
Albay Karl Günste, Galiçya Cephesinde XX. Kolordu kurmay Başkanı,
Albay Richard Ritter Schilawsky von Bahnbrück,
Albay Richard Müller (Bolechow, 23.8.1867 – Graz, 19.5.1950)
Albay Karl Padiaur Sekt, K.u.k. Topçu Dairesi Başkanı,
Albay Viktor von Reisner,
Albay Oswald Schuster, 11’inci Ordu Topçu Komutanı
Kuk Askeri Mühimmat Fabrikası Müdürü Topçu Kurmay Albay Hermann Brandl
Albay William von Einem,
Albay Karl Freiherr v. Bienertd
Berlin’de Kuk askeri ateşesi Albay Karl Freiherr v. Bienerth,
Topcu Kurmay Yarbay Hermann Brandl, K.u.k'un en büyük cephane fabrikası Wöllersdorf'un müdürü,
Yarbay Gustav Hupka,
Yedek Yarbay Ferdinand Müller,
4. Suvari Süvari Tümeni Kurmay Başkanı Yarbay Theodor Brantner

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Re: Full Austria-Hungarian Officers Name in Ottoman Army..


Post by Tosun Saral » 18 Nov 2019, 11:43

majors, captains and Lts awarded with turkish war medal
Binbaşı Gustav Zeidner,
Binbaşı Georg Bilgeri Dağ ve Kayak Okulu Komutanı
Binbaşı Hans Felkl,
Yüzbaşı Alois Musil,
Yüzbaşı Fritz Iselstöger,
Yüzbaşı Neeb,
Yüzbaşı Gojkomir Glogovac, K.u.k ordusunda Bosna Birliği komutanı,
Yüzbaşı Camillo Luigi Ruggera,
Yüzbaşı Hermann Herlinger,
Topçu Yüzbaşı Hugo Enderl,
Kayak hocası Yüzbaşı Paul Ippen,
Yüzbaşı Anton Sieber,
Yüzbaşı Rudolf Fallenböck,
Yedek Yüzbaşı Ottokar Klotber,
İstihkam Yüzbaşı Karl Moyses
Yüzbaşı Ing. Friedrich Moro
Yüzbaşı Kamillo Barber
Yüzbaşı Rudolf Schaffer Yüzbaşı Alfons Ritter von Arenstorff Yüzbaşı Kneifel Yüzbaşı Hugo Friedrich Yüzbaşı Johann Fasching

Üsteğmen Robert Hofmann
Üsteğmen Karl Meiner
Üsteğmen Julius Richter
Üsteğmen Oskar Gomolka
Üsteğmen Ludwig Edler
Üsteğmen Fritz Keil
Üsteğmen Steinhard
Üsteğmen Baron Vorberg
Üsteğmen Katai
Üsteğmen Prof.Dr. Josef Neumair,
Üsteğmen Arthur Stein,
Üsteğmen August Fischer,
Üsteğmen Alex Brlirzay,
Üsteğmen Hermann Drandl,
Üsteğmen Klein,
Üsteğmen Hichler,
Üsteğmen Karl Jandasek,
Üsteğmen Oskar Gomolka,
Hücum Taburu Üsteğmeni Karl Bausch,
Topçu Üsteğmen August Tischer
Ulaştırma Üsteğmen Julius Richter

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Re: Full Austria-Hungarian Officers Name in Ottoman Army..


Post by Tosun Saral » 18 Nov 2019, 11:48

medical officers awardedwith turkish war medal
Alay Tabibi Dr. Leopold Redlich,
Alay Tabibi Dr. Walter Schiller,
Dr. Maximilian Fischer,
Alay Başhekimi Dr. Philipp Erlacher
2’nci Kale Topçu alayından Julius Stritzki
4’ncü kale topçusu hekimi Dr. Emmanuel Sychra
Dr.Julius Kraus,
Dr.Guido Kronenfels,
Dr. Med. Johann Schuster,
Dr. Walter Schiller,
Tabib Yüzbaşı Dr. Horak, 202 nolu Kuk Sahra hastanesi Başhekimi

Veteriner Dr. Robert Hönig,

Linzli Ordu hemşiresi Annitta Touschek,
Salzburglu Ordu Hemşiresi Therese Fruhstorfer,parmacists:
Eczacı yardımcısı Ph. Mr. Josef Urban,
Eczacı Yüzbaşı Richard Herrlinger İstanbul Askeri sıhhı malzeme deposu komutanı
Eczacı Ph.Mr. Ridhard Barwig, Kuk Baş Eczacısı
Eczacı Ph.Mr. Josef Koperski Şam Asker Hastenesi Baş Eczacısı,

Linzli Ordu hemşiresi Annitta Touschek,
Salzburglu Ordu Hemşiresi Therese Fruhstorfer,

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Full Austria Hungarian Officers Name in Ottoman Army


Post by Jeromewaf » 16 Mar 2020, 02:17

I dont think it is difficult to work out which season it is but - how many can you name?

There are some Ive been trying to forget for years, Tony.
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Re: Full Austria-Hungarian Officers Name in Ottoman Army..


Post by stevebecker » 18 Jul 2020, 06:05


Mate I don't know if you have these U Boat officer with Ottoman awards?

Where I wrote "not Turkey shown Pre War?", is they appear not to be awarded ther Ottoman medals during the war, but Pre War but I am unable to confirm that also?

Fernland Robert Teufl von LSLt Marine Linenschiffleutnant KUK U 11 U Boat not Turkey shown Pre War? unknown (1885 at Wien died 1945) 3 ships sunk with a total of 7,435 GRT awarded Ottoman Medjidie Order

Holub Josef LSLt Marine Linenschiffleutnant KUK U 21 U Boat not Turkey shown Pre War? unknown (born 1885 at Przemysi Galicia died 1965) KUK 30 ships sunk with a total of 6,957 GRT + 1 warship sunk with a total of 765 tons awarded Ottoman Medjidie Order

Hübner Eduard Ritter von LSLt Marine Linenschiffleutnant KUK U 3 U Boat not Turkey shown Pre War? unknown (born 1883 at Dobrn Bohemia died 1975) No ships sunk or damaged KUK awarded Ottoman Medjidie Order

Lerch Egon LSLt Marine Linenschiffleutnant KUK U 5 U Boat not Turkey shown Pre War? unknown (born 1886 at Triest died 12-8-15) cause not stated KUK 1 ship sunk with a total of 1,065 GRT awarded Austrian Order of Leopold and Ottoman Medjidie Order

Nejebsy Franz LSLt Marine Linenschiffleutnant KUK U 1 U Boat not Turkey shown Pre War? unknown (born 1884 at Teplitz-Schönau (Teplice-Sanou) died 1953) 1 ship sunk with a total of 4,021 GRT awarded Ottoman Medjidie Order

Schlosser Friedrich LSLt Marine Linenschiffleutnant KUK U 5 U Boat not Turkey shown Pre War? unknown (born 1885 at Teplitz (Teplice) died 1959) 1 ship sunk with a total of 7,929 GRT awarded Ottoman Medjidie Order

Seyffertitz Reichsfreiherr Hugo von LSLt Marine Linenschiffleutnant KUK U 47 U Boat unknown (born 1885 at Brixen Tyrolia died 1966) 1 ship sunk with a total of 5,203 GRT + 1 warship sunk (French Submarine Circe) with a total of 351 tons awarded Ottoman Silver Medal Imtiaz with Scimitars 1-7-16

Skopinic Franz LSLt Marine Linenschiffleutnant KUK U 17 U Boat not Turkey shown Pre War? unknown (1884 at Lussinpiccolo (Mali Losini) died 1938) No ships sunk or damaged awarded Ottoman Medjidie Order

Strnad Karl LSLt Marine Linenschiffleutnant KUK U 3 U Boat not Turkey shown Pre War? ***** How killed ******** unknown (1885 at Pohrlitz (Pohorelice) KIA 13-8-15) No ships sunk or damaged awarded Ottoman Medjidie Order



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Re: Full Austria-Hungarian Officers Name in Ottoman Army..


Post by Tosun Saral » 19 Jul 2020, 16:20

I found non awarded. mistake and forgetting is exceptional

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